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Chronicles of the Apocalypse (2011)

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A former soldier with no memory awakens twenty years into a post apocalyptic wasteland, controlled by the company responsible for the apocalyse, terrorized by ruthless gangs and filled with horrific creatures. Trusting only the broken, the weak and imprisoned, Dante must adapt to the savage wasteland and unlock the mysteries to who he was. R For Strong Bloody Post-Apocalyptic Violence Including Some Brutal and Sadistic Measures, Some Disturbing Images, Pervasive Language, Some Smoking and Drug References, Some Sexuality, Graphic Nudity and a Scene of Rape. Running Time: 164 Minutes

Chapter 1 - Prologue


In a suburban house in California, Dante Fenix, a war veteran is in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror and touching his battle scar across his face.

Dante: So much for glory.

Dante's wife, Amanda, calls for him.

Amanda: Dante....

Dante: Yeah, I'm in here.

Amanda peeks into the bathroom as Dante finishes getting ready, before Amanda walks up behind him.

Amanda: You're going to knock em dead at the Veteran's ball tomorrow tonight, baby...

Dante: You think so?

Amanda: I know so. Now, if you could hurry up and get ready so I can look as beautiful as you...

Dante: And as our boy....

Amanda: mmm-hmm....

Dante: Speaking of which, where is he?

Dante steps out and fixes his tie, noticing his young son in his room, Harry, playing the video game, Uncharted, on his PS3 game console while his dog, Sammie, is lying next to him, panting.

Dante: Hey, Harry.

Harry: Hey, Dad.

Dante: Playing that game again, I see.

Harry: Yeah, just waiting for Kara's mom to come get me.

Dante: You sure you don't wanna go to the ball with us instead? You know; your old man did some time in the war which is why he's getting an award.

Harry: But Dad what's so good about getting an award for killing a few guys in the middle east?

Dante: I didn't just kill guys in the middle east. I also represented this country, the United States of America.

Harry: Why didn't you ever become a scientist like Uncle Ryan? Working for that cool company?

Dante: Well, son. Your Uncle is a big nerd. Hence; why he has no girlfriend or wife?

Harry: Didn't Uncle Ryan have a wife?

Dante: Yeah, he did.

Harry: Yeah, he got something called "deforce"?

Dante: Divorce. Anyway, how'd you hear about that?

Harry: Dad, I'm seven, not two.

Dante: The point is; your Dad's a hero because of his time in the war. I'm lucky you know. If it wasn't for me being safe, I wouldn't have made it back to my family.....we're not only honoring me, but others who lived and others who died.

Harry: Do you think they had families, too?

Dante: Of course. Most people serving in the military always have family to think about.

Harry: Dad...

Dante: Yeah...

Harry: You promise never to go back into the army? or leave again.

Dante: I promise, son....

Amanda: Dante!

Dante: Yeah?

Amanda: Your brother's on the news again.

Dante sighs, before he walks on into the living room to notice his younger brother, Ryan, a Kronos scientist in an interview, addressing the issues of an epidemic arising from a serum known as Python and how cases are starting to rise.

News Reporter: ....Dr. Fenix, with cases arising now here within the United States, do you feel that maybe the Python strain could start to become a problem with cases arising?

Ryan: Right now, here at Kronos Industries, we are developing vaccines to try and fight off this epidemic. Symptoms are such as fevers, coughs, skin disease and red eyes showing any infection. If you have either one of these symptoms, we advise you to stay home.....

Amanda: Looks like things are starting to get bad with this Python strain....

Dante: That's my little brother for you. Trying to build better cures for the world.

Amanda turns, looking in the mirror as Dante walks up behind her and kisses her neck.

Dante: mmm....

Amanda: What are you doing, mister?

Dante: Just thinking about how stunning you are. It was almost like yesterday when we were flirting in high school.

Amanda: I remember. 1995.

Dante: 1995. Sophomore year of high school. I remember the first time I saw you. You were this beautiful girl in her math books.

