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I was 5 when I saw it for the first time.

It's one of my earliest memories in fact. Although it only happened a little over 4 years ago, it feels so distant. I was just starting to get a better grasp of speaking.

My father was back in the village for a few months at the time. Managed to get away from his restaurant in the Capital. Since I was still so young, he wanted to get as much time with me as he could even though he is always so busy. I was sitting in his lap by the fireplace. My belly full of a hearty stew he had made for us all before. We had been sitting there for hours as he patiently taught me the words. My mother in her nightgown watching from a rocking chair in the corner with this dreamy content smile on her face. 

My fathers large hands lifting me by my waist as he adjusted me on his lap. My lip quivering with frustration. A few tears staining my eyes. I was having a lot of trouble with the pronunciation. The word blinded seemed to stumble in my mouth. Mother kept telling Father to give me a break for the night as it was late. But he was far too determined.

" more time Yara...she's almost got it! I can feel it!" His voice, although enthusiastic, was also tinged with apprehension. Mainly due to the pensive stare and pursed lips my mother was directing towards him. But she relented with a sigh as she lifted herself up out of her chair.

"Fine...once more...and then it's off to bed." Mother states bluntly as she moves over to the large furred rug we are sitting on. Right behind Father lays my older brothers form, fast asleep within a quilt our neighbor made for him when he was born. Mother kneeling down and scooping him up into her arms. He was already almost 9 at the time and had gotten quite big but Mother is pretty strong as a [Farmer], so he was lifted with ease. "I'll settle Leone down..." Giving her husband another narrow of her eyes before stepping out of the den and back towards the bedrooms.

Father grimaced briefly, awkwardly running his fingers through his tufts of wild thick black hair that held its place around his head like cotton. My little hands held on to the collar of his white tunic. I vividly remember looking up at him with worry that I was getting him in trouble. But he quickly flashed a grin and patted my back. "No worries little got this. You almost had it." His encouragement ramping back up as he smiled wide down at me.

My mouth was so dry. It's honestly funny remembering how nervous I was just saying something so simple. But Father made it feel so magnanimous. Treating it like a big challenge instilled quite a lot of determination in me. He later on told me how adorable he thought my serious little expressions were for a 5 year old while I kept trying to sound out the words. Overblown but it paid off.

Suddenly it sort of just...clicked.

"May...the...blinded...see." I knew it was finally correct before anything even happened. My eyes slightly blurring as something began to obstruct my vision in front of me. Framed by the waning fireplace. Even though the room is so dark I could still see it so plainly. The unnatural white bold letters that slowly etched themselves before my very eyes. It was so slow the first time, as if it was still figuring out what to write. My Father was so quiet. He could tell I had done it just by the look of astonishment on my little face. 

It took about a minute or so for it to finish scrawling. The bold white etchings even forming a frame around the writing within it. So simple. But to my younger mind it was about the most magical thing I had ever seen. I felt like a [Mage]. 

But there it was. My [Window to the Soul]. My gift from god. The thing that will dictate to me my life's purpose.

I was still learning to read so it took me a bit to make out what was written.



//Name: Liore Perro

//Age: 5

//Class: [Farmer] [Unlocks in 4 Years 8 Months 15 Days 21 Hours]






As I was studying my [Window] my Fathers impatience grew too overwhelming. "Well dove...what does it say? Don't leave your old man in so much suspense here."

My face turned so red. Lips pouting at his interruption but I returned my attention to my [Window]. "It says my name..."

"Aye...should also say your age. But the important part is where it says your Class. What does it say there?"

Reading through the details again to find the right spot. " says Farmer..." I respond, feeling Fathers figure shifting back before a dull cushioned thump. Turning to see that he had let himself fall back onto the fur rug. His hands covering his face as he lets out a long sigh.

I remember feeling my heart sink so deep. My lip quivered and my arms wrapped around myself. " that bad?"

Father sprung up just as quickly as he fell back. His face wide with worry. " No no! Not bad at all. That is fantastic! No worries at all little dove!" His voice cracking with desperation as he attempted to comfort me.

