HarryAir and DudleyAir, with Airbeastie and DudbeastieAir, and Warder-dad VernonAir did a little bit of tidiness and arrangement in the two sitting rooms which mostly involved taking the respective gifts to the boys' and girls' rooms, while HarraAir and DudleyaAir, with Airbeastia and DudbeastiaAir, and Wardress-mum PetuniaAir cleaned the tables.
By 08:50 a.m., the DursleyAirs had all finished, and still in white, all flew and glided out of the nest into a sunray-pierced air, and towards Warder-dad VernonAir's aerocar to fly in it. HarryAir saw that almost all the families of the Airhoods were already in their airvehicles, with the men and women and their boys and girls in their airvehicles accompanied by their respective beast-men and beast-women and their beast-boys and beast-girls inside with them.
"VernonAir," Mr Airmanie called from his airvehicle, "we should all be leaving. We shouldn't be late for HarryAir and HarraAir's air-baptism."
"The air-baptism shall proclaim them as the new male and female AirAvatars to all the air and its air-land and air-world, and to all the air and its air-beast-land and air-beast-world." Mrs Airwomania called out. "So they shouldn't be the ones coming late there."
"Yes, yes," Warder-dad VernonAir agreed. "We are going." He said this, and spoke to his air-car, "ouverite te aero-veituro" — which was the 'open' spell-word he had air-magically created to command the aerocar to open up after he had been air-magically bonded to it, and the aerocar's wing-shaped and feather-shaped doors rose up, and him and Wardress-mum PetuniaAir took their place in the front seats, while the girls and beast-girls entered the middle seats, and HarryAir and DudleyAir with the beast-boys entered the back seats. Warder-dad VernonAir then took hold with both hands of the steering wheel, and spoke again, "firmaro te aero-veituro" and the doors closed, and he spoke "demarro" and the aerocar started in an airy cry, and after "roulo" as its feathers and plumes and wings and patagia stretched outward and inward, flapped and waved upward and downward, and the aerocar pulled away and soared out of Number Zero's roof drive, and joined the other airvehicles who had also simultaneously started, and all the airvehicles all soared through the branches and boughs of their tree's canopy, and out of the canopy's large leaf-covered hole to a sunny and warm atmosphere, and away from their air-isle.
The airvehicles all flew and glided as a group along the air-road, with the Airanies of Air in their air-shaped aerocar with the Airbeastanies of Air, the Gasies of Air in their gas-shaped gasuocar with the Gasbeasties of Air, the Featheries of Air in their feather-shaped pennocar with the Featherbeasties of Air, the Plumeies of Air in their plume-shaped plumocar with the Plumebeasties of Air, the Wingies of Air in their wings-shaped alaocar with the Wingbeasties of Air, the Patagiumies of Air in their patagiums-shaped patagiocar with the Patagiumbeasties of Air, the Flyies of Air in their wing-shaped volocar with the Flybeasties of Air, the Glideies of Air in their patagium-shaped laborocar with the Glidebeasties of Air, the Birdies of Air in their bird-shaped aviocar with the Birdbeasties of Air, the Batties of Air in their bat-shaped vespertiliocar with the Batbeasties of Air, the Tillandsiaies of Air in their tillandsia-shaped tillandsiocar with the Tillandsiabeasties of Air, the Cladosporiaies of Air in their cladosporium-shaped cladusporocar with the Cladosporiabeasties of Air, the Aerococciies of Air in their aerococcus-shaped aerococcuocar with the Aerococcibeasties of Air, the Diamondies of Air in their rhombus-shaped and diamond-coloured adamaocar with the Diamondbeasties of Air, the Platinumies of Air in their cube-shaped and platinum-coloured platinuocar with the Platinumbeasties of Air, the Skyies of Air in their sky-shaped caelumocar with the Skybeasties of Air, the Whiteies of Air in their septagram-shaped and septagon-shaped and white-coloured albuocar with the Whitebeasties of Air, the Upbistriangleies of Air in their upbistriangle-shaped upbitriangulocar with the Upbistrianglebeasties of Air, the Aircrafties of Air in their aircraft-shaped aerokraftocar with the Aircraftbeasties of Air, and the Humanairies of Air in their simple humanaerocar with the Beastairbeasties of Air.
They were soon joined by other airvehicles, and flew and glided in an air-traffic in the warmth of the sun, and the air-traffic was getting denser at every passing second, as airvehicles seemed to emerge out of every air-lands, air-islands, air-isles, and air-islets along and beyond the air-road. HarryAir, with Airbeastie on his lap, stared as they flew past the airvehicles and their occupants in them.
