Chapter 2 - The dragon slayers village

Rhett saw vivid crimson, then black and then…


He was on the ground. Standing up,he immediately took the slayer pen out of his pocket and wrote on his hands:

King of the dragon slayers.

A thin light scintillated in front of him, sparking and then it exploded silently. In front of him were letters, on the air, in a small, square shaped, light stuff. The letters were scattered, soon it arranged and he saw:

NAME : King Rhett


Slayer hub: Level 1/10

[XP - 0 ]

{XP needed to Next level : 400}

Abilities - [NONE FOR NOW]

Artifacts [ NONE FOR NOW ]

[Artifacts are objects that can be found when you have just slayed a dragon, they posses supernatural powers]

Rhett smiled. This was a very popular thing that he read in webnovels and now it was happening to him.


Ash came over to Rhett.

"That's the slayer hex. It's what you'll use to lead us".

Rhett only nodded as he gazed intently at the sky, a grey cloudless horizon. He looked around him, he was surrounded by dunes, small things that added a sort of substance to the place.

The place was deserted, no trees, no life just dunes and some pebbles. Up ahead by their left was a big horse carriage coming their way. It approached them and halted. Rhett, knowing the next action he needed to take as their king said to the dragon slayers:

"Everyone aboard the carriage".

They complied and entered, Rhett entering last. He didn't actually know where the carriage was going but he decided it would be going to somewhere promising.The driver's face was covered with a mask and no one actually cared as they all remained silent. Rhett contemplated, now that he was in this world, he needed to act brave so that the dragon slayers would respect him as their king.

The journey was short as soon they arrived at a village. The carriage halted and they went out. Rhett looked forward and saw houses, huts and cottages actually, with men and women coming out of it.

The driver of the carriage was paid a penny by Ash and he drove away. Rhett took a deep breath and sauntered forward, the dragon slayers behind him.

"What do I do now?", Rhett asked Ash.

"You address the kingdom", replied Ash.

More people opened the doors of their houses as they stared at Rhett, in awe. The road they were following was narrow, houses lining both sides. The village carried a faint scent of roses and Rhett sniffed in the air occasionally.

A big rock was up ahead and Ash directed Rhett to it. Rhett went over and stood up on it while the remaining dragon slayers with him clapped and one shouted:

"Everyone out of their houses, let's welcome our new king. King Rhett!".

The villagers who had been shocked suddenly became jovial and happy as soon they all surrounded the stone by which Rhett stood startled.

Ash clapped his hands to halt the cheering and said:

"We went to earth searching for a king and now we've come with one. Back in the ancient days was a prophecy that who ever shall slay an ice dragon in our presence shall be our king. And this man here proved the prophecy right. He slayed a damn ice dragon in our presence!".

The crowd exploded into muffled shouts followed by an applause.

Ash continued: "He shall lead us to glory!".

The crowd exploded into noise again.

A young boy quickly ran over to Ash and handed him a crown which he took over to Rhett. He signalled for Rhett to bend and the latter did so, then gently, he wore the crown on his head.

The crowd cheered on and Ash continued again: "He shall now be led to the palace!".


Some men clothed in a knight armour, who clearly looked like guards walked up to Rhett. They escorted him to a large building which was clearly the palace.

Rhett walked into the palace like a king (which he clearly was). The walls of the palace were draped in intricate decorations, the floor a smooth red and the ceiling white with small chandeliers hanging on top.

A large chair sat in the middle of the palace. It was styled and looked very posh in a way. Rhett sat on it and exhaled. A short man soon scurried up to him with a drink which he gently took and drank, extending his appreciation. It was an orange drink and it actually tasted good.

Another man clothed in a cloak came up to him and gave him a long jacket made of furs which he wore. The man also helped in clothing him in a hand glove and gingerly folding a handkerchief into a stock at his throat. Lastly he encased his feets in big, cool looking boots.

About ten chairs took to Rhett's side and the other dragon slayers sat upon them. Ash now looked at Rhett intently.

"M'lord", he began. "In this world you rule as a warrior and not as a king"

Rhett furrowed an eyebrow. "How?", he asked.


Rhett didn't know where the voice came from as his head swirled around, trying to find the sound.

"That's the voice of seer", said Ash. "A force that sees all".

Before Rhett could speak, a raven flew into the windows of the palace and sat on an empty chair, a letter in it's hand. It dropped it on the ground and one of the dragon slayers picked it up and went over to give it to Rhett who opened it and read the details:

Welcome king Rhett, new king of the dragon slayers.

You must fight to survive in this world, you must slay dragons and you must participate in the battle of the slayers.

Rhett was befuddled as he looked at Ash as if to ask for clarification.

Ash sighed. "You are now king of the dragon slayers but not ruler of this world. This world is controlled by an entity no one as ever seen and the reason you are now king is to rule us to survive".

Rhett furrowed an eyebrow. "What's the name of the entity?".

The raven took to the skies and flew out the windows, a loud cry escaping from it's mouth as it did so.

"SLAYERIOUS!", exclaimed Ash.