Chereads / The wife of a rich man / Chapter 58 - 058 Contest

Chapter 58 - 058 Contest

另一边,江乘风也缓缓眯起了眼睛.凭直觉,他能感觉到,容玲和林梦之间一定有什么事情,这是他不想看到的.另一边,苗青惊讶得说不出话来.按照容玲早上的指示,苗青觉得容玲肯定不会来.跟苗青和容玲这么多年,她很确定,当时容玲的话,也应该透露出这个意思.但没想到,容玲来了!这是什么意思?!这意味着荣玲改变了主意!要知道,荣凌一旦做出决定,很少会改变主意.但现在——这个林梦...苗青眯起眼睛,默默地笑了笑,心想似乎有什么事情越来越有趣了.那么让我们拭目以待.她立即站起身来,恭敬地叫了荣玲."荣先生!"容玲看了她一眼,点了点头."谢谢你的辛勤工作!"苗青笑了笑.容凌将手从林梦的额头上收回.他的额头感觉有些热,不由得皱起了眉头.快速扫视了房间的布局后,他有些不高兴."你为什么不给她安排一个单人间?!"有一丝责备!他和苗青确实是『主仆』,理念非常一致!苗青平静地解释道.他拿起一旁的洗脸盆,拿起一条干净的毛巾,走进了一旁的浴室.他拿了一盆水,擦了擦毛巾,拧干了水,然后涂在她的脸上!"我...自己做!"破碎的声音还带着挥之不去的啜泣声.容玲皱了皱眉,没有顺应林梦的意思.他拿起毛巾,轻轻地擦了擦她的脸.从额头,到眉角,到脸颊,到鼻子,然后到嫩滑的红唇和漂亮的下巴.虽然他是个男人,但是当他做这种事情的时候,动作却非常温和谨慎,仿佛生怕自己稍微太强了一点,会不小心伤到她.他仔细地擦了擦她的脸,把毛巾洗干净,又擦了一遍,然后扔进了盆里.容玲已经很多年没有这样擦过一个女孩的脸了."你怎么让自己这么痛苦?!"他的语气轻松温暖,没有咄咄逼人,反而像一个严厉的长辈,或者像一个关心姐姐的哥哥!林梦不知道他指的是什么,茫然地盯着他.她心被他刚才的举动打动了.她不明白萧逸为什么会做出同样的动作,但她并不觉得那么甜蜜.只是因为,他...是容玲?!"没想到你又要住院了!"林梦这才明白了,她漂亮的睫毛缓缓下垂了半分,掩盖了眼中突然涌出的无奈.她没想到自己会变成这样?!如果可能的话,谁愿意住院呢!容玲不知道内情,心想也就是刘军说的,是林梦太伤心了,被雨淋湿了,才变成这样."你得照顾好自己!在这个世界上,如果你不爱自己,你还能指望谁来爱你呢?!你才是最爱自己的人,所以要好好照顾自己,你知道的,我可不想再在医院见到你了!林梦愣了一下,缓缓点了点头."以后不要再冒雨出门了,会让很多关心你的人担心的!"林梦咬着嘴唇,许久之后,她鼓起勇气,用虚弱的蚊子声音问道:"那你是...担心?!容玲沉默了几秒,才轻声说了一声"嗯",生怕这声音不够,赶紧又加了一句."所以,我是来看你的."Lin Meng didn't smile, but the corners of her pretty eyebrows were secretly curved. This girl never expected too much, so as long as she could get a little affirmation from Rong Ling, she would be as happy as a child.He was worried about her and came to see her, so conversely, he cared about her!Her heart immediately felt sweet. She lowered her head, and placed her two jade-like hands between her legs, fiddling up and down, with a girlish shyness, but she didn't know how to face him next! The life of going from one place to another made her unaccustomed to interacting with people, and she didn't know how to bring up topics, so most of the time, it was a cold state. Naturally, if there was a person who walked into her heart and made her willingly dedicate her world to her, then she, who was not good at talking, would naturally be another way.Fortunately, Rong Ling didn't talk much either."I'll let Miao Qing buy you some close-fitting clothes!"He was still worried about the emptiness under her T-shirt and shorts!This time, Lin Meng blushed shyly.Rong Ling asked her to lie down, pulled the quilt to cover her, and told her not to pull the quilt down before opening the door to let everyone in. This man was very clear in his heart that some things should not be taken advantage of by other men for nothing! I just don't know what his expression would be when he found out that it was too late and Lin Meng had been accidentally seen by other men several times? !