Chereads / Hoka no sekai / Chapter 8 - Chapter 08: Wastelands ark pt 02

Chapter 8 - Chapter 08: Wastelands ark pt 02

Tristan & Akta: "Quin...Kae"

The smoke clears everyone's Eyes wide open Tristan walks forward Black horns coming out of his head along with a cape of shadows going down his back along with covering his mouth and his left eye turns to a Crystal Crimson red eye.

Tristan: "this is the true power of me and Akta we pushed through our training and awoke our true potential"

Flash back to Tristan and Akta's Training:

Tristan and Akta are sitting down huffing and puffing exorsted from there training while Rushifero is standing away from them.

Tristan: "man that was tough"

Akta: "yeah haha"

Tristan: "but we cant give up hear we have to get stronger if where going to stand a chance in this up coming battle"

Rushifero then activated his 100% out put almost crushing the two to the ground but they manage to stand up there knees bent there backs arched as they try to stay standing.

Rushifero: "come on you to you must perfect your Quinkae in order to stand agansed superior demons"

Tristan looks at Akta the both nod.

Tristan & Akta: "Quinkae"

Tristan grows black horns and Black wings as he looks up at Rushifero he dashes forward trying to land a hit much to his disappointment he couldn't. he keeps falling but gets up.

Akta: "we only have 10 seconds let's do this"

Tristan: "right"

He dashes forward faster swinging his daggers trying to his Rushifero as there time comes up Tristan and Akta hold it together.

Rushifero: "come on you perthitic weaklings show me what you got"

Tristan and Akta scream as Tristan's arms cover up with black symbols up to his elbow his hands completely black as his wings transform into his cape and his left eye turns to a crystal Crimson red eye. He stands there red lightning coming of his body as he dashes forward finally landing a hit on Rushifero before the two split apart and pass out. They train with this ability until they can activate it whenever they feel like and use it to it's full. 

flashback end.

Tristan stands there then starts to walk forward easily dodging Kanto's attacks before dashing forward and easily slicing Kanto's shoulder not cutting it of before turning around in his single strike stance while in the air above Kanto. He turns around a shiver going down his spine. as Tristan swings his dagger.

Tristan: ""

with this strike Kanto admitted defeat and decided to team up with Tristan Kanto then reverted back to Eve as she falls Tristan catches her and lays her down while turning back to normal and disabling his gravity field. everyone runs towards him Phoebe and Lia hugging him.

Phoebe: "that was dangerous you idiot"

Lia: "yeah we cant loose you a third time"

they back away with mad faces Tristan pats both of them on the head laughing.

Tristan: "don't worry me and Akta had it under control"

Eve wakes up and looks at Tristan.

Eve: "Kanto showed me his memories and i showed him mine it's strange we feel connected"

Tristan: "your training on Quinkae starts tomorrow"

Nedji Rhaegal Multa and Ohito walk forward.

Nedji, Rhaegal, and Multa, Ohito: "how do we gain that power"

Tristan stares at them and sighs smiling. 

Tristan: "you need to be contracted with earther a demon or an angel or fallen angel like i am then you need to have a heart to heart with them sharing memories with each other becoming one"

They all listen and walk of for there own training missions promising to come back stronger. Tristan waves goodbye as he Lia Phoebe Nero and Eve then go to a near by house to get some rest.

now the story is split first where looking at Nedji's Training.

Nedji: "hey guys ima head west"

Rhaegal: "if your going west I will go east"

Ohito: "looks like ima be heading north"

the three then split up Nedji travels for days until he comes to a village it seems peaceful the people welcoming him so he takes a rest there. He meets the elder of the village although she looks young. 

her name is Serina she is a elf she is 19 years old has pale skin and pointy ears she has a slim body and medium sized breasts she has long white hair and emerald green eyes she whares an elven shirt and elven green pants main weapon runic arts & spirit arts /magic affinity outer, runic magic.

And her student Melo she is a elf she is 17 years old has pale skin and pointy ears she has a slim body and medium sized breasts she has medium long white hair and silver eyes she whares an elven shirt and elven green pants main weapon runic arts /magic affinity outer, runic magic. 

Nedji: "elf's i haven't seen them since i was a kid"

Serina: "hahaha that's because elf's are slowly dyeing out due to a disease we made piece with the other races along time ago but we got a disease that has no cure any way how come your hear"

Nedji: "i wanna grow stronger my rival Tristan has far surpassed me witch is why i must get stronger no matter what i was wondering if you could teach me"

Melo steps forward with an angry look on her face.

Melo: "how dare you a lowly human coming for training please like my mother would train you"

Serina puts her hand on Melo's shoulder Melo looks up and see's her smiling Serina then looks back at Nedji.

Serina: "i will teach you the basics and if you show potential i will continue to train you"

Nedji then bows to her.

Nedji: "thank you i wont disappoint you"

For the next few days Serina trains both Nedji and Melo in runic arts initially it took Nedji a little while longer as he isn't an elf but eventually he could start to draw and create runes. He started climbing up within 5 days he managed to get to Melo's level.

Melo: "how the hell did you get this far in only 5 days"

Nedji: "well your runic arts follow some principles of spirit arts if i learn how to put them together being an inner magic i may be able to actually use outer magic abilities"

Serina: "you are correct however it takes years of training for an elf to learn how to use runic magic for inner magic properties therefore it will be hard for you to be able to"

Nedji: "i will master it i have to"

Melo: "jeez like hell your going to master it"

Nedji and Melo look at each other with angry looks Serina then decides.

Serina: "if you can use runic magic out woods in a battle between you and Melo then I will continue to train you"

 Nedji and Melo look at Serina with confused looks then look at each other and jump back.

