Chereads / HarryAir PotterAir and the Airerers’ AirSeals / Chapter 10 - Chapter Seven: HarryAir at his AirAvatar Air-confirmationday

Chapter 10 - Chapter Seven: HarryAir at his AirAvatar Air-confirmationday

HarryAir was feeling cold, and the coldest he had ever feel in his life as he slightly shivered.


"The male air-human AirAvatar has been air-baptized!" The air-baptizer who had been standing before HarryAir and Airbeastie, cried in proclamation as he turned and spoke to all the air-men and air-boys and air-beast-men and air-beast-boys. "The male air-beast AirAvatar has been air-baptized!"


HarryAir heard the air-baptizer's voice ring strangely in his ears.


"The male air-human AirAvatar has been air-baptized!" "The male air-beast AirAvatar has been air-baptized!" All the air-men and air-boys and air-beast-men and air-beast-boys then said as they struggled to see and push past Warder-dad VernonAir and DudleyAir and DudbeastieAir and the 'Of Air' air-men and air-boys and air-beast-men and air-beast-boys who were attached as an encircling barrier blocking all access to HarryAir and Airbeastie.


"The male air-human AirAvatar shall be air-confirmed!" "The male air-beast AirAvatar shall be air-confirmed!" The air-baptizer spoke again ignoring all, and then turned to face HarryAir and Airbeastie, and asked to HarryAir. "Are you accepting yourself as the male air-human AirAvatar?"


"Yes, I accept myself as the male air-human AirAvatar." HarryAir answered feeling it.


The air-baptizer looked down at Airbeastie and asked. "Are you accepting yourself as the male air-beast AirAvatar?"


"Yes, I accept myself as the male air-beast AirAvatar." Airbeastie spoke surely in his small, but precise voice.


They all heard again the thundering voice from above, and all stared up at the open-air again, and again felt a strong and shivering whirlwind descend, and again stop above HarryAir and Airbeastie, and all again felt it gather up, and then they could all again see it, and all again saw it as the Air Essence and AirSpirit and it then descended upon HarryAir and Airbeastie and lighted upon them, and the thundering voice above growled. "THIS IS MY BELOVED MALE AIR-HUMAN AIRAVATAR AND AIR-BEAST AIRAVATAR WHO ARE AIR-CONFIRMED AND IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED." And HarryAir with Airbeastie feeling the Air Essence and AirSpirit and its light, and HarryAir feeling a little less cold, and now feeling somehow strange, in the succeeding second felt his skin on fire, and it was so sudden and painful that he unknowingly let hold of Airbeastie, and the air-baptizer was quick to catch the beast-boy as if he had anticipated it.


HarryAir feeling on fire and in agony, then felt as on his forehead's skin, suddenly and slowly started sketching out lines — white lines — which he felt as scribbling and scraping on him, and tried to stare up at his forehead to see it but couldn't.


"The air-scar, a scar of air on your forehead symbolizing you as the male air-human AirAvatar." The air-baptizer spoke out.


And HarryAir knew it as he had heard about the air-scar on air-human AirAvatars, which upon the foreheads of male AirAvatars was a white-and-shinning shape-shifting air-scar of an air-boy who aired air out of his skin pores and was either untransparent or transparent, and who either flew or glided, and was with feathers and plumes, and had three pairs of wings and three pairs of patagia as AirAvatars as he.


After the scribbling and scraping stopped, he then felt it start on his chest's skin as also suddenly and slowly started sketching out lines — white lines — which he could see now as he lowered his head to stare at it.


"The air-scar, a scar of air on your chest upon your heart symbolizing you as the male air-human 'Of Air', that is the male akin to the Air and Air Element and Air Essence." The air-baptizer spoke out again as HarryAir examined the air-scar which was in the shape of an upward-pointing triangle, bisected by a horizontal line, and the scar shone white.


"The air-scars shall shine white as they shine now, and after shall not." The air-baptizer continued. "And shall shine back as from thenceforth only when respectively the Air, and the Air and Air Element and Air Essence shall be present in their unseenness as it is now."


HarryAir remembered it so also, and after the scribbling and scraping stopped, he then felt a new sensation as he no longer felt on fire and in agony, but felt a warmth as he felt warmed around his head as an emanation shaped itself around it, and he felt its white light though he could not see it well.


