The carnage was minimal now but it was expected to get worse soon.
The tentacles creature remained by the shore never getting to far from the river.
Another of the beasts had been found. This one was more mobile although less of a destructive power.
It was a dog that had a split head open in four that sagged when inactive. The walls of each of the four sides was equipped with several teeth that it launched like a grenade. It had only caused injuries up till now but the wounded were piling and soon, more people were going to die.
Cly was on the other side of the island now.
He didn't even realise when he had crossed over the bridge but now he was looking for a decent place to wait out the destruction.
He was no longer too bothered by the beasts running rampant on the island. Somehow he could tell they were weak.
In truth he wasn't looking for a place to hide. He was heading for the workshop, he wanted to be armed.
' I'll show those damned things. Especially that dog.'
He winced. He looked at his left leg, it was riddled with scraps and some open wounds.
He had been caught in a detonation and his leg had taken most of the damage.
' the damned thing wrecked my only pants. I'll be damned if I don't get it back. The wound doesn't really hurt much, I've been hurt worse by bigger threats.'
A twig had just broken.
Cly fell to the ground and Crept to an bunch of bushes. They were the best spot he could get to quickly but it was an overall perfect spot.
A tree was just in front of it, with enough distance for him to squeeze in-between. A ditch was on the side he was hiding behind. It was made of a depression in a weird looking glossy stone surface.
He checked behind him and then peacked above the bushes to check his front.
Then he found it.
Up ahead someone was clearing out a spot on the ground.
Still unsure of the person he observed for a bit more.
The figure was clearly presented as male and was of the standard height for men. It had an exaggerated posture as if intentionally over straight.
Then it dawned on him.
' what is Mr jester doing here?'
He came out of his hiding spot and approached the man.
Jester, still a few feet away. Plopped down on the ground and crossed his legs.
Cly couldn't understand what he was witnessing.
' is he praying?'
Without any visible movement the figure in front of him vanished.
Cly was scares shitless, he was about to bolt when he felt something cooled pressed against his neck.
" I don't appreciate being watched, especially not while I'm meditating"
The cooled material was removed from cly's neck and he began breathing again.
With his left hand he confirmed that his neck was still intact.
' who knows if I've been decapitated to quickly to notice like in those damned books I read'
He turned to face the constantly smiling instructor.
The instructor was frowning but it couldn't be distinguished from his smile that still lingered on his face.
" What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be either dying or killing those three beasts I've released?"
Cly couldn't believe how confident the man was.
" Excuse me! But people are being killed out there. What those this teach us?"
Jester shook his head
" Just leave and deal with your test. And anyone who is dying now shouldn't stay alive anyways"
Cly's expression turned stale.
" I'm looking for a tool to kill those things with. Do you mind telling me where I can get that?"
Jester shrugged and broadly gestured around him.
" You are meant to discern that by yourselves"
Cly scoffs and starts to walk away.
Jester doesn't mind and gets back to what he was doing. But before he closes his eyes he says
" I wouldn't go in that direction if I where you"
Cly sighed and turned to face the instructor.
" And why not?"
Jester was not obliged to inform the shade but he decided to do it regardless.
" I just finished wiping the last beast into shape and, unlike me he can kill you. And he's really mad right now."
Just then cly noticed a presence in the vicinity.
The jester chuckles
" Aah, good you are perceptive even if slow"
Cly remained focused on looking around to locate the presence.
' how do they do that? It's like they are reading your thoughts'
He saw it at the edge of his vision.
A single glowing misty eye in the trees. He sprinted in opposite direction.
The jester chuckled
" That's really pointless"
Cly ignored him and continued running. As soon as he escaped the trees he looks back.
On the trees the creature is pursuing. It seemed to be stretching across itself and doing weird summersaults.
It was getting closer.
Cly tried to run again but this time he couldn't.
He felt an oppressive force on his body. It was like a magnet was dragging him back. He turned and faced the creature. It was propped up on a branch with a large gapping whole in it's centre. It looked like a maggot.
Cly tried to run again but was prevented from doing so again.
He looked up at the slimy and disgusting thing.
' okay bastard, I'll destroy you first '