Amanda: and I remember the first time I saw you; thinking "who is this cocky looking jock thinking he's going to get me in bed?"

Dante: (laughs) I wasn't mainly thinking.

Amanda turns around, facing Dante.

Amanda: Mainly, huh?

Dante: No, I'm serious.....

Amanda: Look at us now....fifteen years later. House. Picket fence. A seven-year-old boy. a dog.

Dante: We've come really far.

Amanda and Dante share a kiss, before getting intimate.

Amanda: Dante....we have to finish getting ready....

Dante: Shame....I was getting so "ready".

Amanda: (chuckles) Oh! I almost forgot!

Amanda runs to the sofa and grabs a giftbag, before handing it to Dante.

Dante: What's this?

Amanda: Early birthday present.

Dante digs inside the bag and grabs a pair of dog tags.

Amanda: What's this?

Dante: You were complaining about your broken necklace. So I figured with me owning a necklace shop.

Dante looks at the inscription in the dog tags. "I don't think I could ever feel all the love I have to give, and I'm sure you never realize you've been my will to live".

Amanda: You like it?

Dante: Like it?

Dante puts on the dog tags, before looking at Amanda, smiling.

Dante: I love it.

Dante kisses Amanda.

Amanda: Happy Birthday, baby. You're only thirty once. Now finish getting ready.

The doorbell rings as Amanda gets it, revealing to be their neighbor, a little girl; Kara.

Kara: Hi, Mrs. Fenix!

Amanda: Hi, Kara! You here to play with Harry?

Kara: Yep! Is he inside?

Amanda: Harry! Little Kara's here to play with you!

Harry runs out of his room and approaches Kara.

Kara: Hi, Harry.

Harry: Hi, Kara.

Kara: Ready to come over? My mom's making fried chicken!

Harry: My favorite!

Kara: Come on!

Harry and Kara run off, before Dante laughs.

Amanda: What?

Dante: Those two are going to make a great couple when they're older.

Amanda: Hey, let's think of our son as a seven-year-old boy for now and not a teenage boy with raging hormones.

Later that night, Dante and Amanda are in bed together when Harry knocks on the door.

Harry: Dad....

Dante wakes up.

Dante: Hey, Harry. What's wrong, sport?

Harry: I had a bad dream.....

Amanda: Oh, want to come sleep with us?

Harry: Mmm-hmm...

Harry climbs in bed with Dante and Amanda as they all fall asleep. After Amanda and Harry have fallen asleep, Dante steps out of bed and walks into this office, picking up a photobook, flipping through variant photos such as his wedding day with Amanda, the birth of Harry and the family portrait. Suddenly, Dante hears a noise across from the house of his neighbor, Mindy and Patrick. Dante quickly puts on a shirt and jeans and leaves the house, before walking over to his neighbor's house. In the Fenix house, Dante's phone on the kitchen counter rings. Amanda is still in bed with Harry just as the house phone rings, awakening Amanda.

Amanda: Oh, goodness....who's calling me this late?

Amanda picks up the house phone.

Amanda: Hello?

Ryan: Amanda! Where's Dante? I need to talk to him.

Amanda: Ryan? Do you know what time it is? Why are you calling at 2:30 in the morning? Harry has school in the morning-

Ryan: Listen to me! I need to talk to Dante right now! There's something-

The line is cut off.

Amanda: Ryan? Ryan?

Amanda puts down the house phone, before she carefully gets out of bed.

Amanda: What was that about?

Harry slowly wakes up.

Harry: Mom?

Amanda: Yeah, baby?

Harry: Is everything okay?

Amanda: I don't know. Your Uncle called and was acting really strange.

Harry: Where's Dad?

Amanda: I don't know. He's around here somewhere.

Dante enters the premises of his neighbor's house and rings the doorbell. After a few moments, Dante knocks on the door.

Dante: Patrick? Mindy? Anyone home?

After no answer, Dante turns around to notice Patrick's car in the driveway.

Dante: Hmm....they're both home.

