Chereads / RWBY: Red Wolf Saga / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: A Pack Forming

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: A Pack Forming

A Pack Forming

The din of dawn was slowly beginning to creep into the first week of classes at Beacon. If it were not for the fact Vale was a few miles off, all the scene would need as a rooster crowing. Instead of that, Team RWBY's room's silence was broken by an alarm coming from Ruby's scroll. Right on cue, the red caped crusader leapt out of bed and onto the floor, landing on all fours before stretching. This extremely early arousal from deep slumber however caused some more intense opinions to flare up.

"Rise and shine team! We got classes today!" Ruby yelled chipperly.

"Ruby, why are you getting us up so early?" Blake growled in the utmost annoyance.

"For once, I'm agreeing with the black clad emo." Weiss groaned.

"Oh, come on guys. It's not that early." Ruby said innocently.

"It's five o'clock in the morning you, muscled-headed dork! Classes don't start until 8!" Weiss growled, turning over and trying to go back to sleep.

"Wake me up right before breakfast." Blake agreed, turning to her own side.

"Yang, back me up here." Ruby said expectantly.

But all the red-hooded reaper got in response was a grunt from her still sleeping sister. The blonde pugilist was still out like a light, sawing logs and snoring like a hibernating bear.

"Okay, first day not off to an optimal start. But things can be salvaged." Ruby muttered.

In a flash, Ruby ran to one side of the room, then the other, and soon she was holding both Blake and Weiss in her arms off to the side.

"Let me down, you black-and-red-haired rooster!" Weiss yelled, thrashing about, but to no avail.

"She's holding us up like pieces of luggage. Do you really think you can just squeeze out?" Blake dryly answered, not even attempting to struggle, fate sealed.

"Alright, off to the morning shower! See you in a bit, Yang!" Ruby yelled as she walked towards the door.

"Five more minutes…" Yang tiredly moaned in her sleep, turning over and beginning to snore as loudly as an elephant's cry.

Her attempt at added sleep failed as across the hall, a most unholy cacophony of noise from across the hallway erupted. Through the walls, Team RWBY could not tell exactly what it was, but as far as Yang was concerned, it was too loud to bear and broke her out of her sleep. If very reluctantly.

"What is with everyone waking up at this most dreadful hour?" Weiss lets out a groan.

"Just accept it. It's our fate. This is gonna be all damn year…" Blake sighed.

"TO THE SHOWERS!!" Ruby yelled, kicking the door open.

"I do not consent to this!" Weiss yelled back as Ruby floored their way to the showers, Yang begrudgingly lagging.

From there things did not go much better. In their haste, Ruby forgot to bring all their supplies, so she had to run back to their room to get it, turning Yang into a yellow clad twister from her to and return passage. Then the dizzy brawler was picked up by Ruby and hastily brought to the showers.

"Some leader forcing us up three whole hours before class just to take a shower. Breakfast doesn't even start until seven." Weiss grumbled as she began to take off her night gown.

"Early bird gets the worm." Ruby pipped in.

"More like early bird gets to sit around hungry for a few hours." Blake grumbled as she got ready.

"What? Don't be such a Negative Nancy." Ruby answered.

"The sun isn't even over the horizon yet." Weiss growled through her teeth.

"You get used to it…" Yang grumbled in annoyance.

"Oh, come on sis, it's not that bad." Ruby said with a smile.

"Ruby, I swear. Sometimes, I wonder if you're part-rooster or something…" Yang groaned.

"Wait. If I'm part rooster, then does that mean I'm part chicken? Does that mean I'm part food?" Ruby asked, innocently confused.

Yang simply patted her sister on the head while grumbling in annoyance.

"If this is our team leader, I want a refund." Weiss muttered.

"You're rich, why do you care about money?" Blake asked.

"It's the principle of it, dammit!!" Weiss shot back in annoyance.

After a very awkward and tense shower, the girls dried off and put on backup clothes before heading back. Not a word was spoken, not even a grunt. Team RWBY rounded a corner with dismay, and Ruby ran into someone. Hip, hip, hooray.

