"Wait, did you just say accepting, does that even make sense, had the people in magic department been so accepting or for that matter 'you' the one who holds the entire department in your grip been more accepting then why? Why did you never share a single meal with Wellesley in the past 2 years"
"Christopher focus, the point here is not about Wellesley, and for your information we are indeed more accepting than others, If you don't believe me just check the information available on all the ministers, then you will see that the only minister who is commoner is wellesley, the head of magic department now let me continue....." he gave a brief pause and continued,
"And as you can see, administrative department is one, on which nobility has a huge hold on so they don't tend to give way to other people. I don't know about your world , but in my world. The most people who have contact with commoners tend to be administrative department because they obliged with the responsibility of fixing problems in the local areas and when these two social groups the nobility with their traditional and conservative way of thinking are faced with commoners with modern and more liberal thoughts there are bound to be conflicts, the result of such conflicts are obvious a more strained relationship. As a result of such regular confrontations nobles tend to act neglect fully and ignore people's request. In that case, what do you think will happen when a majority crisis falls upon them.. people will point their fingers not to the actual problem but towards the administrative department specifically. So what should your plan be?"
He asked waiting for an appropriate answer , I didn't it disappoint him and immediately said
"to dismantle the administrative department. But if something happens to the administrative department won't it effect the entire system, won't it cause any problem for us in the future? Are you sure about this"
My reply was sharp, because now I wasn't thinking only about the short-term issues but the things that could happen in the far future.
Prince understood my worries and said, "you take my words quite literally I am no fool and I wasn't planning on dismantling it completely, Broken administrative department can be disadvantageous inshort run but if it continuedlong this could expose our weakness to some rebellious internal powers leaving us vulnerable to their revolts. So I intend to create distrust among the people and the administrator department but, this distrust will fade away once we receive their backing and I became the emperor. I was just asking you to destroy its reputation for now. Because most of the people in the administrative department back my dear brother and if something was to happen to them , it would indirectly affect him, and he will lose a lot without us losing even a single soldier"
" Hmm... perfect I will see what's ideal for the people here" I said formulating few plans in my head.
The next day , I spent my time studying the geography of the region, the southern region of the empire was seperated from the western region by Ebu mountain range, they are positioned in such away that the clouds carrying moisture hits the mountain leading to orogenic rainfall on the windward side and the leeward side always sees minimal rainfall, leading to droughts. The precipitation here is so high that the people never lack water and majority of the crops they cultivate are high water consuming crops So what can be done to Cause instability in such a prosperous place..
" I don't really know what should I do here why don't you help me " I said to prince, who seemed to enjoy my situation.
But he still relented and said, " what's there so hard to think about Christopher building something takes decades but destorying it only new a few minutes and if you think along these lines without considering loss other parties would face you will have a solution."
"Thinking like a villain...ha"
I said as I thought living the life for villain or thinking like one was no fun but I guess I have to do it. If I have to survive in this world so be it,
It really seems being a villain Is far more easier compared to being a protagonist, Just like the prince said, building something is hard compared to breaking it.
"Breaking something, breaking, beaking, bre... wait how about this, I will just break whatever structures that are used to store or divert water like dams, reservoirs or something, let's say there are cracks in them and appearance of cracks, In such structures, that to in peak monsoon season, might lead to floods, destruction of infrastructure and might cost millions in losses and when such an event occurs, people panic and they tend to resort to protest. Because they will be losing everything they built over years or decades like homes or factories, Many people might face issues regarding food supplies, loss of livestock and their loved ones, this will only be adding more fuel to fire leading to desperation,
desperation leading to questions, questions which no one can answer, the people who are already fed up with the current social structure will only consider such occurrences as sign of negligence.... that is when these peaceful protests will take a diversion spiraling into something dangerous something that can endanger the administrative department itself."