I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling as I thought of different possible ways what happened with Kiara could have gotten out of hand.
I know I would never have been her lapdog so maybe she would have sent out the video.
Although she may be expelled, I'll have to live with it. Highschool is already a nightmare, since I got here, everything just keeps getting worse. I would've been totally humiliated and.... Mom, would have been so, so disappointed in me,
Maybe she's right though, maybe I'm just unfortunate,
I'm bad luck itself and I'll never—
" Hey, Coco? You're in there?" Sid's voice interrupted my thoughts.
" Um, yeah. Come in." I said, the door clicked open ,
" Hey." She said, shutting the door behind her.
" Ugggh...." I groaned, sounding like the engine of an old truck.
" Sit up. I brought you ice-cream." She said, sitting on the bed. I didn't budge.
" Ice cream won't solve anything, besides, the school's ice cream tastes awful." I declared.
"Really?" She said.
" Uh huh."
" Then, maybe I'll just throw this perfectly good ice cream in the trashcan." She says.
Yeah that won't work on me.
She smiled and started chanting,
" Going..... going..... going...."
Fuck it.
" What flavor is it?" I sat up quickly to see her holding the plastic bag just above the trashcan.
" Chocolate strawberry."
" Did you get it from the nice lady or the pretty one."
" Pretty."
" Ugggh.... her's taste so gooood, almost as good as real Ice cream."
"Mmm hmmm"
" Too bad chocolate strawberry isn't my favorite. I prefer mint chocolate chip."
" Fine then." She said, almost releasing it.
" Wait!" I quickly grabbed it from her and opened the little bowl.
"Atta girl." She says and I playfully glared at her.
Ice cream totally lifting my mood up.
Five minutes later, I was already using the little spoon to scrape the bowl.
" Do you plan on eating the bowl too?." Sid, whose head was buried in a new novel she started reading, said to me.
" Yeah. Do you have a problem with that." I said.
" Knock yourself out." She replies.
Satisfied with the now clean bowl, I dropped it in the trashcan.
" Thanks." I said.
" Yeah. So what are you going to do about.... you know." Sid said, she was referring to the whole Xavier saving my ass thing.
" No, I don't know, Sid." I feigned ignorance.
" You don't? Okay."
There was silence as I admired the cover photo of my chemistry textbook laying on the table.
" You have to talk to him." She blurted, looking up from her book.
" Oh goddddd....sid!" I groaned.
" I'm sorry, but you do."
" Were you not the same person who advised me to not get involved with him." I hugged a pillow.
" Yeah, but you're already pretty involved with him now, the only thing I can advise you to do is, be careful." She shrugged.
" I'm not involved with him. He's the one that's involved with me." I say, Sid furrowed her brows.
" Why would he do this though." She asks.
" I guess I'll find out tomorrow." I faked a smile.
" I saw Tyler earlier. He is worried about you." Sid says.
Ohhh gosh. I totally forgot about Tyler.
" Yeah? What did you tell him."
" I said you were sick."
" Okay." Not bad, I don't think I want to tell him about all this anyway, at least not now.
" But I didn't specify, so I think...he... kinda assumed that you were.....on... your period." Sid says, with a sheepish smile.
" Seriously?."
" Cutie, long time no see.." Nathan approached us on our way to class the next day.
" Hey, Nate."
" Sup."
Sid and Tyler greeted, respectively. Nathan just nods.
He's eyes zeroed back on me. It seemed like he could tell something was up. I swallowed hard.
Suddenly he abruptly stopped.
" Are you okay, cutie?." He says, cupping my face with one palm, his other hand holding my hand.
" Um..we are... just gonna go.." sid said, holding Tyler's wrists.
" Yep." Tyler said, smiling at me knowingly as they left.
I chuckled.
" What's wrong?." Nathan asks.
" I'm fine Nathan." I said, peeling his hand off my face.
" Are you sure.." he did not believe me.
" Maybe... I'm a little sick." I said, hopping he'd buy it. He touched my forehead with the back of his palm.
"You don't seem sick." He declares.
" I'm recovering. Hey, do you by any chance know where I can find Xavier?" I asked.
He releases my hand .
" Xavier." He says, his expression unreadable.
" Yeah. Xavier Cage, your..... friend?"
" Why would you be looking for him?" He asks and I shrugged.
" He....i think he went...." Trailed off before saying,
" Um..I really have no idea."
" Seriously?" I said, a bit disappointed. Where would I find him now.
" Yeah." He said and the bell rang.
" Bye." He simply said and left.
Just bye?
Well that was weird.
" Remember, students, the greatest glory in living lies not in never failing but in rising up every time we fall.." Mrs fisher says.
" Nelson Mandela." A chubby dark haired boy said.
" That is correct, Mr. Robbins, but no one asked you." Mrs. Fisher says and we all laughed.
She adjusted her glasses and looked down on her desk. Mrs. Avery Fisher was a tall, tan and beautiful woman, middle aged, I think, her hair always tied up In a bun atop her head, glasses on the brim of her nose and a polite smile on her face which I've never seen falter even for once.
" Ugggh.. she's probably thinking of the next horrible task to torture us with, thank God today's my last day." Frida Alonzo whispers and the guy beside her chuckled.
She was here for using her phone during lessons, the other guy was here for saying a cuss word in class multiple times. Charlie Robbins was here for planting a water balloon on his teachers seat, a boy and a girl, probably dating, were here cause they were caught outside after curfew and the quiet boy that was my partner the other day was here because he was caught smoking.
Just then, the door opened and in walked Xavier Cage, in all his glory...
" Late again, Mr. Cage." Mrs. Fisher spoke.
" I apologize, Avery. I have a reasonable explanation...."
He called her Avery?!
She pulled her glasses down a bit to look at him.
" It won't happen again." He says.
" Of course it won't, one more hour for you today." She says and he pursed his lips before going to sit down.
" On that note, I want you all to write a one thousand word essay,
talking about your actions, what you've learned and how you plan to improve." She says.
Most students groaned as we stood up to pick up the papers from her desk In a single form.
" Hey.. Xavier?" I whispered, he was standing right in front of me on the line and I knew he could hear me.
" Xavier, I know you can hear me." I whispered and was about to poke him when,
" Miss Millers, is there a problem?" Mrs fisher asked.
" No. Nothing." I replied.
I couldn't see his face but I know for a fact that he had that stupid smirk on.