Before he prepares to leave, Dante suddenly hears more commotion inside Patrick's house, deciding to suddenly sneak around the backyard. In the Fenix home, Amanda and Harry leave the bedroom and begin to search for Dante.

Amanda: Dante? Dante?

Amanda and Harry walk to the restroom as Amanda knocks on the door.

Amanda: Dante? Are you in here?

Harry: Could he be doing number 2?

Amanda: No, honey. That's what the bathroom downstairs is for.

Harry: I thought the bathroom downstairs was for quest to use during the football games.

Amanda: That's an excuse for your dad to use the bathroom downstairs.

Amanda opens the bathroom door to find it.

Amanda: Besides, I don't think he's in here.

Harry: Dad?

At Patrick's house, Dante continues searching the yard, when he finds the backyard door open.

Dante: Patrick! Mindy? You guys home?

Dante pulls open the backroom door and calls into the house.

Dante: Guys? You home?

Dante looks around the kitchen and notices stains of blood on the floor.

Dante: What the hell?

Dante enters the house. While in the Fenix house, Amanda and Harry walk into the exercise room, where they find the TV broadcasting news.

Amanda: Dante? You in here?

News Reporter: It appears that we initially reported as riots: seem to be somehow connected to the nationwide pandemic from the Python strain by Kronos Industries.

Harry: Where the heck is he?

Amanda: I don't know, baby.

Amanda looks outside and sees Dante's car parked.

Amanda: His car's still here.

News Reporter: We've received reports that victims afflicted with the infection show signs of increased aggression and-

Harry: Mom, isn't that lady telling the News nearby?

Amanda: It looks like it.

In the neighbor's house, noises are heard as Dante finally reaches the basement, where he finds Patrick attempting to restrain Mindy, who has become violently sick and aggressive.

Patrick: Mindy! Listen to me, sweetie! I've called the hospital! They're gonna help you, okay?! It's gonna be fine!

Dante: Uh....Patrick? Is everything okay?

Patrick: Dante! Hey, man! Can you go back home? I got this.

Dante: What's wrong with Mindy?

Patrick: She's not right. She's sick, man. She was working in the city and came home tired. Said some drunk guy attacked and bit her. Next thing; you know, she went crazy.

Dante: Dude, are you sure you don't need help?!

On the news, Zeus Corps soldiers attempt to keep situation under control.

Zeus Corps Soldier: We need to get everyone out of here now. There's a gas leak. Lady, beat it! Get out of here!

News Reporter: There's some kind of commotion beh-

Zeus Corps Soldier: Lady, I told you to get the fuck out of-

The gas leak explodes behind them as the explosion is felt nearby by the Fenix house as well as Dante in the home of Patrick and Mindy.

Dante: What the hell?!

Harry: Uh...Mom...what was that?

Amanda looks in the distance to see another explosion, which, inside the neighbor's home, causes Patrick to loose his grip on Mindy, who turns and pounces on Patrick, violently biting into his neck.

Dante: Holy shit! Patrick! Mindy! Mindy! Stop!

Mindy stops biting into Patrick and looks up at Dante, who is horrified by Mindy's infected state.

Dante: Jesus! Stay back! Mindy!

Mindy charges at Dante, who knocks over the furniture and shelves to slow her down, but then trips as he leaves the basement. The infected Mindy pursues and pounces on Dante, who holds Mindy back.

Amanda: Oh, my god.

Amanda and Harry, feeling partially scared, leave the exercise room.

Amanda: Dante! Dante?! What is going on?

Amanda and Harry walk downstairs to the kitchen as their dog is heard barking.

Amanda: Sammy! Quiet, boy!

Dante's cellphone vibrates.

Harry: Mom, it's Dads' phone.

Amanda picks up the cellphone and sees it's Ryan calling and has several missed calls from Ryan.

Amanda: Your Uncle's called nine times?

Ryan: (Text Message) Where are you?! ANSWER YOUR DAMN PHONE! I'm in the city! Coming to get you, Amanda and Harry out of town.

