The Nexus Empire has existed for as far back as history itself goes. The authority it had over the cosmos was beyond anything anyone. But the interference of superior beings shook it.
The empire remained still even if entire worlds were destroyed. But the last war was not an ordinary one.....
100 years prior
The events that took place at this point in time were the beginning and echoes to chaos. But those in positions of power took them for granted.
This battle was covered and forgotten. It origins untold. But for how it turned out, well....
Planet Ariyes. Imperial Outpost 17.
It's been over 1 700 years since the war but the empire is still trying to rebuild its military power. This outpost is for the research on Armageddon, the empire's greatest weapon that seemed to have gone immobile after the war.
"Commander Collin, project Arma needed to be transferred back to Crysteria. I believe there's a source of energy for it in Arcadia."
A man clad in red imperial garments stood before a large fine stone tablet reported to a huge figure painted before him.
"It would be in your best interests not to try and change his Majesty's orders Franklin." The man in the large stone tablet's voice echoed.
"But commander..."
"I will authorise the transfer, but if the project fails again, your life will be the least of your worries." The commander further spoke to the man called Franklin.
"I promise his Majesty satisfactory results." Franklin spoke with a slight bow.
The glow on the stone tablet vanished and Franklin turned to leave.
Franklin besides being only in his twenties, was the researcher who specialized researching everything magic related. His reputation as the best of the researchers was fourth in rank of all that lived.
His Majesty the Emperor of the Nexus Empire Zarten Reign had ordered his research and team to find a way to awaken a cursed beast Armageddon.
"Finally, this stupid thing is almost over. I've spent too much time trying to awaken a corpse, and all I get is...." Franklin was cut short by heavy tremors that reverberated.
Coming to a halt as if something was brought to his attention, Franklin turned and started to move down a long corridor while pulling what appears to be a crystal from his pocket. He drew a small magic circle in his palm and his voice echoed in the heads of everyone 1 kilometer radius of him.
"To all researchers and everyone out there, prepare the <STRATO-BARRIER> and get ready for a jump. All personnel must heard to their stations immediately." The magic circle vanished as he barged into a room at the end of the corridor.
What appeared before his eyes was a giant beast covered in glowing or rather oozing pure darkness. It's eyes were glowing red and what looked like blood covered it's claws. Franklin was baffled by the slaughter that seems to have taken place in this room.
"I thought I had fully subdued this beast. No way." A look of astonishment was parched on his face.
"How can his majesty set something like this up. If Armageddon gets out, this entire planet with be destroyed along with all of us" a magic circle appeared again.
"All personnel divert available magic and Ohra to transport stations and evacuate, Now!!" He said as he glowed with power and grey chains started to restrain the beast.
-All over the outpost-
Screams break out all over the place followed by explosions.
People are packing their baggage and research material, some are opening spatial portals and loading their belongings. The outpost starts glowing as people start getting teleported.
Franklin was the only one left after everyone had left. It appears the fight had taken its toll on his body and strained his energy.
Covered in blood with his clothes tattered and on his last legs before the beast. It lifted it's huge fist and as it delivering it's final blow to its prey, a sarcastic smile appeared on its face. But.... The fist stopped just before it hit.
"I only had to stall you for everyone to leave, funny. Even though you're not at full strength you're still quite formidable. I didn't think I'd have to use this power before understanding it, but oh well..." He glowed with blue energy before it changed to purple and covered the beast and Franklin.
"Chaos magic <Ghidola>, reverse activation." Franklin said with exhausted smile.
The activation sent shockwaves across the land as mountains are blown away, across the sky as the clouds split. The vegetation and plants in the area withered because all magic and energy in the area was sucked in and destroyed by <Ghidola>.
Armageddon tried to absorb that much power, but instead it was being destroyed from the inside as it's energy slowly dissipated. But its regenerative abilities were enough to keep it alive even though most of it took heavy damage.
Franklin fell to the ground as his legs were dripping with blood. The blood puddle grew larger around him. Armageddon screamed loudly as it also collapsed to the floor
A large portal opened few meters away from the two and the figure of the man who was talking to Franklin appeared.
He had short orange hair, handsome brown eyes and a fine face. His attire was similar to that of Franklin - Red long coat, black boots. Black pants with red lines on the side and belt - with disk-like buckle.
"Well then, what a big mess this is." He said looking at the destroyed landscape stretched before him.
"His majesty will be badly displeased with the loss of this world. I suppose the hunt begins. Men, get Armageddon out of here. Have it sent to his majesty. Only God knows what disasters it'll cause when it goes insane." Thinking for a moment, he gave more instructions.
"Send Franklin to the Alchemist. Only she has the authority to decide what's to be done with him, be quick so I'll clear away this world before it goes far from its orbit." He said turning away as his men begin following his orders.
'For the first time, I really hope the Alchemist has made a mess she can deal with. For both our sakes' Commander Collin thought to himself. "On the bright side, the results here will work wonders", he convinced himself.