"The air-emanation, an emanation of air which is an air-aureole, an aureole of air around your head symbolizing you as the air-human AirSaviour." The air-baptizer spoke out.


And HarryAir knew it also as he had heard about the air-aureole on the air-human AirSaviours, which was a circle of white light which surrounded their heads, with the aureole either invisible or visible.


He felt again a new sensation, which was another warmth, and another warmth again, which he both felt and saw all over his body as an emanation which encircled him.


"The two air-emanations, two emanations of air all over your body, with the one as an air-aura, an aura of air which is the invisible one you see not and which symbolizes you as the air-human AirSaviour of the AirDeities; and the other as an air-aureola, an aureola of air which is the visible one you see and which symbolizes you as the air-human AirSaviour of the AirDivinities." The air-baptizer spoke out again as HarryAir examined the air-aureola whose light was so white as he was immersed in it, and also felt the air-aura which even though he saw not felt its simultaneous encirclement of his body; and the air-aureola's light intermingled with the Air Essence and AirSpirit's light as two radiances of luminous whiteness, and HarryAir also felt the saturated intermixture of the air-aura and air-aureola and Air Essence and AirSpirit.


"The air-aureole, air-aura and air-aureola shall shine white as they shine now, and after shall not." The air-baptizer continued. "And shall shine back as from thenceforth only when respectively you shall wear on your AirSaviour identity, and AirSaviour of the AirDeities and AirSaviour of the AirDivinities identities as you wear it on now."


HarryAir then felt the emanations and lights of the air-aureole and air-aureola slowly vanish, as well as the lights of the air-scars, and he felt the air-aura offing too, and felt fresher as a result; and the light of the Air Essence and AirSpirit still stayed on him, and he felt somehow strange again as in the succeeding second he felt a splitting on his forehead which was however slightly painful, and he felt something warm slowly leak out of his skin, and he put his head to his forehead and felt the split and a liquid, and he withdrew his hand and stared at the white liquid which was his blood turned white.


"The air-blood, a blood of air in you as you are the male air-human AirAvatar." The air-baptizer spoke out.


HarryAir stared at the air-blood on his hand, the white blood flowing inside the air-human AirAvatars, and it was said their blood was white because they had the Air in them.


He then felt a rushing out of air which he saw as small, myriad, white specks floating out of the cut on his forehead, and he tried to touch the white specks, but they simply vanished.


"The air-air, an air of air in you as you are the male air-human AirAvatar." The air-baptizer spoke out.


HarryAir stared at the floating air-air, the white air also flowing inside the air-human AirAvatars, and it was said the air was a physicalization of the Air in them. He stopped trying to touch the air as he knew it was a futile attempt to try to hold them in one's hands.


"The air-blood and air-air shall be the blood and air of your body now." The air-baptizer continued. "And shall be so till you are no more of this life."


Then the air-blood and air-air simultaneously stopped flowing out, and he felt a sensation on his forehead where the split had occurred, and felt it as a suturing as it was slightly painful. He put a hand to his forehead and no longer felt the cut, but felt some sort of seam instead, and felt the blood drying up as it had kept flowing out, though slowly and not much, and he also felt the Air Essence and AirSpirit immediately disappear and its light was no more, and no lights lit his self again.


"Here you stand male air-human AirAvatar, confirmed as AirAvatar, and in air-scars, and air-emanations as air-aureole, air-aura, and air-aureola, and air-blood, and air-air." The air-baptizer said to HarryAir, and to Airbeastie he held he said. "Here you stand male air-beast AirAvatar, confirmed as AirAvatar."


The air-baptizer then turned to all the air-men and air-boys and air-beast-men and air-beast-boys and cried again in proclamation. "The male air-human AirAvatar has been air-confirmed!"


And as the air-baptizer said this, HarryAir however again felt an invisible force take hold of him and freeze him, and he terrifyingly saw his self slowly slid out of his body, and wondered what this could be again. Out of his body, he felt the force free him and saw all and everyone and everything in a dark grey and immobile, and in the succeeding second all disappeared as he was in the grey alone and in terror as he turned all around and all about in the grey and saw that it was an endless grey. He didn't even know if he really turned around, or even if he was mobile or immobile, and it seemed to him that he was no longer in the same dimension with the others.