"Ow…" A male voice said from under Ruby.

"What happened?" Ruby asked.

"You ran into someone. Again." Blake answered dryly, reading the morning paper, and attempting the crossword on the go.

"Really? It felt like a big marshmallow." Ruby asked.

"Hey, I'm not that out of shape… mostly…" The male voice answered, somberly and a hint sourly.

"Maybe you should help up the poor schmuck you just knocked over, Rubes…" Yang told her sister-slash-team leader in annoyance.

"Hey, I'm not a schmuck! I'm from a long line of…" The voice tried to say.

"I'm pretty sure, Jaune, your ancestors didn't have a habit of being run over by girls half their size." Another male voice from around the corner said, this one more monotone.

"Whose side are you on, Ren?" Jaune answered.

"That was my attempt at a joke. Clearly, I failed." The other male voice asked as a black haired and green clad boy rounded the corner.

"C'mon, Ren! I thought it was pretty funny!" An energetic female voice said as a ginger haired girl rounded the corner and slapped Ren on the back.

"Of course you would, Nora." Jaune muttered.

Ruby looked down to see a surprisingly large boy of easily six feet, with clear blue eyes and a mop of somewhat kept blonde hair. What shocked her most was how surprisingly built he was. Sure, he was not the greatest, but he had more muscle than she would expect from a first year. Feeling sorry for doing that, Ruby grabbed him by the hand and yanked him up, shocking Jaune and to him, nearly pulling his arm out of his socket despite aura.

"Ow… How did you do that?" Jaune asked, rubbing his arm.

"I grabbed your hand and pulled you up." Ruby answered confused.

"No like, I swear you nearly pulled my arm out…" Jaune continued.

"Look Jaune, just because you don't eat your veggies don't mean this girl doesn't. Seriously, I've seen milk cartons thicker than her and, somehow, she's running you over and throwing you around like a rag doll. I like you." Nora said with an insane glee to her face.

"Thanks. I always like making new friends." Ruby answered with a cute smile.

"Who was all 'I don't need friends to help me grow because I drink milk,' exactly…?" Yang quipped.

"Don't ruin this in front of my new friends!" Ruby shot back in a raspy tone.

"Who said we were friends?" Jaune nervously asked.

"WE DID!" Ruby and Nora answered in unison.

"Now, now. I believe that's enough picking on Jaune." Another female voice said in response.

"Oh, come on, Pyrrha. For one we were past that in the conversation. Two, it's always open season on Jaune." Nora answered.

"You make it sound like we are hunting our team leader." Ren answered dryly, having migrated next to Blake, looking at the crossword.

"Wait… Pyrrha? Pyrrha Nikos? The Pyrrha Nikos?" Weiss asked, perking up from this nonsense.

"Who?" Yang and Ruby asked in response.

"Pyrrha Nikos! One of the greatest fighters in our age group in all of Remnant!" Weiss yelled back indignantly.

"Hello. I'm pleased to meet you all." Pyrrha said cordially, giving a small wave.

"Wait. If she's so good, why are you team leader?" Ruby asked, pointing at Jaune.

"Still figuring that one out." Jaune muttered.

"Well, our teams are similar in a uniquely unfortunate way." Weiss snorted.

"Jaune isn't that bad. I see so much potential in him just waiting to be brought out." Pyrrha replied, defending her partner and team leader.

"Well, we still need to shower. So, I guess…" Jaune tried to nervously say.

"See you, new friends! See you guys at breakfast!" Ruby said as she dragged her team away and towards their room.

"My crossword!" Blake yelled as the sudden force made her drop it.

"I'll return it at breakfast!" Ren called, picking it up.

"He's mine!!" Nora roared, possessively hugging Ren.

"Down, girl." Ren said dryly as they disappeared round the corner.

After returning and getting dressed in the school uniforms, they then killed time getting their school supplies together. After that they lounged around their room. Weiss chased Ruby and tried to throttle her. Blake read a book, pouting at losing the crossword. Yang was doing all the pushups. Finally, and for most of them, mercifully, the time came to head to the cafeteria. When they arrived, Ruby saw a familiar brown and pink haired girl standing off in the distance.

