Chereads / RWBY: Red Wolf Saga / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: Of Samurai, Money, and Trivia

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: Of Samurai, Money, and Trivia

Chapter 3: Of Samurai, Money, and Trivia

The roar of the airship engines was deafening to Ruby's ears. To others it might seem annoying, to her it was unbearable. With her red hood up in a vain attempt to muffle the noise, she just hoped the journey would be over soon. And she could finally set foot on terra-firma. The internal intercom then blared with a shrill start up shriek.

"Attention passengers. Landing procedures are underway. Your destination of Beacon Hunter Academy is at hand. Please remain seated till the airship is no longer in motion." A robotic, vaguely female voice explained.

Soon the airship stopped its descent and mercifully the engine's roar began to die down. Ruby, after grabbing her bags rushed out first, jumping onto the hard cobblestone. She let out a merciful sigh before undoing her hood. Looking around, there were people everywhere. Before Ruby could think about the huge crop of recruits, a familiar voice rang out to greet her.

"Ruby! Over here!" The voice called out.

"Yang! I'm so glad to see you!" Ruby yelled and ran over to her big sister to give her a hug.

Yang let out an "oof" as her little sister gave her a hug that would have crushed her bones if she did not have aura. However, she smiled and hugged her little sister back, happy to see her again.

"Hey, little sis. Glad you made it." Yang said, smiling down at the red-hooded reaper.

"Why do we have to use airships to get here? They're so noisy. I swear, I'm gonna have ringing in my ears for weeks." Ruby said with a light moan.

Yang giggled a bit at that. "I know your ears are sensitive, Rubes, but it's not that bad."

"I guess. Did you tell dad we made it safe and sound? You know how he gets." Ruby asked.

"Of course, I did. I may be a thrill seeker, but I'm also a responsible daughter and big sister." Yang replied proudly.

"I can't believe we finally made it! I can't wait to get in there and become a Huntress! And finally make some friends! Well, ones that dad hopefully won't scare away…" Ruby trailed off with.

"Don't worry about it, sis. You're gonna be the bee's knees." Yang said with a smile.

"It's easy for you to say Yang. You're a social butterfly." Ruby said pessimistically.

"True, but you're not so bad yourself. Cute, sweet, and a total badass. Why do you think dad and I had to work so hard to keep the boys away from you?" Yang replied playfully.

"Just watch, I'm never going to get a boyfriend…" Ruby sighed.

"You will. When you find a guy that we're sure won't break your heart." Yang said reassuringly.

"Thanks, Yang." Ruby said with a small smile.

"Anything for my baby sis." Yang replied with a smile of her own.

"You think we will be on the same team?" Ruby asked as they started to walk.

"No idea. But, if we are, I'll look out for you." Yang replied with a shrug.

"At the rate you're going Yang, I'm going to have to look after you." Ruby said with a cheeky tone.

"Hey, watch it, Rubes. You may be physically stronger than me, but I'm still the big sister." Yang shot back playfully.

"Just because you got a bigger chest doesn't make you the bigger sister." Ruby says with a smirk.

"No but being two years older and four inches taller does." Yang replied with a smirk of her own.

That made Ruby sigh and sulk again. Yang realized what was wrong. Ruby always was self-conscious when it came to how she looked. Considering what she was hiding, one could not fault her.

"Sorry, Ruby. I went a little too far there." Yang said apologetically.

"It's okay Yang. I know you didn't mean it." Ruby said sadly.

Yang pulled her little sister into another hug in an attempt to make her feel better. Though it did not help much, it did work to an extent. Ruby smiled and hugged her big sis back.

"Feeling better now, Rubes?" Yang asked in concern.

"I am. Thanks Yang." Ruby answered.

"Good. Now remember what Summer told us: when you're talking to someone, make eye contact. It's rude not to." Yang reminded her.

"Easy for you to say." Ruby answered.

"I know it's hard, Rubes, but you need to learn how to interact with people. Especially if you wanna be a Huntress." Yang told her.

"Alright. I'll give it my best shot." Ruby said with a sigh.

"Atta girl, Ruby. That's all I ask." Yang replied with a smile, patting her little sister on the head.

"So, Yang. Want to explore the campus with me?" Ruby asked with a hint of hope in her voice.

"Sorry, Rubes. I promised I'd hang out with my friends. Are you gonna be okay on your own?" Yang replied.

"I guess so…" Ruby muttered nervously.

"Don't worry, sis. This is a good opportunity for you to make friends." Yang replied with a smile as she left with a wave.

