Chereads / Glorious Smash / Chapter 38 - Calamitous Unit Card's Rampage on The Field

Chapter 38 - Calamitous Unit Card's Rampage on The Field

"Your ten critical will be meaningless once you meet this spell card," Gdark muttered, shoving his counter-spell card that gleamed the dazzling magenta flashes, touching The Young Man's eyes as he unnervingly blocked it.

All the five gems within Gdark's mana zones shattered into immeasurable fractions when the flashes on his card vanished. It unveiled the counter-spell with the artwork of the horde magenta silhouette covering the gigantic silhouette of the giant planes with violet eyes, tossing the card into the null zone to fulfill the activation's requirement.

"I paid all my mana to cast this counterspell, Argunox Bombardment Entrance!!" Gdark shouted, folding the remaining cards in his hand into a small deck and hurriedly dumping them into the null zone.

"When an opponent declared a direct attack and I didn't have any unit on my field, Argunox Bombardment Entrance can nullify your attack by sacrificing all the cards from my hand," Gdark explained the requirement, shoving his clenched knuckle above and thickening the dark scorches inside his beating heart.

A small blockading magenta barrier popped up near Gdark's chest and barricaded the marching blast from the dragon. The impervious surface of the barrier successfully nullified the blast from reaching its master as no traces of crack or even little pieces tore open. Witnessing the blast failed to shatter the barrier, United Enforcer Dragon sealed its jaw and raised its puzzling look.

Gilbron scratched his chin and assumed, "I'm going to predict there is more effect coming from it."

"I believe it's odd you paid all your mana only for blocking my attack," The Young Man stated, pressing his eyebrows in suspicion as he glanced toward Gdark who freed his malevolent grin.

Gdark clapped his hand quickly and replied sarcastically, "You annoying rogue is very good at guessing."

"You are one of the Cardvalion players who pushed to do this! Gdark spoke, blaring the high-pitched sinister laughter and swiping his shaking hand to the right," After I successfully block your attack, I can special summon one unit…"

"One unit that can bring an instant doomsday to the field!!" Gdark spoke, fueling his head with the uncontrollable desire to crush his foe as he obediently opened his hand, swiftly pulling one of the cards in his deck into his hand as if it were like a metal being dragged by magnetic force.

The magenta barrier blitzed into sprawling vines that encroached the center field, tremoring the table as if he created an earthquake. An enlarging magenta wave spontaneously emerged from the vines circling and merging, dragging the true threat that was being kept hidden for a while in Gdark's arsenal.

A snowing franticness sprinkled within Casmine as she shuddered her legs especially when she barely caught the shadowy silhouette of The Mighty Viscable's unit. It even forced Casmine to emit the polymerized pink and white energy binding her left wrist. Lorina quickly rotated her concerned glare toward her twin who sunk further into skepticism, panting a couple of hefty air.

"Show your true appearance from the deepest level of hell and unleash an unavoidable armageddon!! Ascend Devil Genocider Argunox!!!" Gdark chanted, plunging his knuckle to the sky and evoking the wave to glide further above, transforming into a humongous pillar of light on the board.

A captivated smirk freed from The Young Man's lips, projecting more orange energy on his back that extended further, similar to a person being engulfed by flames. Gilbron also illuminated the sparkling orange sparks inside his eyes, embarking more delirium on facing a mighty foe. 

He even fully darted his gaze at his opponent's center field which dissolved the giant pillar of light faster than the blink of an eye, revealing the silhouette of Gdark's unit from the wall of smoke. Then, twin magenta beams punctured the smoke and effortlessly incinerated until no remains were detected, departing the beams to complete its spectacular entrance on the center field.

Nonetheless, The Young Man widened his astonished frown at the crystal-clear appearance of Devil Genocider Argunox. More precisely, Gilbron witnessed a magenta-dominant colored, girthy airship hovered on his opponent's center field with its front part planted by the hardened crimson barrel that resembled the face of a horned devil.

The entire body of the demonic airship itself was compiled by a band of long-range weapons from all sides. The list of the weapons kept in Devil Genocider Argunox's arsenal were: five scaly mauve gatling barrels on the whole lower part, seven black harpoon shape missiles on the middle part, and four behemoth white corpse-like fingers with decomposed golden nails on the above part of the ship.

"It's lucky that horrendous-looking ship only exists in this card game yet," Lorina muttered, clouding her face in befuddlement.

"You probably run away as fast as possible when you see this absurd thing show its destructive capability," Lorina teased.

No response was let out from her twin sister who was frozen on the spot, forcing Lorina to grunt and tilting her head. A stunned expression sleeved Lorina's face when she gawked at Casmine who dampened her forehead with the flood of sweat and locked her distressed stare at The Young Man.

