Chereads / Hoka no sekai / Chapter 4 - Chapter 04: Bandit ark Pt 03

Chapter 4 - Chapter 04: Bandit ark Pt 03

A few minutes after the others where sent to the pocket dimensions Cooper stands there as the evil king steps forward his name is. Boji a 18 year old 5,10 foot tall male he has silky smooth skin and a well built body and pure blue eyes and yellow hair he wares kings clothing main weapon orb of power magic affinity outer.

Boji "while they have there fights lets talk leader to leader in sure you will comply you must of seen multiple futures by now all ending in your death"

Cooper looks at him and smirks laughing a little. 

Cooper "you got that right no matter how i look at it i cant kill you i guess we will sit hear and chat"

Boji puts a happy expression on his face.

Boji "thank you very much"

Cooper "by the way how are you still so young"

Boji looks with a confused look going into a serious one

Boji "i look young because of the orb the only way i can die is if someone kills me witch is almost impossible"

Cooper stands there with a smirk on his face still seeing all kinds of futures looking for the one where he would win even barely win even if he dies after woods he finds one but in this time line. Ava Leo and Theo die while Tristan and Sera come out on top in there fights gaining new powers in the prosses he thinks to himself then decides its the best outcome.

Cooper "I'm sorry Theo Leo Ava please forgive me"

Boji stares at him with a confused look

Boji "huh what are you talking ab..."

Boji could even finish his sentence as Cooper dashes forward and slices him from the bottom left side of his body to the top right side of his upper body Boji coughs blood as he is filed with anger. Shooting a powerful flame blast at him Cooper steps to the side using his sword deflecting the flame staring at Boji with a blank expression before dashing forward swinging his sword from the left side of his body. as he was about to slash Boji clean in half Boji shoots a flam blast at him causing Cooper to go flying through multiple buildings.

Boji stares in Cooper's direction with a serious face

Boji "he was a tough fight man he almost had me oh..."

Boji turns with his eyes widening as Cooper stands behind him with a smirk Boji jumps back with fear in his eyes.

Boji " are you"

Cooper "still alive"

Cooper looks to the sky his arms stretching out to each side as he smiles

Cooper "hahaha in this fight alone i have witnessed over 1 million possible futures usually there's over 1000 futures were i will have victory but in this fight out of the million there's only one in witch i will come out on top killing both you and me"

Cooper looks down at Boji getting into a sword stance his legs spared controlling his center of gravity his sword being held across his upper body. As he lunges forward with incredible speed plunging his sword deep in to Boji's orb Boji's eyes widen as he jumps back.

Boji "you idiot your going to blow up this entire town"

Boji tries to get away but Cooper grabs him holding him to the ground.

Cooper "hear is where we both die but my friends no family will survive"

Boji struggles to get Cooper of as the orb explodes the blast radiuses covering the entire town before disappearing.

Tristan Sera phoebe and Kenzuki the transport with looks of surprise on there faces as nothing is to be seen as they look at each other Tristan and Sera jumping back one way and Phoebe and Kenzuki just in the other.

Tristan "it cant be they lost"

Sera's eyes starts tearing up as she drops to the ground crying.

Sera " why Tristan don't tell me did"

Tristan stares down to the ground his eyes blank.

Tristan "Theo died and it looks like along with Ava and Leo"

Sera stands up grabbing Tristan by his shirt with an angry expression

Sera "how could you just say that with a straight face you fucking monster

A dark aura starts to cover Tristan as he pushes Sera away and starts walking towards Phoebe and Kenzuki.

Tristan "monster don't make me laugh"

He stops for a second and looks at Sera with a cold face

Tristan "I'm no monster I'm a demon"

He then continues walking until he walks past Phoebe and Kenzuki the to staring at him walking past.

Tristan "my bandit group has no members currently if you wanna join follow me"

Phoebe "haha sure i will follow my love anywhere"

Kenzuki thinks for a moment then agrees to go.

Kenzuki "i follow anyone stronger then me so sure"

Tristan stops and looks back at Sera.

Tristan "Sera you coming"

Sera "hmmm fine"

Tristan puts on a smile as he puts his arms behind his head walking.

Tristan "well now that's the group has 4 members"

3 years have past since Tristan made his group the members consist of.

founding members:

Group leader/main fighter 1: Tristan a 5,9 feet tall 15 year old man he has a well built body and smooth skin a little rough in some arias he has white hair and crimson red eyes he wears a light brown singlet robe with a hood on it and light brown pants main weapon twin daggers magic affinity inner & outer.

Second in command/main fighter 2: Kenzuki a 6 foot tall 31 year old male he has a muscular build he has smooth skin red hair and brown eyes he wares singlet armor and armor gloves along with black pants with armored boots main weapon his fists magic affinity outer

main fighter 3: Phoebe a 5,7 foot tall 15 year old female she has a slim body with medium breasts and silky smooth skin she has black hair and blue eyes she wares a tight silk shirt with armored shoulder pads and a armored skirt with armored boots main weapon katana magic affinity outer.

Healer: Sera a 5.7 foot tall 29 year old woman she has a slim figure with large breasts she has silky smooth skin silver hair and purple eyes she wares a silk shirt with armor on her shoulders and a armored skirt with armor boots her main weapons healing staff & rapier magic affinity outer.

Added members:

navigator/planner: Lila a 5,7 foot tall 22 year old woman she has a slim body with medium breasts she has silky smooth skin red hair and pink eyes she wares a silk shirt with armor on her shoulders and a armored skirt with armored boots main weapon throwing knifes & short sword magic affinity inner.

they all sit in a camp in the middle of the woods a fire in the middle of the circle there sitting in there discussing there next plan as Phoebe walks out of the tent Tristan is sleeping in.

