A boy with black eyes and dark brown hair walks out a door to his house, he smiles towards his father and mother. His Mother had a gentle smile across her face and it was so beautiful that it turned even the worst days into an unforgettable experience. His Father then speaks up, his voice having such serious intentions but simultaneously warm and kind. "Have a good day son and don't cause trouble." The boy promises not to and then begins walking down the steep hill to his new high school, Tōzai Gakuen.
As he continues down the hill, he looks up at the deep blue sky and gets lost. He fantasizes about a memory from three years ago in his hometown, Seoul, Korea.
The memory was about him participating in a martial arts tournament. He had made it from the loser's bracket to the grand finals.
Suddenly, the boy hears his name called to the arena: "And facing off against the successor to the Tento family, Weighing in at 165 pounds and standing at five feet and ten inches. The successor of the Kawanari family, give it up for KODAK KAWANARI!"
Kodak looks ahead of him and walks down a tunnel into a martial arts arena, the people cheer for him, while the yellow-haired boy across him is jeered at. Kodak walks to the middle of the arena and sticks out his hand, telling his opponent to do his best. The boy scoffs at him and insults Kodak.
"Shut up and fight me, you cocky bastard."
Kodak chuckles and makes a comeback, "You first, you sorry excuse for a martial artist. I still wonder how Azar Tento got so far, despite being so clearly outmatched."
Azar's face turned from a cocky kid to a face empowered with nothing but pure unbridled rage.
He throws a sweep kick at Kodak but jumps over it and delivers a fast jab straight to Azar's face. Blood leaks from his nose. Azar backs off, worried about Kodak's speed, but he ignores it. He throws out multiple punches and kicks, but Kodak dodges them all and puts Azar into a chokehold. He tells Azar to give up, but he refuses. Kodak then lets the boy go. Azar looks at him confused.
"Why'd you let go of me? You could have just ended it there."
Kodak ignores his question and puts Azar in another grapple but this time he wraps his legs around Azar.
Kodak then shifts his weight and breaks the boy's leg. Azar shouts out pain, and Kodak immediately lets go of the boy. The announcer looks at Kodak, shocked at what transpired, but he looks past it and yells into the microphone that Kodak is the winner. His father looks at him, his face showing disappointment for Kodak.
His father jumps down from the stands, crashing into the arena. Kodak falls from the impact his father made and he grabs him by the collar of his gi.
"Why did you break that boy's arm? You know how much stronger you are than him!"
Kodak then realizes what he had just done, he had tarnished the name of the Kawanari family.
He looks behind him and sees multiple world-renowned families in martial arts glaring at not just Kodak but his father.
A tall and muscular woman walks up to Kodak and his father.
"What the hell did your son just do to that poor boy Shiro Kawanari!"
Shiro looks at her without emotion and says nothing, but the woman continues to bad-mouth him until a man with crimson-red hair steps in to de-escalate the situation.
"Now, Now, Bora Haruka. This boy and Father can't solely be to blame, Afterall the Tento is harsh to their competition. I mean look at the damage the head of the clan put on against the monarch of the Sumike family."
Bora calms down and glares at Kodak.
"Mark my words Kawanari, your karma will make you suffer."
Kodak looks at his father when he hears a voice.
Kodak's old memories were then rudely interrupted by a girl with black hair and wearing a school uniform similar to his own.
Kodak looks over and lets out a sigh of annoyance, "I told you to stop calling me that Akuma-san."
She starts pouting and looking at Kodak with crocodile tears, but Kodak doesn't fall for this trick and stares blankly at her.
"You're ridiculous, Akuma. We are not kids anymore."
Kodak then starts to walk again, A poster then catches his eyes.
[Tensai Family Diner]
Open from 7:30 AM-9:45 PM
Akuma then catches up to Kodak and wonders what he could be looking at in this boring town.
"Hm? Kodak what'd you find."
Akuma's brother replies by showing her the poster, and Akuma's eyes light up with excitement.
Kodak, realizing what he just did grabs Akuma by the back of her collar and drags her to school with him. Akuma kicks and moves around, trying to get out of Kodak's grip, but to no surprise, he pulls her down the hill.
"Stop dragging me, I wanna see the Diner!"
Kodak ignores his sister's insisted whining and continues down the hill.
"Are you an idiot or something, Or did you forget the promise you so desperately made to our mother."