Amanda: Out of town? Why? What is going on?!

Sammy continues barking outside in the backyard.

Amanda: Sammy! Stop! Be quiet!

Suddenly, in the backyard, striking and Sammy yelping is heard, causing Harry to gasp as Amanda turns to look in the backyard.

Amanda: Sammy? Sammy?

Harry: Mom? Something happened....should we go out there and look for him.

Amanda: I don't know....stay away from the windows, okay? Dante?

In the neighbor's house, Dante continues holding back an infected Mindy, before he finally grabs a vase and smashes it against Mindy's head, finally giving him a chance to get away. Dante sprints out of the neighbor's house and jumps the fence, before running into his home office and shutting the door.

Dante: Jesus...

Amanda and Harry enter the office to find Dante.

Amanda: There you are.

Dante: Amanda. Harry. You guys okay?

Amanda: Yeah. Dante? Dante?

Dante frantically searches through the drawers and pulls out a box, unlocking it as it reveals an USP.45 pistol.

Harry: Whoa, is that a gun?

Dante: Yes, it is....Amanda, has anyone been in here?

Amanda: No, it's just me and Harry.

Harry: Dad, I think something happened to Sammy. He was barking very loudly and then he-

Dante: Stay away from the windows and doors! Both of you! Just stay where I can see you.

Amanda: Dante. What do you need the gun for? Dante?

Dante does not answer and loads his pistol with his clip, before stuffing the other clips in his back pocket.

Amanda: Dante? Dante; please, baby, you're scaring me.

Amanda reaches over to touch Dante's arm, noticing Mindy's blood on him.

Amanda: Is that blood on you?

Dante: It's not mine....

Amanda: Then who's is it? Dante!

Dante: What?!

Amanda: What is going on? Talk to me.

Dante: I went over to Patrick and Mindy house. Their lights were on and it seemed like they were fighting.

As Dante explains to Amanda what happened, Harry looks outside in the yard.

Amanda: Are they okay?!

Dante: No, no. I went over there and-I found Patrick holding Mindy to the wall....she was sick.....she was violent and....she bit Patrick....she took a big peace of him out of his neck.

Amanda: Dante, you're not making any sense.

Dante: Look, I know it sounds crazy, but I know what I saw and-

Suddenly, the infected Mindy bangs on the glass door, startling Dante, Amanda and Harry and causing the three to step away.

Dante: Jesus...Mindy!

Harry: Dad?

Amanda: Dante?

Dante: Get behind me. Both of you behind me now.

Harry: Mom?

Amanda: It's okay, baby....

Dante: Mindy...

Mindy bangs on the glass door, before finally charging through the glass door.

Dante: Mindy, just stay away, okay?

The infected Mindy aggressively stands up, drooling blood as Dante clicks down the hammer of his gun.

Dante: Mindy. I am warning you. Don't make do this!

Amanda: Oh, my god.

Amanda shields Harry.

Harry: Mom!

Amanda: Shut your eyes, baby!

Mindy charges at the Fenix family, forcing Dante to shoot Mindy in the chest. The infected Mindy falls to the ground. After a few tense moments of looking of the body, Mindy suddenly jerks around.

Amanda: (screams)

Dante shoots Mindy again in the torso four times, before finally shooting her in the head, killing her.

Dante: Go. Go.

Dante, Amanda and Harry move to the other room, before Dante addresses and reassures the family.

Amanda: (tearfully) Wha-what happened to her?

Harry: shot her.

Dante: Guys...

Amanda: Her eyes....her skin...

Dante: Both of you; listen to me, okay? There's something really bad happening. We need to leave the area. Do you understand me?

Amanda: Yes...

Harry stares at Mindy's dead body.

Dante: Harry...son....don't look, okay? Just don't look at that.

Dante turns Harry away from the sight of Mindy's dead corpse, just as Ryan arrives in Kronos transport. Zeus Corps Soldiers and Ryan exit the vehicle as Dante notices the headlights, before he walks outside the front door.