With that, Ruby was left alone amongst a crowd of people. She breathed heavily to try and calm herself. Slowly but surely, she started to make her way through the crowd, trying not to bump into anyone. Slowly she began to get lost in her anxious thoughts, before bumping into someone. The sudden stop made her lose her grip on her bags, causing them to tumble and make a scene.

"I am SO sorry about that! Here, let me help you." a masculine voice said nervously and frantically.

"It's okay, mis…" Ruby tried to say before the words were snuffed out from her throat at what she saw before her.

She saw a fair skinned young man of about seventeen years old. He was half a foot taller than her, had medium length, wavy azure-blue hair, kind-looking, deep, expressive azure-blue eyes, and had a very elegant air about him. The young huntsman-hopeful wore azure-blue and black samurai armor over a metallic blue robe with two large white tigers stitched into the sides in a pattern held shut by a belt with pouches hanging from it. Visible beneath his robe and armor were long black pants.

At the left side of his waist, he had a daishō composed of a katana with a blade length of about sixty centimeters and a wakizashi with a blade length of about forty centimeters. But what caught Ruby's attention the most and made her stop was his face. The young man was exceptionally good looking. He had regal; strong facial features that made Ruby think of a tiger in the form of a man. He carried himself with the elegance and grace of a jungle cat, the peak of a strong, well-muscled frame just barely visible beneath his armor and clothes. Only large three claw mark shaped scars covering the left half of his face marred his handsome features. Even then, they simply added a more wild, dangerous edge to his handsome features, enhancing them rather than taking away from them.

"Excuse me? Miss? Are you okay?" the young man asked the blushing girl.

"Is my heart still beating…?" Ruby said in a completely out of it, high pitched tone.

The young man raised an eyebrow at this. "I… think so…"

"I'm sorry for running into you! I wasn't looking and…" Ruby frantically started saying before the young man's finger gently stopped her lips.

"It's quite all right. I should've been watching where I was going. Please, allow me." The azure-blue samurai gently interrupted her before kneeling down to help her with her bags.

"You don't have to do that. I'll get it…" Ruby tried to say.

The young man seemingly ignored her and picked up her bags. Ruby's bags in hand, he stood up and handed them to her. He then gave her a gentle, kind smile.

"There you go. No harm done." The young man told her, his smile making her heart race.

"T-t-thank you, Mr…" Ruby nervously said as she took her bags.

"Sōtora. Sōtora Azura of Mistral, at your service." the young man, now identified as Azura, replied, giving a respectful bow to Ruby.

"R-R-Ruby R-Rose…" she stammered out meekly, her hands trembling at that.

Azura smiled at her upon hearing her name. "Ruby Rose. A cute name for a cute girl. It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Rose."

"C-C-C-Cute?" Ruby squeaked out, her face as red as her cape and hands trembling visibly.

"Well, I should be going. I hope to see you around Beacon, Miss Rose." Azura replied with another bow before picking up his bags and leaving.

"B-bye…" Ruby gulped as she watched him walk away.

After seeing the blue haired boy disappear into the crowd, she let out a deep sigh. How did that happen? Why did that happen? No boy ever made her heart pump like that before. In one sense, Yang not being there was a good thing. She would have tried to shoo him away like the rest. All this frantic thinking, however, made Ruby bump into another person. This one, however, hit the hard cobblestone with a sudden shrike of pain.

"OOWW!! Watch where you're going, you dolt!!" An incredibly angry female voice roared, making Ruby flinch in pain.

"I'm sorry. I had a lot on my mind and wasn't paying attention." Ruby responded, looking down to see a white haired and white clad girl.

"Clearly that was not the case." the girl snapped back, rubbing her lower back.

"Here, let me help you up." Ruby said, grabbing her arm gently.

"Unhand me you, clumsy BRUTE!!!" the girl shrieked as Ruby in a single motion practically made the girl have airtime.

"Here, let me dust you off." Ruby said before her hands were slapped away.

"You have done quite enough to me this day." the white dressed girl said with a huff.

"I'm sorry, miss…" Ruby tried to say before she was rudely cut off.

"I am Weiss Schnee. And we are not on speaking terms." Weiss answered sharply before storming off in a huff.

"Okay… what is with people around here…" Ruby muttered to herself.

Unfortunately for Ruby, lady luck was paying way too much attention to her. 'Twas at that very moment, Ruby would feel something tiny and soft bump into her, it was as if a pillow had been thrown at her. However, pillows do not usually yelp when they hit you. Looking down, Ruby would see a tiny girl, the appearance of someone of a slightly younger variety than herself. The girl had peculiar hair, half was almost mahogany brown, whilst the other half was pink with a few little white streaks through it.

