The flight attendant approaches with a polite smile, taking Matthew's drink order.
"Scotch, neat," Matthew says.
She looks at me and smiles. "And for you, Ma'am?"
"I will just take a glass of white wine, thank you," I reply politely.
As she walks away, I glance at him. He has already turned back to the window, his shoulders stiff.
The drinks arrive swiftly, and Matthew downs his scotch in one long gulp before signaling for another.
Wow, he really is so anxious!
I take a small sip of my wine. "So," I venture after a beat of silence, "what's the first thing you want to do when we land?" I ask.
"Sleep," he says curtly, not looking at me.
"Right," I say, trying to keep my tone light. "That's a solid plan for a honeymoon." I don't know why I insist on poking the bear. Sleep sounds wonderful after this long flight.