As they flew in the air-traffic congestion, Warder-dad VernonAir and Wardress-mum PetuniaAir were busy in their conversation, and the girls and beast-girls, and boys and beast-boys were in theirs.
"DudleyAir, how did you say it was again when you were in that air?" HarryAir asked feeling anxious about the air-baptism as it was going to be the very first serious thing that was going to see him officially as an AirAvatar.
"It was just it." DudleyAir said as he stared outside the window. "Air all over me, and after that, it was all over."
"Ok." HarryAir accepted, as DudleyAir had said the same thing when he had asked him on the day he and DudleyaAir had been air-baptised and air-confirmed after their air-birthday, and which had been in the month of January in which they were born. HarryAir had heard from Mr Airmanie that it was no big deal, and that the air-baptism and air-confirmation of the AirAvatars was almost same as that of all air-humans, but with the difference that it saw the AirAvatars been proclaimed as such.
HarryAir thought about how since yesterday, immediately after his success at the A.E.E.E.E. and A.S.S.E.E., he had been strongly feeling his affinity with the Air, and as an 'Of Air' — an akin to the Air and Air Element and Air Essence, and an AirAvatar — the male air-human Avatar of Air. HarraAir had also come to him and told him of how exactly she felt same as he felt too.
He had also felt this affinity this morning when they had come out of the nest to board Warder-dad VernonAir's aerocar, and felt it when the early morning air blew on him, as if the air currents were spirits speaking some things to him in some secret tonguage, or were trying to come to him.
He after felt as if the air carried positive thoughts to him, and most especially blew away his strives and carried away his anxieties — most of them this morning being on his soon to be official and active 'Of Air' and AirAvatar persona, which he had been anxiously and impatiently awaiting ever since he was days from being eleven years old, and which he had learnt had come to his parents at the same age in their own time when they were to attend AirHogwarts AirSchool, and which was the same case for him and his sister as they too were to soon attend AirHogwarts AirSchool. He was already feeling the manifestation of the white blood and white air in his body, which he simply knew it was it, as he felt a slight cold; and he was also feeling the manifestation attempts of the air-scars and air-emanations upon his body and self, even though he felt them faintly and briefly, and he felt as the air-scars sometimes pulsated and the air-emanations flashed, as he had all felt them when he had undressed this morning for his bathing, and had told this to his warder-dad and wardress-mum after all invitees to their air-birthday had left their home.
The manifestation of his 'Of Air' and AirAvatar persona was so important as it attested him as the male and boy 'Of Air' and AirAvatar, and the AirSaviour. It confirmed him as the akin to the Air and Air Element and Air Essence, confirmed him as the Air and Air Element and Air Essence in a bodily form, confirmed him as the Air embodied in a male flesh, confirmed him as the Air given a male bodily human form, and confirmed him as the Air personified as a male person. After his air-baptism and air-confirmation, the white blood and white air in his body, and the air-scars and air-emanations on his body shall appear visible for all to see as it was always the case with the 'Of Air' and AirAvatars, and he will finally be officially certified and confirmed to all the airers and air-landers and air-worlders, and aircrafters and airiers of Airia and AirLandia and AirWorldia and its Aircrafteria and Airieria, and to all the air-beasters and air-beast-landers and air-beast-worlders, and air-beastcrafters and air-beastiers of AirBeastia and AirBeastLandia and AirBeastWorldia and its AirBeastcrafteria and AirBeastieria as the male air-human 'Of Air' and AirAvatar. This was also to be the case with HarraAir.
He also had anxieties, though trifle, about being the saviour of Airia and AirLandia and AirWorldia and its Aircrafteria and Airieria, and of AirBeastia and AirBeastLandia and AirBeastWorldia and its AirBeastcrafteria and AirBeastieria, without him knowing anything about salvation of the air and its air-land and air-world, and the air and its air-beast-land and air-beast-world, given that he was the AirSaviour.
He also stared at Airbeastie who laid visible in his lap, who will be air-baptized and air-confirmed also as the male air-beast 'Of Air' and AirAvatar, and as an accompanier to him the airhuman 'Of Air' and AirAvatar.
