Chereads / reincarnated as a powerful dragon / Chapter 55 - foreshadowing

Chapter 55 - foreshadowing

As I slept under Father's wing, I felt a sense of security and comfort that I had never felt anywhere else. It was as if his wing was a shield that protected me from all the dangers of the world.

When I woke up, the sun was beginning to set, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape. Father was still sleeping, his wing still wrapped protectively around me. I carefully slipped out from under his wing, trying not to disturb him.

The others were already up, playing and chasing each other around the clearing. Kieraxys was lying on a nearby rock, watching them with a curious expression. I smiled at him, and he let out a tiny growl in response.

I padded over to Kieraxys, my scales glistening in the morning light. He looked up at me with wide, curious eyes, and I gently nudged him with my snout. He let out a tiny growl, and I smiled, happy to see him so carefree. Lyriath, Vyraxys, Nyxoria, Lyrixa, and Kaidorix were still waking up, stretching their wings and yawning widely. I watched them for a moment, feeling grateful for my family and the love we shared. Mother appeared at the edge of the clearing, her eyes shining with warmth. "Good morning, little ones," she called out, her voice gentle but firm. "Today's a new day, full of possibilities. Let's make the most of it!" The others began to stir, their morning routines beginning. I settled down next to Kieraxys, feeling the warmth of the sun on my scales. Father stretched his wings, shaking out his feathers before settling in for a morning grooming session.

As Father began to preen his scales, the rest of us started to get ready for the day. Lyriath, Vyraxys, Nyxoria, Lyrixa, and Kaidorix began to chase each other around the clearing, their laughter and chirps filling the air. Mother watched them with a warm smile, her eyes shining with pride. Kieraxys, still a bit wobbly on his legs, tried to join in on the fun, but ended up tumbling to the ground. I rushed over to help him up, gently nudging him with my snout. He let out a tiny growl, but I could tell he was just playing.

I look at Mother. "Can I bring Kieraxys to the top of this mountain? You know I'm strong and tough! And I know I'm still 3 years old and Kieraxys is like a few days old now, but please can we go to the top of the mountain?"

Mother nodded "alright but be quiet, don't stay up there too long"

I grinned, excitement coursing through my veins. "Thank you, Mother! I promise we'll be careful and quiet." I looked down at Kieraxys, who gazed up at me with wide, curious eyes.

I gently scooped him up in my claws, cradling him against my chest. "Let's go, little brother," I whispered, spreading my wings wide.

With a powerful beat, I lifted off the ground, soaring upwards on the thermal currents. Kieraxys' tiny heart beat rapidly against my chest, and I could feel his warm breath on my scales.

As we flew higher, the wind rushed past us, carrying the scent of distant forests and sparkling waterfalls. We reached the top of the mountain, and I gazed out at the breathtaking view. The landscape stretched out before us like a vast, rolling sea, with towering peaks and deep valleys as far as the eye could see.

As we landed, I let go of Kieraxys, but he hugged me tight

I wrapped my claws gently around him, holding him close as he nuzzled his head against my scales. I could feel his tiny heart beating rapidly, and his warm breath on my scales was comforting. "It's okay, little brother," I whispered, my voice rumbling softly. "We're safe now. We're at the top of the mountain, and the view is amazing." I looked out at the breathtaking landscape, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment at having brought Kieraxys to this special place.

I look at him. "You like holding me close on my chest, don't you" I smiled

Kieraxys looked up at me with big, round eyes, and nodded his head slightly. He snuggled deeper into my chest, his tiny claws gripping my scales gently. I could feel his heart beating steadily against mine, and I smiled, feeling a deep sense of connection to my little brother. "I like holding you close too, Kieraxys," I whispered, my voice rumbling softly.

I wonder if my scales are so tough that not even a legendary weapon can't break it so easy

As I pondered the toughness of my scales, I recalled the stories Mother had told me about our ancestors, who had withstood even the most powerful attacks from legendary foes. I felt a surge of pride and confidence, knowing that my scales were a part of that legacy. "I think my scales are pretty tough, Kierax," I said to my little brother, "but I'm not sure if they're completely invulnerable. I guess only time will tell."

