Chereads / FIRST LEVEL FARMGIRL / Chapter 7 - COST

Chapter 7 - COST


My face tightens into a grimace, head turned towards the back wall next to my bed and away from my mother. Her yells making me curl up into a ball gradually. Each crack in her voice making my chest ache. She is understandably upset to learn this and she fully deserves to be. And I was trying to prepare myself for when she would inevitably find out. I even had excuses thought up. But now that it's happened...I can't bare to face her or even dare to speak.


"YARA!" Thorpe suddenly barked out, moving to stand in front of her. "I know that you are angry...but this is not the can yell at her all you want later." He would say, attempting to calm her down. Despite learning of what state I was really in he looked strangely calm. But he has always been a tempered person.

Yara looks like she is about to yell again but eventually her shoulders slump, tears falling freely from her face. She roughly rubs at her eyes with her hands as her legs collapse beneath her and she falls to her knees. "...I just don't know what to do...everything is falling apart..." She sobs. " son will be taken away and now my daughter will die? Wh...what did we do to..." But her words were cut off when Thorpe kneels down in front her and grabs her shoulders.

"She is not going to die. I will take care of it." The old man assures, his expression determined.

Mama slowly moved her hands away from her face, eyes bloodshot and looking as if she has aged years in only a few minutes. "Auguste, you know we full well we won't be able to afford it. Even if the whole village chipped in...we'd be nowhere close."

Thorpe continues to stare with a quiet calm at Mother before he turns his attention to the Paladin who is still knelt next to my bed. Him and his [Scout] who checked my window have kept silent. But Syren was keeping her head down, eyes watery and looking a bit helpless. The Paladin understood what Thorpe was looking to him for as he let out a long sigh. "I have been with the order for 30 years. I have never once seen a farmer be successfully cleansed. Few ever are even given a chance to have their value accessed"

Ah. Right. Another one of the many misfortunate aspects of being a [Farmer] rearing it's ugly head. Clerics can use faith spells to heal or cleanse a person. But it comes at a monetary cost. This cost is determined by the severity of the ailment and added with the overall value of their soul. [Farmers] in the eyes of god are seen as the most insignificant as we are the most common. And one would think that would make it cost almost nothing to heal us. But unfortunately it is drastically the opposite. 

The rarer your class, the cheaper you are to save. And with us being the most numerous class it is incredibly expensive to heal us by magical means. To the extent that no one would be willing or even able to pay for it. As if to say that we are not worth the expense and will be better left to be replaced naturally.

He shakes his head, running a gloved hand overly his beard. "Of what I have heard, the average cost for cleansing the [Dying] status from a [Farmer] was about 50 Gold 10ths...enough money to build a fortress and maintain it for 10 years."

Syren covered her mouth as her eyes widened in shock. Mothers body sunk even further into the floor. And my heart certainly sank with her. 

But Mr. Thorpe looked as calm as ever as he reached up to unbutton the top of his shirt and hooking a thumb on a chain around his neck that he pulls out and unlatches. Pulling out the rest to reveal a metal bar on the end. About the length of his palm and no wider than the grip on a dagger. It certainly appears to be a piece of currency judging by the shape and decorative etchings on it. But where the usual bars come in as copper, silver, gold, and platinum being the rarest, this one is black and crystalline looking. "This should do it..." He says while holding it up.

Everyone in the room was looking at it with furrowed brows and confusion. Everyone except for the Paladin whose eyes widened and he came to a stand swiftly, his armor clanking with the sudden movement. His pensive and reserved aura crumbled instantly under the weight of his own shock as he continued to stare at the black piece of currency without blinking. As if waiting for it to vanish before his very eyes.

The Paladins attention finally shifted to Thorpe himself as both of them locked eyes. "Who are you?"

Thorpe stared hard at the other man for a moment before finally answering simply. "A tired old man...will this be enough or not?"

Paladin Roy's jaw clenched but he nodded. "It should suffice..."

Old Guard gave a grunt in response, lowering the necklace down and clenching it into his fist. "Then I ask that you bring your [Cleric] in here so we can get this over with."

The Paladin gave a glance to his [Scout]. "Go and grab Damian. Tell him to bring the Life Scale and supplies for a cleansing ritual."

Nora gave a simple slight bow before she headed out of the room. The Paladin returned his gaze to Mr. Thorpe, staring at him quite critically. The old man meeting his stare but awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "If you really want to know...we will talk after this is done and things settle a bit." He caves a little at Roy's obvious need to pry. At least he doesn't seem hostile towards the old man. But now I am quite curious myself what he knows about Mr. Thorpe. And also...just how much that black bar was worth. Only getting a slight idea that it was somehow worth more than 50 Gold 10ths which is already boggling my mind given what sort of value the Paladin said that had.

Mother is still knelt on the floor, stunned at what is going on and just staring at Thorpe. Her hand raises a bit, hesitating, before she reaches out and grabs the old mans wrist. "Why..." She asked quietly. "...why would you go this far?"

Thorpe kneeling back down in front of her, his face softening more than I've ever seen it. Taking her hand in between his as he tried to speak but actually stopped as he chokes up a bit. "Because...almost 20 years ago I was just some stray [Guard] drinking myself to death...and you gave me a home and a purpose." He begun, giving her hand a squeeze. "You have treated me like family ever since. Entrusted me with the safety of this village and the command of its defenses." The old mans face scrunched up tight as he shakes his head. The Paladin and Syren quietly watching the exchange.

What is he leading to? I am wondering myself just why he would willingly give away something worth that much just for me. And this is certainly a lot more new information to me about him that I have ever heard before. I knew Mama and him were close friends but never really knew much else.