He then heard a voice speak as if it was the very grey speaking to him. "YOU THE MALE AIR-HUMAN AIRAVATAR ARE AIR-CONFIRMED IN THE AIR'S AIRSEED AND AIRSPIRIT!" And as the voice spoke, HarryAir saw a small, white, mass of air spark appear. The airy spark took the shape of a seed, a sparky AirSeed — a Seed of Air, as it had feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, and flew and glided and entered in him, and stayed in him as a spirit, a sparky AirSpirit — a Spirit of Air, which had feathers and plumes and wings and patagia; as the physical air-seed transformed into the spiritual air-spirit and stayed in him, and stayed around his heart. "The AirSeed and AirSpirit are the contained AirContents — Contents of Air, in you; and as the AirContents, they are contained in the AirContainers. The voice shortly said.


After this, a second passed, and the voice spoke again. "YOU THE MALE AIR-HUMAN AIRAVATAR ARE AIR-CONFIRMED IN THE AIR'S AIRSHELL AND AIRSOUL!" And as the voice spoke, HarryAir saw another small, white, mass of air sparkle appear. The airy sparkle took the shape of a shell, a sparkly AirShell — a Shell of Air, as it also had feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, and flew and glided and covered him, and stayed on him as a soul, a sparkly AirSoul — a Soul of Air, which had feathers and plumes and wings and patagia; as the physical air-shell transformed into the spiritual air-soul and stayed on him, and covered his self. "The AirShell and AirSoul are the containing AirContainers — Containers of Air, of you; and as the AirContainers, they contain the AirContents." The voice shortly said.


Also after this, another second passed, and the voice spoke again. "YOU THE MALE AIR-HUMAN AIRAVATAR ARE AIR-CONFIRMED IN THE AIR'S AIRSKIN AND AIRSPECTRE!" And as the voice spoke, HarryAir saw another small, white, mass of air shine appear. The airy shine took the shape of a skin, a shiny AirSkin — a Skin of Air, as it also had feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, and flew and glided and covered the AirShell on him, and stayed on him as a spectre, a shiny AirSpectre — a Spectre of Air, which had feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, and covered the AirSoul on him; as the physical air-skin transformed into the spiritual air-spectre and stayed on him, as the air-skin covered the air-shell, and the air-spectre covered the air-soul. "The AirSkin and AirSpectre are the covering AirCovers — Covers of Air, covering you; and as the AirCovers, they cover the AirContainers and these ones' contained AirContents." The voice shortly said.


Again after this, another second passed, and the voice spoke again. "YOU THE MALE AIR-HUMAN AIRAVATAR ARE AIR-CONFIRMED IN THE AIR'S AIRSTICKER AND AIRSPOOK!" And as the voice spoke, HarryAir saw another small, white, mass of air shimmer appear. The airy shimmer took the shape of a sticker, a shimmery AirSticker — a Sticker of Air, as it also had feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, and flew and glided and stuck to the AirSkin on him, and stayed on him as a spook, a shimmery AirSpook — a Spook of Air, which had feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, and stuck to the AirSpectre on him; as the physical air-sticker transformed into the spiritual air-spook and stayed on him, as the air-sticker stuck to the air-skin, and the air-spook stuck to the air-spectre. "The AirSticker and AirSpook are the carding AirCards — Cards of Air, stucking you. The AirCards are also the AirLabels — Labels of Air that are stucked to the AirCovers, and label the AirContainers and these ones' AirContents." The voice shortly said.


And after this, another second passed, and the voice spoke again. "YOU THE MALE AIR-HUMAN AIRAVATAR ARE AIR-CONFIRMED IN THE AIR'S AIRSHANK AND AIRSHADOW!" And as the voice spoke, HarryAir saw another small, white, mass of air sleek appear. The airy sleek took the shape of a shank, a sleeky AirShank — a Shank of Air, as it also had feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, and flew and glided and stuck to the AirSkin on him, and stayed on him as a shadow, a sleeky AirShadow — a Shadow of Air, which had feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, and stuck to the AirSpectre on him; as the physical air-shank transformed into the spiritual air-shadow and stayed upon him, as the air-shank stuck to the air-skin, and the air-shadow stuck to the air-spectre. "The AirShank and AirShadow are the clutching AirClutches — Clutches of Air, stucking you. The AirClutches are also the shorter AirHands — Hands of Air that are stucked to the AirCovers, and with which the AirContainers are held." The voice shortly said.


