载着一车人的 8 路公交车沿着公路飞驰.两边的路灯闪着白色的光芒,就像黑夜中无数明亮的眼睛,静静地注视着黑夜中的一切.这天晚上,发生了一些无法控制的事情;这一晚,也有一段忠诚的等待,慢慢散发着温暖."吱吱"一声,车轮与地面摩擦,几名打扮成学生的人跳下了公交车,其中包括林梦,林子和江坡浪.三人默默地向前走去,因为今天学校发生的事情,气氛似乎有些压抑.林子心情矛盾,幸灾乐祸,又恼火.她庆幸林梦自欺欺人,但她又懊恼林梦在外界还是她的姐姐.如果姐姐丢了面子,她作为姐姐,脸上也会有些光泽,所以她很惊讶自己没有以不同寻常的方式和江波兰郎喋喋不休."我们在这里!"林梦喃喃自语,转身看着江破浪,脸上露出淡淡的笑容.江波兰似乎刚刚从梦中醒来.他睁大眼睛盯着眼前的高楼大厦,然后不自然地笑了起来;"我们在这里!""快回去!"柔和的语气充满了温柔.江波兰郎看着林梦的笑脸,感觉自己的心仿佛浸透了温水.转身看着林子,问道:"先进去.我有事要跟孟孟谈.林子虽然恼火,但还是笑了笑,掏出钥匙打开了巨大的防盗门,走了进去.由于安全门关闭,大楼外变得安静.不太亮的路灯照耀着,在林梦和江坡浪的身影上投下淡淡的暗光,柔和地围绕着他们."怎么了?"江波兰微微蹙眉,有些犹豫,但又无法掩饰自己的心痛."今天发生的事情很伤心,对吧?!"他应该去找她,安慰她.但她已经处于谣言的中心.如果他参与其中,她可能会从悬崖上掉下来,鲜血滴落.她压抑着自己,直到走出校门,在这么多同学和林紫面前,都无法表现出任何亲密.他们明明是坐同一辆公交车,但当周围有同一所学校的学生时,他们仍然什么也说不出来.有时候,被这样的谣言和其他人的面孔所困扰,真的很烦人.林梦微微一笑,她问是什么!"嗯,一开始我有点难过.但后来,我不再那么难过了!林梦笑了笑,淡淡的笑容在昏暗的灯光下显得有些朦胧,像是摇曳的烛光.她整张脸看起来有些暗淡,仿佛风要吹走那张朦胧的小脸,那张娇小的脸就像一朵娇嫩的花朵.江波兰伸出手,急忙抓住了她.林梦狐疑地抬头看着他.江波兰比她高出一个头多."怎么了?"江波兰伸手摸了摸她的小脸."我觉得如果我不抓住你,你就会逃跑.我觉得你不是真的.这样的话几乎不假思索地从他嘴里说出来.本来,这样一个仿佛超凡脱俗的美少女,让人觉得能够遇见她,就是人生最大的福气."呵呵..."林梦轻声笑道.怎么说呢,江波兰就是有本事让她笑.每当她感到不开心时,他就会是最好的阳光娃娃,带来光明和阳光.她的眼睑懒洋洋地动了动,回忆又回到了笼子里.她立刻惊呼一声,睁大眼睛环顾四周,却一个人也没有.她像条鲤鱼一样坐起来,急忙检查自己.被子一直裹着,衣服也很好.她松了一口气,但她觉得自己看不起萧逸如此防备.她很快就为自己找了个借口.这不是她的错.任何与非亲密朋友上床的人都会像狼一样提防他!她挠了挠头发,在那儿坐了一会儿.这是她每天起床的习惯.然后她打了个哈欠,正要下床.突然,一个奇怪的东西引起了她的注意.哼?手机?!难道是萧逸掉下来的?!Lin Meng was a little anxious. She didn't know when Xiao Yi left. How could he drop his cell phone so carelessly? !She thought about it and reached out to pick up the blue cell phone. The cell phone was small and could not be used by a man like Xiao Yi. Lin Meng thought it was used by a girl.Although she didn't have a cell phone, everyone in her family had one except her, and she also understood some of the functions of the cell phone. There are only a few ways to unlock the phone. She tried several times according to her memory and finally unlocked it. Then she fiddled with the phone number. When she found the phone book, she couldn't help laughing.There was only one phone number in the huge phone book, and the two words "Xiao Yi" were written on it. This person is interesting. He only saved his own phone number when he bought a phone. Is he afraid that if it is lost, others will return it to someone else by mistake? !With a smile, she pressed the call button.After the call was connected, she hurriedly called out. "Hello!"Xiao Yi laughed on the other side. His low voice was slightly hoarse, revealing the breath of a mature man, which was somewhat different from his playful smile last night. "Little girl, are you awake?!"Lin Meng didn't think much about how he could recognize her so quickly, and quickly explained: "Your phone is here with me!"After that, she was stunned! Finally realized that something was wrong. Since this is Xiao Yi's phone, how could she get through to Xiao Yi? ! Unless, he has two phones! Unless the number saved now is from another phone of his. Sure enough, she was still asleep and was being silly early in the morning, but it seemed that she was right by mistake!Xiao Yi's deep voice was still there. "I'll give you the phone. If anyone bullies you in the future or has any difficulties, just call me!"Ah? ! How can this be? !"No, I can't have your phone!" Accepting things from others for nothing is not Lin Meng's style.Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows, his voice suddenly turned cold, and he shouted in a deep voice. "I give you things because I am willing. I have you in my heart, and I am willing to give you things, and I have nothing else to ask for. Lin Meng, don't refuse, and don't push it back and forth with me. You are just looking down on me and yourself. There is no reason to take back the things I give away. You accept it, don't talk nonsense!"Xiao Yi seemed to be angry, and Lin Meng was frightened and silent.Xiao Yi's tone suddenly slowed down, and he said, "I put the charger and other things in the first drawer on the right side of your desk. Study hard and don't think about it!"After saying that, he hung up the phone without saying anything.Lin Meng was stunned holding the phone for a long time. Suddenly, she jumped up as if she had just woken up from a dream, hurried to the desk, opened the top drawer, and the rectangular light green box inside was neatly placed on top.She opened the box, and the charger, spare batteries and other things inside were wrapped in plastic film, as if they had not been opened yet.It looked brand new, as if it was newly bought!Holding the sky blue mobile phone in her hand, Lin Meng was stunned, but she was already stunned!