HarryAir was taken out of his thoughts as the airvehicles all flew and glided till the edge of a very vast immobile air-island which served as the town of AirHamlet, and the air-road branched out into several air-roads which curved around the air-island as few airvehicles extracted themselves out of the air-traffic and flew and glided to them, while the majority of airvehicles as well as those from Airhuman Airhood took the largest of the air-ways which wound its way into the town, and all entered the town as they flew and glided along the air-way.
HarryAir watching through the windshield as they flew and glided the air-way and its air-roads and air-routes, saw that other than the airvehicled aircars, gascars, feathercars, plumecars, wingcars, patagiumcars, flycars, glidecars, birdcars, batcars, tillandsiacars, cladosporiumcars, aerococcuscars, diamondcars, platinumcars, skycars, whitecars, upbistrianglecars, aircraftcars, and humanaircars he mostly saw; there were also the many other forms of flying and gliding air vehicles he rarely saw which flew along the air-way with them, and which were the aircycled aircycles consisting of the septicyclic, sexticyclic, penticyclic, quadricyclic, tricyclic, bicyclic and unicyclic aircycles, gascycles, feathercycles, plumecycles, wingcycles, patagiumcycles, flycycles, glidecycles, birdcycles, batcycles, tillandsiacycles, cladosporiumcycles, aerococcuscycles, diamondcycles, platinumcycles, skycycles, whitecycles, upbistrianglecycles, aircraftcycles, and humanaircycles and many more — with mostly children as him riding on them, and also adolescents and a few adults as well; and the airbused airbuses consisting of the airbuses, gasbuses, featherbuses, plumebuses, wingbuses, patagiumbuses, flybuses, glidebuses, birdbuses, batbuses, tillandsiabuses, cladosporiumbuses, aerococcusbuses, diamondbuses, platinumbuses, skybuses, whitebuses, upbistrianglebuses, aircraftbuses, and humanairbuses and many more; the airtrained airtrains consisting of the airtrains, gastrains, feathertrains, plumetrains, wingtrains, patagiumtrains, flytrains, glidetrains, birdtrains, battrains, tillandsiatrains, cladosporiumtrains, aerococcustrains, diamondtrains, platinumtrains, skytrains, whitetrains, upbistriangletrains, aircrafttrains, and humanairtrains and many more; and the airtrammed airtrams consisting of the airtrams, gastrams, feathertrams, plumetrams, wingtrams, patagiumtrams, flytrams, glidetrams, birdtrams, battrams, tillandsiatrams, cladosporiumtrams, aerococcustrams, diamondtrams, platinumtrams, skytrams, whitetrams, upbistriangletrams, aircrafttrams, and humanairtrams and many more; all transporting large numbers of air-men and air-women and air-boys and air-girls, air-beast-men and air-beast-women and air-beast-boys and air-beast-girls, and airers and air-landers and air-worlders and aircrafters and airiers, and air-beasters and air-beast-landers and air-beast-worlders and air-beastcrafters and air-beastiers; along the numerous air-magical air-cycle-ways, air-bus-ways, air-train-tracks and air-tram-tracks.
Riding in their airvehicles, they rode along a part of the air-way which was densest, and HarryAir staring above slightly saw very high up the largest of airvehicles which were the airplaned airplanes consisting of the airplanes, gasplanes, featherplanes, plumeplanes, wingplanes, patagiumplanes, flyplanes, glideplanes, birdplanes, batplanes, tillandsiaplanes, cladosporiumplanes, aerococcusplanes, diamondplanes, platinumplanes, skyplanes, whiteplanes, upbistriangleplanes, aircraftplanes, and humanairplanes and many more; and after they rode along another part of the air-way which crossed an air-lake, and he shifted his stare to see the vast airshipped airships consisting of the airships, gasships, featherships, plumeships, wingships, patagiumships, flyships, glideships, birdships, batships, tillandsiaships, cladosporiumships, aerococcusships, diamondships, platinumships, skyships, whiteships, upbistriangleships, aircraftships, and humanairships and many more as they flew and glided in the waters; and he also saw many more seen, rarely seen, and never seen airvehicles.
Then the aerocar swerved, extracting itself from the air-traffic, as all the airvehicles of their 'Of Air' friends turned also, and they now flew and glided up and up upon an air-bridge, and flew and glided up and up along and above the air-bridge into an immobile air-isle and into its sole street which was bordered on both sides by wooded and forested fields, and on the air-isle and above it were a few scattered immobile and mobile nested buildings which were encircled by short, iron, white-painted gates; and on their sunny porches were seen small crowds of people.