Nedji & Melo: "right let's get this battle started"

Melo then activates her runes and shoots multiple blows at Nedji he focusses and dodges dashing forward. And tries to palm Melo but she dodges and with an explosive amount of power blasts Nedji away ripping of his shirt. Nedji stands and looks back at her before getting into a battle stance.

Nedji: "I'm only using my spirit arts if i use my runes i need to focus wait that's it I have been overthinking it all i have to do is summon the runes in the air and cover my fists i have been using it outer since the beginning"

Serina puts a smirk on her face as Melo's eyes widen as Nedji gets into a fighting stands his arms each side of his body his back arched as waves of golden runic energy is flowing of his fists as he looks up with a smile laughing.

Nedji: "let's go round 2"

Melo then smiles getting into a fighting stance as her runes cover her fists as well. The two dash forward connecting fists causing a massive gust of wind and runic energy to spill out. Clash after clash the two of them still smiling hit after hit neither of then giving up Nedji then stops and jumps back.

Melo: "hey why'd you stop"

Nedji then jumps forward grabbing Melo as a medium rank demon almost squashes her.

Nedji: "are you alright"

Melo stares at Nedji and cant help but blush a little she shakes it of.

Melo: "y...yeah how'd you know that demon was going to appear"

Nedji: "spirit arts i will teach you after this fight"

Nedji then stands up and starts walking to the monstrous demon.

Nedji: "hey Serina Melo don't fight it leave it to me"

Melo: "you can't be serious"

Serina grabs Melo she looks back at Serina as she shakes her head Melo then looks back and stares with a worried face she grits her teath before saying.

Melo: "you better not die idiot i like you to much"

Nedji looks back with a smile then turns lifting his arm up and making a thumbs up before getting into a battle stance. The demon stares at him then goes to attack Nedji dodges then covers his fist with runic energy again then jumped up punching the demon sending it flying. Before dashing forward the demon quickly healed and punched Nedji to the ground the demon then charged up a powerful ball of energy Nedji still there all beat up blood everywhere near death he thinks to himself.

Nedji: "man i wanted to get stronger but I'm still weak"

Nedji grinds teeth and starts to get up.

Nedji: "no I must live i must surpass Tristan"

Runic energy starts poring out of Nedji's body as the demon fires it's blast obliterating him or so it thought it then notices something in the sky looks up to see Nedji floating there he had weird runic patterns on his arms and sides of his body and around his neck his hair turned white with a golden colour at the tip of every strand and in his eyes was a circle of runes around his pulps.

Nedji stares down at the demon as he raises his hand causing a massive amount of runic energy to form a circle of runes in the sky he then shot it down at the demon he called this move.

Nedji: "Runic magic obliteration"

Nedji then turns to normal passing out as a piece of the demon enters his body before the others got to him after a few days. He finally wakes up he has bandages all over his body. He sits up from the bed he was resting in and looks around remembering vagely what happened he then gets up barely able to stand he then walks out side and sees Serina training Melo. they stop and look at him Melo running up and giving him a hug.

Nedji: "ow ow ow"

Melo backs up blushing.

Melo: "s...sorry"

Nedji rubs the back of his head smiling laughing a little.

Nedji: "hahaha it's ok hmm time to get these bandages of and start training"

Serina: "no you will meditate it's time for the both of you to start your meditation training" 

They all walk up to the waterfalls Nedji and Melo then sit on two rocks in the century of the river and start meditating focusing on the world around them the sounds the quietness. They both feel the energy around them Nedji then felt another presents and went to the realm within his head.

Nedji: "oh where am i"

High rank demon: "so we finally meet"

Nedji looks behind him getting into a battle stands as he see's the demon sitting behind him the demon has darkness flowing of his body as it evolves to his high ranking form he's scrawny like Nedji and the same Hight with the same spikey medium long hair style with two horns coming out of his head he has pale skin.

High rank demon: "wow wow wow i don't wanna fight i wanna team up"

Nedji: "and why should i trust you"

The demon then shown Nedji his memories Nedji sees how this demon was bashed and mistreated sorta like him when he was younger Nedji then shared his memories. The two becoming connected.

Nedji: "so whats ya name"

High rank demon: "i don't have one yet"

Nedji thinks for a second then comes up with.

Nedji: "how bout we call you Nell"

Nell: "fine by me"

Nedji: "we will work together and become stronger reaching the top ancient level and you a superior demon"

Nell laughs and couldn't be more exited he stands puts out his arm as Nedji puts out his. And the two shake hands.

Nedji then cuts his meditation a few hours past he looks over at Melo and Serina.

Melo: "jeez you meditated for a while"

Serina: "I'm quite impressed"

Nedji stands up and looks at Serina with a serious face.

Nedji: "Serina there's something i wanna try i was wondering if i could verse Melo again"

Serina looks at him as Melo steps forward with a smile.

Melo: "hell yeah"

Serina: "no"

Melo looks at Serina with a confused look as she steps forward staring at Nedji with a Serious look.

Serina: "Nedji you will verse me"

Nedji nods as the two get into there fighting positions Nedji takes a deep breath in as him and Nell connect with each other.

Nedji & Nell: "Quin...Kae"

A large gust of runic and demonic energy flows out of Nedji as the runic symbols appear on his arms and sides of his body again along with his hair turning white with gold colour at the end of each strand along with two black horns coming out of his head and both his eyes turning to crystal brown eyes with runic symbols circling his pulps.

He stands there with his new power and looks at Serina with a straight face as she looks back with a straight face as she gains the same look apart from the crystal eyes and the black horns. The both of them unleashing an abundent amount of power.

Serina: "you ready Nedji"

Nedji: "it's not just me its Nell to and"

Nedji looks down then looks back up raising his left fist smiling.

Nedji & Nell: "yeah lets get this battle started"