Chereads / HarryAir PotterAir and the Airerers’ AirSeals / Chapter 6 - Chapter Three: HarryAir at the AirHamlet

Chapter 6 - Chapter Three: HarryAir at the AirHamlet

Ten years later, AirHamlet which was its formal and less used name, informally and more known as Nestland Flyway to its air-humans and air-beasts' air-inhabitants, had a quarter which was an Airhood — Airhuman Airhood — which was so-called because it inhabited the air-human 'Of Air' and AirAvatars and their warder-father and wardress-mother and their warder-brother and wardress-sister, and the 'Of Air' air-men and air-women and 'Of Air' air-boys and air-girls twins who lived within it — as the air-humans had ten years ago appeared in the nest of the DursleyAirs, and the DursleyAirs had warmly welcomed in their lives. Airhuman Airhood was headed by an air-man and an air-woman — Mr Airmanie of Air and Mrs Airwomanie of Air. Airhuman Airhood was also an immobile air-isle, which had a tall and thick tillandsia tree with big and strong branches, and the tree was a tree neighbourhood which contained twenty-one nests — mostly storied nests — which stood either mobile or immobile within its canopy, and the nests had double doors on their boughy roofs and branchy floors which served as double entries and exits to them, and small windows on their sides; and each nest inhabited the twenty-one air-humans' families who all lived as good neighbours, and the best neighbours they were to each other, as they were all friends and family towards one another.


In AirHamlet AKA Nestland Flyway, in its Airhuman Airhood, in Nest Number Zero, in a simple nest, lived the DursleyAirs — also Airsleys, Mr VernonAir and Mrs PetuniaAir — also Mr Airion and Mrs Arletta, who also were Mr and Mrs DursleyAir — also Mr and Mrs Airsley, and who were parents to their twin children — an ten-year olds boy and girl called DudleyAir and DudleyaAir — also Airien and Airian, and who were all true humans and human-air-humans; as they could not fly nor glide, and had no feathers, no plumes, no wings, no patagia, and only flew and glided with air-human-made air-magical featherostomies and plumostomies implanted on their bodies, or feather-wears and plume-wears which they wore on their bodies; and also wingostomies and patagiumostomies implanted on their backs and sides, or wing-wears and patagium-wears which they wore on their backs and sides. Mr and Mrs DursleyAir also were warder and wardress — also warder-dad and wardress-mum, and also AirBoy AirWarder — warder of air of the AirBoy, and AirGirl AirWardress — wardress of air of the AirGirl, to their ten-year olds boy and girl second twins HarryAir and HarraAir who were their ward and wardess — also ward-son and wardess-daughter; and DudleyAir and DudleyaAir also were warder-brother and wardress-sister, and also AirBoy AirWarderBrother — warder-brother of air of the AirBoy, and AirGirl AirWardressSister — wardress-sister of air of the AirGirl, to HarryAir and HarraAir; and HarryAir and HarraAir were aired air-humans who lived with them.