They all rode for some time in the thick trafficked street, and then HarryAir saw ahead the airvehicles all swerving either left or right, and flying and gliding to line up in rows and columns of numerous airvehicles on both sides. When it was the turn of their aerocar, he saw that it came to stop at a good distance of the glowing grey gates of a long platform where was found numerous air-humans and their air-beasts, before it swerved and rode along a long line of airvehicles with air-humans and air-beasts either entering or exiting them and flying and gliding all along the air-lines of air-humans and air-beasts which separated the air-lines of airvehicles, and they parked at the next empty spot before it, as all the airvehicles of their 'Of Air' friends parked also along the airvehicle air-line and filled and formed a new airvehicle air-line behind.
"Ouverite te aero-veituro" Warder-dad VernonAir commanded the aerocar, and its doors rose up, and they all exited the aerocar as Airbeastie flew to HarryAir's side. Their 'Of Air' friends also exited their airvehicles after parking them, and after they were all out and grouped with the air-men and air-women alongside their air-beast-men and air-beast-women, they acknowledged to one another and all flew and glided along the air-line of air-humans and accompanying air-beasts till they reached the grey gates and entered them. They flew along the long, sun-filled porch whose floor was white wood, and after emerged out of it into the vastest platform HarryAir had ever seen which was circling and sunny. The platform was also full alike, and at its far end was the wall and numerous windows and doors of a several-storied building. HarryAir stared up, and saw a very vast notice board on its top on which was written "AirSanctuarium: the Air-Sanctuary of AirHamlet".
In a crowd, they all flew and glided the line straight to the centralmost and largest double doors, and entered it into another platform, but smaller than the one outside. In here the crowd was thickest with a chaos of noise and activity, and it was difficult to move.
"Of course, they are much here today because they know that the AirAvatars shall be proclaimed today!" HarryAir heard Warder-dad VernonAir speak.
"Well . . . they know that the children of the previous AirAvatars had been born ten years ago as they would already be eleven years by now." Mr Airmanie said. "And they know that they were born in the seventh day of the seventh month of July which is today also and is their eleventh air-birthday and AirAvatarsmas Day, and also their subsequent air-baptismday and air-confirmationday here, which is why they are here numerous to see who are to be the male and female air-human and air-beast AirAvatars."
They spoke, and all as one moved straight ahead where was two smaller double doors on each side of one another, and HarryAir saw they each had a signpost on their top, and on that on the right double door was written "Masculus AirSanctuarium", while on that on the left double door was written "Femella AirSanctuarium".
"PetuniaAir," Warder-dad VernonAir called Wardress-mum PetuniaAir in a tone to call the attention of all the others, "you and the girls and beast-girls and women and beast-women can now go in for the females' air-sanctuary."
"Yes we would." Wardress-mum PetuniaAir answered as she started speaking to HarraAir.
"I and the boys and beast-boys and men and beast-men will go in for the males' air-sanctuary."
"You should all remember again," Mr Airmanie recalled to everyone as he lowered his voice so as not to be heard by others not of theirs, "we should all strive to be by all sides of HarryAir and HarraAir and Airbeastie and Airbeastia and surrounding them when in our respective air-sanctuaries, for when they are proclaimed as the AirAvatars, know that a commotion shall surely commence to see them."
"Ok." Responded everyone in their group as they acknowledged this, and the males and females separated from each other.
"And remember, we shall only surround them during the air-baptism and air-confimation to ensure that it is done without obstruction," Mr Skymanie said also lowly, "for after these are through with on them, we shall have to let the air-humans and air-beasts AirAvatars to go away and show themselves to all of Airia and AirLandia and AirWorldia and its Aircrafteria and Airieria, and AirBeastia and AirBeastLandia and AirBeastWorldia and its AirBeastcrafteria and AirBeastieria, and their respective air-people and air-beast-people as their new AirAvatars."
Everyone assented to this.
"When the crow and the noctule comes, we will let them go with these on their own, and do on their own," Mr Skymanie said, "and we will NOT go after them, to watch or guard over them as we did on them their whole lives."
Everyone assented.
"We will have to let them go on freely and without any encumbrance on our part," Mr Airmanie, "for it is a beginning of how they shall live their lives from henceforth as they shall shoulder their AirAvatar duties and responsibilities without us being a cumbersome to this."
"We shall only watch them and guard over them as from henceforth with limitations," added Mr Gasmanie, "and without too much exertions."
