My Mission Didn't Involve a Dungeon!

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Prologue I: Preparation

"Field Agent Eleven reporting. Awaiting orders."

"Please! Be at ease and be seated, agent! No need to be formal here."

The aging, decorated general clears his throat, seemingly nervous. 

"Though most of your files are redacted, even at my clearance, I get the gist of what you're capable of. Raised in the best military oriented boarding schools and graduated at the top of your class at my own alma mater."

The general shuffles the pages.

"Skilled pilot, marksmanship is flawless, spearheaded Operation Amphibious Tiger where you confirmed over fifty unarmed kills. Impressive to say the least."

The general's eyes trail along the pages back and forth and speed reading aloud in a whisper.

"Your experience in disguise and infiltration will be useful for your impending mission."

The general slides the agent a dossier and stands up with a remote in his hand. He presses a button and activates the projector. 

"You've been to the province of Elshin more than once so the terrain and climate part of the briefing I'm sure is redundant for you."

The general clicks his remote a few times and skips through the slides until he gets to a slide with a map and the picture of a building.

"Specifically in this region, you'll be infiltrating a compound owned by the dictator's son. He went to hire Claudio Rashenser, also known as Trapmaster, to work as his head of research and development. We think he has made a breakthrough that could threaten our national security."

Agent Eleven looks intrigued and says, "So it's not just a rumor. That psychopath actually finished the disintegration ray?"

The general begins clicking through his slides and skips to undetailed blueprints of a machine. He looks at it tilting his head and asking, "So that's what this thing was supposed to do?"

The agent's eyes widen, "Forget I said anything. Don't speak of it to anyone else... Or I may have to kill you."

The general looks at the agent and can sense his seriousness. He could feel his fight or flight response starting to kick in as his pores began to release sweat and he begins pulling at his collar to help soothe himself.

The general continues staring at the agent until the agent breaks eye contact which seems to snap the general out of his trance as he nervously responds, "Yes sir!" 

The agent says, "If you wouldn't mind continuing the briefing, I would like to gain as much information as I can."

The nervous general exclaims, "Of course! If you direct your attention back at this slide, I believe the highlighted component on the blueprint may be the key and most expensive piece of this hardware. Destroying it would set them back tremendously. However, if you could extract that hardware for our own use, it would be ideal."

Agent Eleven looks at the projected blueprint and says, "Consider the mission done. I can't promise being able to bring the hardware back with me intact. I'm not sure if there is a way to safely remove the device."

The general twists his mustache pensively and responds, "Understandable. Gain more information on the device and use your own discretion. Above everything else, ensure the device is unusable and you cannot be traced back to our government."

The agent stands from his chair, "Of course. Sounds like simple sabotage behind enemy lines. If you give me access to a stealthcraft, I could have this mission done by tomorrow night."

The general's eyes widen, "You're that confident?! We were giving you at least a month's deadline to complete this mission! We can't afford to have this operation botched due to carelessness and impatience!"

Agent Eleven takes off his coat and glares at the general. 

The general immediately begins to sweat as he believes he is about to be eliminated for insulting the agent. 

The agent instead grabs his briefcase from the seat next to him and places it on the table.

The general releases his held breath in a relieved sigh. 

The man opens the briefcase, and he straps a bandolier full of knives to his arm. On his other arm, he straps a bandolier of ammo. He pulls out a belt of various pockets and tools and straps it around his waist. He pulls two guns from the briefcase in their holsters and attaches them to the belt. 

Agent Eleven swings his coat back on in a fluid motion and glares once more at the general before rearranging more contents of his briefcase and closing it. 

The agent looks to the general, "If you're finished lecturing me, I would like for you to show me to my craft."

The general was stunned with embarrassment as he realized how vastly he underestimated this man. The general scrambled for the door, "Sorry sir, this way!"

On the way down the corridor, the general flags down one of the scientists and gets them to stop. 

"Take this man to R&D and show him to a vehicle of his choice. Looks like this is where we part ways, Field Agent Eleven."

The scientist responded, "Yes sir. R&D is this way."

