Chereads / Enlil / Chapter 26 - Lost

Chapter 26 - Lost

I lightly jogged, it was better to save up my stamina rather than go on a full on sprint without knowing what's ahead.

The goat creature followed behind me, its speed can't even match a normal goat which gave me more confidence to jog rather than sprint.

The face of Gerald was impassive, goat cries escaped from its closed mouth and the lamp it held was burning endlessly.

A singular human hand attached to its back carried the lamp and the ever consuming darkness slowly closed in the lamp's light.

It didn't seem to be getting tired.

But me?

Exhaustion filled my bones, I didn't know how long it has been since I started running, maybe the fake 'Ronald' noticed my escape.

I assume Ronald to be dead, his death was way too abrupt, not even a scream or resistance could be seen.


If 'it' could kill him that instantly why did it not do the same with me?

The sound of goat hooves cluttering on the ground reached my ears.

Oh how I hated it.

The sound was delayed, it could only be heard when it leaps onto the air and when it lands, it's dead silent.

Escape and report.

We decided on that before entering the village.

As long as atleast one of us manages to escape.

But I'm not that heartless, am I?

My survival comes first but why should I survive?

What's after survival?

Simply survive?

How is that different from death?

Eventually you will get tired of surviving.

Without them I have no joy or purpose in living.

Ronald might not be dead and if there's a sliver of possibility I will save him.

It might seem stupid but this isn't out of logic of survival, it's out of morality and loyalty.

My pace remained the same, the fear of another pit on the road seemed possible but I have no option to stop.

It might seem comical, a man running on a leisure pace while a goat creature follows him.

I ran in the dark, the fear of collision was forgotten and it was no different from being blind.

It felt suffocating, the endless tangile darkness remained indifferent, whatever happens inside will never reach the light.

Fear gripped my heart, the goat cries changed to wails and laughter.

Human laughter with a demonic touch.

It was mocking me, infuriating.

Gerald and Cillian went together, Rowen is alone in the house where we have stored our supplies.

I hesitated, 'Ronald' might have already noticed it so there's no need to hide it now.

I took a whistle from my pouch and blew.

It was the whistle of danger, the cue for Rowen to escape without looking back.

But Rowen is alone by himself, a perfect opportunity for these creatures.

Which meant that Rowen might not be alive anymore.

Instead of Rowen, 'Rowen' might be there.

I sighed, the fear of the unknown didn't sit well with me.

I wasn't really afraid of it, just uncomfortable.

But now?

I felt fear.

My heart pounded, I wanted to dig a pit and hide, maybe bargain or just sleep.

If I fell unconscious, I won't be able to witness them right?

What frightened me wasn't the creature itself but the suffocating darkness.

As long as a physical body is present it meant I could fight back.

But how can I fight darkness?

I felt like a blind man in search of eyes.

During this futile attempt at escape, I have stumbled and fell numerous times but I still stood up.

Giving up wasn't an option for me.


The village:

Gerald sat on the floor, his hands gripping his hair tightly, his expression remained unknown as his head hung low.

Cillian gazed onto the outside sight, his figure hiding behind the window to not notify the creatures.

They were on their way towards Joseph and Ronald but we're forced to hide in this two story building.

Their lamp had long been estinguished, the only source of light being the lamps held by the

'Geralds', 'Ronalds', 'Rowens', 'Josephs' and the 'Cillians'.

Goat bodies with human heads, a tale of folklore turned true overnight.

The pressure proved to be too much for Gerald, Cillian felt frustration rise in his heart, the situation of others were unknown.

All in all, it was hopeless.

Gerald sighed in his heart, they didn't even dare to breath loudly as not to alert the creatures.

His plan of atleast one surviving proved to be futile, the enemy's goals remained unknown along with that they are capable of.

'Are they mocking us or are they trying to save time by frightening us?'

He thought about it, why would they try to frighten them if they could kill them right away?

That meant they were incapable of that right?

He stood up, his mind made up, he walked towards the window, his hands on the wall guiding him towards Cillian.

Eventually his fingers grazed against Cillian, he tapped his shoulder, a sign to leave.

Cillian turned away from the window, it was time to leave.

They came face to face, the darkness his their expression but they both knew they were ready.


Something felt wrong.

Even if they were quiet due to the monsters outside and despite the darkness covering their faces, something felt wrong..

Cillian felt wrong..

Gerald moved his hand towards Cillian's face, trying his best to take in his features.

An outstretched grin, dry skin, no nose, the distance between the eyebrows and the eyes were too high, his face was long like a horse...

Gerald took back his shaking hands, the urge to scream collided with the lump in his throat, the darkness and the unknown entity in the darkness made him fall onto the floor.

Gerald wasn't with Cillian anymore.

He was alone, with a creature of horror.



My breath hitched, I don't know how long it has been since I started running, the goat still followed me, its speed slightly increasing by the moment as if to mock my exhaustion.

Its laughter, a mix of human and goat cries, something that makes you stay up at night.

My legs were starting to betray me, the exhaustion and pain made it want relief rather than escape from this hell.

I have long abandoned my mace, not willingly, it just slipped out from my hand.

I don't know what's the situation at the other side, maybe they are suffering the same thing as me or something worse or maybe they noticed it before me and escaped.

Or maybe they're dead..

No not dead, their lives would be carried out by these fakes.

Cold death, hidden by the darkness, identity stolen and died in fear and not knowing why they deserved this.

A rock, hidden by the darkness, made me stumble, my hands raised in reflex and I avoided my face being planted onto the ground.

The goat got close, its laughter was so close to my ear, despite my exhaustion the fear made me stand up and run.

And run and run, like a machine of cowardice.

Eventually I'll get tired and won't even be able to move, what would happen then?

Just where did everything go wrong?

I have been running for too long, I might've escaped the village by now, it was a small village but the darkness made me question my perception of time and distance.

No I'm sure the distance I've ran was enough to escape the village, so why?

So why haven't I stepped on a any paddies surrounding the village yet?

Don't tell me..

Am I lost?

Lost inside the darkness?

And thus Joseph was wandering inside the cold and inevitable darkness, lost without direction nor help.

The isolation made him hallucinate, the goat creature has disappeared for a long time but he still ran.

The laughter disappeared but he still rain.

It became a second nature, etched into his mind.


And run he did.

Until exhaustion took over and he was left in the cold night, alone and frightened.