Chereads / Thick Of It / Chapter 6 - Ravenclaw

Chapter 6 - Ravenclaw

The prefects led the first-years through the dimly lit corridors of Hogwarts, the flickering torches casting dancing shadows on the ancient stone walls. The Gryffindor and Ravenclaw groups shared the path for a while, chatting excitedly as they walked.

Jason spotted Harry and Ron ahead and jogged to catch up. "Hey, fellas! How are you guys doing?"

Harry turned, his face lighting up. "Jason! It's good to see you again."

Ron grinned, though his tone carried a hint of disappointment. "Man, it's a shame you didn't get sorted into Gryffindor."

Jason smiled, clapping Ron on the shoulder. "No worries, mate. We can always meet up, talk, and have some fun. After all, we're already friends."

Harry nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, we'll definitely catch up later."

From the front of the Ravenclaw group, Penelope Clearwater called out, "Now, all of you, follow me!"

Jason gave Harry and Ron a quick wave. "Well, that's my cue. Let's meet later, yeah?"

"Yeah, see you later," Harry and Ron replied together.

Jason followed the rest of the Ravenclaw group as they ascended a winding staircase. They soon reached a tall, arched door adorned with the emblem of a sphinx. As the students gathered before it, the sphinx logo shimmered to life and spoke in a melodic, enigmatic voice:

"I have no sword, I have no spear,

Yet rule a horde which many fear,

My soldiers fight with wicked sting,

I rule with might, yet am no king.

What am I?"

Penelope Clearwater turned to the group with an encouraging smile. "So, would anyone like to try? This is how we Ravenclaws gain entry to our dormitory. A riddle will greet you every time. Solve it, and the door opens."

The first-years glanced nervously at one another, none daring to speak. Jason furrowed his brow, thinking hard. The riddle tugged at the edge of his mind, but he couldn't quite piece it together.

Penelope, noticing their hesitance, offered reassurance. "There's no need to feel discouraged. When I was your age, I couldn't answer these riddles either. It takes practice, but you'll get the hang of it soon enough."

Jason, determined not to let the silence linger, stepped forward. "A wasp queen?"

All heads turned to him, some in surprise and others with quiet curiosity.

Penelope smiled approvingly. "That's the spirit. Trying is what matters." She turned to the sphinx and said confidently, "Wasp queen."

The sphinx's voice rang out. "Wrong."

A few students exchanged glances, some looking at Jason as if expecting him to show disappointment. Instead, Jason simply shrugged and smiled.

One boy smirked, his tone laced with mockery. "Nice try, mate. Maybe next time."

Penelope's expression hardened as she turned to address the group. "Now, listen here. We Ravenclaws never ridicule someone for trying. That's how we learn and grow—from our mistakes."

The boy flushed and looked away as Penelope stepped closer to the door. "The answer is 'queen bee.'"

The sphinx's eyes glowed briefly before the door swung open with a low creak.

Jason grinned. "Ah, clever one."

Penelope turned back to the group, her expression softening. "Jason had the right idea—he was close. Wasps don't rule with as much might as bees do. But I hope you all remember that effort is what matters most."

The group murmured their understanding as they followed her into the Ravenclaw common room.

The Ravenclaw common room was a breathtaking sight. High, arched windows framed a panoramic view of the starry sky, while a magnificent domed ceiling glittered with constellations. Bookshelves lined the walls, overflowing with ancient tomes and scrolls. A roaring fireplace cast a warm glow over the elegant blue and bronze furnishings.

Standing before the group was Professor Flitwick, beaming as he spread his arms wide in welcome.

"Welcome, welcome, my dear Ravenclaws!" he said, his voice high-pitched and cheerful. "I am Professor Flitwick, your Head of House. Let me say how delighted I am to have you all here. Ravenclaw House prizes wit, learning, and wisdom. As such, we value curiosity, creativity, and the drive to seek knowledge above all else."

He gestured toward the room with a proud smile. "This, my friends, will be your home for the next seven years. I encourage you to embrace the spirit of our house motto: 'Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.' Remember, though, that learning is not just about books and spells. It's about asking questions, exploring ideas, and growing from every experience."

His gaze swept over the group, his tone becoming slightly more serious. "Conduct yourselves with honor, kindness, and fairness. Support one another, and never be afraid to ask for help. Together, we will make Ravenclaw the pride of Hogwarts."

Flitwick clapped his hands. "Now, before we proceed, let's take a moment to introduce ourselves. I'd love to learn more about each of you."

The students hesitated briefly before Jason stepped forward, drawing their attention. "Hello, everyone. My name is Jason. I'm from a muggle family, and I'm looking forward to learning all about magic here at Hogwarts."

A boy stepped forward next. "Hey, I'm Simon Minter. I'm a half-blood—my dad's a wizard. " He nodded toward a grinning boy beside him.

A boy with a warm smile introduced himself next. "Hi, I'm Tobi. My dad works at Gringotts. I'm excited to be here—it's my first time away from home."

Another boy followed. "Hello, I'm Josh Bradley. I'm a pureblood. My family's been part of the magical world for generations."

A quiet boy stepped forward next, his dark eyes serious. "Hello, I'm Vik. I'm from India, and I'm honored to be part of Ravenclaw."

The girls began introducing themselves, starting with a tall, confident girl. "Hi, I'm Talia Mar. I'm a pureblood, and I can't wait to see hogwards"

Next was a girl with a bright smile. "Hello, everyone. I'm Freya. I'm a half-blood—my mum's a witch."

Finally, a girl with sleek black hair stepped forward. "Hey, I'm Padma Patil. My family's magical, and I'm really happy to be here."

Professor Flitwick clapped his hands again. "Wonderful introductions! Now, your prefects will show you to your rooms. Rest well, my young Ravenclaws. Tomorrow, your magical journey begins!"

The first-years followed the prefects up the spiraling staircases, their excitement tempered by exhaustion. As Jason settled into his new bed, he couldn't help but smile.