Chapter 38 - Preparations

After a whole night of running back and forth his Christopher was about to sleep when a thought struck his head , He had actually forgotten something really important. He forgot to make arrangements for his wedding. Christopher initially wanted to do everything by himself.He wanted to surprise Wellesley. But this situation was entirely useless because he was still in the position to make it happen. He immediately summoned Arslan and said,

" Arslan go to the market and get me things I'll write a list and make sure that everything you have is of top quality and get the information about the top jewellery in this place. And of course the tailor and arrange a place, that place has to be very special. Like a mountain, a small beach, a hotel or anything that has to be reputed You're getting what I mean, right that place has to have something significant to it. It has to be like um I don't know how to put it but yah it has to be beautiful enough to blow away anyone's mind. "

Arslan was on the Verge of fainting after hearing this. 'Please oh god Akrat what sin did I commit for my lord to ask me to do things so insignificant, my lord asking me to search for Tailor, jeweler.....

how much trust has his Lord lost in me to ask me, such unworthy things?

I Arslan son of Duke Orlando, a Warrior powerful enough to destroy a county all by myself am being used for such trivial things.'

Despite all his thoughts Arslan was happy to know that his lord has began to be kinder compare to his fast past self,

Come on, Aslam "You have to do all the task assigned .With Lord's satisfaction I can win his his heart and now all that's left is to do the things right"

Arslan bowed his head, Left Christopher's room.

Within an hour, he returned with a list of people who were, who owned the luxurious shops nearby and also a list of people who were talented in identifying good jewels and boutiques.

Christopher checked the list and circled 2 to 3 shops, He had his priorities listed first on the list was to get a good dress he wanted Wellesley to be dressed like no other bride. He wanted her to be the most perfect than any human could ever be. Keeping this in mind he left for boutique,

The boutique he headed to was called The Rosa boutique and it was the owned by some noble Though Christopher remained calm on the surface inside his head was about to explode him, as all these processes were giving him a headache. These boutique all around the Empire were run by a reservation system and even if they served the nobility mainly, they too had to get an prior appointment about 2 to 3 months before this scheduled event. Only then it was guaranteed that their dress would be available by the time of the event but now he didn't have the time to follow their ridiculous procedure and for God's sake, all they had to do was stitch at dress and the time they were taking for each one is the most ridiculous thing he had heard in a millinea, He instantly decided that He would use his authority as an Imperial prince to make them bow their heads and obey him. He instantly barged into the manager's room who was shocked to see him.

Security guards were never an issue as Arslan was already handling them.So he didn't have much problem with intruding the building

The manager was about to yell at him, but Christopher. Just show his Imperial badge and said, "Listen up, idiot. I'm in a rush, and in no mood to get into some unreasonable quarrels, so I'll put forth my demand and you people follow through it and don't open that mouth of yours to try and bargain something or blackmail me. It's not gonna work and I'm not going to back down either. So do your thing and your shop, your job and your life will be secure if not , no one can guarantee your future.

"You.. hooligan, you are using my identity to literally bargain a f***ing dress... Look, don't try to evade my question.I'm seriously getting confused with your attitude How can you just say you are using her?And at the same time , care about ridiculous things like a wedding dress" prince was fuming with anger confuseed by my attitude.

I had the option of ignoring him like always. But today is an important day. So I didn't want him popping out any moment and asking me ridiculous things so I just try to shut him up by saying,

"Prince I'm not contradicting anything. I'm just following through my words. I said we need her on our side. So I'm trying my best to have her by our side meaning she has to love us blindly, and for that to happen, we have to do everything in our power to make her realise that we are putting in effort and this wedding dress and all those jewels we'll be handing over to her are just to prove this point. I know what's your next questions going to be, How do I know she is going to agree to all this without any questions and my answer would be, You don't have to worry about that first let me do my thing and I'll handle the rest. All you have to do is shut your mouth and get a good sleep"