In a world of magic and swords, where different races coexisted in apparent peace after the extermination of the "extinct" humans, a story full of mystery and revenge begins. Three thousand years ago, humans were the greatest power on Earth, despite their short lifespan compared to other races. They established a great empire that defeated all who stood in their way. But fearing their absolute dominance, all races allied against them in an epic battle that ended the existence of humans... or so they thought.
But the truth was different. The human magicians resorted to a great sacrifice, causing their kingdom to disappear from sight to escape annihilation. Three thousand years later, Aren, a young man with the features of ancient humans, appears at the Thousand Races Academy. He is believed to be the only remaining human, but he hides a deadly secret:
He is the prince of the forgotten human kingdom, who came to explore the world and learn the weaknesses of his enemies.
Through his journey through the academy, Aren will face dangerous challenges, uncover dangerous secrets about other races, and begin to form a bold plan to bring his lost people back to the forefront... and reclaim the dominance that was taken from them.
"In a world that believes humans are finished, there is one human who will rewrite history.