Zeus Corps Escort # 1: Dante Fenix?

Dante: Yes.

Ryan: Dante!

Dante: Ryan! Jesus Christ! You-

Zeus Corps Escort # 2: Hold on.

Ryan: Sergeant. This is my brother. He has a wife and son as you see.

Zeus Corps Escort # 2: We see that, sir, but he's covered in blood.

Dante: It's not mine. It's my neighbor's. She-she's dead.

Ryan: Sergeant, surely this isn't necessary. We don't have time for this.

One of the Zeus Corps Escorts present a scanner.

Zeus Corps Escort # 1: You have to understand, Dr. Fenix. Family or not. If your brother of his family show any sign of infection, they can't come. We don't know how far this strain spreads or how it spreads.

Harry: We're not sick. Please.

Ryan: Fine. Scan them...but we have to hurry.

The Zeus Corps Escorts scan Dante and his family with the scanner, revealing green in all three.

Zeus Corps Escort # 2: All three are green and clear.

Ryan: Good. Then we need to go.

Ryan, Dante, Amanda and Harry enter in the Kronos vehicle as the Zeus Corps Escorts drive the car in the front seat. En-route, Ryan speaks to the Fenix family.

Ryan: It's been a while, big brother. How are you doing?

Dante: Not to good right now, little brother.

Ryan: Amanda....

Amanda: Ryan...

Ryan: Hey, Harry. How's my favorite little man doing? You good?

Harry: Sort of.

Ryan: Yeah, well, don't you worry. Your Uncle Ryan's taking you someplace safe.

Dante: Ryan, you're into the whole science mumbo-jumbo. Can you please explain to me what the hell is going on?

Ryan: It wasn't supposed to be like this....

Dante: What do you mean?

Ryan: The Python's's-

Amanda: It's turning people crazy...what is happening?

Ryan: We added samples of radioactive fluid into the a result, a parasite was born....Damn it...

Dante: How far is this spreading?

Ryan: You need to know this; it's not just the west. It's the east. The south. The whole United States is in panic right now.

Amanda: Why did you come to get us?

Ryan: Obama has ordered nuclear strikes on every infected city in the United States. By dawn, this city is on the list....that's why I'm here....I have a chopper arranged to get us out of the city and far away from here.

Dante: How long do we have?

Ryan: We've got at least two hours before the missile is launched.

Amanda: What? They're just going to blow up the city?!

Ryan: The President is taking extreme precautions right now...and so is Kronos and the military.

As the Kronos vehicle is en-route to the chopper meet up, the truck passes several families walking on foot. One family has a tiny baby in their hands.

Amanda: But what about all these people? Do they get a free Kronos ride away from the blast? What about them?

Ryan: Amanda, you have to understand. It was very hard to convince my supervisors to arrange all this to come get you. I had to fight.

Dante: He's right, Amanda.....we have to save our own family.

Amanda: But some of these people have children....and-

Dante: Amanda, we have a son. We have to think about him.

Harry: But we should help out other people, too.

Dante: We can't.

The Kronos transport vehicle continues driving through the streets, passing abandoned cars with stained blood as well as a burning house.

Dante: Holy hell.

Amanda: That's Ethan's house. Do you think he made it out?

Dante: Let's hope he did.

Harry: Are there a lot of people dead?

Ryan: A few...they say that people have found a few couples chewed up and eaten by-

Dante gives Ryan a look as he stops talking.

Ryan: I'm sorry. I....I shouldn't have said all that. (to Zeus Corps Escort # 2) Sergeant, what's our ETA on the chopper?

Zeus Corps Escort # 2: Chopper is en-route and reaching Los Angeles. Estimated time arrival twenty minutes.

Ryan: And the missile?

Zeus Corps Escort # 1: Delivery package of missile launch is scheduled at 5:15 am.

Dante: And what time is it now?

Ryan: 3:58 am.

Harry: So we don't have long?

Ryan: Hey, buddy. Hey, don't worry. We are going to make it. The chopper's closer, alright?