And after this, another second passed, and the voice spoke again. "YOU THE MALE AIR-HUMAN AIRAVATAR ARE AIR-CONFIRMED IN THE AIR'S AIRSHAFT AND AIRSHADE!" And as the voice spoke, HarryAir saw another small, white, mass of air sheen appear. The airy sheen took the shape of a shaft, a sheeny AirShaft — a Shaft of Air, as it also had feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, and flew and glided and stuck to the AirSkin on him, and stayed on him as a shade, a sheeny AirShade — a Shade of Air, which had feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, and stuck to the AirSpectre on him; as the physical air-shaft transformed into the spiritual air-shade and stayed upon him, as the air-shaft stuck to the air-skin, and the air-shade stuck to the air-spectre. "The AirShaft and AirShade are the clasping AirClasps — Clasps of Air, stucking you. The AirClasps are also the longer and ropy AirHandles — Handles of Air that are stucked to the AirCovers, and with which the AirContainers are held." The voice shortly said.


And after this, another second passed, and the voice spoke again. "YOU THE MALE AIR-HUMAN AIRAVATAR ARE AIR-CONFIRMED IN THE AIR'S AIRSEAL AND AIRSIGIL!" And as the voice spoke, HarryAir saw another small, white, mass of air scintillate appear. The airy scintillate took the shape of a seal, a scintillaty AirSeal — a Seal of Air, as it also had feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, and flew and glided and sealed around his whole self, and stayed on him as a sigil, a scintillaty AirSigil — a Sigil of Air, which had feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, and sealed around his whole self; as the physical air-seal transformed into the spiritual air-sigil and stayed on him, and sealed to his whole self. "The AirSeal and AirSigil are the corking AirCorks — Corks of Air, around you. The AirCorks are also AirShields — Shields of Air that are all around and shield the AirContainers and these ones' AirContents." The voice shortly said.


And after this, another second passed, and the voice spoke again, and spoke this time in a farewell. "YOU THE MALE AIR-HUMAN AIRAVATAR ARE AIR-CONFIRMED IN THE AIR AND AIR ELEMENT AND AIR ESSENCE!"


And the voice no longer spoke, and HarryAir saw he was no longer alone in the dark grey as he saw back all and everyone and everything in the dark grey, and he after felt the same invisible force take hold of him and freeze him, and saw his body and saw his self slowly slid into his body, and he felt the force free him. Inside his body, all and everyone and everything was back to normal, and he heard the air-baptizer crying. "The male air-beast AirAvatar has been air-confirmed!"


To his surprise, it seemed as if nobody had taken notice of all that had happened to him, or that he had been out of the physical dimension as he believed it, and it seemed as if he had been out of for only a second though it had felt as an eternity to him all what went there; and he thought it strange that this air-confirmation which he had undergone he had never heard spoken of or mentioned, and it seemed also that no AirAvatar had ever spoken of it as it had somehow stayed a secret between the AirAvatars and the Air; and this should surely stay so, as it was an air-confirmation done in the spiritual dimension where those of the physical dimension could not and never saw it. He then decided to thus keep it a secret for himself, as all his self told him it had to stay so a secret. He thought again of all that had happened in the grey, and slightly shivered at the thought of it, and decided he could not think of what to say about all that happened there as he had mostly stared at the air-confirmation performed on him and had stayed numbed, dumbed, deafed, and shocked. He was so deep in his thoughts that he faintly heard all what was going on around him.


The air-men and air-boys and air-beast-men and air-beast-boys, whose voices had been lowered as they had been patiently and silently watching and witnessing the once-in-a-lifetime air-confirmation of the male air-human and air-beast AirAvatars, now all rose up as they shouted and screamed, "The male air-human AirAvatar has been air-confirmed!" "The male air-beast AirAvatar has been air-confirmed!" And all shouted and screamed stoplessly "The male air-human AirAvatar!" "The male air-beast AirAvatar!" as they pushed hardest at Warder-dad VernonAir and DudleyAir and DudbeastieAir and the 'Of Air' air-men and air-boys and air-beast-men and air-beast-boys to have a look and stare on HarryAir and Airbeastie, as they all shouted and screamed for them to get out and off the way for them to see their male air-human AirAvatar and air-beast AirAvatar as all the air-sanctuary was rowdy and riotous.


