Things have not progressed well.
It seems that those wolves left with me a parting gift after death. My wounds have gotten seriously infected. And it's making me sick. Very...sick.
At first it was just a cough but now it's a fever. Everything feels like it's burning. Every breath I take is weak as my throat has started to swell up. I'm sweating constantly. I can barely move. Mama has had to clean me up the past two nights because everything I eat or drink passes through me.
I hate it. Not just because I feel so miserable but because Mama hasn't slept at all. Has barely left my room even. Or at least that is all it appears to me as I've been dipping in and out of consciousness every few hours. And every time I do she is already there sitting or laying on my floor next to my bed.
I think Leo came by at one point but I can barely remember. When I'm awake everything is muted and time seems to skip around. Like a blur. I think it's cause I keep blacking out.
At one point I heard Mama and Mr. Thorpe talking outside of my room. Apparently that Doctor they called probably won't be here for another week. Which I could tell made Mama even more upset. We have honestly been needing a Doctor in the village for awhile but they don't tend to stay in one place. Papa told me that the [Doctor] class is one of the rarer ones so their always needed somewhere.
From what I could hear, there is an illness going around Lanercost, our neighboring village. A lot of people getting sick there too. So just one girl probably isn't enough to warrant leaving faster. think about. But I guess I can understand.
Mama keeps asking me what my Status says when I'm lucid enough. And I keep telling her that it says I have an infection. Which isn't a lie...but not exactly all it says though.
//Name: Liore Perro
//Age: 9
//Class: [??????] [Unlocks in 3 Months 5 Days 3 Hours]
//Status: Dying [Severe] [Infection]
[?????? ??????]
I can't tell her what else it says. Every time I try my heart aches and my throat tightens. I mean how am I supposed to say it? I can't even bare to think about it let alone put it into words.
My brain keeps circling back through how I got here. Is this a punishment from god? Is this because I resented the [Class] he gave me? Is it because I picked up that book?
I don't know. There hasn't been much to do but sulk and self deprecate the past couple days now.
I hear Mama rousing from her nap on the floor next to me after the wraps against my bedroom door. I forced my eyes to open to glance towards it with a haze blanketing my vision. Mama sits up and calls out. "What is it?"
The door opens slightly to show Mr. Thorpe on the other side. "Yara. The congregation is here. The Paladin's out front with a few others."
She sat there quietly for a moment before looking over to me, seeing my eyes lightly opened. She puts on a smile and reaches over to pet my forehead but her lip quivers as she feels how hot it is to the touch. "Mama will be back with some water in a bit." She promises quietly to me before she stands up and heads over to the door, bundling her black cloud of hair up into a loose bun. "Where is Leo?"
The old man exhales slowly through his nose, a deep frown on his face. "He won't come out of his room. Barred the door with a chair I think."
Mama was quiet for a moment, a hand reaching up to rub her eyes but she doesn't seem to push the issue before she walks past Thorpe and heads down the hall towards the front door. The old man looks in my direction for a moment. I give him a weak wave of my hand which he returns before turning around to the door across from mine. Lifting up a hand to knock. "Leo. The Paladin sent to get you is here. You might want to come out soon."
Thorpe waits for a good few seconds, not getting any response. He sighs heavily, waiting a few more seconds until he finally turns and heads down the hall to join Mama.
I know how Leo must be feeling, but this is certainly not the time to be locking everyone out. I feel so useless. I want to help. He should be excited. He's going to be a hero. And because of me he keeps blaming himself and Mama is stressed.
With my door open I can hear Mama and Mr. Thorpe talking a bit. The sound of the door in the Den opening to the entrance area. Then some muffled talk outside. The old mans voice carrying a bit with it's deep tone. He seems to be inviting someone inside. And after a few minutes the sound of a door opening inside. Several heavy footsteps. The clanking and rattling of people in armor.
Usually I'd be excited at the idea of meeting a Paladin for the first time but it's taking me enough brain power just to stay conscious. But at least since their in the Den I can hear the conversation pretty well as it echoes down the hallway.
I heard Mama clear her throat. "Lord Paladin, it is an honor. I am [Farmer] Yara Perro. I am Leone's mother and the current head of this village." She introduces herself, her voice a bit hoarse and discomforted. The exhaustion evident in her tone.
A couple heavy booted steps before an unfamiliar voice speaks. A mans voice. Deep and refined with a nobles accent. But his tone comes off as warm and appreciative. "The pleasure is mine Mrs. Perro. I am [Paladin] Roy Abelard." Another quiet set of foot steps before he speaks again. "Go ahead, introduce yourself."
It's silent for a moment before a new voice speaks a little nervously. A young girl by the sounds of it. Maybe my age? "I am Syren Diadem. Its wonderful to meet you ma'am." The girl says before taking a deep breath. "S...since Leone is about my age I came a long to keep him company on the journey back."
Mama speaks after a few more seconds of awkward quiet. "That is very kind of you dear. Thank you. I am sure that will make the trip back much easier for him." Clearing her throat. "Leo is currently packing his belongings and should be ready soon..."