My eyes had already started to water. The frown on my face so deep that the corners of my mouth almost touched the edges of my jaw. "I...isn't that what Mama is?"

Before Father could answer his spine shuddered at the voice coming from behind him. "Yes it is what Mama is...and Mama wonders why Papa sounded so disappointed at hearing that..."

My Fathers dark tan skin almost completely paled as his head slowly turned to meet his wife's dangerous gaze. "Now Yara...I wasn't disappointed or's a wonderful thing and she will make a fine [Farmer]!"

Mothers eyes narrowed even further, causing Father to sweat profusely as he raised his hands up in surrender. A fearful smile on his face as he continued. "It's just...we might have to cut back on the pricier cuts of meat for a few weeks..." He swallowed hard enough to make the wood floor creak beneath us. "...cause I definitely just lost a bet with Old-Guard."

"How much..." Yara's brows tipped inwards.

The man's teeth chattered as he shook like a leaf. "Uh...just a Two of Silver. Nothing I can't handle."

Mother pinches the bridge of her nose before sighing, too tired to really argue with her husbands poor monetary decisions. "You had best." And ended it with that before she turned her attention to me. The tall brown woman's expression softened at the still apparent worry in my eyes. Approaching calmly as she settles down onto the rug next to her husband to reach over and pull me into her lap instead. Hugging me to herself. "I always knew you'd be just like Mama...I am so proud."

With my Mothers smile shining down at me, my fears were easily soothed. "So...[Farmer] isn't bad?"

Father chuckled as he leaned in. His hand reaching over to pat my head. My poufy soft hair cushioning me from the paternal gesture. "Not bad at all little Dove. In fact it's fantastic!" He grinned as he teased away some of the tufts of black hair partially covering my eyes. "[Farmer] is one of the most important classes in the world."

My eyes widened at the prospect. Finding out I had been born as something so important filled with me warmth. "As important as Leone is?"

Both of their eyes widened at the question before they shared a smile to one another. Fathers grin widening as he tapped a finger on the tip of my nose. "Even more so! Your brother may one day fight against the forces of evil! But without you he would never have the energy to get there."

My Mother's hand pressed against my cheek and angled my face towards her. "[Farmers] are the foundation of the Grand Continent. All other classes rely on what we produce one way or another." She explained, rubbing my back in gentle circles. My eyes were getting heavier but I kept my focus clear as Mother continued. "Soldiers and Knights can't fight without food. Chefs can't cook that food without vegetables and meat. Tailors can't make clothing without cotton. Smiths can't make armor without leather. Apothecaries can't make medicine without herbs. And we can make all of that."

I could feel so much pride welling up in me at the time. Even as my eyes were fluttering. My mothers soothing voice lulling me towards sleep. I couldn't wait until I was grown so I could become something so powerful and vital to the world.

I could hear father chuckling at me over my expressions again as mother stood with me in her arms. Both of them walking down the hall and into my bedroom. Gently lowering me into bed before bundling me up in the covers. Father lights the candle on wall while Mother tucks me in.

"Am I gonna be a good [Farmer] Mama?"

Mother smiled, kneeling down next to me and leaning over to lay a kiss on my forehead. "You most certainly will. I'll train you myself in fact. So you'll have to be." She assures me with a giggle.

"Can I be a hero [Farmer]? Can I have adventures?"

Mother looked as thought she has to think about that for a moment but Father cut in from above her. "Course you can dove. You'll be the greatest [Farmer] in the world I'm sure of it."

Mother just smiled and nodded before standing up. "Sweet dreams Liore."

The two of them left my room that night. Leaving me to my over imaginative thoughts. 

"May...May the...Blinded See" I stammered, thinking I messed it up but it seems it was enough as the [Window] slowly began to etch itself out before me again. Albeit a little faster this time.



//Name: Liore Perro

//Age: 5

//Class: [Farmer] [Unlocks in 4 Years 8 Months 15 Days 20 Hours]






I fell asleep that night smiling at it. Excitedly gazing at the spots that would one day be filled with special skills and exciting quests.

And I wish everyday I could go back to being that excited for the future. But unfortunately it didn't take long for me to find out that what I was looking forward to then wasn't exactly what I would get.