The DursleyAirs' air-human neighbours, lived in the other nests, as in Nest Number One, in an aired-shaped nest, lived the Airanies of Air — Mr Airmanie of Air and Mrs Airwomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Airboyie of Air and Airgirlia of Air, who were aired air-humans; in Nest Number Two, in a gas-shaped nest, lived the Gasies of Air — Mr Gasmanie of Air and Mrs Gaswomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Gasboyie of Air and Gasgirlia of Air, who were gased air-humans; in Nest Number Three, in a feather-shaped nest, lived the Featheries of Air — Mr Feathermanie of Air and Mrs Featherwomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Featherboyie of Air and Feathergirlia of Air, who were feathered air-humans; in Nest Number Four, in a plume-shaped nest, lived the Plumeies of Air — Mr Plumemanie of Air and Mrs Plumewomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Plumeboyie of Air and Plumegirlia of Air, who were plumed air-humans; in Nest Number Five, in a wing-shaped nest, lived the Wingies of Air — Mr Wingmanie of Air and Mrs Wingwomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Wingboyie of Air and Winggirlia of Air, who were winged air-humans; in Nest Number Six, in a patagium-shaped nest, lived the Patagiumies of Air — Mr Patagiummanie of Air and Mrs Patagiumwomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Patagiumboyie of Air and Patagiumgirlia of Air, who were patagiumed air-humans; in Nest Number Seven, in a flyed nest, lived the Flyies of Air — Mr Flymanie of Air and Mrs Flywomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Flyboyie of Air and Flygirlia of Air, who were flyed air-humans; in Nest Number Eight, in a glided nest, lived the Glideies of Air — Mr Glidemanie of Air and Mrs Glidewomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Glideboyie of Air and Glidegirlia of Air, who were glided air-humans; in Nest Number Nine, in a bird-shaped nest, lived the Birdies of Air — Mr Birdmanie of Air and Mrs Birdwomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Birdboyie of Air and Birdgirlia of Air, who were birded air-humans; in Nest Number Ten, in a bat-shaped nest, lived the Batties of Air — Mr Batmanie of Air and Mrs Batwomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Batboyie of Air and Batgirlia of Air, who were batted air-humans; in Nest Number Eleven, in a tillandsia-shaped nest, lived the Tillandsiaies of Air — Mr Tillandsiamanie of Air and Mrs Tillandsiawomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Tillandsiaboyie of Air and Tillandsiagirlia of Air, who were tillandsiaed air-humans; in Nest Number Twelve, in a cladosporium-shaped nest, lived the Cladosporiaies of Air — Mr Cladosporiummanie of Air and Mrs Cladosporiumwomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Cladosporiumboyie of Air and Cladosporiumgirlia of Air, who were cladosporiumed air-humans; in Nest Number Thirteen, in an aerococcus-shaped nest, lived the Aerococciies of Air — Mr Aerococcusmanie of Air and Mrs Aerococcuswomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Aerococcusboyie of Air and Aerococcusgirlia of Air, who were aerococcused air-humans; in Nest Number Fourteen, in a diamond-coloured nest, lived the Diamondies of Air — Mr Diamondmanie of Air and Mrs Diamondwomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Diamondboyie of Air and Diamondgirlia of Air, who were diamonded air-humans; in Nest Number Fifteen, in a platinum-coloured nest, lived the Platinumies of Air — Mr Platinummanie of Air and Mrs Platinumwomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Platinumboyie of Air and Platinumgirlia of Air, who were platinumed air-humans; in Nest Number Sixteen, in a sky-shaped nest, lived the Skyies of Air — Mr Skymanie of Air and Mrs Skywomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Skyboyie of Air and Skygirlia of Air, who were skyed air-humans; in Nest Number Seventeen, in a white-coloured nest, lived the Whiteies of Air — Mr Whitemanie of Air and Mrs Whitewomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Whiteboyie of Air and Whitegirlia of Air, who were whited air-humans; in Nest Number Eighteen, in an upbistriangle-shaped nest, lived the Upbistriangleies of Air — Mr Upbistrianglemanie of Air and Mrs Upbistrianglewomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Upbistriangleboyie of Air and Upbistrianglegirlia of Air, who were upbistriangled air-humans; in Nest Number Nineteen, in an aircraft-shaped nest, lived the Aircrafties of Air — Mr Aircraftmanie of Air and Mrs Aircraftwomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Aircraftboyie of Air and Aircraftgirlia of Air, who were aircrafted air-humans; and in Nest Number Twenty, in a simple human nest, lived the Humanairies of Air — Mr Humanairmanie of Air and Mrs Humanairwomania of Air, and their boy and girl twins Humanairboyie of Air and Humanairgirlia of Air, who were true humans and human-air-humans as the DursleyAirs.


Beside the Airhood was another Airhood — Airbeast Airhood — which was so-called because it inhabited HarryAir and HarraAir's 'Of Air' and AirAvatars air-beast-boy and air-beast-girl twins, DudleyAir and DudleyaAir's air-beast-boy and air-beast-girl twins who had been bought, and the 'Of Air' air-beast-men and air-beast-women and 'Of Air' air-beast-boys and air-beast-girls twins, who lived within it — as the air-beasts had ten years ago also appeared in the nest of the DursleyAirs, and the DursleyAirs had warmly welcomed in their lives. Airbeast Airhood was headed by an air-beast-man and an air-beast-woman — Mr Airbeastmanie of Air and Mrs Airbeastwomania of Air. Airbeast Airhood was also a small, immobile air-islet, which had a slightly tall and thick tillandsia tree with slightly big and strong branches, and the tree was a tree neighbourhood which contained twenty-one nests — mostly storied nests — which stood either mobile or immobile within its canopy, and the nests had double doors on their boughy roofs and branchy floors which served as double entries and exits to them, and small windows on their sides; and each nest inhabited the twenty-one air-beasts' families who all lived as good neighbours, and the best neighbours they were to each other, as they were all friends and family towards one another, and to the air-humans of Airhuman Airhood.