The Kronos escort vehicle suddenly becomes stuck behind a traffic jam of multiple cars attempting to leave the city.

Dante: Oh, no.

Ryan: Looks like we're not the only ones attempting to leave the city. (to Zeus Corps Escort # 1) Sergeant, is there another route to the pick-up zone?

Zeus Corps Escort # 1: Re-routing now.

The Zeus Corps Escort Soldier enters the routing area in his GPS.

Zeus Corps Escort # 2: Doctor, we got another route, but it's gonna take us longer to get to the chopper. We'd be adding twenty minutes extra.

Dante: Damn it....

In another vehicle, an impatient driver steps out of the car and yells at the other drivers ahead of him.

Impatient Driver: Hey! What the fuck?! Let's go, damn it!

Suddenly, he is attacked by an infected victim. His girlfriend screams in terror, before another infected victim sprints in the car and mauls her to death. The Fenix family and the Zeus Corps Escorts watch in shock and horror.

Amanda: Jesus....

Ryan: My god...

The infected victim stares at the Zeus Corps Escort.

Ryan: Sergeant! Back up...back up!

Zeus Corps Escort # 1: Fuck!

Dante: Shit!

Zeus Corps Escort puts the vehicle in reverse as the infected victim sprints after the backing up vehicle. The Zeus Corps Escort then turns and drives off as the infected victim slams his bloodied hand on the window, leaving a bloody handprint.

Ryan: Jesus....

Dante: Holy shit! What the fuck just happened?! What the fuck?! Did you see that shit?!

Ryan: Yes, I saw it.

Amanda: Holy shit....are you okay, baby?

Harry: was...

Amanda: I know. It's okay. We're okay.

Ryan: Sergeant, turn here. Turn here.

The Zeus Corps escort turns the vehicle into an alley way, where many civilians are running in the street.

Dante: No, no, no, Come on!

Ryan: Come on, people! Get out of the way!

Zeus Corps Escort # 1: Come on! Fucking move!

Harry: Dad, what are they running from?

Ryan: Get us out of here. Now.

Zeus Corps Escort # 1: I'm trying, sir.

An elderly gentlemen stops at the hood of the car.

Amanda: Oh, god.

Dante: We can't stop here, man!

Zeus Corps Escort # 2: Mr. Fenix, we are trying. Just give us a moment.

Dante: That missile is gonna be here at any moment if we don't leave!

Ryan: We can't just fucking drive through em, Dante!

Dante: Then back up, goddammit!

Ryan: They're behind us, too!

Amanda: Stop fighting! You're scaring, Harry!

Dante: There! I see an opening!

Zeus Corps Escort # 1: I'm taking it!

Dante: Go! Go!

The Zeus Corps Escort drives the car through the blocked alley, when suddenly, a truck crashes into the Zeus Corps vehicle. A few minutes later, Harry wakes up to find the Zeus Corps Escort # 1 died from a broken neck. Amanda awakens and shields Harry from the sight of the dead body. Amanda then wakes up Dante.

Amanda: Dante. Dante.

Dante awakens to notice an infected civilians mauling a nearby civilian.

Dante: Hold on! Hold on!

Dante kicks out the front window and climbs out of the overturned car, before he is suddenly attacked by a Skinner, which claws Dante's arm. The infected is shot dead by Zeus Corps Escort # 2. Ryan also arrives on the scene.

Ryan: Dante!

The Zeus Corps Escort is suddenly attacked and bitten in the neck by an infected, before Ryan bludgeons the infected with a brick. The dying Zeus Corps Escort finally bleeds out.

Ryan: Dammit...

Amanda: Dante?

Dante: I'm here. I'm here. Gimme your hand.

Dante helps Harry and Amanda out of the car as Amanda limps.

Amanda: Damn it....

Dante: What's wrong?

Amanda: It's my ankle. I think I twisted it.

Dante: Can you still walk?

Amanda: Barely.....

Ryan: Guys...we're gonna need to run.

