Chapter 19 - Criminal Minds!

It was the serum that could help Super Soldiers break through to the genetic soldier realm!

If any poison blood warrior or anyone knew they had it, they wouldn't hesitate to hand over at least one million Credits, and of course, they were even more likely to kill for it.

Brittney said: "Maine, here is too dark, I cannot see anything."

"Right, let's go outside."

Maine carefully dug out the Spider King plant and walked out of the cave.

In the brighter environment, the group finally saw the Spider King plant for the first time.

The plant was about seven inches tall, with seven leaves in total, its stalk was ink black and faintly reflected the light. On the tip of the plant, there was something looked like a black spider sitting in wait there. If you just took a glance at it, you would not be able to tell if it was alive or not.

"This is the Spider King? It's so creepy!" The twin brothers commented.

Maine exclaimed, "I read about it in the books, I never expected that I would hold one myself one day."

Delery stared at the plant and licked his lips, "One Spider King plant could sell for at least One million Credits, split between the six of us is one hundred and sixty-six thousand, six hundred and sixty-six Credits each!"

The statement shook Maine out of his reverie as he turned and said to Miles: "Miles, we are in different schools and may be quite difficult to contact you not to mention it would take a while to sell the materials from the poisonous saw tooth tiger and the plant, how about I just give you your share of the money now?"

Miles was actually not interested in the Spider King plant and readily agreed with Maine's idea.

"Great, those two normal poisonous saw tooth tigers are valued about two hundred thousand Credits, that beast general would value five hundred thousand Credits, plus another one million Credits for the Spider King plant, equals one million seven hundred thousand Credits, after splitting between the six of us would be two hundred and eighty-eight thousand credits."

Maine then tapped in his holo-watch, tapping in the holographic image connected to his DNA so only he could see them he swiped his fingers towards Miles.


Miles holo-watch vibrated softly and as he tapped on it and holographic message appeared.

"Incoming credits of 283,333.33!"

"Do you wish to accept? Y/N?.

Miles immediately clicked yes.

Satisfied, Miles turned off his screen and was about ti say something when his ears twitched.

His face turned solemn as he whispered: "We have company."

Maine put away the box which contained the Spider King plant, he yelled: "I am Maine, student of the Royal Snow School, reveal yourselves please."

"Haha, the Royal Snow School, that small infamous secondary school?" There were noises coming from the bushes, a bunch of muscular men came out of the forest, the leader looked very ugly with a small half of his scalp missing, extremely horrifying.

"Bullshit!" Delery was mad.

The ugly man suddenly looked even more scary, full of murderous vibe.

Maine knew they didn't come in peace, they were probably a group of wanted criminals, his face didn't look so good at this moment, "How could we help you?"

"Haha, we are a bit tight on credits lately, it would be nice if you guys would show us your elder's some respect, if you know what I mean."

Maine frowned, "We don't have much money on us, but we could give you the Interdimensional beast body, which should be worth few hundred thousand Credits!" He couldn't be sure about their strength, but if he was right, they were all Super Soldiers while the leader is a level 3 Super Soldier. If they were to fight, besides him and Miles, no one will survive.

The ugly man was furious, "Are you deaf or blind? Do we look like beggars? A few hundred thousand Credits!? Leave the Spider King plant and get out of here now before I change my mind! Oh right, and that little girl too, I and my boys need something to relieve our anger."

The men started to laugh.

Britney turned pale, her teeth were biting the lower lips.

Maine tried to retrain his anger: "Sir, you must be joking, right?"

"Sir? Do I look like I'm old? Talk about joking, do I look the type to clown around? I am counting to ten, if you don't do what I ask, then don't blame me for what happens next." The ugly man grabbed the blade on his back.

Delery was furious, his face immediately reddened: "Cut the bullshit out! If you want to fight, then let's fight!"

The ugly man sneered: "It is not like I hate you guys, but if I decide to fight, none of you will be able leave with your lives. Of course, I will give you time to change your mind…ten, nine…"

Maine stopped smiling, his voice sounded emotionless and cold: "Sir…are you really going to do this?"

"Five, four…." The ugly man didn't reply, instead he looked at the group as if they were already corpses.

Miles and Maine shared a look, they understood what they had to do.

"Three! Fuck it, kill them!" He hadn't even finished his sentence before the ugly scarred man had already took out his blade and flashed towards the group.

The group was startled as their expectation was that the enemy would count to one then attack. But that was exactly the bandit's underhanded trick that worked every time because people were always caught off guard by it. The scarred man, the leader of the Criminals was called Mendes, a wanted criminal from the city. He used to be a bodyguard in a rich family in Helixor city.

And because of his F-rank minor flame talent, he was regarded well as a bodyguard.

However, he ended up fallimg for the beauty of his Boss's daughter. One night, he made his move. Instead of doing his job and protecting the house, he raped and killed the young lady, escaping to the Wilderness, which was why he was here today.