Akuma realizes what sorrow and shame that brings her mother, she tells Kodak to let her go, and her brother looks at her confused.
"Why would I let you go? You'd probably run off to that diner know your rebel-like attitude."
Akuma then forces herself out of Kodak's grip and sprints full speed down the hill.
Kodak looks at his watch on his right wrist, the time was 7:45 AM.
"H-hey wait up!"
Kodak then chases after his sister, telling her that she's going the wrong way.
He finally catches up to his sister and both are out of breath, huffing from the slight exhaustion.
"Why *huff did you *huff run so damn far! Now I'm gonna be sweaty in homeroom."
Akuma ignores her brother's whining and walks into the school's building and Kodak swiftly follows.
The siblings see a giant hallway of trophies from the tournament and even some pictures of the old staff.
Kodak then looks to his left and sees a black-haired teen with a jacket over his uniform and what seems to be his sibling hiding behind him.
The boy then looks over and walks over to the siblings.
"You must be the new students right? I saw you guys move into this town a couple of weeks ago. Name's Ashiro Tensai and this is my little brother Atsuo Tensai."
Ashiro puts his hand towards the siblings, and Kodak shakes Ashiro's hand. It was warm and rough but had no signs of ill intentions.
Akuma then looks behind Ashiro and sees Atsuo hiding.
"Aww, He's so cute."
Akuma says while her hands are holding her cheeks.
Ashiro chuckles while Atsuo looks at her blushing.
"Anyways, what class are you guys in?"
Ashiro asks politely.
Kodak and Akuma replied quickly.
Ashiro then tells them they are in the same class as his buddies.
Kodak then walks with Ashiro to the classroom together, accompanied by their younger siblings.
"So what was your life before coming here."
Ashiro says while trying to make small talk, Kodak then replies.
"My family owns a martial arts dojo bad home, so naturally I was trained to be a martial artist."
Ashiro's eyes then light up with fire.
Kodak then backs up slightly, confused about why Ashiro was so excited.
"Chillax bro, But anyways. What martial arts did your family teach you?"
Ashiro explained that his family had taught him a mixed martial arts style involving Taekwondo and Capoeira.
Kodak chuckles and says he was taught a martial art that involves multiple fighting techniques, such as grappling, various punches and kicks, movements to dodge any attack, and even weaponry.
Ashiro gleams from ear to ear with his bright smile and asks Kodak how he could memorize many forms and techniques.
Kodak replies with a simple answer.
"I guess I was just that much of a prodigy. Nevertheless, It didn't come without hard work. It took me 5 years to master it completely."
Ashiro chuckles and says that Kodak's martial prowess is just amazing.
"You're pretty lucky to be that talented. It took me almost double that time."
Kodak and the others then hear the bell ring.
Kodak then sprints down the hallway, Ashiro then yells towards Kodak.
"You are going the wrong way dude. Class A-2 is behind me."
Kodak then sprints towards classroom A-2, with his sister and the Tensai brothers following behind.
Kodak and the others barely make it time.
He then looks around, seeing a bunch of people.
Ashiro then walks in and starts talking to the class.
"So as you guys know. We have three new students, my brother Atsuo Tensai. And the Kawanari siblings from Seoul."
The room explodes with questions, and Kodak claps his hands. A loud sound echoes throughout the hallways. The room goes from a roar of different questions to being so quiet that even a mouse, eating at the plywood floors, can be heard.
"Name's Kodak Kawanari, Successor to the martial arts of the Kawanari household. Age 16, I am 6'3 at 110 kilograms. My hobbies are video games and fighting."
A girl then raises her hand, and Kodak looks over it. The girl has black hair with dark purple highlights underneath. She is also sporting what seem to be gothic accessories: two black skull earrings and a choker.
"You, what's the question."
Kodak asks her vaguely.
The girl then introduces herself.
"My name is Fumiko Haruka. I was just wondering how you came to this school. Your life in Seoul seemed pretty good. So why leave Kawanari."
Kodak then looks closer to the girl and swiftly realizes who it is.
"You're the daughter of the Haruka family in Seoul, I met your mother once, she seems strict, and the type of martial arts guys use around incredible Haruka."
Fumiko then chuckles to herself and says Kodak is as perceptive and strong as he seems.
"So please don't go having some random fight that tarnishes your family's name. I would hate to see you go out so sadly."
Fumiko taunts Kodak.