Warder-dad VernonAir and DudleyAir and DudbeastieAir and the 'Of Air' air-men and air-boys and air-beast-men and air-beast-boys stayed strongest in their air-human and air-beast encircling barrier as they resisted all pushing and pulling.


"This is the new male air-human AirAvatar and air-beast AirAvatar of Airia and AirLandia and AirWorldia and its Aircrafteria and Airieria, and of AirBeastia and AirBeastLandia and AirBeastWorldia and its AirBeastcrafteria and AirBeastieria." The air-baptizer kept crying.


Ignoring all that was ongoing in the air-sanctuary, the air-baptizer turned back to HarryAir and spoke. "Air-boy AirAvatar, the air-confirmation is done." He looked at Airbeastie and spoke. "Air-beast-boy AirAvatar, the air-confirmation is done."


"You are attested as the new male air-human AirAvatar and air-beast AirAvatar of Airia and AirLandia and AirWorldia and its Aircrafteria and Airieria, and of AirBeastia and AirBeastLandia and AirBeastWorldia and its AirBeastcrafteria and AirBeastieria." The air-baptizer cried.


"Air-boy AirAvatar, dress yourself!" The air-baptizer ordered.


HarryAir who was waking up from his thoughts due to the commotion state of the air-sanctuary, took his clothes from the arm of Warder-dad VernonAir.


"HarryAir, get dressed quickly as we won't hold this crowd away forever." Warder-dad VernonAir spoke in titters from the hard efforts he put in the struggle.


HarryAir then quickly dressed himself starting from the shirt and jacket, to the trousers and shoes, and took back Airbeastie from the air-baptizer who handed it to him immediately he was finished with his dressing.


The air-baptizer still ignoring all of what was happening, simply stood still and stared as awaiting that all this should finish and he continue with his business of air-baptism and air-confirmation on the other children.


They all heard again the thundering voice from above, and all stared up at the open-air again, and heard two distinct cries — the chirp of a bird and the squeak of a bat, and saw swiftly swooping down two beasts, and the two stopped on both sides of HarryAir and Airbeastie, and they saw them as the all-white bird — the dove, and the all-white bat — the noctule, and the thundering voice above growled. "THIS IS THE BELOVED BIRD AND AIR-BIRD, THE DOVE, DOVIE; AND BELOVED BAT AND AIR-BAT, THE NOCTULE, NOCTULIE; THE BIRD OF AIR AND BAT OF AIR OF THE AIR-HUMAN AIRAVATAR AND AIR-BEAST AIRAVATAR."


And both bird and bat respectively chirped and squeaked at HarryAir in salutation, and HarryAir smiled at them in turns, saying "Hello" to each of them, and the bird and bat answered in chirp and squeak.


All new air-human and air-beast AirAvatars always had a bird and bat as accompaniers to them, who were from the Air. He had heard his father had had his bird and bat whom he had shared with Airbeastie's father, who were also a dove and a noctule, and were also named as Dovie and Noctulie as his and Airbeastie's and as all precedent birds and bats of all precedent air-human and air-beast AirAvatars, and his parents Dovie and Noctulie had also disappeared with them.


Dovie and Noctulie chirped and squeaked at HarryAir in familiarity, and HarryAir suddenly felt himself gaining confidence at being an air-human AirAvatar, and a stare at Airbeastie confirmed to him that the beast-boy was feeling the same confidence as air-beast AirAvatar.


"I am the male air-human AirAvatar." HarryAir proclaimed feeling it.


"I am the male air-beast AirAvatar." Airbeastie proclaimed feeling it also.


HarryAir and Airbeastie shouted it, and stared at each other sure of who and what they were as Dovie and Noctulie chirped and squeaked in approval, and as both declared it, Warder-dad VernonAir and DudleyAir and DudbeastieAir and the 'Of Air' air-men and air-boys and air-beast-men and air-beast-boys, and all the jostling men and boys and beast-men and beast-boys of the air-sanctuary all stopped and stared at them as if seeing them for the first time, and HarryAir and Airbeastie saw the proud stares and smiles of approval from their family and friends.