"Trivia!!" Ruby yelled and rushed over.

The newly minted pink haired Trivia glared at Ruby, only for another Trivia to poke her head out around the pink haired Trivia. 

"What the!" Ruby yelled as the sudden change caused her to slip, and slide down the hall, sending other students flying like bowling pins in her wake.

The pink haired Trivia held out a sign that said 'Two out of ten.'

"Ow…" Ruby muttered, stuck under a pile of bowled over students.

Just then, Brown haired Trivia bonked the pink haired one on the head, typing, 'Don't be mean, Neo! That's my friend! I don't care if you're jealous!'

In response, Neo crossed her arms, puffed out her cheeks and pouted. Causing Trivia to get flustered, typing, 'Now that's not a genuinely nice thing to say, Neo! How would she even fit a pineapple in… never mind, I don't wanna know! I said I don't wanna know! Ew, ew, ew!'

"What the hell was that?" Weiss asked, shocked at what she saw.

"I think our team leader went to plaid." Blake answered, equally in disbelief in what happened.

"Are you okay, Rubes?" Yang asked in concern and disbelief, walking over to check on her baby sis.

Trivia, seeing this, also rushed over to Ruby.

"Hey, Triv… Why are there five of you all of a sudden?" Ruby asked, still dizzy from the tumble.

Trivia hugged Ruby tightly, which wasn't much of the red hooded girl, out of concern.

Trivia sighed, typing, 'I'm so sorry about that. My friend Neo is kinda a bit of a troublemaker…'

"Who's Neo?" Ruby dizzily asked.

Meanwhile, as this conversation was happening, Yang set to work on freeing her sister. She began picking people up off the top of the pile and throwing them off one by one. She continued to do so, trying to get to the bottom where Ruby was trapped by the dogpile.

Trivia let out a sigh, typing, 'She's kinda, sorta my other personality… of sorts? I think? Not fully sure to be honest, Dr Mazarin used to say I had something called dissociative identity disorder… and with my semblance, she tends to manifest physically at times…'

Neo crossed her arms, creating subtitles for herself, saying, 'Hey! I'm just as real as you! Anyway, who the hell is this blonde bimbo and the redheaded wrecking ball?!'

"Who the hell are you calling a blonde bimbo and a redheaded wrecking ball, you short little…!?" Yang growled out, only to be grabbed by Weiss and Blake as they tried to hold her back.

In response, Neo sticks her tongue out mockingly. 

Yang growled in anger at that and tried to get loose as her teammates began trying to talk some sense into the blonde pugilist.

"She isn't worth it, Yang. Cut it out." Blake said, trying to make her see sense.

"Lemme at her! I'll cave that smug little face in!" Yang replied angrily, trying to get loose.

"Well, why didn't you tell me you had another side of you, Trivia!? She's so cute! Come and give me a hug, Neo!" Ruby yelled; arms open as she rushed over to her.

Neos face contorted in horror as her subtitles said, 'Oh god, oh fuck, oh god, oh fuck, oh god, oh fuck…'

Ruby then tackled the other 'girl' and began to shake her around like a girl who just got a teddy bear from a carnival.

Neo's face contorted in pain, as her subtitles frantically went, 'I DON'T EVEN HAVE NERVE ENDINGS! WHY THE FUCK DOES THIS HURT!?'

Then, in a sudden moment, Neo shattered like glass, confusing Ruby as the pieces turned to nothing.

"What happened? She was here and… Now she's not…" Ruby said, worried for Neo's safety.

"You really made her 'fall to pieces,' Rubes…" Yang said with a smug smile, only to be smacked upside the head by Weiss and Blake.

"Sorry. I guess I deserved that 'pun-ishment,' huh?" Yang stated, chuckling as she got slapped upside the head again.

Trivia facepalmed so hard, her grandkids would feel it.

"Trivia, is Neo okay?" Ruby asked.