Oh no, she has been fully consumed by a fear that Gilbron will lose this match,

Lorina sighed. At a certain point, I agree with her because so far this crazy Viscable guy is the one who dominating the match.

"However, he hasn't shown any sign of wanting to retreat ' Lorina proclaimed, briefly glancing at The Young Man who persistently secured his eager grin. 'Maybe, he is already prepared to face this kind of thing.'

Despite his three units anxiously pulling their stares to the back, Gilbron broadened his smirk in curiosity when he sharpened his observation at his opponent's unit who remained levitating on the center field. The Young Man swiftly waved his staggering hand upward, channeling more enflaming energy into his entire body.

"So this is your trump card?" The Young Man asked and continued as he rolled further the selection of cards in his hands, 

"A unit that can only be summoned with the specific spell card. A unit with overwhelming defense points which is 20000, but the attack points and the critical points are 0." Gilbron mentioned and took a guess, lifting his neck and stiffly forming an unwavering glare. "You must be relying on its ultimate effect, isn't it?"

Gdark chuntered, "You're so lucky that you didn't have a total of 5 life points, annoying rogue"

"Because I could have finished you with the first effect of Devil Genocider Argunox in this turn," Gdark admitted, swaying his hand to the right. "When this unit entered the field, I could deal 5 life point damage to my opponent!"

"Diaobolic Bombarding Entrance!!" Gdark chanted, retrieving his hand and pleasantly sniggering.

Gilbron gasped in utter shock as he frowned at his opponent's unit, heedfully lifting his crossing hand to shield his entire face. Moreover, The Demonic Ship gyrated the harpoon-shape missiles precisely to The Young Man and fired all of them, hastily fleeing into their destined targets.

The horde missiles pounded Gilbron in the stomach and simultaneously exploded into partying bombs. Not only did The Young Man uncontrollably tremor his entire motion, but he out-loudly shrieked in an unbending agony, enduring the pain of being hammered by a hundred metal nails as the detonating spots left several burnt marks.

Specifically, the explosion even tore off the front part of Gilbron's cloth, exposing his boiling chest. As he was about to lose his balance, The Young Man glistened the orange flashes and triggered the shrouding energy to roll like a wild ocean wave, holding his legs from ever falling. 

Regardless, he forcibly pushed his body and regained a steady position, switching his attention to his health, resting his arms. The Young Man unflinchingly smiled even though a huge chunk of the liquid within his health bar disseminated into smoke and the current number of his lifepoint dropped until it reached 4.

Gilbron coughed out a couple of blood and shakily uttered, "What a terrifying effect."

"And this is only the beginning of it!!" The Young Man proclaimed, wiping out the blood and impatiently sneering that triggered Gdark to joyously close his eyes for brief seconds. "This is one Cardvalion match I cherished the most!!"

"At this point, I didn't care much whether I win or lose. I just want the enjoyment of facing you at my best!!" Gilbron confessed.

"Don't worry you will find more enjoyment when I pulverize you in the next turn!!" Gdark countered. 

"Alright then, I shall end my turn," The Young Man spoke.

Gilbron raised his provoking hand, "Come on show me more of your ace unit's deadly potential,"

All gems in both sides of the player's mana zone were completely refilled when Gdark drew his newest card, triggering The Demonic Ship to hoist the below barrels onto The Young Man. He took a long deep breath before expanding his delighted grin toward his foe who silently grabbed one card from his hand and hid it on his back.

"I activate the second effect of Devil Genocider Argunox!" Gdark warned loudly,"Once per turn, I can deal one life point damage when I draw a card," 

The Demonic Ship declared the brief wildfire of blazing orange volleys from the barrel hat flew toward Gilbron who shut his eyes. The volleys tackled The Young Man's stomach, coughing out a tiny drop of blood before he freed his challenged look and brushed off the blood on his lips.

A tiny drop of liquid dripped out from the health bar alongside the number his health was reduced to 3. Even though he had a small number of life points, The Young Man radiated more of the glowing energies throughout his body, shining like bright sunlight in the afternoon sky.

"You only have 3 life points left, aren't you?" Gdark provoked with planting his gratifying look. 

"It's still enough to stand a chance against a deadly combo from your unit," The Young Man argued, bursting a heated giggle. "And similar to you, I'm a guy who likes challenges such as this!"

Gdark crossed his arms, "I do adore my opponents who are too stubborn to admit they are on the brink of losing,"

"Because it raises me an excitement on finding their current limits," Gdark uttered joyously, thrusting his hand open forward. 

"Since I wanted to become the best one in the rest of the world, if possible, I must triumph on every factor!!" Gdark added. "Including winning this card game!"