I giggled. "My scales may be able to crack from some strong hatchling or baby dragons!" I teased

Kieraxys looked up at me with a mischievous glint in his eye, and I could sense a playful growl building in his tiny chest. He let out a tiny roar, a high-pitched squeal that was more adorable than intimidating. I chuckled, delighted by his spirit, and gently nudged him with my snout.

Pov Kieraxys

I gazed up at my big brother, Tharros, my eyes wide with wonder. I let out a tiny roar, trying to sound as fierce as he did. But all that came out was a high-pitched squeal. Tharros chuckled and gently nudged me with his snout, and I felt a rush of excitement and affection. I wrapped my tiny claws around his scales, holding on tight as I gazed up at him adoringly.

I heard his strong heartbeat

I snuggled deeper into Tharros' scales, feeling the vibrations of his strong heartbeat. It was a comforting sound, one that made me feel safe and protected. I closed my eyes, letting the rhythmic beat lull me into a sense of calm, and nestled my head against Tharros' chest.

I bang my head into it

Pov Tharros

I felt a gentle bump as Kieraxys banged his head against my chest. I looked down at him, amused by his energetic display. His eyes were shining with excitement, and his tiny claws were still wrapped around my scales. I chuckled, feeling a surge of affection for my little brother. "Easy there, Kierax," I whispered, gently stroking his head with my snout.

I giggled. "You want to more easily hear my heartbeat, do you?!" I smiled

Kieraxys looked up at me with big, round eyes, and nodded his head enthusiastically. He snuggled deeper into my chest, his ears pressed against my scales as if to listen more closely to the sound of my heartbeat. I laughed, feeling a warmth in my chest at the thought of my little brother finding comfort in the sound of my heart beating.

He slammed my chest with his arm or claws

I chuckled as Kieraxys slammed his tiny claws against my chest, the impact barely registering due to his small size. "Gentle, little one!" I teased, smiling down at him. "You don't have to hit me to get my attention!" I gently wrapped my claws around him, holding him close as he continued to snuggle into my chest.

He seems to love to hear my heartbeat

I smiled, feeling a warmth in my chest at the thought of Kieraxys finding comfort in the sound of my heartbeat. "You like the sound of my heart, huh?" I whispered, my voice rumbling softly. I wrapped my claws around him a bit tighter, holding him close as he listened intently to the beat of my heart.

He nodded as a responding yes

I chuckled and gently nuzzled Kieraxys with my snout. "I'm glad you like it, little brother," I whispered. "You can listen to my heartbeat anytime you want." I settled in, holding Kieraxys close as he continued to snuggle into my chest, listening to the sound of my heart beating.

I thought to myself, 'As a genderless dragon, I have the ability to carry baby dragons inside of my belly without a mate, and as the goddess said, if I remember correctly, she said that they won't be inside an egg and they be stay there for more then 90 days for a dragon pregnancy should be by carrying an egg and I know dragon pregnancy lated for 463 days and for me it will took 553 days'

I pondered the unique aspects of my dragon physiology, marveling at the goddess's design. As a genderless dragon, I possessed the remarkable ability to carry baby dragons within my belly, free from the need for a mate. This extraordinary process defied conventional dragon reproduction, where the baby dragons were typically developed outside the mother's body. According to the goddess's words, my young would develop inside me for an impressive 553 days, far exceeding the standard 463-day gestation period for dragon eggs.

I look at Kieraxys, and he is clinging to my chest to hear my heartbeat, and I wouldn't be surprised if he be wanting to hear their heartbeat when I become sub-adult stage and I know it will take 40 years to reach that stage

I ask, "Just know you'll hear multiple heartbeats in me, in the future." He looks at me, confused

Kieraxys' eyes sparkled with curiosity as he gazed up at me, his tiny claws still clutching my scales. He tilted his head, clearly puzzled by my enigmatic statement. He let out a soft roar and growled, as if asking for clarification, his expression a mix of confusion and intrigue. I smiled, knowing that he wouldn't understand the concept just yet, but I was excited to share this future experience with him.

