Soon after the two shared their small talk, two platters of food came along and were planted on their table with a large thud. The scent of the sweet honey glazed over the seared roast, surrounded by some cubed potatoes and greenery. Next to it was a fizzy orange drink that seemed to have frothed at the top with an orange slice attached to the glass. The two sets of meals were identical and overwhelmed Dante's nose with a myriad of scents. As the meat continued to sizzle, Terra had already begun slicing into her meal, slowly and methodically taking down the beast that was in front of her.
Dante watched as she finished off her plate and began on her drink before she stopped to look at him.
"What? Are you not going to eat your food?"
"I just…didn't know you could eat like that."
She paused for a moment and set her drink down softly. Closing her eyes to take a deep breath before bringing her hand up to her mouth to cough.
"Sorry…I just really enjoy Honey Roast."
She seemed to turn away out of embarrassment though it made Dante feel better to see her in a good mood. Shortly after, dragging footsteps were heard approaching the table, which eventually turned out to be Xavien. He had a look of a drained man as the group he conversed with before had left the tavern laughing in arms with one another. Dante turned to him as he took a bite out of the roast.
"Did you talk to your friends?"
"Friends…they aren't my friends…those girls were fiends! They left the tab with me!"
"Oh, dine and dashers…but in this case. It's you who had to pay for their dash."
"I don't need you telling me what I already know!"
His head sunk low as he began to wallow in the loss of his funds. Dante continued to eat his meal, appreciating the taste and flavors that seeped through the roast and its honeyed textured. The perfect blend between sweet and savory were met when this meal was created. He looked back to Terra as he finished his food and seemed more focused now that he had a full stomach.
Terra seemed to have finished her drink as she prepared to set out their gameplan. She seemed to be in a much better mood than before as her empty plate was scrapped completely of scraps.
"Alright, we're off to my godfather to help out with your paperwork! Then next stop, Auradelle Academy!"
"Right on!"
Xavien's head still sank low after the events and the two gave him a pat on the back before they paid their bill and began to set out into the city once more. This time dragg