It looked selenite and the sight of it was above mesmerizing. It looked like something that burned and its lookers noticed that it floated in the air.
They walked over to it, more like sauntered, the hotness of the place not disturbing them anymore.
Rhett and Daxer heard a sibilant noise. They ignored it, they kept walking towards the crystal. Almost to it, Daxer stopped and Rhett didn't even notice he did so.
A sort of striking force hovered around the gem and Rhett felt its presence. Pestering more and getting closer to the gem. Now, face to face, he stopped and smiled the more. His face showed glee and stretching his hands forward, he slowly reached for it.
A leg was into his back, falling him down. Rhett was stupefied as he rolled on the floor, holding his chest. He was thunderstruck to look back. The mere act was something he couldn't bring himself to do.