A vein bursts through Kodak's neck and jawline, but he takes a deep breath and laughs. He fires back to Fumiko.
"Your family is cunning and ruthless as they say. Just like their martial arts."
Fumiko smiles towards him but Kodak sees right through it, Fumiko's smile is fake.
Fumiko then sits down.
Ashiro says, "Now does anyone else have any relation in martial arts like Kodak?"
A girl with crimson red hair then then stands up immediately.
"My name is Kyoka Fujimoto, and I am the daughter of the Fujimoto family. I'm also your distant cousin from Seoul."
Kodak then remembers something about Kyoka.
"Oh yeah, your brother's name was Akachi right?"
Kyoka looks at him surprised by the fact Kodak knows her brother.
"Hm? Yeah what about him?"
Kodak explains that her brother fought against him in the 45th Asian Martial Championship and won against him with little difficulty.
Kyoka, looking even more shocked gets closer to Kodak.
"You're telling me the unknown champ from 2 years ago was you?!"
Kodak nods.
Kyoka then looks at him closer.
"You look vastly different from before, Your hair got longer and you gained quite a bit of mass, along with height."
Kodak then nudges her away lightly, wanting his own space.
"Oh, sorry bout that, it's just that I never knew someone at this dump of a school could be so interesting."
Kodak then looks around, sees no one else raising their hand for questions, and sits down.
Ashiro then looks to his left and sees the teacher walk in.
"Oh hey teach, welcome back."
The teacher looks over and asks Ashiro if he introduced the new students, Ashiro replies that he did and they seem chill.
Kodak walks out of the school building, stretching his arms high over his head. Exclaimed how sore sitting all day in a classroom made him.
"Jeez, my back is a mess. How can people sit around all day like that?"
Kodak continues to walk up the steep hill to his home, Suddenly Ashiro appears out of nowhere.
"Yo, what's up Kodak!"
Kodak jumps back and almost punches Ashiro due to his instincts.
This takes aback Ashiro and tells Kodak to calm down.
"Oh, it's just you Ashiro. By the way, do you know the team-ups for the historical presentation?"
Ashiro thinks for a second and says he knows who the team-ups are.
Kodak questions who it is once more.
Ashiro quickly replies.
"I got Akari Yuko, One of the girls from that gyaru group. I think you got Fumiko Haruka."
Kodak lets out a breath of annoyance, Ashiro notices this and questions it. Kodak then goes into an explanation.
"Our families are always fighting with one another & Fumiko used to be a close friend to me but, due to an incident after the 50th Asian Martial Championship where she saw me break the legs of a martial artist around my age, essentially crippling him. And ever since then Fumiko never forgave me & threw shade my way whenever she could."
Ashiro looks at Kodak with a serious look plastered all over his face, Kodak looked that face and it reminds him of the trauma he felt when multiple martial families judged and wronged him ever since that day.
Ashiro then opens his mouth, and Kodak braced for the insults and humiliation coming for him.
"Yeah you might have done something that brings shame to a martial artist's family, But you learned and matured from that experience. Who cares what people think don't make the same mistake twice. Also if you really wanna make it up to Fumiko-san, tell her how you truly felt about the situation overall."
Kodak was shocked. No one had ever spoken to him like that, not since his father from the 50th championship. He started smiling softly and looked at Ashiro.
"Thanks, Ashiro. I mean it, You truly are a good friend."
Ashiro smiles back and then puts his arm over Kodak.
"Don't you go all soft on me bro.?
Kodak chuckles lightly.
"Yeah, Yeah shut up."
Ashiro then remembers something he forgot.
"Oh yeah wanna bring your little sister over and visit my family?"
Kodak doesn't hesitate for a moment and says he'll gladly meet them. Ashiro then jogs away to a house near Kodak's while waving bye.
Kodak walks in and sees his parents, his Father, Shiro Kawanari, and his Mother, Dal-hee Kawanari.
"Hey Mother, How are you doing?"
Kodak asks, showing the deep & honest connection he has for his mother.
His mother smiles in response ever so beautifully, almost like the moon and its bright illumination.
"I'm doing good honey."
Kodak looks at his father. His figure is strong and sturdy, and most importantly, he seems at peace.
"Hey Dad, I'm ready for training whenever you."
Kodak then bows, showing the deep respect he has for his father.
"Good, meet me in the dojo when you can."