In Airbeast Airhood, in Nest Number Zero, in a simple nest, lived HarryAir and HarraAir's beast-boy and beast-girl twins, Airbeastie of Air and Airbeastia of Air who were aired air-beasts; who lived with DudleyAir and DudleyaAir's beast-boy and beast-girl twins, DudbeastieAir and DudbeastiaAir, who were true beasts and beast-air-beasts as they could not naturally fly or glide, and had no feathers, no plumes, no wings, no patagia, and only artificially flew and glided with air-beast-made air-magical featherostomies and plumostomies implanted on their bodies, or feather-wears and plume-wears which they wore on their bodies; and also wingostomies and patagiumostomies implanted on their backs and sides, or wing-wears and patagium-wears which they wore on their backs and sides. HarryAir and HarraAir and DudleyAir and DudleyaAir always were with them in their nest, or at the DursleyAirs' nest.


Airbeastie and Airbeastia and DudbeastieAir and DudbeastiaAir's air-beast neighbours, lived in the other nests, as in Nest Number One, in a small aired-shaped nest, lived the Airbeastanies of Air — Mr Airbeastmanie of Air and Mrs Airbeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Airbeastboyie of Air and Airbeastgirlia of Air, who were aired air-beasts; in Nest Number Two, in a small gas-shaped nest, lived the Gasbeasties of Air — Mr Gasbeastmanie of Air and Mrs Gasbeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Gasbeastboyie of Air and Gasbeastgirlia of Air, who were gased air-beasts; in Nest Number Three, in a small feather-shaped nest, lived the Featherbeasties of Air — Mr Featherbeastmanie of Air and Mrs Featherbeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Featherbeastboyie of Air and Featherbeastgirlia of Air, who were feathered air-beasts; in Nest Number Four, in a small plume-shaped nest, lived the Plumebeasties of Air — Mr Plumebeastmanie of Air and Mrs Plumebeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Plumebeastboyie of Air and Plumebeastgirlia of Air, who were plumed air-beasts; in Nest Number Five, in a small wing-shaped nest, lived the Wingbeasties of Air — Mr Wingbeastmanie of Air and Mrs Wingbeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Wingbeastboyie of Air and Wingbeastgirlia of Air, who were winged air-beasts; in Nest Number Six, in a small patagium-shaped nest, lived the Patagiumbeasties of Air — Mr Patagiumbeastmanie of Air and Mrs Patagiumbeastwomania, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Patagiumbeastboyie of Air and Patagiumbeastgirlia of Air, who were patagiumed air-beasts; in Nest Number Seven, in a small flyed nest, lived the Flybeasties of Air — Mr Flybeastmanie of Air and Mrs Flybeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Flybeastboyie of Air and Flybeastgirlia of Air, who were flyed air-beasts; in Nest Number Eight, in a small glided nest, lived the Glidebeasties of Air — Mr Glidebeastmanie of Air and Mrs Glidebeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Glidebeastboyie of Air and Glidebeastgirlia of Air, who were glided air-beasts; in Nest Number Nine, in a small bird-shaped nest, lived the Birdbeasties of Air — Mr Birdbeastmanie of Air and Mrs Birdbeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Birdbeastboyie of Air and Birdbeastgirlia of Air, who were birded air-beasts; in Nest Number Ten, in a small bat-shaped nest, lived the Batbeasties of Air — Mr Batbeastmanie of Air and Mrs Batbeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Batbeastboyie of Air and Batbeastgirlia of Air, who were batted air-beasts; in Nest Number Eleven, in a small tillandsia-shaped nest, lived the Tillandsiabeasties of Air — Mr Tillandsiabeastmanie of Air and Mrs Tillandsiabeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Tillandsiabeastboyie of Air and Tillandsiabeastgirlia of Air, who were tillandsiaed air-beasts; in Nest Number Twelve, in a small cladosporium-shaped nest, lived the Cladosporiabeasties of Air — Mr Cladosporiumbeastmanie of Air and Mrs Cladosporiumbeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Cladosporiumbeastboyie of Air and Cladosporiumbeastgirlia of Air, who were cladosporiumed air-beasts; in Nest Number Thirteen, in a small aerococcus-shaped nest, lived the Aerococcibeasties of Air — Mr Aerococcusbeastmanie of Air and Mrs Aerococcusbeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Aerococcusbeastboyie of Air and Aerococcusbeastgirlia of Air, who were aerococcused air-beasts; in Nest Number Fourteen, in a small diamond-coloured nest, lived the Diamondbeasties of Air — Mr Diamondbeastmanie of Air and Mrs Diamondbeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Diamondbeastboyie of Air and Diamondbeastgirlia of Air, who were diamonded air-beasts; in Nest Number Fifteen, in a small platinum-coloured nest, lived the Platinumbeasties of Air — Mr Platinumbeastmanie of Air and Mrs Platinumbeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Platinumbeastboyie of Air and Platinumbeastgirlia of Air, who were platinumed air-beasts; in Nest Number Sixteen, in a small sky-shaped nest, lived the Skybeasties of Air — Mr Skybeastmanie of Air and Mrs Skybeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Skybeastboyie of Air and Skybeastgirlia of Air, who were skyed air-beasts; in Nest Number Seventeen, in a small white-coloured nest, lived the Whitebeasties of Air — Mr Whitebeastmanie of Air and Mrs Whitebeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Whitebeastboyie of Air and Whitebeastgirlia of Air, who were whited air-beasts; in Nest Number Eighteen, in a small upbistriangle-shaped nest, lived the Upbistrianglebeasties of Air — Mr Upbistrianglebeastmanie of Air and Mrs Upbistrianglebeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Upbistrianglebeastboyie of Air and Upbistrianglebeastgirlia of Air, who were upbistriangled air-beasts; in Nest Number Nineteen, in a small aircraft-shaped nest, lived the Aircraftbeasties of Air — Mr Aircraftbeastmanie of Air and Mrs Aircraftbeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Aircraftbeastboyie of Air and Aircraftbeastgirlia of Air, who were aircrafted air-beasts; and in Nest Number Twenty, in a simple beast nest, lived the Beastairbeasties of Air — Mr Beastairbeastmanie of Air and Mrs Beastairbeastwomania of Air, and their beast-boy and beast-girl twins Beastairbeastboyie of Air and Beastairbeastgirlia of Air, who were true beasts and beast-air-beasts as DudbeastieAir and DudbeastiaAir.


