Chereads / Hoka no sekai / Chapter 6 - Chapter 06: Bandit ark pt 05

Chapter 6 - Chapter 06: Bandit ark pt 05

They all look back at Tristan and Rhaegal's fight after the feel a large gust of power there all shocked besides from Nedji. Rhaegal gets ready to fire a large dragon flame blast at Tristan as he does Nedji smiles Lia turns to him.

Lia: "what are you smiling at we have to stop this"

Nedji: "wait just watch see how Tristan's calm that mother fucker is going to pull it of"

Tristan stands there and gets into a strange stance filling up his dagger with his spirit art and dark energy causing a powerful gust of wind as he speaks the words.

Tristan: "KYO"

Tristan's Daggers being covered with dark spirit arts energy as every one is looking with shock while Nedji's eyes widen and he smiles more and laughs.

Tristan: "GI"

Before the blast hit Tristan he swung his daggers splitting the blast in two before he dashes forward Rhaegal is pushed back as his spell was destroyed. He looks to his left with fear as Tristan is about to deliver the finishing blow the power of his kyogi sending shivers down Rhaegal's spine as Multa and Nedji step in stopping the fight. Tristan looses conciseness so Nedji carries him to the sideline while Rhaegal walks of himself while Multa stands there and looks at Sera as she stands up and starts walking to the battle field.

Multa: "you ready to die"

Sera: "That's if you don't die first

Sera then gets ready drawing her rapier as Multa draws his sword they both dash forward a large gust of wind blows in there dash at there blades clash not holding back. Clash after clash they continue swinging Multa then covers his sword with flames and nocks Sera back he then charges forward swinging his blade from the right side of his body to his left before it hit Sera she manages to parry the blow then using her moon lit style pieces him before backing away.

Sera: "i wouldn't of been able to dodge that if i couldn't see his Spirit that was close oh"

Sera coughs out blood.

Multa: "i hit you barely you may be able to see my spirit or whatever but that doesn't matter if your not fast enough"

Sera stares at Multa with anger.

Sera: "your nothing like your sister she smiled and fought seriously all to see your smile again your nothing like she said you were"

Multa looks at Sera angerly dashing forward slashing her again and again until Sara can barely move she can barely see straight as she lays there dying.

Multa: "you don't get to talk about my sister"

Sera then with one last push said the words.

Sera: "i will give you back your smile right hear right now KYO"

Multa eyes widen he grabs his sword and tries to finish her of but he was to late as he was blown away Sera's rapier and body was covered in her moon lit Spirit energy.

Sera: "GI"

Everyone's eyes widen as she pulled it of Nedji on the other hand wasn't keeping a straight face.

Nedji: "people can figure out how to use kyogi in one of two ways the way me and Tristan did was pure talent and training the other way is near death although it's risky"

everyone listens to Nedji then look back at the fight Sera was winning agansed Multa or so it looked Multa then got the upper hand using his inner magic and outer magic together. 

Nedji: "from where it stands there on equal footing in terms of strength it just depends who is the faster opponent but by the looks of things Sera's spirit is fading therefore she will loose"

Sera and Multa clash Sera manages to continue to keep up with Multa's speed she knows she doesn't have long left. But she pushes forward she then slices Multa from the top right of his chest to the left side of his stomach Multa coughs out blood as he remembers everything him and his sister did. And that she became stronger and stronger just so she could find and same him Multa looks up at Sera with a smile.

Multa: "Sera I'm honored that my sister got to fight an amazing opponent like you thank you now i shall fight with everything its time i release my full power of the crimson eyes"

Crimson eyes give you the ability to use both inner and outer magic affinity's unlike other eyes these eyes have another property when relisted it grants the user the ability of first born a mighty beast unlike anything seen before.

Multa's arms start to turn a crimson red color from his hands to his elbows with strange patters same with his legs from his feet to his knees with strange patters as he grows horns out of his head.

Everyone looks at him with shocked faces the only people that didn't here Nedji and Sera they both looked with straight faces.

Sera: "i have no choice KYOGI full out put"

Sera using all her spirit and moon lit power poring it all into her rapier to deliver one final strike. Multa charges forward as Sera goes to piece his heart Multa at the last second dodged and ripped Sera's head clean of before powering down to his normal state holding her head he smiles and looks to the sky.

Multa: "thank you Sera you did well you where one hell of an opponent to face" 

Everyone was shocked at the fight apart from Nedji who knew the out come of the fight they all then stood up and got ready to go the ones who will be going to the capital and to the school are. Tristan, Nedji, Phoebe, Nero, and Lila. The others who where over the age of 16 where killed swiftly. Before they left turns out the fighting that ocered awoke a dangers demon who has been sleeping for thousands of years it appeared right in front of Tristan.

the demon had pail skin with a black robe covering his shirtless body along with black pants it had horns coming out of it's head it also had long white spikey hair it looked like Tristan with its looks he had a magic not known to this world gravity magic.

????: "this boy hmm i will be taking him"

Lia and Phoebe then dash forward trying to stop the demon but he speaks an ancient language as everyone falls to the ground unable to move.