The Paladin speaks up again. "No immediate rush madam. We are likely to be staying for a few days as it seems a rather nasty storm is heading this way." He warns with a slight chuckle. " I hope you do not mind us burdening you for a tad bit longer than planned."
"Not at all Lord Paladin. But I am surprised to hear this, the weather is quite clear in all directions..." Mama responded with curiosity.
The Paladin replying in kind. "It certainly appears so. But Ms. Diadem here is of a rare Holy class called [Storm Herald]. Her passive allows her to predict weather patterns quite accurately and she has sensed one brewing for the last week.
I can hear Mr. Thorpe chuckle. "That is quite a handy ability there."
The girl giggles a bit nervously. "Yeah. I never really thought it was that helpful until I starting going out on missions. But now I have a lot more respect for it."
"Smart girl. And I am sure it is going to end up having a lot more uses than you think as you keep using it." Thorpe responds casually.
The Paladin cuts in to the exchange. "Only time will tell. Passives tend to be rarely straightforward with their usefulness." Pausing for a few moments before speaking again. "I apologize if I am overstepping my bounds Mrs. Perro. But are you quite alright? You look dreadfully exhausted."
It goes silent for a moment before I can hear Mama trying to answer but words aren't coming out. Mr. Thorpe clearing his throat to answer instead. "Her youngest, Leo's little sister, is gravely ill right now. Suffering from an infection after an attack by a Horned Wolf."
The young girl amongst them gasps and the Paladin hums. "I see..." Pausing a moment. "Is there not a Doctor amongst you?"
Mama finally speaks up to answer that. "Village is too small, no Doctor worth their grit will stay here. We had to call for one in Lanercost but..."
The Paladin sighs. "Right. Yes. We passed through Lanercost on the way here. They were certainly preoccupied."
I can hear Mamas breath catching in her throat, hissing through her to teeth to release tension. "Indeed. So we have been just...keeping her warm...hoping it passes." Sucking in another sharp breath. "But she just keeps getting worse..."
Silence fills the room again.
Finally someone speaks up. The girl, Syren. "C...can't we help Roy?"
A long pause before a low sigh through the nose as the Paladin responds. "Possibly. We'll have to see her for ourselves. If that is alright with you Mrs. Perro."
Mama's voice sounds shocked as she stutters a bit, trying to find the right words. "UH...oh...yes of course. She is just back here..." Before the sound of several footsteps of varying weights come moving down the hallway.
Mama steps into my room first, followed by Mr. Thorpe. Her face looks surprised but hopeful. The old man moving off to the side of the room while my mother sits down at the foot of my bed.
I watch with slightly widened eyes as 3 other figures walk into my room, crowding it up more. First being a tall man with well cut short black hair. A bit longer on the top and more shaved on the sides and back. His face sporting a nicely trimmed and shape black beard with a mustache that is style to curl up some on the ends. Very kind hazel colored eyes. A few old scars in various places. His body clad in full plate armor that nicely hugs his body but doesn't seem to hinder his movements at all. A half skirt around his waist decorated in the Paladins insignia of a deer's head facing forward with a tree of antlers spiraling up from its head.
Behind him is someone in lighter leather armor and just a metal breast plate. Also wearing the half skirt. Middle aged woman with olive skin and auburn hair tied up into a bun. Sharp green eyes.
And finally coming in from behind them is the girl whose voice I heard earlier. Despite being around Leo's age she is already taller than him from what I can tell. Her face somewhat pale. Long straight black hair that hangs down her back nearly to her waist. Greyish colored eyes that are slightly slanted inward. Dressed in a simple black gambeson, trousers, and boots. A short sword in a scabbard on her belt. Concern painted on her face the moment she sees me.
Honestly. I nearly black out again when I see her. Something about her making me lose concentration momentarily before I catch myself in a hacking and coughing fit that Mama has to help subside by rubbing my upper chest.
The Paladin steps toward me, his eyes scanning me critically but not with scrutiny. "Hello little one. I have been told you are feeling quite unwell." He says, trying to lighten up the mood some after that painful coughing.
I croak out a response that doesn't sound like much of anything coherent. My face is swelling up some as well which makes it even harder.
The Paladins expression softens. "Just going to have my friend check you over right quick. Won't be but a moment." He assures me, to which I just nod as best as I can. Giving my permission.
Roy looking over his left shoulder at the auburn haired woman with him. "Nora. If you could take a peak at her please."
The auburn haired woman, Nora, nods as she steps forward to look over me. Her eyes focusing on my face very hard. Making me feel a bit scared as I sink a bit further into my bed. The woman takes a deep breath before speaking. "May my eyes pierce the veil."
My brows furrow as that is the first time I've heard of that phrase used before. Unsure of what it means but it doesn't take long for me to guess as I see the woman's face wrinkle up. Looking pained as she turns to face the Paladin and says what I have been dreading to be said aloud.
"She's dying..."