HarryAir then stared back at Airbeastie who stared back, and spoke in sureness. "Airbeastie, air-beast AirAvatar, I the male and boy 'Of Air' and AirAvatar, and the AirSaviour am ready as so."


Airbeastie rose up from HarryAir's hold and flew up to face him and spoke. "HarryAir, air-human AirAvatar, I the male and beast-boy 'Of Air' and AirAvatar am also ready as so."


And both stared at each other again and smiled, and HarryAir said. "Air-beast AirAvatar, let's go and show the airers and air-landers and air-worlders, and aircrafters and airiers of Airia and AirLandia and AirWorldia and its Aircrafteria and Airieria; and show the air-beasters and air-beast-landers and air-beast-worlders, and air-beastcrafters and air-beastiers of AirBeastia and AirBeastLandia and AirBeastWorldia and its AirBeastcrafteria and AirBeastieria that we are the and their new male 'Of Air' and AirAvatars."


"Yes, air-human AirAvatar," Airbeastie said, "let's go and show them that we are the and their new male 'Of Air' and AirAvatars."


HarryAir in high-spirits, undressed himself again and handed his dresses to Warder-dad VernonAir who stretched forth his hand and arm and took it in a questioning stare; and HarryAir now only in his briefs sprouted out of his body his feathers and plumes and wings and patagia, and the white feathers and colour-changing plumes were upon him as clothes, and he stretched his white wings and patagia widest.


"Warder-dad VernonAir, Uncles of Air, Brothers of Air," HarryAir spoke highly to his warder-dad and the other 'Of Air' air-men and air-boys and air-beast-men and air-beast-boys, "I HarryAir PotterAir, the air-human AirAvatar, and Airbeastie of Air, the air-beast AirAvatar, are ready, and we are going."


"Yes, we are seeing it," Warder-dad VernonAir determinedly said as the others acquiesced and approved.


"We are seeing you ready as AirAvatars," Mr Airmanie said, "and we are letting you go and be the AirAvatars of Airia and AirLandia and AirWorldia and its Aircrafteria and Airieria, and of AirBeastia and AirBeastLandia and AirBeastWorldia and its AirBeastcrafteria and AirBeastieria." He said this as he disentangled himself first from their circle.


"Go on my boy and beast-boy." Warder-dad VernonAir said gruffly. "Go on and show to the airers and air-landers and air-worlders and aircrafters and airiers, and air-beasters and air-beast-landers and air-beast-worlders and air-beastcrafters and air-beastiers that you are their new AirAvatars."


All the other 'Of Air' air-men and air-boys and air-beast-men and air-beast-boys slowly disentangled and separated themselves, and the crowd who had stayed in silence and whispers ever since HarryAir and Airbeastie had proclaimed themselves as the AirAvatars slowly started chanting and chorusing. "The male air-human AirAvatar!" "The male air-beast AirAvatar!" "The male AirAvatars!"


Some, mainly the air-men and air-boys, chanted and chorused. "The male AirAvatars of the air and air-land and air-world and its aircraftering and airiering air-land and air-world!"


"The male AirAvatars of Airia and AirLandia and AirWorldia and its Aircrafteria and Airieria!"


"The male AirAvatars of the airers and air-landers and air-worlders and aircrafters and airiers!"


Some others, mainly the air-beast-men and air-beast-boys, simultaneously chanted and chorused. "The male AirAvatars of the air and air-beast-land and air-beast-world and its air-beastcraftering and air-beastiering air-beast-land and air-beast-world!"


"The male AirAvatars of AirBeastia and AirBeastLandia and AirBeastWorldia and its AirBeastcrafteria and AirBeastieria!"


"The male AirAvatars of the air-beasters and air-beast-landers and air-beast-worlders and air-beastcrafters and air-beastiers!"


And as they started pushing forward again as they chanted and chorused, HarryAir flapped feathers and plumes and waved wings and patagia and flew and glided up, and with Airbeastie before him, and Dovie and Noctulie by his sides, they all flew and glided higher and took off and out of the air-sanctuary as almost all the air-men and air-boys and air-beast-men and air-beast-boys turned, and flew and glided after them.


"Do not forget to be back at home before late night." Warder-dad VernonAir shouted to HarryAir before he could get out of earshot.