Kodak then heads to his room and changes from his school uniform to an outfit a martial artist wears, An all-black Gi with purple trim and a symbol with a dragon wielding a blade.
He then enters a basement, where he sees a dojo with only his father. Although he had previously fought his father in training, his presence alone shook Kodak to his soul.
"Warm up."
Shiro says with an authority that echoes powerfully throughout the empty dojo.
Kodak then began to do multiple stretches and then went into bodyweight exercises. With numerous versions of push ups and core exercises, Kodak then got up with a pool of sweat underneath himself. Shiro then looked towards Kodak, smiling at how strong his son had become.
"You're truly becoming a fine martial artist son. But you are lacking something that's not physical or spiritual."
Kodak looks at his father confused for a second, beginning to question what he's been doing wrong.
"And what is that Dad."
Shiro then takes a deep breath and looks at Kodak, with a gaze stabbing straight through Kodak.
"It's your emotions, You get too caught up in the moment and that makes you cocky. Your mentality to win is incredible it's greater than my own. But you're too relaxed, to fix this you'll have to lose against such an opponent that your mindset is flipped and twisted until it almost breaks, but I know you'll overcome it."
Kodak thinks for a moment and thanks Shiro for the lesson but he wants to fight. Shiro chuckles and lifts his hand, egging Kodak to try him.
Kodak takes his stance and begins to approach his father.
Shiro's stance left no openings, and Kodak smiles nervous for what's to come.
Shiro then disappears from Kodak's vision, He looks around himself quickly. Shiro moves behind his son while he's distracted.
Kodak's vision turns upside-down, and he realizes that Shiro has performed a hip throw called an O-goshi. Kodak then moves around his father's grip and gets him into a chokehold, desperately trying to use his physical strength against his father. Still, it fails, and Shiro maneuvers around the chokehold, performing a suplex on Kodak.
Kodak feels his limbs creaking from the intense pain, While he feels this pain he wonders how to overcome the painful obstacle ahead of him.
"How do I overcome my father's incredible power and technique?
Kodak relaxes his body, He feels his body going from stiff to incredibly flexible and light.
Shiro smiles, knowing what Kodak is doing, He rushes at Kodak, attempting to grab him again.
Kodak speeds up, catching his father off guard, and even lands a few blows, the most notable ones hitting Shiro in his liver and head.
Shiro starts falling forward but stomps his foot down hard, preventing him from falling.
"I must admit Kodak, your strength it's getting so much greater at this point it surpasses my own. However, the difference is our experience!"
Shiro begins moving faster than before, and his movements are too much for Kodak. He jumps to the walls all around the room. His speed isn't just physical; it is something else.
Shiro then speeds in on Kodak and lands a devastating kick straight towards Kodak's gut, severely damaging him.
Kodak falls to one knee, and his father is surprised that Kodak is still conscious.
"(How is he still standing!? Most martial arts masters and grandmasters hit by my final technique of our family's martial arts would be out on the ground or dead. Despite that, my son Kodak has shown me he surpasses them. Frankly, I'm beyond impressed at this moment.)"
Kodak then begins to stand, his body beginning to tire out. Shiro commends his son for the great strength he's shown, but Kodak has reached his limit. Kodak then scoffs at his dad.
"Limits? You have forgotten what I'm capable of if you think I'm at my limit Father."
Kodak then hears a deep but soothing voice of a woman telling him something.
"Use it, show your true strength to your enemy."
Kodak remembers the feeling. The voice he heard when he faced Azar was the same, except it wanted Azar dead.
"(What do you want?)"
Kodak wondered.
He then felt a rush of energy flowing into his body it felt powerful but ever so terrifying.
Kodak then sees his hands engulfed in a dark purple energy. He looks at his father to see if he can see it, but Shiro says nothing. Instead, Shiro shouts at Kodak.
Shiro yelled out, Kodak then disappeared and delivered a punch straight to his father's face, Knocking him out completely.
Kodak sees this energy disappear and wonders what's happening to his body. But before he can come up with an idea about this energy he feels, His body suddenly feels a great deal of pain, his bones creak and his limbs become heavy.
Kodak then falls to the floor, and the voice calls to him again.
"Pitiful, you're not ready to be the successor to the Kenji Fujiwara."
Kodak didn't know what the voice was saying but before he could do anything he fell unconscious.
