Chereads / [Cursed Revenant] / Chapter 4 - Beginnings and Ends (4)

Chapter 4 - Beginnings and Ends (4)

Kodak walks down the hallway and can't stop thinking about Fumiko.

"When was the last time I felt like this about a girl? Oh yeah, Fumiko a couple of years back. Jeez, I'm just a trainwreck right now." 

Her beautiful nature shone down on him like the moon's soothing illumination. Her gothic outfit was perfect, too. Her thigh-highs were tight enough to prevent them from slipping, but she squeezed her legs just enough to show off their softness and plumpness.

Kodak continues thinking about Fumiko. The fantasy got romantic and got so far that he suddenly started blushing very red. But his fantasy is interrupted by someone bumping into him, Annoying Kodak to the extreme, but he walks away.

Suddenly a football is thrown directly at the back at the back of Kodak's head.


Kodak turns around seeing a senior surrounded by a few others, probably around the same age as him. They also seemed to be wearing a jacket from the school's official football team.

Kodak looks at him annoyed but continues thinking about Fumiko, numbing his anger towards the jock. He then walks past him and says something into his ear.

"Watch it. Cause you never know when a bigger animal than yourself could appear and tear you apart, So I'll send you off with a warning."

Kodak then sweeps the jock's legs, immediately knocking him to the ground. The jock's head hits the ground and he feels a sharp pain travel through his body.

Kodak then leans over and looks down at the jock, smiling with a cocky confidence plastered over his face.

"You bastard!"

He immediately gets up and rushes at Kodak, Throwing a punch in his face.

But Kodak dodges it effortlessly and flicks his forehead.

"You are so damn predictable."

The jock gets a certain feeling of fear. He tenses his body preparing for the attack Kodak would hit him with, But to his surprise, it never comes and instead he opens his eyes to see Kodak walking away into classroom A-3.

Ashiro then looks at who walked into classroom A-3 and starts waving at Kodak like an idiot.

Kodak smirked a bit and sat down next to Ashiro. Then, a hand tapped Kodak on the back, and he responded by turning back immediately. It was Fumiko, and she was as beautiful as ever. Looking at her was like the moon illuminating the night with stars in the dark sky. Kodak waved toward her, and Kohaku, accompanied by Himari, entered the classroom.

As they look around the room, two people catch their eye. Himari walks over to Kodak, who is scrolling on his phone. He is watching a video about social media influencers promoting a protein powder. A man with a bushy mustache appears to be yelling about a bowl.

"What are you watching?"

Himari asks curiously.

Kodak gets startled by this, almost throwing his phone but catching it at the last moment. Himari laughs a little bit and calls Kodak clumsy. He chuckles a bit and agrees with her accusations but their little interaction is interrupted by Kohaku.

"Quiet down in the back you two!"

Himari then teases Kohaku about being too strict, causing them to argue for a bit.

Kodak then hears the bell ring and the teacher begins packing his things.

"Make sure to study for tomorrow's test and get some good rest."

Kodak then starts walking out of the school, pulls out his phone, and connects his earbuds to listen to Korean pop music.

Kodak then sees a commotion happening outside and goes to check it out. It was the jock from earlier with some other students surrounding Fumiko, seemingly pressing her. 

Kodak then begins thinking about how to help with the situation.

"(I could beat them up and help Fumiko but she's more than capable of dealing with them. I'll say high to her and see if she needs help.)"

Kodak then starts walking down the steps and overhears the jock call out to him.


Kodak looks around him and points towards himself.


He asks confused about the situation at hand.

"You're going to finish our fight but against all of us you cocky bastard!"

He rushes at Kodak, and Fumiko smacks her forehead.

"You're all idiots if you think you can beat Kodak so easily!"

She yells at them.

Kodak parries the jock's punch and counter-attacks by shifting his weight into the right side of his body, Delivering a devasting punch straight to his face. The jock backs up and holds his face, his nose is broken and bleeding pretty badly from it.

The other students rush at Kodak, One throws a kick at Kodak but he grabs it, and as he does, someone hits him with a wooden bat. But it shatters upon impact with his head, Blood leaks from his head and past his face, dripping onto the ground. Kodak tightens his hold on the guy's leg he was holding and throws him violently at the person who shattered a wooden bat over Kodak's head. The students then back up and Kodak starts feeling the dark energy control his body. 

"No, no, no, no. Please don't help me. I need to do this alone!"

Kodak then forcefully pushes the energy away, deep into his body.

Someone from a few feet away looks at Kodak in shock.


The man starts running over and sees Kodak fighting against a couple of students as he gets closer. A wooden bat then shatters completely over him and he throws someone at a few people while bleeding pretty badly.

The man then smiles towards Kodak.

"I guess you don't like giving up whatsoever huh?"

The man says to Kodak amazed by his strength and resolve.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Kodak says in a haze of anger.

"My name is Akira Nakamura, Your wounds look pretty bad Kodak-sama."

He then diverges his attention from Akira to the jock from earlier charging at him.

Kodak blocks a few punches and ducks under a kick, delivering a brutal Manji kick straight to his head. 

The jock stumbles a little bit but Kodak doesn't stop and tackles him, punching him twice with his right in the process. Kodak then gets off him and grabs his bags, And Fumiko walks with him. 

"You've gotten stronger Kodak. Last time you barely won against 2 people."

Fumiko compliments him.

Kodak then goes into his bag, pulling out bandages and band-aids along with some rubbing alcohol.

"Ow, This shit hurts like hell."

Kodak cursed while patching himself up. Fumiko then walks up to him, taking the things from him, and begins to help patch him.

"Let me take over for you Kodak-kun."

Kodak opens his mouth to deny her help but stops himself and shuts up while Fumiko continues to patch him up.