Ryan looks down at his watch and panics.

Ryan: We've got forty-three minutes left, before the bomb arrives.

Dante: What? We were out that long...

Dante looks in the horizon to see the skies starting to change as the sun begins to rise.

Dante: Fuck....

Dante grabs the pistol from the dead Zeus Corps Escort.

Dante: Ryan! Help Amanda!

Ryan carries Amanda over his shoulder.

Dante: Harry. You stay with me. Hold my hand! And don't let go, okay?!

The Fenix family runs through the city along the civilians, witnessing carnage as infected attack few civilians.

Harry: Dad...I'm scared.

Dante: It's going to okay, buddy....keep running!

A car crashes into a gas station, causing it to explode.

Ryan: Keep going!

The Fenix family runs past a burning restaurant as several infected leave the building burning aflame.

Harry: Dad...those people are burning alive.

Dante: Don't look, Dante.

Harry: Dad...why are they eating those people?!

Dante: It's going to be okay! Don't look, son!

The front away is suddenly blocked by hordes of infected.

Ryan: Back! There's too many of them! The alley!

The Fenix family exit through a alley as an infected attacks Ryan, who holds back the attack as Dante kicks the infected off, before shooting him dead.

Dante: Fuck! He's dead!

Amanda: Goddammit!

Ryan: We've got twenty-eight minutes left, but we're almost at the pick-up zone!

The infected begin to rip open the fence.

Ryan: They're getting through the fence!

Dante: Keep moving!

The Fenix family narrowly escapes pursuing infected, before entering a bar and slamming the door, barricading it.

Ryan: Let's go!

The Fenix family finally reaches the pick-up zone as they are greeted by Zeus Corps Soldiers with a chopper parked behind them.

Zeus Corps Soldier # 1: Dr. Ryan Fenix? Your timing is impeccable. I just got word; the raptor carrying the package has just entered the velocity of the city. We need to leave now!

Ryan: I appreciate it.

Zeus Corps Soldier # 2: Where's the escort?

Ryan: Dead. Both of them.

Zeus Corps Soldier # 1: Have you or your family encountered any infected?

Dante: Of course, we have. Look at us, plus my wife's ankle is broken.

Zeus Corps Soldier # 2: And your arm?

Dante looks down at the claw mark on his arm.

Dante: I was holding back an infected....but I didn't get back....

Zeus Corps Soldier # 2: Dr. Fenix, was any of your family bit?

Dante: of us were bit....

Zeus Corps Soldier # 1: But you were scratched....

Ryan: Look, I get you're being cautious, and we can treat his injury....I'm worried, too, but right now, we need to leave.

Zeus Corps Soldier # 1: Fine...I'll allow him to enter the helicopter, only cause he's your brother...but doctor, if there's any signs of infected, I will terminate him.

Ryan: Fair enough...

The Fenix family prepares to enter the chopper, when suddenly, the infected Patrick calls out.

Patrick: Dante! Dante!

The Fenix family looks behind them to notice Patrick limping to the helicopter.

Dante: Patrick? You're still alive?!

Patrick: Help me! Help me! Please!

The Zeus Corps Soldiers immediately take precaution at the sight of Patrick.

Zeus Corps Soldier # 1: Sir, stop!

Patrick: Please! Help me! I'm dying!

Zeus Corps Soldier # 2: Stop right there!

Patrick stops as the two Zeus Corps Soldiers aim their weapons at him.

Patrick: Jesus! Okay! I'm stopping! I'm hurt!

Amanda: Can't we help him?!

Ryan: No, we can't.

Amanda: But maybe we can treat him. We're treating Dante, right?!

Dante:'s just a scratch on my arm...he's got a whole bite mark.

Zeus Corps Soldier # 2: Sir, please! For your own safety and the safety of others, step back.

Patrick: Please! Please! I don't wanna die! Please! Help me!

Amanda: Isn't there anything we can do?!

Amanda limps over to Patrick.

Zeus Corps Soldier # 1: Mrs. Fenix!