HarryAir and HarraAir thus lived their lives in Airhuman Airhood with the 'Of Air' air-boys and their respective twin air-girls who were all ten-year olds as they, and were composed of the original air-boy and air-girl, the air-boys and air-girls, the atypical-air-boys or atypic-air-boys and atypical-air-girls or atypic-air-girls, the alternate-air-boy or altern-air-boy and alternate-air-girl or altern-air-girl, the alternative-air-boy or alt-air-boy and alternative-air-girl or alt-air-girl, the alterate-air-boy or alter-air-boy and alterate-air-girl or alter-air-girl, the allo-air-boy and allo-air-girl, and the human-air-boy and human-air-girl; and these air-boys and air-girls with their respective air-fathers and air-mothers, all represented the twenty air-humans' air-beings' air-breeds of the air and airland and airworld. HarryAir was amical with the air-boys — as HarraAir was amical with the air-girls.


HarryAir and HarraAir also lived their lives in the Airhuman Airhood alongside Airbeast Airhood with their own 'Of Air' and AirAvatar air-beast-boy and air-beast-girl twins with DudleyAir and DudleyaAir's air-beast-boy and air-beast-girl twins, and the other 'Of Air' air-beast-boys and their respective twin air-beast-girls, who were ten-year olds, and were composed of the original air-beast-boy and air-beast-girl, the air-beast-boys and air-beast-girls, the atypical-air-beast-boys or atypic-air-beast-boys and atypical-air-beast-girls or atypic-air-beast-girls, the alternate-air-beast-boy or altern-air-beast-boy and alternate-air-beast-girl or altern-air-beast-girl, the alternative-air-beast-boy or alt-air-beast-boy and alternative-air-beast-girl or alt-air-beast-girl, the alterate-air-beast-boy or alter-air-beast-boy and alterate-air-beast-girl or alter-air-beast-girl, the allo-air-beast-boy and allo-air-beast-girl, and the beast-air-beast-boy and beast-air-beast-girl; and these air-beast-boys and air-beast-girls with their respective air-beast-fathers and air-beast-mothers, all represented the twenty air-beasts' air-beings' air-breeds of the air and its air-beast-land and air-beast-world, of the air and airland and airworld. HarryAir was amical with the air-beast-boys — as HarraAir was amical with the air-beast-girls. The air-boys and air-girls' air-beast-boys and air-beast-girls were almost always with them wherever they were and went, except for school.



HarryAir PotterAir — also Airie of Air — was a thin, tall, straight, short and spiky white-haired and square-faced air-boy, whose twin sister HarraAir PotterAir — also Airia of Air, had the same features.


HarryAir's beast-boy, Airbeastie of Air, was a head with short and spiky white hairs and a squared face, with small and short arms and legs beneath the head, and who could become transparent.