Phoebe: "what is this i cant move"

Lia: "i have Hurd stories but i didn't believe them"

Phoebe: "what stories"

Nedji walks forward unfazed by the demons gravity magic.

Nedji: "its gravity magic witch means your the demon Rushifero banished from the demon realm"

Rushifero: "your one clever human you have done your history"

Nedji: "i also know you where once magic less so how on earth did you obtain that power"

Rushifero stands there intensifying the gravity around them even pushing Nedji to his knees.

Rushifero: "i gained it through harsh training being sealed for years i focused learned the spirit arts your people use that unlocked a hidden part of me my locked power i was supposed to gain at birth and reach the title of superior demon my gravity magic but enough of that i will be taking this boy i want to train him for a year then you can have him back bye for now.

Rushifero the grabbed Tristan and disappeared with him leaving the others wondering what to do about the situation.

Lia: "Tristan... no"

Phoebe walks up to Lia crouching down next to her with tears coming out of both there eyes as they cry. as Nedji stands back with an angry look knowing he couldn't do anything Rhaegal and Multa standing behind him looking down to the ground.

Multa: "if i wasn't so deprived of energy i could of done something for a fellow crimson eyes"

Rhaegal: "i couldn't do a thing agansed Tristan so i don't know what to do but try to get stronger"

Lila: "Tristan"

Nero: "damn it just when Nedji found someone he deemed a rival"

Lia then stands up keeping her head high wiping of the tears.

Lia: "one year we will be back hear in one year to get Tristan back"

They others agreed and they went to the capital after an hour of travel they made it to the capital only to find out its been over run by demons. They rushed in to the castle room where they find out there queen is the one doing this.

Lilith turns to see them all return.

Lilith: "well well well sorry for this but i Lilith will relies the demons into this world nothing will stop our rain of terror upon all races until there's nothing left in this world"

Lia: "why the hell who are you really"

Lilith: "I am Lilith the mother of demons i far out rank any superior demon i am the one they call the unknown god of demons"

Rhaegal: "how could you betray everyone like this your human"

Lilith: "oh right this form is no longer needed"

Lilith then transforms herself into her true form her skin pale with red markings on her she has a bra made of darkness and underwear made of darkness with massive wings and horns out of her head.

Lilith: "this is my true form now die"

Lilith shoots a powerful beam of dark energy at all of them and...

after a while Tristan finally wakes up he senses Rushifero spirit and backs away drawing his daggers on guard. Tristan looks around they seem to be at an entrance of a cave high up in the mountains he looks back at Rushifero.

Tristan: "your the one that brought me hear while i was unconscious i remember it for some reason"

Rushifero: "of Couse you do when your able to sense the Spirits of different people you can see everything even if your asleep"

Tristan puts away his daggers and stands up and walks to Rushifero.

Tristan: "why and how do you look so much like me"

Rushifero: "that question is for another time as of right now you know the real reason i brought you hear"

Tristan: "yeah you wanna train me for the next year"

Rushifero: "yes and so you don't die we will use this orb to get into a pocket dimension where if one of us dies we are sent out of it like nothing happened although we will take rests as even dying in there can cause damage to a persons mind even if they know there not actually dying"

Tristan then walks over to the orb to start his training the two enter the realm as Rushifero then uses his gravity to crush Tristan he thought Tristan died as he's using 50% out put. But much to his surprise Tristan stands up and starts walking towards Rushifero the ground crushing beneath him as he walks his eyes field with determination.

Rushifero: "good job but try this 51% out put"

Even though it was only a 1% increase Tristan fell to the ground almost blacking out but releases if he wants to survive if he wants to get stronger he will surpass everything then he met him again.

Tristan: "oh I'm hear again"

???: "hey there I'm sorry for hiding out in your body but as long as i can stay i will lend you as much power as i can my name is fallen angel Akta 

Akta a fallen angel he as two black wings he has a well built body and horns coming out of his head he is shirtless and wares black pants magic and crystal plain eyes main weapon his fists magic affinity inner & outer.

Akta: "we can combine our selves together to form a perfect form this technique is known as Quinkae the only way we can is if we share memories together forming a bond"

Tristan: "right"

They both share memories together Tristan sees all of Akta's memories the day Akta was born he was in a superior family line he was expected to be powerful and bring the clan to its true glory. But it wasn't him that did this it was his younger brother that got every last bit of attention he lived in his brothers shadow until he was expelled from the angel realms. Doomed to live in darkness until Rushifero saved him and sealed him within his own son that Rushifero implanted into a human woman.

Tristan couldn't believe this but he came to terms that he was the son of a devil the two then shook hands.

Akta & Tristan: "right let's do this together Quinkae"

Tristan then returned to the battle standing up as his dark power covers his body he then grew horns and wings his shirt ripping of as he stands tall red lightning coming out of his body the ground ripping apart as Tristan learns to use his gravity magic as he looks at Rushifero with a smile.

Tristan: "let's get serious dad"

Rushifero looks at him and smiles unleashing 100% of his power.

Rushifero: "so Akta showed you huh alright then come at me my son show me what you can do"