Kodak then gets up with bandages over his arms, legs, and forehead. 

"I appreciate your help but don't you think you could have helped me back there?"

Kodak asks slightly annoyed he couldn't fight with Fumiko like the old days.

"You could've ended it sooner if you had killing intent like against Zankoku."

Fumiko replies.

Kodak looks over at Fumiko surprised.

"I can't do that. Cause I feel my body and this town getting weirder and weirder by the passing day."

Fumiko looks at Kodak and gets up in his face, almost touching her nose against his.

"The hell are you doing Fumiko."

Kodak asks, slightly bothered.

"You don't seem that different physically wise."

Fumiko says after backing up.

The two of them continue their conversation until they reach their houses.

Kodak waves to Fumiko as she does the same. 

He walks into the house and horror meets his eyes, Blood splattered from the wooden floors to the light grey-colored walls. 

Kodak runs around the house looking for his family. He looked in the kitchen hoping to find his mother.


His voice echoed throughout the kitchen but was ultimately met with the reality of silence and the same blood-stained walls.

He didn't give up and rushed to the basement where he hoped to find his father.


But nothing replied, and it had the same walls as before. Kodak's eyes started to tear up with sorrow and regret.

Kodak then began to think to himself.

"(Is my family dead? No, they can't be. They won't be dead.)"

He rushed into his parent's bedroom, and before entering the room he saw a hand. Happiness rushed into his mind, believing his parents were in a deep slumber. But as he opened their room, he was met by the dead cold bodies of Akuma Kawanari and Dal-Hee Kawanari. Tears streamed down his face & his vision got blurry, he hugged his mother and sister's lifeless bodies, their body staining his hands and school uniform. His facial expression showed nothing but grief and rage. He held them for hours before finally letting go.

Kodak yelled out, his voice echoing throughout the house of his dead sister and mother.


He then stood up and punched the walls, His hand destroyed the walls, and nails, and splinters dung into his knuckles. He didn't care though as he tore through the house. He then stopped his destruction caused by his emotions, his hands dripped with blood. His hands were a mess. He then dug his damaged hands into his shoulders, breaking the skin & causing it to bleed profusely. He then walked into his sister's room and saw a piece of paper. He walked over to it and picked it up with his hand. Blood leaked into the paper mixed with tears dripping into it.

It said, "Happy birthday big brother. I know it's one day before your birthday but you know me, I am your impatient little sister. If you look under my desk I made a plush of your favorite dog breed. 

Kodak went down underneath the desk and found a plush toy of a Siberian husky, his favorite dog breed. He then broke down further and further until he collapsed on the ground.

He muttered to himself before letting out his drowning sorrows.

"Fuck, Dammit all, DAMMIT ALL TO HELL!!!!!"

Kodak's screams exit the house and catch the attention of his nearby friends, Fumiko Haruka and Ashiro Tensai, and the man who entered his home, walking down the sidewalk.

Kodak then grabbed his phone and dialed the police department.

His voice was raspy and was breaking down.

"Sir, are you Okay?"

The woman said on the line, wondering if Kodak was ok.

"My family is dead. A man wearing an all-black outfit was seen entering my house. He murdered my family except for my father, I-I don't know where he is."

The woman then asks for the address and Kodak tells her barely, through tears and his voice breaking down.

Police storm the house and see Kodak on the floor, A rookie cop then asks where his family is. The chief then forces him away from the grieving Kodak.


Do you think he wants to answer questions right now?"

The rookie looks at Kodak and realizes who the boy is. He's the successor of the Kawanari family, but now that bloodline is his alone.

Ashiro then hears cops outside and looks in horror as he sees Kodak walk out with blood all over his hands and chest.


He ran over screaming his name.

Ashiro hugged him tightly and wept tears with Kodak. Fumiko then arrives and runs over to them.

"What happened Ashiro?!"

She frantically asked what happened for Kodak to end up in such an emotionally broken state.

"I-I-I don't know he just has nothing in his eyes, It's like someone died."

Ashiro says, hopelessly stuttering with his words, hoping what he said didn't come into reality.

The medics then come out with a carrier and Fumiko looks over with Ashiro. Their eyes met with the horror of seeing a dead Akuma Kawanari along with Dal-Hee Kawanari.

Ashiro looks closer at Dal-Hee and sees that a blade did their wounds but the cut was so precise that it seems like a drawing out of a manga.

Fumiko looked at Akuma's body, her neck had the marks of a hand and her shirt looked ripped. Her eyes were filled with bloodlust and rage. She then began to think.

"Did the murderer of Dal-Hee-Ssi rape Akuma-San before taking her life?!"

Fumiko walks away from the crime scene, fists clenched with rage. She wanted to set things right for the Kawanari family.

Ashiro calls out to Fumiko.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Fumiko turns around, and Ashiro sees the course of emotions flowing through her and looks at Akuma's neck and then down at her shirt.

The same emotions then flow into his mind and body, his hands then close so tightly that his hands start to leak blood and his fingernails continue digging into them. Kodak then puts his hands on Ashiro's.

"Stop it Ashiro-San."

Kodak's voice had more grief, It sounded emotionally broken, but it still had a spark somehow.

Ashiro turned around, seeing a dead-serious look in Kodak's eyes. It was deep, dark, and, most importantly, filled with a burning rage of determination.

Ashiro then puts his hands on his friend's shoulder.

"Kodak are you okay? You can stay with me if you need a place."

He looks at Ashiro and his eyes begin tearing up again. The tears fall from his face onto the pavement, and his hand continues holding the paper his sister planned to give to him before her unfortunate demise.

"Thanks, Ashiro-San."

Kodak wipes the tears from his face and puts the paper into his back pocket.

"I better get packing, 'cause who knows how this town will change."