Phoebe: "so Kenzuki since Tristan is asleep what's our next plan of action we will inform Tristan in the morning"

Kenzuki looks up at Phoebe yawning 

Kenzuki: "well there's a village with an evil ruler not to far from hear Lila how far away is it"

Lila: "hmmm let me see"

Lila then using her eye ability looks from a birds eye view to see how far they are before telling them

Lila: "its about a 1 day walk from hear"

Kenzuki: "its settled we will walk there and plan once where there"

Sera then hops down from a tree she was sitting on and walks towards the group she's had a blank expression ever since the fight took place 2 years ago.

Sera: "still killing like the monsters you guys are"

Lila walks over to Sera with a worried look trying to hide it with a smile.

Lila: "Sera enough cheer up"

Sera then punches Lila nocking her over.

Sera: "shut it bitch you don't understand anything i have lost"

Lila looks at Sera angerly standing up as Kenzuki tries to stop the two from fighting as Phoebe stands back watching next to Tristan and her tent.

Lila shouts.

Lila : "come at me you bitch i will kill you"

Sera stares at her with a smirk.

Sera: "give it a try ill snap your neck"

Kenzuki gets in the middle of the two holding them from each other.

Kenzuki: "guys enough alright"

Phoebe stares at the three as Tristan opens the tent Phoebe looks over.

Phoebe: "babe you shouldn't"

Tristan: "i will be fine don't worry"

The three continued to fight but stop and jump suddenly fear striking there hearts as a dark aura surrounds the aria they look over to see Tristan coming out of his tent his eyes wide open. 

Tristan: "shut up"

The three fall to the ground as if gravity is crushing them.

Kenzuki: "sorry for waking you Tristan"

Lila: "yes I'm sorry to"

Sera: "hmpf"

The dark aura vanishes as Tristan walks back to his tent before he entered he hugged Phoebe and kissed her before backing away and looked at the others.

Tristan: "get some sleep all of you we have a big day tomorrow Phoebe come"

Phoebe happily follows Tristan into there tent everyone else then goes to there tent and everyone sleep for the night. The next morning Tristan was sitting by the fire cleaning his daggers as Kenzuki walks out of his tent and sits down next to Tristan.

Kenzuki: "morning man"

Tristan: "yeah morning"

Kenzuki them informs Tristan of the plan while they where sitting on the log.

Tristan: "right good job Kenzuki i picked the right second in command"

Kenzuki: "thanks man"

Kenzuki then stares at Tristan and asks.

Kenzuki: "i know its a sensitive subject but do you miss being with your family and wished that everything was fine"

Tristan: "hmpf i could of saved my mother but she was stubborn and didn't leave my farther dyeing along with him my sister is at school she probably thinks I'm dead so"

Kenzuki: "i don't know man your getting quite popular there's a chance she knows your alive"

Tristan that puts his dagger up to Kenzuki's neck with a stare of anger looking at him Kenzuki's eyes filling with fear.

Kenzuki: "wow man I'm sorry"

Tristan: "this conversation is over be happy i don't kill you"

Phoebe then walks out of there tent and walks over to them grabbing Tristan's arm pulling it away from Kenzuki's neck as she embraces Tristan kissing him on the forehead as she looks over at Kenzuki angerly.

Phoebe: "you made him upset Tristan lets go for a walk"

Tristan: "yeah sure"

Tristan sheaths his daggers and walks away with Phoebe for a bit while Kenzuki Sera and Lila get ready. In the forest Phoebe and Tristan are holding hands while walking Phoebe humming with a blush on her face while Tristan keeps a straight face. the two walking for a while Phoebe turns to Tristan.

Phoebe: "i know it must of been hard to have a family then watch them be killed"

Tristan feels a rush of anger fall over him as he looks up at her.

Tristan: "why bring that up"

Phoebe: "i understand your pain trust me"

Tristan then forces Phoebe to the ground holding a dagger to her neck Phoebe lays there not doing anything as Tristan is on top of her holding a dagger to her neck him screaming out.

Tristan: "you have no idea what it was like then to go of and kill and kill and kill I'm no different from the demon that attacked my home"

Phoebe stares up at him putting her hand on his cheek smiling.

Phoebe: "but you are you have a kind heart that's what i love about you the most"

Tristan then drops his dagger sits up putting his hands on his head looking down screaming while tears fall from his eyes.

Tristan: "i have lost my smile i don't know who i am anymore it hurts it hurts so painfully why do i have to suffer this pain"

Phoebe sits up and pulls him to her chest his eyes lighting up for the first time in years true color returning to his eyes as he blushes feeling emotion again.

Phoebe: "we all have breaking points i will always be hear to lift you up like you have done for me so many times i love you"

Tristan hugs her tightly his bright smile coming back to him before grabbing his dagger and stand up helping Phoebe back to her feet he rubs of his tears with a smile.

Tristan: "thank you Phoebe your the best i love you to"

Phoebe's heart skips a beat as he finally says i love you to her without having a straight face for the first time. The two then walk back to camp the others look in surprise as Tristan is showing color and happiness.

Tristan: "hmm sorry to keep you waiting guys"

Tristan and Phoebe walk past them all Tristan having a smirk on his face the others look with smiles and walk behind him.

Tristan: "lets go"

Sera, Kenzuki, Lila, Phoebe: "right"