"As limited as can be possible and shall be suitable as I and PetuniaAir were told this ten years ago that it shall be so as from their eleventh year, and we had agree and still agree to it." Warder-dad VernonAir hoarsely said in agreement. "Airbeastie, come and be in HarryAir's hands." He spoke to Airbeastie, and Airbeastie who had been on HarryAir's side swooped down into HarryAir's hand which opened for him, and HarryAir held him firmly in his hands. "HarryAir, you shall hold Airbeastie, and Airbeastie, you shall stay in HarryAir's hands, and HarryAir shall fly you two in there in the air-sanctuary, and you shall stay so, and shall be air-baptized and air-confirmed so, and shall see you stay so till the air-baptism and air-confirmation are done with. Have you heard?" He asked.
"Yes we have heard Warder-dad VernonAir." HarryAir and Airbeastie both answered as they were attentive.
"Come and stand before me HarryAir." Warder-dad VernonAir said. "You and Airbeastie shall precede us into the air-sanctuary."
"Yes Warder-dad VernonAir." HarryAir answered as he moved to stand before his warder-dad, and stared all about the place, and saw it had not changed the slightest ever since the air-baptism and air-confirmation of the 'Of Air' air-boys and air-girls a week ago.
"Ok, PetuniaAir, DudleyaAir, HarraAir, girls, beast-girls, women, and beast-women, see you later!" Warder-dad VernonAir addressed to them as the men and beast-men and boys and beast-boys bid them to soon too, and each took to their air-sanctuary.
With Airbeastie in his hands, HarryAir flew to the double door on the right with his male family and friends behind him, and he entered it into the familiar open-air arena-like area, which was filled to its fullest with all air-humans and air-beasts occupying all seats and stands and open space above. Inside here was however calmer than outside as the noise was subdued into whispers which HarryAir could distinctively hear as "The male air-human AirAvatar!", "The male air-beast AirAvatar!"; and a great voice was instead heard shouting from deep below, "Come, Come, Come and get Yourselves Air-Baptized O Ye Little Air-Children!" "Come, Come, Come and get Yourselves Air-Baptized O Ye Little Air-Beast-Children!" which they all knew was from the air-baptizer, and it continued "Come, Come, Come and Get Yourselves Air-Baptized Or the Anti-Air will Come to You!" and it shouted and shouted. A stairway immediately descended before him, and it too was full, as such that HarryAir could not easily proceed, and this with Airbeastie in his hands.
"Please give way!" Warder-dad VernonAir shouted as he was directly behind HarryAir. "Give way Misters. We have a boy and his beast-boy here who need to be air-baptised."
"A boy and his beast-boy to be air-baptised!" The men and beast-men and boys and beast-boys began whispering all around and all about as they turned to stare at HarryAir and Airbeastie believing it was they to be air-baptized, and they all separated, and HarryAir holding Airbeastie still, flew down the stairs with his own behind him and guarding him in a way which raised the attentions of the others.
HarryAir emerged out of the throng and found himself behind a group of boys and few beast-boys standing on the stairs of a pulpit who were close to his age, and saw many other boys and beast-boys extracting themselves from the crowd and moving to stand beside the group of boys and beast-boys, and some of the boys were with their beast-boys. As he was above them, he saw they stood surrounding the air-baptizer — an extremely tall, ageing, white-haired, air-man who was in wrecked all-white feathers and plumes and wings and patagia which were big and strong-looking, and his whole figure gave out a slightly visible halo. Before him on the pulpit was a whirlwind of white bubbles which whirled up and down, and HarryAir felt it from where he was. He was crying and crying, "Come, Come, Come and Get Yourselves Air-Baptized!"
"Come, Come, Come and Get Yourselves Air-Baptized O Ye Little Children!"
"Come and Get Air-Baptized and Allied with the Air!"
"Come and Get Air-Baptized and Allied with the Air and Pro-Air!"
"Come and Get Air-Baptized and Allied with the Air and Pro-Air against the Anti-Air!"
"I indeed air-baptize you with air for your protection and salvation!"
"But the AirAvatars are the ones to truly protect you and save you!"
He cried out as he stood with his back facing HarryAir, and as HarryAir started to land down, the air-baptizer suddenly swung and faced him, and stared at him for a second and at Airbeastie, and pointed at both of them, and screamed.
"This is He, the male air-human AirAvatar!"
"This is He, the male air-beast AirAvatar!"
The air-baptizer then gave out a hand and seized HarryAir by the arm and pulled him to him.