Pov Kieraxys

I gazed up at Tharros, my eyes wide with curiosity. I didn't understand what he meant by "multiple heartbeats". I tilted my head, trying to make sense of it. I let out a soft roar and growled, hoping he would explain. Tharros smiled and chuckled, his warm breath ruffling my scales. I snuggled deeper into his chest, feeling safe and content.

I thought to myself on what he just said, "'Multiple heartbeat inside of him in the future?' What does he mean by that? Well, maybe I can dug my less sharp claws and see'

Pov Tharros

I felt Kieraxys' tiny claws digging gently into my scales, as if he was trying to explore or investigate. I smiled, amused by his curiosity. "Ah, little one, you're trying to figure out the mystery, aren't you?" I whispered, my voice rumbling softly. I wrapped my claws around him, holding him close, and chuckled. "Patience, young one. All will be revealed in time."

Pov Kieraxys

I dug my tiny claws a bit deeper, trying to sense anything unusual. Tharros' scales were warm and comforting beneath me, and I felt his heartbeat steady and strong. But...I didn't feel anything else. No other heartbeats. I looked up at Tharros, my eyes searching for answers. He just smiled and nuzzled me gently, his warm breath making me feel sleepy.

I shook my head and kept digging to find out what he meant by 'multiple heartbeat inside'

I dug my claws a bit deeper, my tiny hands scrabbling against Tharros' scales. He chuckled and held me closer, his claws wrapping gently around me. "Easy, little one," he whispered. "You won't find what you're looking for just yet." I paused, looking up at him with a determined glint in my eye. I was going to figure out what he meant, no matter what. I started digging again, my claws scratching softly against his scales.

Tharros smiled. "When you hear multiple heartbeats, it won't be coming from my chest just somewhere else" he giggled

I stopped digging and looked up at Tharros, my eyes wide with confusion. I tilted my head, trying to understand. Tharros' smile grew wider, and he nodded. "Yes, little one. Somewhere else." He giggled again, and I felt a surge of curiosity. I let out a soft coo and chirp, trying to ask for clarification. Tharros just chuckled and hugged me close, his warm scales enveloping me.

Pov Tharros

I wrapped my claws around Kieraxys, holding him close as he looked up at me with curious eyes. His soft coos and chirps were adorable, and I couldn't help but chuckle. I knew he wouldn't understand the concept just yet, but I was excited to share this future experience with him. I gently nuzzled his head, trying to reassure him that all would be revealed in time.

He slammed his head back at my chest again to hear my heartbeat instead

I smiled, feeling a warmth in my chest as Kieraxys snuggled back into his favorite spot, listening to the sound of my heartbeat. I wrapped my claws around him, holding him close as he settled in, his tiny ears pressed against my scales. I felt a deep sense of contentment, enjoying this quiet moment with my little brother.

I smiled. "Just remember, in multiple years, you'll hear multiple heartbeats and feel something alive inside me in the future!"

Kieraxys looked up at me, his eyes sparkling with curiosity once again. He let out a soft roar and leaned back against my chest, as if trying to listen for those multiple heartbeats already. I chuckled and nuzzled him gently, knowing that he wouldn't fully understand until the time came. But I was excited to share that experience with him, and I knew it would be a special moment for both of us.

Pov Kieraxys

I snuggled back into Tharros' chest, feeling the warmth and comfort of his scales. I listened to his heartbeat, steady and strong. I thought about what he said, 'multiple heartbeats' and 'something alive inside

Him'. I didn't understand what it meant, but it sounded exciting. I let out a soft growl and closed my eyes, feeling safe and content in Tharros' arms.

I look at his body, wanting to know what he ment by 'something alive inside'

I gazed at Tharros' body, my eyes scanning his scales and muscles. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, just his usual strong and sleek physique. I tilted my head, trying to imagine what could be "alive inside" him. My eyes wandered to his stomach, and I wondered if that's where this mysterious "something" could be. I let out a soft growled, my curiosity getting the better of me.

Pov Tharros

I looked down at Kieraxys, seeing the curiosity in his eyes as he gazed at my stomach. I smiled, knowing that he was trying to figure out what I meant by "something alive inside me". I gently stroked his head, chuckling softly. "Not yet, little one," I whispered. "But soon enough, you'll understand."