Chapter 7 - Game Over

The pain in Kaiza's heart deepened as the cruelty of his parents' death displayed in his mind. He wouldn't wish such a fate to his worst enemy, let alone the ones standing in front of him. It was too brutal.

Kaiza broke down, feeling the weight of his parent's death dawning on him. His emotions surged uncontrollably and tears flowed freely down his face. He cried loudly, his grief overwhelming him.

The four guards witnessing this were struck by a wave of emotion. Seeing a grown man weep like this was unexpected and unsettling.

This was never part of the tech company's plan—no one was supposed to be harmed. Things had spiraled beyond control and took a different turn. Things were never outlined to occur this way. Enzox, their top-notch technologist who had only sought to protect the world, was gone.

At that moment, the guards began to recollect memories of Kaiza's and his wife, Susan's good and kind gesture towards them. They both had been technologists at the company, partners before they married. However there had been rumors they had dated since college. But those whispers had never been confirmed. Now, none of that mattered. Their deaths had been too painful, too final.

One by one, the guards lowered their guns. A heavy silence settled over the room as their consciences weighed on them. All except for M. Boss. He seemed to be enjoying every bit of this moment. A cruel smile lingering on his face, despite the shift in the atmosphere.

Then, with a snap of his finger. M. Boss broke the silence and put a stop to the soft and low groan of Kaiza and Will. Pulling them all out of their head back to the present.

Kaiza's tear-streaked face lifter, his eyes filled with nothing but pain and anxiety. He had no idea what this man had in his mind to do next. He wanted to see what M. Boss' next course of action would be.

"Open the bag if you want to live," M. Boss said, tossing the bag towards Kaiza. His tone was different, this time firm, menacing, his expression growing harsher, more threatening.

Kaiza didn't hesitate, complying to his command without question. He didn't seem to trust the man's offer. Despite his mistrust, he knew he needed to buy time to save himself and perhaps his uncle too. His initial plans before the unexpected turn of events was to sneak a weapon out of the bag.

He had seen a lot of strange tools in the bag which he was clueless about if they were weapons back then. But the flashlight he had used earlier had revealed much to him. Now he could tell all that the bag contained were pure weapons in disguise.

But why did his father leave him with all this? That was the question he couldn't answer too until he was found in this situation. Now he could tell his father had foreseen this moment, preparing him to protect himself and whosoever gets intertwined in the crossfire.

Kaiza entered the code and unzipped the bag. Now to get the weapon out without alerting the guards was something terrifying. If these guards find out about it, it could lead to the end of his existence or that of his uncle.

Without a stare at the men standing, surrounding him. He unzipped the bag, turning it upside down, dumping its content onto the floor all at once. If everything was on the floor, that way none of them would suspect him of planning an attack against them. He picked up the briefcase, and handed it over to M. Boss.

"Finally!" M. Boss exclaimed, his loud grin filling the air. He raised the briefcase up triumphantly, laughing continuously.

Then abruptly, his expression darkened "Get rid of the boy" He commanded in a deep dark tone.

"What?" The word rippled through the room as the guards exchanged shocked glances. Everyone of them had the same expression lacing their features upon hearing the man command. Except for Kaiza. He wasn't surprised. He had been expecting this afterall.

Even as the man ordered his death, Kaiza's mind raced, plotting his next move. But he couldn't get a grip over his mind. His mind was unsettled, making his hand shiver as he picked off the ground another flashlight weapon.

The thought of killing paralysed him. He was scared of killing. The first was unexpected, thankfully no one got harmed. This was because it was a strange experience for him. He never wished anyone would lose their life and that of his parents still hunt him deeply.

He couldn't believe all this had happened between the range of two hours now, from the chase to his parents burning and now trying to survive death.

Keaton, one of the guards, stepped forward, stepping out of the shadow. "Don't you think that's a little much? We have the briefcase now, why not leave the boy alive?"

Keaton had lay low at a corner for a while now watching the scene unfolds.

"He is of no use to you nor to me. So why should we keep him alive? Besides, he had seen too much" M. Boss scoffed.

"Haven't you done enough, you've taken his family, now you want his life too?" Keaton's voice was firm, defiant.

M. Boss turned to him his eye narrowing

"And who are you to question my orders?"

Kaiza watched as the drama between these two men unfold. His gaze shifted incessantly from the man walking behind him to the one in front. Then, something caught his eye, causing him to stop his gaze on M. Boss. The man's eyeballs shifted colors, from his brown to green and back to brown again in a matter of seconds. It was a quick and fast occurrence, almost imperceptible. The man took a step forward.

"This isn't what we signed up for." Keaton continued. "We were supposed to retrieve the briefcase with the ball in it and not murder the young man"

A brief pause and silence followed. Keaton then turned to Kaiza "Get your things and leave" he commanded.

"And who are you to. . ." the boss said, lifting a gun off the ground. But before he could finish, the other four guards raised their guns pointing towards him. The other men had been deep thinking about who to support on this ground.

Enzox meant a lot to them and seeing one of them taking the bold step, the little they could do was to support. Also Keaton was their team leader, and he had a strong ties with the men. None of them dare turn a gun against him.

"Boy, now!" Keaton barked

Kaiza quickly grabbed everything he could and dropped them into the bag before he helped his uncle to his feet as they made their way towards the exit.

"Keaton, you don't want to play this game do you?" M. Boss said, taking a step forward towards Keaton. But the sound of metal clinking echoed stopped him from taking another. The guards had cocked their guns ready for this fight.

"Hands in the air" Keaton ordered him and M. Boss surprisingly non-hesitantly obeyed. Raised his hands in total surrender.

"M. Boss. Give me the briefcase. I will take over from here" Keaton walked to him and grabbed the briefcase off his grip. "Let's leave," Keaton said to the other men walking away. The men retreated with him.

Just then, M. Boss's laughter reverberated in the room as Keaton turned to leave.

"Keaton, you think this is over yet?" He sneered.

Keaton glanced back "The game is over"

"Not yet" M. Grinned and launched an attack, dashing off towards Keaton who was walking away from the scene.

But Keaton was ready for this. He had expected M. Boss to react, so he had prepared an attack that would get him off track. Earlier, Keaton had picked up a small flashlight gun when he was telling Kaiza to leave with his uncle.

Keaton swiveled at once and pulled out a small flashlight gun wrapped in his palm. He pressed on the button...

However all that appeared was a white light that shone on M. Boss, stopping him on his track. After a while nothing seems to be happening. However when nothing happened M. Boss grinned and took off again. He hadn't taken more than two steps when the white light turned pale red emanating a sense of danger. Though M. Boss didn't stop this time.

Keaton, who didn't know how this gun works, turned the gun down, its light shining on the floor. Just after three blink of the red light, a bullet was fired at a piece of weapons Kaiza dropped. Instantly the bullet made contact with the weapon. A deafening explosion followed.