然而,这个新的一天因为男人萧毅的干预而变得动荡和不可预测.When Jiang Polang came to pick up Lin Meng at the usual time, his expression was not very good. Lin Zi asked with concern, but Jiang Polang ignored her. When he looked at Lin Meng, there was a hint of deep thought in his eyes. He moved his lips several times, but he was hesitant to speak."What's wrong?!"林梦笑着问道.她也是一个敏感的女孩,注意到江波兰的心情不对.她此时的笑容和昨晚的笑容有些不同.昨晚牵强附会,但今天稍微松了一口气.因为小逸说,他已经帮她解决了问题.她觉得自己应该相信他,期待和以前上学时一样的安静,没有那些不好的猜测和嘀咕.江破浪脸色有些阴沉,摇了摇头.他觉得这种事情还是不要告诉林梦还是不错的.毕竟,这样的话题有点太黑暗了.吴胜男一夜都没回来!吴勇一开始并没有把这件事当回事.当他从陈校长的办公室出来回到家时,发现吴胜男还是没有回来,于是他生气了.他想给她打电话,但打不通.然后他从妻子那里得知,他刚刚为女儿买的那部昂贵的手机被踩到了,被打碎了.这是吴勇不知道的事情!吴永贵整天忙于工作和社交.有时,他甚至不回家.他并没有太在意女儿的事情.他只是想避免给学校添麻烦.这个平时安静的早晨非常热闹.因为事发的人不是她,而是另外一个人,所以知道八卦的同学们并没有防备林梦,自己说了起来."没办法,是周小雨?!那个爸爸是赌徒的周小雨?!"是的,没有错.消息从教务处传来,说那件胸罩是周小雨的.不知何故,它被风吹到了旗杆上,然后挂在上面..."叽叽喳喳,叽叽喳喳,各种不同的表情,似乎都与她无关.其实,她的心里并不像她的脸那么平静.吴胜男遇到这样的事情松了一口气,但她绝对不是幸灾乐祸.设身处地为她着想,一想到一个陌生男人对她做这种事,她就感到绝对无法忍受.如果不是她有幸在出卖身体的时候遇到了荣玲,但是一个猪脑肥肠的男人,那她肯定会背对着自己一回头就觉得恶心想吐,然后在半夜一次又一次地从噩梦中醒来.她怀疑是小逸干的,但她又不敢打电话给小逸核实!这个男人可能真的是为了她好,但她无法忍受用这种手段对付一个女孩子!她心中一阵寒意,朝着萧逸走去!就在她猜测中感到焦虑的时候,她迎来了灯火通明的晚间自习,也迎来了一对她无法想象的人.她被班主任叫出教室,带到了总是空无一人的心理咨询室.平日里小房间总是很安静,很少有学生来.到了晚上,门更是关得更紧了.林梦有些不安.她没想到倪老师怎么会带她来这里?!她是不是知道了什么,所以打算给她心理咨询一下?!倪老师开了门,小房间里已经坐了两个人.当他们看到倪老师带着林梦进来时,他们都站了起来,显得十分矜持.倪老师笑了笑,非常有礼貌."你们说话!"After saying that, he pushed Lin Meng and pulled her in front of him. Fearing that Lin Meng would be scared, Teacher Ni softened her voice, "Lin Meng, these two are Wu Shengnan's father and mother, they want to talk to you. Talk to them, the teacher is standing outside the door, if you have anything, just call the teacher!"From the bra incident, to the Wu Shengnan incident, to the arrival of Wu Shengnan's parents, the experienced Teacher Ni cleverly realized that there must be a powerful force behind her student. Due to Wu Yong's official position, she had to ask Lin Meng to come over. But she also thought that if there was an accident, she would protect Lin Meng even if she risked her life. Otherwise, she, a small class teacher, could not bear such a huge responsibility.When Lin Meng heard that they were Wu Shengnan's parents, her heart immediately skipped a beat. The worst guess in her heart was probably right!As the door of the psychological counseling room was closed, the room suddenly became quiet.Three people stood under the fluorescent light!The tall Wu Yong and his wife stood side by side, facing the petite Lin Meng, as if they were setting up a battle formation!