It sounded like the most ridiculous thing he had heard his whole life. That was to Rhett by the way.
They all exchanged glances, shocked with the voice. Rhett was glad he wasn't the only one that had heard the noise, at least they all just did.
'Why must we die?', Rhett thought. 'Why must there be a damn obstacle,!, why can't we pass in peace'.
Rhett was now thinking of stopping the dragons, could he actually stop them to just hang on the air.
Well,he gave it a chance. He snapped his fingers and clapped his hands and the dragons all stopped. Ash looked around, trying to find where the noise came from but he saw nothing. He squinted his eyes, looking left and right but he still saw nothing.
Rhett was wondering the same and after seeing no one, he came to the conclusion that it was one of those voices that spoke without you actually seeing them. He realized it was similar to the angelic voice he had been hearing in his head all this while.