Chapter 10 - I Want to be a Wizard!

Light would cascade into the room that George, Marie and Benthony were staying within, its exact place it was coming from was the ceiling, there was no such morning sun within the place due to it being hidden even from the cosmic ball of energy and all of it's seemingly infinite might that touched everything on earth. It had matched the exact moment of George waking up almost as if it had already known the exact moment that he would. He would get up with a bit of energy filling him, definitely more than when he had woken up the last time with the now far differing situation.. Plus that bed was super comfortable. He would look over to the bed seeing the other two kids were sleeping, perfect. It was obvious what they'd be doing awake before him

George would walk over to the door which automatically opened up for him. And standing right there would be William with his arms folded and tapping his foot George suddenly jumping back at the sight of him simply being there. A hand would have gone over his heart as he tried not to make a sound to alert the kids, but seemingly just his startle was enough as they started to wake up.

"Gosh dangit, don't just do that to people coulda had a heart attack." George would quickly exclaim.

Willaim this time actually seemed to slightly bow his head towards him. "I apologize George, I know I'm on thin ice, I just wanted to be here to take you all off as soon as you woke up. Now then if the kids are up let us all go."

The kids hearing that they were mentioned would slowly roll out of bed and groaned as they stood next to their father huddled together keeping the blanket around them, it was far too comfortable to simply keep on the bed.

George would seem even more surprised by Willaim bowing to him, he never had a man bow to him. He would have waved his hands about. "Don't worry we're all good. So what's on the agenda?" He would question curiously.

William would turn around and start walking along the facility for them to follow which they did so.

"Good morning dad and Mr. William." The two kids would echo, finally being awake enough to talk.

"Morning Sir Benthony and Lady Marie. As for you George, I am simply taking you to the cafeteria for now. We are going to eat before we do those trials. Of course, acting on an empty stomach can cause some issues." William said

George would turn his head to the side and cringed when hearing that, it was not the words themselves that made him do so, but a thought in his mind from them. On the other hand the kids seemed like they suddenly had their days improved after being called such titles, they were quite the easy pleasers, and William with his mysterious self was quite an easy pleaser.

They would stop within the cafeteria. Of course there were many confused glances seeing them at first, but when they saw them with William they just turned away, seeing that they were being escorted around. When they got to the line for lunch, they would notice a lack of any food actually present. This being something that was eyebrow raising because well… you expect food to be at the cafeteria line. That was until William would speak.

"2 Pancakes and sausage." 

Suddenly a plate with those items would materialize where he stood in the line now having it held in his hand as he went over and sat at a free table. They stood there stunned by the powers that be, but of course in a place of magic anything was to be expected, they simply said and food was created from nothing… the very laws of existence were broken before their eyes. Warily George spoke. 

"Hash browns and eggs." 

And magically the plate would appear before him with proper utensils. He would stare at this and hold it up in the air, he would turn it around and take a seat by William warily going to put it in his mouth… he bit down on both of the items, and this would rock his world. It was some of the best food he had ever tasted, there was no way this was simply magic, there had to be one of the grandest chefs behind it to make something so intricately delicious. He would then turn back to a sight he expected, the two of his kids had plates literally going to the ceiling, they would pick it up and barely even had the strength to pick it up when they walked over to the table. They only needed to take a few bites and they were already done allowing so much food to go to waste.

Marie would groan when she was full and looked over at Benthony. "I-I bet that I can eat more than you."

Benthony would try to make a smug face but his stomach hurt too much. "You're on!"

And so they would go to overstuff themselves, both eating very very slowly. Who would possibly come on top who will know.. Now onto more important matters George and William would speak.

"So George, we'll probably have to get you all into shape before you can properly take the tests, but worry not that won't take too long." William said nonchalantly after eating some of the pancake.

George would pause for a second in between his eating as he stared off at them. "You all..?"

William would then nod towards him. "Yes, that includes them. Although it is unconventional they should as well, it is more so a safety measure for us and them, don't think i'm going to put them in danger or something. If they learn some capability they may be able to aid themselves if something happens to them, we have no idea what is to happen in these rampant times. And you know, I think they'd like it too." 

William would say as he looked towards the kids and so did George. They had now seemed to both stop eating with it ending in a tie, but both of them didn't look too good running off to the trash can… well all that food went somewhere else besides their stomachs now.

"I think I ate a little bit more than you~" Marie would claim

"Oh yeah, I saw you cheat and put some on my plate!" Benthony would retort

Marie would raise her hands feigning innocence as Benthony raised his hands, seeming to wriggle his fingers threatening to tickle her. She would quickly run away towards her father before he could catch up to him. George would just look at them both with a smile, just seeing them happy. He quickly opened his arms as Marie jumped into them and twisted away from Benthony.

"Leave your sister alone, and apologize to each other. It was only a game right?" George would incentivize towards them

Marie would softly look at Benthony while he groaned and then spoke. "I'm sorry sister."

"I'm sorry brother." Marie would say back, but now that it was over there was something else to get to. 

"Alright William, let's do this then." He seemed to be a tad bit enthusiastic about this now from his voice.

William would stand up with his own slight grin covering his countenance, now they could do something actually fun. With a sudden wave of his hand they would skip the need for walking as they suddenly appeared within another part of the facility, in a place known as the training facility, they were at the first sector of it. William would point towards an open portal that was within this room.

"Within that space, time shall flow differently, and there you may easily get yourself into shape in what seems like a slippery instant, now follow me."

William would hop right through the portal and would be followed by the others. They would now be within seemingly all white space with separate rooms around them all with different facilities to train a specific thing, created to be the best way possible to do so. The place itself felt strange, it felt harder to move there and the environment felt rougher, it was specifically made to be a difficult environment to produce the most effective results.

"By the way when I said quick, I really did mean a couple years.." He would look around at all of their expressions. "Hey even with magic, true progress takes time. Don't worry you won't get older here so you'll still be all the same when you leave, well besides the good gains."

And so they would be left off to practice and hone the possible skills that they would require as MIB members, hopefully this would be enough… and also hopefully the kids didn't get too bored.