The scientist looks over to Agent Eleven and says, "You Field Agents have all the fancy stuff. What brings you here?"

The man responds, "Your department has a prototype that won't be able to be traced to any particular country. I'll be taking it for my mission."

The scientist begins to brim with excitement, "You're getting me data this soon after preliminary testing?! The rest of those idiots going for team lead might as well quit now."

The scientist steps ahead in order to press the elevator button. 

"I just got an idea." The scientist says with a cunning sneer.

The agent looks to the scientist, "It better be relevant to my mission."

Then scientist responds, "I thought you could get me data on a few more gadgets as well. I'm sure they'll be useful." 

The elevator rings as it arrives on their floor. They both step in and are accompanied by scientists from the upper floors. 

"I hate this damn elevator. Its always cramped. Does no one think it's time to do renovations on a sixty year old building?!"

Agent Eleven stared at the elevator doors unresponsive, but focused.

The elevator rings again.

"No! No more people on the elevator! You're gonna have to wait on the next one!" The scientist yells as he rapidly presses a button and his colleagues form a wall to keep away would-be passengers.

"Finally on our way to R&D." The scientist says as he adjusts himself to regain composure. 

The agent stood still, silent, and waiting. 

The elevator rings once more. 

"Here we are. The pinnacle of innovation in our great country. Well, besides you guys, I guess." The scientist shrugs.

The scientist turns down a corridor and says, "My department is this way. I'll have you go to the testing area ahead and I'll operate the vehicle delivery system. I'll join you in a moment."

The agent nods and walks ahead into an open room while the scientist heads up a staircase. 

The agent looks around and sees a few other scientists testing ballistics against their plating and other defense systems. A siren then begins to sound while the dock glows and flashes yellow warning lights. 

After a moment, a black metallic craft slowly emerges from a tunnel and lowers onto the designated zone. Agent Eleven's focus intensifies as he quickly tries to observe the vehicle's undercarriage as it lowers. His gaze then averts to the plating and cockpit as he circles around it. 

The scientist from earlier rejoins the agent while clicking the fob, "This is our prototype vehicle, the PACK-1. I'll give you a brief tour of the cockpit."

The scientist opens the door for the agent and proceeds to point at the different interfaces after the agent sits down, "This is the smokescreen, this button activates camouflage, submersible mode, the afterburner toggle is here, and the electromagnetic pulse can be activated with this interface. The pulse can be used at maximum power twice and will reach up to five hundred meters. I recommend not using it more than that or the vehicle may not have enough power to return to base."

Agent Eleven says, "This should be sufficient. Is there a self-

destruct? The enemy can't get their hands on something like this."

"The red button on the fob will initiate a 5 second countdown from the moment you press it. The dead zone is 10 meters. Take a look at the console and explore the features in your free time." The scientist says handing over the fob.

"The craft already looks impressive. I look forward to seeing what you all have been up to." The agent says already strategizing with his new tool. 

"Be safe out there, agent. And mind the radar. It can also track large projectiles. It just might save your life." The scientist says eagerly. 

"Will do." Agent Eleven says with a smirk as he closes the door. 

"Someone hit the VDS! This one is ready to go!" The scientist waves to those behind rails on the upper level.

The lights begin to glow as the vehicle is picked up by a magnet and placed at the mouth of a tunnel. 

A voice comes through the console, "Feel free to shift into drive and take the tunnel to the right. Good luck on your mission again, agent." 

"Thanks." The agent replies as he shifts and floors the accelerator. 

"(Zero to sixty... One hundred... One fourty... One eighty... Two hundred...)" Agent Eleven counts seconds in his head as he accelerates. "(Impressive R&D. I may have to put in a good word.)"

The agent turns down the right tunnel to leave the facility and finds himself going upward thinking to himself, "(Hmm. I should be well outside the facility by now. If I'm correct, I should be close to -)" 

Agent Eleven suddenly feels the vehicle free falling.

"(The ocean. I knew it. Submersible mode is... This one.)" He presses the button and the vehicle undergoes subtle exterior shifts to reveal a turbine as the vehicle plunges into the water.