Kodak's eyes opened, and he saw his mother and father waiting for him to wake up, HIs mother was shaming his father, who had some pretty bad injuries.
Kodak said, HIs body was still very weak and damaged. He tried moving but he couldn't. His mother then hugs him very tightly.
"Kodak! Thank the gods you're okay."
Dal-hee said while hugging him ever so strongly.
Kodak then twitches as he feels sharp pains throughout his body.
"You hurting me Mom."
Dal-hee, quickly realizing what she did quickly releases her son.
Shiro then takes the opportunity to ask Kodak some questions.
"What was that insane strength and durability you had? You were using our family's martial arts for offensive purposes. Did you complete the incomplete form all these years son?"
Kodak thought for a moment, Did he master and complete his family's martial arts after centuries of it being incomplete?
No, he couldn't have. After all not even his father, the most skilled martial artist, could.
Kodak then exits his train of thought & answers his father's question.
"No, it'd be impossible for me. After all not even my father the "The Tiger Of Seoul" Couldn't even come close."
Shiro mutters under his breath
"Cocky brat."
Kodak chuckles as his mom tugs tightly on Shiro's ear.
"OW OW OW, Ok I get it you can let go now."
Shiro says while expressing pain in his face.
"Not until you say sorry to the poor boy, I mean look at him. You bruised my baby boy."
She said jokingly.
Kodak then feels his cheek being lightly pinched by his mother.
"I'm not a kid anymore Mom."
Kodak says in a gentle and soft tone to his mother.
Shiro starts laughing and calls Kodak a mama's boy. Kodak annoyed by this then jumps from his bed and kicks Shiro in the face.
"Repeat that old man."
Kodak says with a harsh attitude.
Shiro then flips off Kodak while running away like a child.
Kodak stands there confused, Is his father this childish?
Ashiro begins walking to his house after talking with Kodak, he begins to wonder why he felt Kodak blamed himself. Ashiro then takes out a key to unlock the house, where he is met by his father Satsujin & his siblings, Atsuo & Nao.
Atsuo rushes over to Ashiro first, hugging him while sniffing softly.
"Nao-Ane is being mean."
Atsuo says with tears in his eyes, Nao then interrupts her younger brother.
"H-hey I did not, you just can't take a joke, little brother."
Atsuo then turns around and mouths off to his big sister.
"You're only five minutes older Nao."
Ashiro then chuckles and tells the twins to be nice to each other, He then turns his attention towards his father. His smile was so warm and gentle and it made Ashiro feel happy knowing his father was alright.
"Oh, hey Dad, How did the diner go today?"
Ashiro says, with a tone that shows the same desire he had for the diner, just like his father.
Satsujin smiles towards Ashiro once more and hugs his son.
"I have great news about the diner son."
Ashiro's eyes start gleaming with joy, so much so that it catches even Satsujin off guard.
"(My son really does love this diner.)"
Satsujin then tells the great news about the diner he's been withholding until now.
"In about a few weeks, Ashiro. The diner will be having its anniversary."
Satsujin expressed with joy.
Ashiro then starts bouncing off the walls and lets out a yell of happiness.
"ALRIGHT! That's great news to hear Father!"
Satsujin then tugs Ashiro by the back of his collar with enough force to calm him down.
"Calm down Ashiro, 'cause I'm not done. Cause you are gonna be my co-host at the anniversary."
Ashiro's facial expression immediately changes from his father's crazy statement.
"Are you sure you want me for the co-host position Dad?"
Ashiro questions his father confused by the situation.
Satsujin chuckles towards Ashiro.
"Of course I do Ashiro. I mean you are responsible and a natural-born leader."
Satsujin kindly compliments his son.
Ashiro then opens his mouth to say something else kind to his Father, but he remembers that Kodak will visit soon.
"Hey, Dad what time is it?"
Ashiro asks impatiently.
Satsujin then rolls his sleeve on his right arm revealing a digital watch that says 9:45.
"9:45, Why do you ask son?"
Satsujin says, confused at Ashiro's rushed question.
"I offered a new friend I made at school to stop by sometime."
Ashiro says while scratching his head in embarrassment for not notifying his father sooner.
Satsujin pats his son on the back and rolls both sleeves on his arms.
"Well, we better get to cleaning then Ashiro."
Satsujin says while holding a portable vacuum in one hand and a type of all-purpose cleaning spray in the other.