Craftsmanship is art in 3d, what a man can paint can be made physical. In every piece of craft there most beautiful a purpose, a need and a will strong enough to make it happen.
Getting to the workshop was easy, although it took a while. Only because cly didn't want to get there on time.
He was having second thoughts even as he got to the open door.
The corridor seemed straight so whoever designed it didn't see any reason to include lights.
' to be fair there's barely any electricity on this rock but at least this place where all the tech was made should receive a fair share. Honestly how could anyone get work done in here.'
Cly continued to make his. Way down the corridor until he started hearing something.
From the distance he was it sounded like a storm someone trapped in a bottle.
Cly could feel the reverbrating in his bones.
The closer home got the more he realised, the storm wasn't trapped inside a bottle, it was trying to get in.
' what type of machine is that?'
Cly had finally reached a Bend in the corridor. Light shun down the left path but the right was still shrouded in darkness.
He chose the right, he could feel the reverbrating coming down the corridor.
' what the hell is happening in here'
Cly placed a hand on the walls to steady himself.
The walls were so hot that he was afraid his palm was burnt.
" Damn this place. How did Nathan manage in here?"
" It's because he was a capital offender."
Cly looked up with a start, he looked around him trying to pin point were the sound had come from, the tunnel made it hard so he tried relying on his eyes.
He noticed a figure shifting in front of the light.
The figure continued shifting about without paying him much mind
" You shouldn't stand in one place for long. If the walls were hot then the floor would be ten times that soon"
Cly started to move closer towards the person speaking.
" Are you instructor caster?"
The figure stopped for a moment then spoke
" Come over here boy." The figure waited till cly was close enough to see then continued
" What did they send you to do?"
Cly was no longer afraid of the rumour. He felt that whoever was standing in front of him was nothing to be scared of.
Just then the figure chuckled.
" Don't get comfy, I'm plenty scary. Just as the rumours say. And I'm not even reading your thoughts,yet"
Cly was startled for a bit then came closer.
" Yet?"
The figure was rushing around the room from a corner to the other. At times he'd stop to hammer down on something.
It was then that cly realised that the storm had been the man's hammering.
"Do you mind going over to the end of that tunnel and lighting up the place.
Cly stood rooted to the spot.
' is something wrong with the guy. I mean all our instructors are weird but... Damn'
He couldn't find the match so he asked the instructor for it.
" I'm guessing you were sent here to help out! But you'll be pretty useless if you can't do a simple thing like making a fire. Come over here and hold this would ya"
Cly did as he was told and took the prongs from the man. The weight of which threatened to break his hands.
He walked to the edge of the cave picked up a rock and quickly stroke it against the wall, sparks flew and soon the whole of the tunnel rooms upper region was aflame.
'how did he do that? Why is the roof on fire? Should I be concerned about my safety?'
Cly was not sure how the man had done it but he was going to ask. Right after the man took the piece of equipment from him.
After being relieved cly took a moment to observe his surroundings. The cave was a really large hollowed out structure, it led directly from the tunnels to here. The other end was also illuminated too. At the end there was a furnace, Something was within it but he couldn't tell what.
All around the walls hanging by chains were different kinds of equipment. Each seemed denser than a crystal or the hardest rock cly had ever seen.
What was most fascinating about the place was the orderlynes of it all.
The man that had been speaking before truly was Mr caster. The man was without a shirt so his bulging muscles could be seen all over his body.
The man noticed cly staring
" What is it? If you don't want to stay here just go wait outside like the other kid normally does"
Cly shook his head but the man was already absorbed by whatever it is he was doing.
Cly came closer he wished to understand what the man could have been hammering that would cause that level of noise.
On a large slab of steel laid a long sheet of metal, it had a single corner and all of the rest had been removed. The point was glowing yellow as if an intense heat was melting it.
But the man not was any flame in contact with it.
Cly felt inclined to ask what that meant but he abstained.
Right now caster was alternating between hammering the steel flat and making engravings all over it's surface.
From the way he hammered cly could deduct that the sheet of metal was tougher than it looked.
' it must have taken him a while to do that. But then how...'
The man used a knife and carved out a delicate pattern across the surface of the blade.
' how is that blade cutting through?'
The man turned around as if wanting to head out of the room but then stops at a wall and picks out a tiny scissors like contraption, only bigger and looking more menacing.
He placed a large slab of wood under its blade and pressed down. It was cut in half like butter. The man then proceeded to continue until he got the shape of a sword handle.
He then picked up the knife used earlier on and divided the wood in half vertically.
With the knife he carved out the centre until it was hollow.
" May I ask what is happening?"
The man responded without looking back at him
" You already are so get on with it"
" What are you doing, I don't think that's how a sword is made"
" Fancy machines do it these days yeah but who did ya think gives them the sample?"
" I have another question"
" Then get on"
" Why was this place so hot earlier"
" It's hot all the time, you are in a minerals region and the number one thing here is rammed steel. And because I know what you are going to ask next, rammed steel is like a crystal only it's steel, it appears only on this island. Anything else you'll eventually learn in time "
" What of..."
" The roof is filled with different kinds of stuff and most of its flammable, and no it won't hurt you and also yes it's not that hard to use pure strength and speed to create sparks."
" I also want to know about your knife"
The man lifted his work and went to the other side of the room and flung his contraption of a sword inside.
" You're the first to ask that question. But it's normally only that kid Nathan so you didn't achieve anything. The knife is pretty simple, it's just good crafts manship. Any other questions?"
Cly had soo many