Ryan: Amanda!

Dante: Amanda, what are you doing?!

Amanda: We have to help him, Dante! There's a missile coming to destroy the city in a few minutes.

Dante: Exactly! Which is why we need to leave! We can't help him.

As the Fenix family argue, Patrick begins to show signs of infection as Amanda closes near him.

Amanda: We have to. If these soldiers came to help us, they can help Patrick, too. We can't just turn people away like this!

Dante: Amanda! Please!

Amanda: Patrick. Take my hand. You're coming with us.

As Amanda offers her hand, the infected Patrick looks up and attacks Amanda, biting into her arm.

Harry: Mom!

Dante: Amanda!

Ryan: No!

Amanda fights off the infected Patrick, long enough for the Zeus Corps Soldiers to shoot him dead. Afterwards, Amanda looks down at her arm.

Amanda: I....I...

Dante steps out of the chopper and runs to Amanda, reassuring her.

Dante: Amanda! Look at me, baby. It's just's nothing, okay?! Come on. We gotta go.

The Zeus Corps Soldiers block Dante and Amanda's way.

Dante: What are you doing?

Zeus Corps Soldier # 2: She can't come with us, sir. I'm sorry. She's infected.

Dante: It's just a bite.....look, my brother can treat this. (to Ryan) Right, Ryan?! Ryan?!

Ryan gives Dante a look.

Ryan: Dante...I....

Dante: Ryan....please....

Ryan: Dante....I'm sorry, but....Amanda...can't come with us.

Harry: But Mom...

Ryan holds Harry back in the chopper.

Ryan: Harry...stay there, okay?

Dante: Look, please...we can treat this. I got scratched. You can treat this, right?!

Ryan: A scratch and a bite are two different things.....

Dante: But this is my wife.....Please...

Ryan: Dante....get in the chopper....please....the missile is on it's way....we have to go.

Dante: I'm not leaving without my wife...

Amanda: Dante....Dante....

Amanda touches Dante's face and looks him in the eyes.

Amanda: Look at me...

Dante becomes tearful.

Amanda: Go....please...

Dante: Not without you.....

Amanda: Dante....please....Harry needs his father....whatever is happening here won't stop.....there's a different world coming....please go...teach him to be what's to come....promise me, okay?

Dante: I promise.....

Dante kisses Amanda, before slowly releasing her hand.

Amanda: I love you, baby....

Dante: I love you, too...

Dante turns and walks to the chopper as Harry looks at him.

Harry: Dad...why's Mom not in the chopper?

Dante does not answer as Ryan and the Zeus Corps Soldiers enter and close the chopper doors.

Harry: Dad? Wait, Mom!

Harry bangs on the door and shouts as the chopper takes off.

Harry: Mom! Mom!

Amanda blows a kiss to Dante and Harry, before the chopper leaves Los Angeles as the sun rises. Amanda looks into the distance as the sun shines on her face, before she kneels on the ground. Dante looks down as Harry confronts Dante.

Harry: Why didn't she come with us?

Dante: (tearful) I'm sorry, buddy....

Harry cries as Dante comforts him.

Ryan: There it is..

The missile launches its way to Los Angeles as Amanda watches overhead, grabbing her necklace. The missile detonates, destroying the city and incinerating Amanda as well as the rest of the infected and civilians in the area. Dante mourns the loss of Amanda as he comforts a devastated Harry. The helicopter arrives at the Kronos base, before Ryan escorts Dante inside and into a room with a cryo-chamber.

Dante: What is this?

Ryan: Cryo-stasis chamber. I have to put you on ice, before I treat you for your's the only way.

Dante reassures Harry.

Harry: You're not going to leave me, are you, Dad?

Dante: No, buddy. I just gotta go inside this ice chamber until your uncle can figure out a way to cure my claw mark....I won't ever leave you, okay?

After hugging his son, Dante steps into the cryo-chamber as Ryan begins to cryo-stasis procedure, before Dante falls asleep.

Ryan: This is the only the beginning....