The darkness was absolute, a living entity that wrapped itself around Levi's throat, squeezing tight. He strained his eyes, but there was nothing to see, only an endless void that seemed to swallow him whole. The air was heavy with the stench of decay and death, a noxious odor that clung to his skin like a wet shroud.
As he slowly came to, Levi's mind was foggy, his thoughts disjointed. He tried to remember how he got there, but his memories were hazy, fragmented. All he knew was that he was trapped, caged like an animal. The cold, hard rods pressing against his back seemed to sear his skin, branding him with their metallic touch.
A low, rhythmic growling echoed through the darkness, making Levi's skin crawl. It was a sound that seemed to come from all directions, surrounding him with an unholy presence. He felt a presence watching him, waiting for him to make a move. The growling grew louder, more insistent, and Levi's heart began to pound in his chest.
Suddenly, the darkness was shattered by the sound of scraping metal and rattling chains. A sliver of light appeared, growing wider until the cage was bathed in a faint, flickering glow. Levi's eyes adjusted slowly, and he beheld a sight that made his blood run cold.
The room was a charnel house, a grotesque gallery of twisted, nightmarish creatures. Some were humanoid, while others defied description, their bodies distorted by some unseen force. At the far end of the room, Levi spotted a group of disheveled individuals who might have been human. They seemed catatonic, their eyes vacant and unresponsive.
A figure emerged from the shadows, its face a blank, featureless mask. It was dressed in a sleek black garment, adorned with crimson embroidery that seemed to pulse with a malevolent life of its own. The figure handed a pouch to one of the giants, who accepted it with a bow.
"Nei maa Ka fu no tosim," the giant rumbled, its voice like thunder.
The faceless man's response sent a chill down Levi's spine: "Look, you only brought me food for the venatores, and you expect to be paid more than this? How scandalous."
Levi's mind reeled in horror as the implications sank in. Food for the venatores? What kind of twisted place was this? And what was he supposed to do here? The faceless man's words seemed to echo in his mind, the cold, mirthless and unfeeling words that seemed to come from all directions, surrounding him with an unspeakable terror.