Thorpe cleared his throat. "You trusted me to train your son. To protect him. And I...I failed you." He admits, causing Mothers brows to furrow. Thorpes hands pulling back to settle in his lap, clenching his fists. "I knew...that Leo had been going out into the forest alone for months." The old man continued, trying his best to keep from looking away from Mothers eyes. "I caught him the first time...and instead of turning him back home...I...encouraged him." Gritting his teeth hard enough that I can hear them creak. "Told him to just stay near the shallows and to run if he got in trouble...thought he could handle most things out there already. So I let him do it..."

My mother looks speechless, her mouth slightly open as she sat there watching him as he confessed. Well I am just as surprised, having turned my head away from the wall fully to stare at him.

The old guard swallowed hard. "When the Horned Wolves started moving into the area I told him to stop going for awhile...but I should have known that he would do it anyway." Thorpe has truly slumped to the ground in front of my mother. "And to make it even worse...I stood there and watched him take all the blame and shoulder all the guilt for what happened to Liore. While I am the one who allowed it to happen at all." Finally bowing his head to her. " Liore's life is worth the expense...I am the one at fault for..." But he is suddenly cut off as a sharp SLAP echoes around the room.

Mothers hand had extended in a flash to open palm Thorpe right against his cheek. The old man stunned for a moment before he turns back to face her just as she leans forward with her brows slanted in ward. "I have had more than enough of my own kids trying to blame themselves constantly for this blunder. I do NOT need you doing it too..."

Thorpe clears his throat and nods, his cheek already turning red. "Yes ma'am..."

Mother comes to a stand to look down at him. "After my daughter is well...THEN...we will talk about this..." And as if emphasizing a moment of pause on the family strife, the [Scout] Nora is back with a young short man in white practical robes. His head sporting a buzz cut and a clean shaven face. A set of round rimmed glasses on his nose. Carrying a wooden chest with a handle. "Uh...hope I am not interrupting."

Paladin Roy took this moment to speak up. " Damian...thank you for coming. These fine folk seek your aid with a cleansing ritual. This young lady behind me suffers from the mark of death." 

The young [Cleric] slowly nods as he nervously looks back and forth between the Paladin and me. "Uh...right...yes. Uh...I was told that she is a [Farmer] correct?"

Roy gives a curt nod. "Yes she is. And I know what you are thinking, but I can assure there should be no issues. So please proceed."

Damian widened his eyes with surprise at that but also keeping a bit of skepticism that he doesn't voice aloud. "Yes Lord Paladin. Right away. Uh...excuse me Sir and Madam..." He says awkwardly as he steps past Mother and Mr. Thorpe to kneel next to my bed. 

Honestly, at this point I am even more overwhelmed than I was before. There has been so much going on in the last week that my poor mind is cracking under the pressure. I roll myself over onto my back again, wincing in pain before I start coughing hoarsely for few agonizing seconds. I think I can taste blood that time. So that definitely isn't good.

The Cleric adjusts his glasses and sets his case down on the foot of my bed, flicking open the latches as he speaks to me kindly. "Hello dear. My apologies for the intrusion. You'll be right as rain in no time I assure. Just need to do a quick check...a weighing of your souls value." He explains as he lifts a gold plated set of scales out of the case and holds it by the neck in his left hand. The scales having the usual plates on either side but with a bell affixed to the top between them. "We could just give a go with the cleanse right off the bat but when it comes to money...people tend to like...exact change..."

I understand what he is saying but in my current state I just furrow my brows in confusion at him which makes him flinch a bit. "Oh...sorry...let's just...yes..." Before he holds the scales aloft above my body and speaks with a much more confident tone suddenly. "I beseech thee divine. May the scales be balanced."

The scales began to lightly hum as a little sphere of violet flame appears above one of the scales plates, causing the plates to begin oscillating back and forth. Damians brows immediately furrow at the sight of the little ball. As does Paladin Roy, Syren, and Nora. The [Cleric] giving a light humph at it. "Uh...never seen that color on the scale before..." He said before awkwardly smiling at everyone else in the room as they looked at him with a bit of concern. But before anyone could ask a bell chime rings out from the scales, causing him to turn and sigh in relief. "As expected it would be app...ap...uuuuuuuuuhhhhhh..." Trailing off his sentence as he stared in utter confusion at the scale. Causing everyone else in the room to do the same.

The scales...are balanced?

Damian looked down to me and I looked up at him as if to answer, what the heck do you think I can say? What does that mean anyway? Leading him to laugh nervously. "Probably just a fluke...let me restart...haven't done this awhile just a bit rusty right? Haha..." Breathing through his teeth before he says, a bit less confidently this time. "I beseech thee divine. May the scales be balanced."

The little ball of purple flame appears again, the scales oscillate, and this time we all keep our eyes on it as it shifts back and forth before immediately stopping at perfect symmetry and the bell rings. The little violet flame vanishing.

Now this is starting to make ME nervous. What the hell does that mean DAMIAN!

The [Cleric] does it 3 more times in quick succession in a dead silent room before Paladin Roy reaches over and grabs the scales before he can do it a fourth time. Roy looks at me with a very puzzled look that makes me pull the blankets up over my face. He then looks over his shoulder at his [Scout]. "Nora...are you sure she's a [Farmer]?"

Nora nodding slowly, muttering something to herself again. "Yes...I've checked 8 times now."

Mother, finally having enough of this finally inhales sharply and stomps over to my bed to glare down both the Damian and Roy. "WHAT does that MEAN?"

Roy actually seemed to jolt at her sudden interruption and looks over to the [Cleric] for the answer. Damian fiddling with his hands as he turns his head to face her. "Well...if this test is would appear...that your daughters soul is..." His expression shifting through a few emotions as he tried to find the right word. "Well...weightless?"

Roy adding in. "...priceless..."

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