And then a resounding and echoing noise was heard all around the place.
"The male air-human AirAvatar!"
"The male air-beast AirAvatar!"
"The male air-human and air-beast AirAvatars!"
HarryAir then felt behind him Warder-dad VernonAir and DudleyAir and DudbeastieAir and the other 'Of Air' air-men and air-boys and air-beast-men and air-beast-boys spread out to encircle and protect him and Airbeastie as they pushed past the air-children to be air-baptized, and took position around the pulpit's edges to protect them from the crowd pushing forwards.
"This is He, the male air-human AirAvatar!"
"This is He, the male air-beast AirAvatar!"
The air-baptizer continued crying, ignoring all and everyone and focusing on HarryAir and Airbeastie as he stood HarryAir on the floor of the pulpit before him, and HarryAir felt the whirlwind stronger and saw it whirled in the same place as its bubbles spiralled all along it. The air-baptizer then shifted him before the whirlwind and facing him, and spoke.
"The male air-human AirAvatar shall be air-baptized!"
"The male air-beast AirAvatar shall be air-baptized!"
"Air-boy AirAvatar, undress yourself!" The air-baptizer ordered as he stetched forth his hands to Airbeastie, and HarryAir gave him his beast-boy.
HarryAir then quickly undressed himself starting from the shirt and jacket, to the trousers and shoes which Warder-dad VernonAir stretched forth his hand and arm to take, and he was now only in his briefs as he fully felt the whirlwind.
"No feathers, no plumes, no wings, and no patagia out, until we have finished with the air-baptism and air-confirmation." The air-baptizer warned.
"Yes." HarryAir answered as he innerly instructed himself not to sprout them out.
"Good. Take back the air-beast-boy AirAvatar!" The air-baptizer ordered as he gave back Airbeastie to HarryAir, and HarryAir took him back and held him as afore.
And then HarryAir immediately felt an invisible force take hold of him and freeze him, as he no longer heard the echoes, and believed the force also took hold of Airbeastie as he felt him freeze in his hands, and heard a voice speak as if it came from the whirlwind. "YOU THE MALE AIR-HUMAN AIRAVATAR AND AIR-BEAST AIRAVATAR ARE AIR-BAPTIZED IN THE AIR AND AIRFATHER!" And as the voice spoke, the force plunged him and Airbeastie into the whirlwind, and as he was in the whirlwind, he felt a cold as the airs and the bubbles washed over him. He felt the force extract him and Airbeastie out of the whirlwind, and the voice speak again. "YOU THE MALE AIR-HUMAN AIRAVATAR AND AIR-BEAST AIRAVATAR ARE AIR-BAPTIZED IN THE AIR ELEMENT AND AIRSON!" And as the voice spoke, the force replunged them into the whirlwind, and after extracted them out of it, and the voice spoke again. "YOU THE MALE AIR-HUMAN AIRAVATAR AND AIR-BEAST AIRAVATAR ARE AIR-BAPTIZED IN THE AIR ESSENCE AND AIRSPIRIT!" And as the voice spoke once more, the force replunged them into the whirlwind, and after extracted them out of it.
And as he and Airbeastie were out of the airs, all the men, beast-men, boys, and beast-boys in the air-sanctuary heard a thundering voice from above, and all stared up at the open-air, and felt a strong and shivering whirlwind descend, stop above HarryAir and Airbeastie, and all felt it gather up, and then they could all see it, and all saw it as a clear, transparent, white-and-silvery lit, and massive meshy air-mass, consisting of tiny air-dusts intermixed with a mass of branching, innumerable, long and thread-like filaments which were connected end-to-end; and HarryAir and Airbeastie stared above them to see it too, and they all saw it, and knew it was the Air Essence and AirSpirit, which somehow strangely resembled the cladosporia-men and cladosporia-beast-men, and it then descended upon HarryAir and Airbeastie and lighted upon them, and the thundering voice above growled. "THIS IS MY BELOVED MALE AIR-HUMAN AIRAVATAR AND AIR-BEAST AIRAVATAR WHO ARE AIR-BAPTIZED AND IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED." And HarryAir with Airbeastie felt the Air Essence and AirSpirit immediately disappear and its light was no more, and felt the force free him, and felt it was same for Airbeastie, and he heard the echoes again which were loudest.
"Here you stand male air-human AirAvatar and air-beast AirAvatar, air-baptized as AirAvatars." The air-baptizer said to HarryAir and to Airbeastie.