HarryAir — as well as HarraAir — was generically an element-being, an element-human, and an element-boy —.a being of element, a human of element, and a boy of element; and was specifically an air-being, an air-human, and an air-boy —.a being of air, a human of air, and a boy of air; and he was not a normal human-being nor a normal human-boy — as he did not function as a normal human-being or a normal human-boy, but as an air-being and an air-boy. He was a half-human and wasn't a true human. He was an air-human of the air-being air-breed of the airelementman and airman — man of the air element and man of the air, and he was an airelementboy and airboy — boy of the air element and boy of the air, who were the original air-humans with feathers and plumes, and wings and patagia, and who could fly and glide, and who aired air out of their skin pores and became transparent, and whose wings were two pairs of wings — four wings — with a pair on each side of their upper back, and whose patagia were two pairs of patagia — four patagia — with a pair each on the left and right side of their body which stretched from the neck to the hindlimbs.


HarryAir's beast-boy, was generically an element-being, an element-beast, and an element-beast-boy —.a being of element, a beast of element, and a beast-boy of element; and was specifically an air-being, an air-beast, and an air-beast-boy —.a being of air, a beast of air, and a beast-boy of air. He was an air-beast of the air-being air-breed of the airelementbeastman and airbeastman — beastman of the air element and beastman of the air, and he was an airelementbeastboy and airbeastboy — beastboy of the air element and beastboy of the air, who were the original air-beasts who were heads which could become transparent.


HarryAir — also as HarraAir — was special as all AirAvatars, as he had three pairs of wings — six wings — with a pair on one side of his upper back, another pair on the other side of his upper back, and a last pair on the middle of his upper back; and also had three pairs of patagia — six patagia — with a pair on the left side of his body and another pair on the right side of his body, with both pairs stretching from the neck to the hindlimbs, and a last pair along his back which stretched from the neck and separated at the waist into two down to the hindlimbs. HarryAir at this age of ten years, had his feathers flashingly white and plumes colour-changing, and both feathers and plumes were flurry, slightly fat and flat, and were all over his body as a second skin, and when he flew and glided with them, they flapped; and his wings and patagia were white and wide, and when he flew and glided with them, they waved.


HarryAir — also as HarraAir — was special as all AirAvatars in that, he had 'mutable' feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, as he had the ability to sprout-out of his body his feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, and also sprout-in the feathers and plumes and wings and patagia back inside his body, and he could as such have feathers and plumes and wings and patagia intermittently; which was not the case of other air-element-men and air-men and air-element-boys and air-boys who mostly had 'immutable' feathers and plumes and wings and patagia. This made him to be with feathers and plumes and wings and patagia temporarily — when his feathers and plumes and wings and patagia were sprout-out, and also without feathers and plumes and wings and patagia temporarily — when his feathers and plumes and wings and patagia were sprout-in. Dudley and Dudleya were fond of this their trait.


HarryAir was a true air-boy, and airer and air-lander and air-worlder, and aircrafter and airier of the true Airia and AirLandia and AirWorldia and its Aircrafteria and Airieria; and a true element-boy, and elementer and element-lander and element-worlder, and elementcrafter and elementer of the true Elementias and ElementLandias and ElementWorldias and its Elementcrafterias and Elementierias.


HarryAir's beast-boy was a true air-beast-boy, and air-beaster and air-beast-lander and air-beast-worlder, and air-beastcrafter and air-beastier of the true AirBeastia and AirBeastLandia and AirBeastWorldia and its AirBeastcrafteria and AirBeastieria; and a true element-beast-boy, and element-beaster and element-beast-lander and element-beast-worlder, and element-beast-crafter and element-beastier of the true ElementBeastias and ElementBeastLandias and ElementBeastWorldias and its ElementBeastcrafterias and ElementBeastierias.


HarryAir was also an aircrafter and an airier — a crafter and an ier of air, as he was also an elementcrafter and an elementer — a crafter and an ier of element; and he was to practice a form of air-magic — magic of air known as aircraft and aircraftry — craft and craftry of air, and airi and airiry — i and iry of air; which was a form of element-magic — magic of element known as elementcraft and elementcraftry — craft and craftry of element, and elementi and elementiry — i and iry of element; and he was to practice them with an air-wand and an air-woot — a wand of air and woot of air, and an air-branch and an air-root — a branch of air and root of air.


HarryAir's beast-boy was also an air-beastcrafter and an air-beastier — a beastcrafter and a beastier of air, as he was also an element-beastcrafter and element-beastier — a beastcrafter and a beastier of element; and he was to practice a form of air-beast-magic — magic of air known as air-beastcraft and air-beastcraftry — beastcraft and beastcraftry of air, and air-beasti and air-beastiry — beasti and beastiry of air; which was a form of element-beast-magic — magic of element known as element-beastcraft and element-beastcraftry — beastcraft and beastcraftry of element, and element-beasti and element-beastiry — beasti and beastiry of element.