Trivia sighed, typing, 'She's an illusion, she will be back.'

"Oh. For a second there I thought…" Ruby said, till her eyes widened as she saw something in the distance.

Trivia and the others looked in Ruby's direction and saw Azura sipping tea while doing the crossword puzzle in the newspaper with the rest of his team around him already eating food. Somehow, miraculously, they seemed to not have noticed the absolute carnage that likely had Professor Glynda Goodwitch ready to punish some ass.

Turning to look, that was when Azura finally noticed them. Smiling, he waved them over to some seats at the table that Team AZRE had saved for them.

Trivia's eyes went wide as she typed, 'Wait! We'll miss breakfast if we don't hurry! I don't wanna go through the day while hungy!'

"Oh crap. I'll be right over, Azura!" Ruby nervously yelled and used her Semblance to rush over to get food.

After the absolute madcap scramble for the five to get their food, they made their way to Team AZRE's table. They sat down, Ruby somehow getting next to Azura, and the five could finally take a breath of fresh air and finally eat.

"How has your morning been, everyone?" Azura asked, taking a sip of his tea before turning his attention back to the crossword.

Trivia glared at Azura, typing, 'Shut up! Me hungy!'

"Ah. You are someone who gets angry when they get hungry. Fair enough. I will leave you be, Trivia." Azura replied, searching through the crossword for a word he was having trouble finding.

Trivia rolled her eyes, typing, 'No, I get mad when people try to talk to me when I'm trying to eat!'

"Aha! Confection! Found it!" Azura said, filling in the word in the crossword before crossing it out from the list.

Everyone then heard an unusual crunching sound and turned to see Ruby, already finished her breakfast, and starting to chomp and chew up pieces of the tray.

"Um… Miss Rose? I believe you are finished." Azura replied with a smile.

In a panic, realizing he was right, Ruby spat the piece out of her mouth, sending it imbedding itself in a nearby table, and threw the tray like a frisbee behind her. A loud and noticeable Wilhelm scream was heard from the poor sod that took that in the teeth.

Azura chuckled lightly and sipped his tea some more before going back to the crossword. Blake, however, stared jealously at the paper he held, only to get her shoulder tapped on. She looked and it was Ember.

"Are you all right?" Ember asked.

"Sorry… I lost my crossword earlier…" Blake sighed.

"I have a spare paper if you want it…" Ember sweetly offered, only to get cut off by a crushing hug from Blake.

"I love you so much, Ember!" Blake yelled happily, but quickly ended it, composing herself before saying, "Apologies. Yes, I would greatly appreciate it."

"Of course." Ember nervously answered, a bit weirded out.

"I have a spare pen if you need something to fill it in with, Miss Belladonna." Azura offered helpfully.

"Quite bold of you to use a pen." Blake said, raising an eyebrow.

"What can I say? I am always very thorough with finding words before I fill them in." Azura replied, reaching into his bag, pulling out his spare pen, and offering it to her to use for her crossword which Blake graciously accepted.

"How did I get lumped amongst all of this?" Weiss growled.

"You and me both, sister." Rena muttered.

"Lighten up, you two. Besides, Ruby's always a barrel of fun. Even if she isn't the most well-balanced person in the world." Zhan answered.

"I hope everyone in that pile was okay…" Ruby asked nervously.

"Well, it's likely they all have aura, so it hurt, but they'll be fine… Even the person that got hit by your tray…" Ember nervously answered.

"Quite the throw, by the way." Azura replied, trying to not chuckle.

"Oh, that… um… You see…" Ruby blushes and nervously…

Trivia sighs in relief, glad to not be sucked into this chaos.

"You know, this is nice. Just a bunch of friends, hanging out and enjoying breakfast together." Yang replied with a grin.

"Speaking of which, Miss Xiao Long. I had an idea I wanted to run by you all." Azura replied with a kind smile.

"Oh? And what's your idea, tough guy?" Yang asked, raising an eyebrow without losing her smile.

"What would you say to a nice inter-team training session to help us all get to know each other better…?" Azura proposed with a small smirk.