Chereads / Shades: Code black / Chapter 36 - "I really hate tests"

Chapter 36 - "I really hate tests"

Of course they weren't going to wait for all the shades to die. No they still had so much more that could kill em.

Jester had grown bored with the shade from the forest side so he'd left. Currently he was on top of the big house. He didn't have anything to do so he decided it was time to start watching.

' hmm. They are working really well at least for shades that is. Although they've made a silly mistake. Ooh well I really shouldn't interrupt.'

He turned to look for the spot where that shade was fighting that maggot creature.

' aah so he's found a way to hurt it. Meh that won't work, he's giving it to little damage and it might soon decide he isn't worth it or realise that it's faster than him. And that damned thing is fast.'

" Sigh! I guess nothing interesting is happening. I wonder if mortia has made supper. It is getting late already"

He shoved his hands into his pockets and jumped of the roof.

With overly dramatic steps he walks away from the building.

' I better make sure I don't get in the little shades way'

" I don't feel like I'm making any progress."

It has been a while since he started hitting the slimy creature, he was starting to get afraid it won't be possible soon.

And worse still he was running out of stones to throw.

' that might actually be a good thing, my butt would get to rest a bit '

He looked at the thing.

" Bastard!"

He went for it again this time with one of his largest and flatest stones. It was his ace stone.

He'd decided that since things could go side ways at any point he should throw with his best.

He came forward and sent his arm back.

Then he jumped backwards.

The first time he'd jumped like this it was rather clumsy but after landing on his butt seven times He had perfected the art.

With his maximum effort he had jumped and with more strength than he had been mustering since he pulled his hand forward.

He felt the familiar force on his body especially his hand.

He let the force take his hand and relaxed all the muscles in the arm, making the whole arm into a slingshot.

The stone was released from the a

Fist with an extra Push.

The stone spun in the air, it accelerated and for a moment, as cly's Butt was about to collid with the very unforgivingly hard ground he believed it would finish the ravaged creature.

Then he felt something odd.

His body shifted back.

' dammit, now!? I hope the stone gets it before it can escape '

The beast realising it's current state couldn't handle the impact of the new smaller, faster projectile, released it's ability.

It moved just out of the stones way seeking to use it's power as soon as it was harms way.

But it never got the chance.

It got penetrated, from the wrong side.

It's body was pressed into the branch and the support felt like it was going to break.

The beast just then recognised the potent energy behind it. Another had snuck up behind it.

The substance within it was taking to long to be disintegrated, however it was pointless wether or not it was destroyed. The form the beast had come in was too recked to continue. It's will could no longer subconsciously hold together the tattered form.

Cly noticed the wisps of simmering smoke leave the beasts body before he realised he had missed.

Shifting his gaze he sees the tool that had done the stones job.

It was a crudely fashioned blade. It was being held by a handle fashioned out of some kind of pale leather.

He didn't bother to stand first.

" Hey!! You stole my kill!!"

He raised his eyes to look at the weilder of the now destined to be destroyed dagger.

A woman with thick brown wine coloured hair,

It was shoulder length but right now it was tightened behind the head that it grew from.

Her face was angular, if you didn't know how shouki looked normally you'd think she was hungry, which she was. Her yellow eyes gave her away as a shouki with their vertical irises.

The scales underneath them were making the eyes seem even more beautiful they had a dark green hew and only the edges had colour. Her bronze skin had really lean but unmistakable muscles. She was beautiful, drop dead gorgeous.

But cly didn't care he was furious and that was all that mattered.

' to hell with how beautiful you are, I've seen better' ( he hadn't)

The girl straightened without looking at cly. She was focused on the dying beast. She wanted to confirm her kill.

She stood on the already cracked branch and looked at the boy on the ground.

" You weren't going to kill it. It was probably going to kill you before you used that second to the last stone in your hand. I came from behind you so I know what you were planning"

Cly looked at her with contempt.

" You realise I'm the one who's crude weapon was still in their hands right?"

She snarled at him and he saw her longer than normal canines.

" I'm quick enough to dodge that. I don't even have the time to stay and chat. I need to kill the dog next"

Cly was still pissed but he had to ask.

" It's already late how hasn't anyone done that yet?"

The woman lept of the tree and starting towards him until she passes him by

" Not a lot of competent people here and the few that are, are busy with tentacles."

Cly looked at the woman for a while then decided to follow her.

' she is really short. I'd have been deceived to call her a kid but I know she's older. Shouki take their time to grow'

He noticed a pale line on her neck.

She reached for it and scratched.

Her nails were short but cly could bet they were sharp enough to slice him to bits.

' what's that? Meh it's non of my business, if she's in some sort of discomfort then it's payment enough to not help'

She stopped for a moment then turned back to look at the boy behind her.

" If you are going to follow behind me then give me information"

Cly made his face look like he was still pissed really quickly but she'd already seen.

" Ooh yeah my name's cly"

She snarled.

" I don't need useless information, I'm asking about do you know what this shit show is"

" Ooh that's easy, this is a test"

The shouki thought for a moment.

" I hate tests"

She was about to continue moving then she turned again.

Cly noticed her thin tail was waving.

She didn't show any expressions

" Name's Nahashka"