Gilbron dropped his impressed jaw, "You are so determined to reach your goal to become the best."

"I salute you as a worthy opponent but…." The Young Man didn't finish his stance as he opened his poised leer and drove one of his fingers forward. 

"I can take a clear guess you are a person who solely cares about winning or defeating your opponent rather than finding enjoyment in facing your enemies," Gilbron proclaimed. "Is it true, Mighty Viscable?"

Gdark rolled his eyes, "Why do you even care about my way?"

"I'm just wondering what kind of person you are," The Young Man admitted. "So far, I saw you are also an arrogant and self-absorbed individual who will stop at nothing to accomplish his over-ambitious goal."

"Because of that, are you willing to sacrifice your loved ones as your parent and lover?" Gilbron proposed a question with an intrigued tone.

At first, silence was the only response displayed by Gdark as he bowed his head and bleakly gazed at the table below. Then, a proud grin appeared on Gdark's expression when he slowly lifted his head. An uprising surge of dark flames engulfed the course of his veins especially when The Young Man showed his surprised look.

Finally, Gdark cleanly presented his haughty expression toward his foe that ensnared the dark fiery strings binding his arms. An unhinged look clouded Lorina as she marked her sight toward The Mighty Viscable, grasping the malicious vibe as she rubbed her shivering arms. As for Casmine, she could only bite her shivering lips and shuddered her legs, overwhelmed by the panic-stricken thought.

"If my parent standing in my path, then I have no choice but to put them down no matter what!!" Gdark affirmed, shoving his clenching fist. "Even though I owed them for giving me a chance to live in this world, I'm still going to treat them as a living obstacle if they ever block my path."

"I do have a woman who is the perfect candidate to satisfy my desire," Gdark professed, uncontrollably giggling. "But she is just a trophy girl."

"A perfect trophy girl when one day I succeeded in my life goal!!" Gdark cried out at the top of his lungs. "Of course, I prefer not to kill her for now."

Gilbron shook his head cheerfully, "Finally you showed your true self, an overambitious and prideful monster who took the form of a human."

"A potential foe to test my limit!!" Gilbron uttered in flaring excitement, firing up the molten blazes that lengthened further. "This card game match quite shows a clear picture of your characteristics in a battle, especially with your ruthless burn combo and sacrifice a lot of cards to consistently gain the upper hand!!"

"Sure, because this will be your last turn, Annoying Rogue!!!' Gdark bickered. 

Gdark hoisted his hands, "I activate the final effect of Devil Genocider Argunox!!"

The Demonic Ship hovered forward and glistened the spinning magenta flashes through its eyes when scanning at the three units on the opponent field. Blazing energies simultaneously generated from every weapon of Devil Genocider Argunox hanging on its body, encouraging Gdark to drive his marking finger toward The Young Man.

"To activate this effect, I discard one card from my hand and two more cards from the deck" Gdark explained, putting the only card from his hand to the null zone before dumping the other two cards from the deck. 

"I can destroy every units in my opponent's field!!" Gdark continued his explanation and leered, "And then I can deal life point damage equal to the unit cards Devil Genocider Argunox successfully destroyed,"

"As I told you before this is the end of your line!!" Gdark blurted out a harsh reminder and gloriously screamed. "Devil Genocider Argunox bring the never-ending destruction to your foes!!"

"Total Hellisih Incineratation!!!" Gdark finished his chant.

Massive waves of magenta blasts and glittering missiles liberated as The Demonic Ship declared its rampaging onslaught on the opponent units. Casmine tore off the patient from motionlessly watching with her stampeding a mounting white and pink dazzle beneath her feet.

"Stand down, Casmine!!" Gilbron rigidly ordered with a deep-echoing voice as he turned around and assuredly smirked.

Casmine paused her steps and questioned The Young Man, "I'm just trying to help you from not getting kill!!

"Relax, I will not gotten killed by this," Gilbron answered brazenly, raising one card that he flipped and gleamed a yellowish light. "I got this under control."

In bitter hesitation, Casmine moved back and frigidly bit her lips as the dazzles on her feet dusted away. Lorina who tried to lift her tapping hand, was able to blow out a long breath and thankfully sniggered toward The Young Man, sprinting closer toward her twin sister. Noticing the twins no longer made any movement, Gilbron returned his enraptured stare toward his opponent.

At last, all the decimating weapons were unleashed upon the three units, raiding Gilbron fields with the blooming magenta explosions. Even The Young Man forcibly underwent smoldering misery as the trio of explosions impulsively changed their sizes until it became the same size as him. However, Gilbron wasn't fazed by the explosions despite he started to bleat in excruciating pain, faintly elevating the gleaming card that might bring the hope of surviving in this turn.