It was then that the girl looked up at her with massive, innocent saucers for eyes. Eyes that were fit to bursting with childlike zeal, vigor, and innocence. Just as her hair was peculiar for its two-tone nature, so too were her eyes, her right eye was of an almost chestnut colored in nature, opposing her left eye with was of the vibrant pink variety, further opposing the color of her hair on that side.

The girl was tiny, frail in appearance, looking as if a slightly brisk breeze could compromise her balance. The girl raised an eyebrow at Ruby, as if sizing her up, as if trying to decide whether she be friend or foe. 

"I'm so sorry, little one. Here let me help you up." Ruby said as she reached down to grab the girl.

The girl groans, whether from pain or annoyance cannot be determined at the moment. However, after but a moment's hesitation, the girl does timidly accept Ruby's offer, grabbing her hand. To Ruby, the girl's hands were like that of a doll, tiny, without blemish. If she were not looking right at her, Ruby would be inclined to believe that hands such as these could never belong to a human. They, just as the rest of the girl, had an almost porcelain-like complexion. In a single, sudden movement, the girl was on her feet.

Obviously shaken, the girl reaches for her scroll, before immediately fumbling it, and nearly dropping it. After the girl takes a few deep breaths, recovering from what was no doubt nearly a panic attack, the girl begins to type, turning her scroll to face Ruby, she waited anxiously with bated breath. The scroll read as such, 'Ummm, hi? My name's Trivia, Trivia Vanille. I'm new here, and I'm hoping to make some friends. Will you be my friend…?'

"I'm Ruby Rose. Are you okay? I'm sorry for bumping into you. I've had a lot happen today." Ruby said, trying to smooth over her very rough day.

The girl, now identified as Trivia, breathed a sigh of relief. Taking a moment to gather and compose herself, she begins tapping on her scroll once more, before again showing it to Ruby. The scroll now read as, 'I'm fine, mostly… just hurt my back, my arms, everything else…  ow.'

"Wait, did you say Vanille? Like the Vale Counselor and his wife Vanille? Didn't your house blow up earlier this year?" Ruby asked, confused.

Just then, the girl's eyes switched color, and the slightly aloof girl she just met was replaced by a scowling little troglodyte, as she angrily typed, 'Don't you DARE ruin my precious floof balls innocence! You understand, bimbo!?'

"Easy, easy! I didn't know that was a sore spot!" Ruby said, trying to calm the situation that escalated suddenly.

As suddenly as the slightly more aggressive and verbose little brat had appeared, she seemingly left, eyes switching back, and a look of confusion on Trivia's face, as she blinked a couple of times, before typing, 'Why world go dark?'

"Moving on. So, are you lost, Trivia? I think the city is that way." Ruby asked nervously, pointing towards Vale.

For a moment, Trivia looked flustered, but no sooner had she taken two steps, did she stop, looking annoyed, typing, 'Wait a second! I'm older than you!'

"Really? You don't look it." Ruby answered simply.

Looking deeply and genuinely offended and wounded, Trivia types, 'Is it cus I'm short!? You big… meanie!!!!' Trivia looks flustered, that being the best comeback she could muster.

"I'm sorry Trivia. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I've just had a… wild day shall we say." Ruby answered in a sincere tone.

Trivia huffs, puffing out her tiny cheeks, arms crossed in protest, unknowingly acting, well there is no other way to put it, childishly.

Ruby then looks Trivia in the eyes and says, "If you can't forgive me, then I understand. I did clearly offend you."

Still pouting, Trivia reluctantly types, 'I guess I'll be the big grownup here and forgive you, but only cus I'm so incredibly big and mature and awesome!'

"So, what year are you, Trivia?" Ruby asked.

Trivia looks a bit self-conscious for a second, before typing, 'First year…  I failed the entrance exam last year…'

"Well, we both are first years then. That means we might be on the same team." Ruby said with a smile.

A bit hesitant, she types, 'Only if you promise to let me be the big, mature, strong and brave leader of awesomeness!'

"Alright. If we are on the same team, I'm sure that you will be made the leader. See you around campus Trivia. Want to hang out at dinner?" Ruby asked.

Trivia eyes light up for a moment, before she stops herself, and tries way too hard to be cool, her excitement barely contained, Trivia types, 'I guess I can give you the honor, like the big, grownup, ultra-awesome mature big girl I am!'

With a chuckle, Ruby and Trivia departed. Soon the red reaper arrived at the hallowed doors to Beacon, and she opened them. Once inside she slumped against the door. This day had gone long enough, and frankly, she already needed to go to bed.