Chereads / Chronicles of the Apocalypse (2011) / Chapter 10 - The Aftermath

Chapter 10 - The Aftermath

The Cratersville people carry the corpses of the fallen Cratersville citizens. Dante visits Luke at the city prison, where Razor is thrown in next to Thomas.

Luke: well, I'm pretty sure. They won't be bothering us for a while....with Razor locked up....

Thomas: yeah...that's if we had some bigger barriers...

Mack: Shut up!

Mack whacks his bat at Thomas's cell.

Dante: hopefully, there won't be any more of those people harassing this city anymore.

Luke: yeah, thanks for your help by the way, Razor was a huge pain in the ass. He'd been looting our town for months of food, supplies, and sometimes our women for....cruel things. Look, I've got to check to see how much damage was done.

At the Kronos base, Kyle is listening to his music while writing in his journal as his squad mates and roommates, Jemo and Epps, are exercising.

Epps: So, bro, I walk into the bar. She's staring at devishly...and seducingly....then I pull the moves...pulling my Channing Tatum stare at the bitch....then I sweet talk as we're in her apartment, she gets in this black lingerie....she tells me to "stick my tongue" in my I do....then she says "stick your fingers" in my spot...then she says "wiggle you tongue". I'm like "how"? She looks down at me and says "see; told you my couchie was tight".

Epps laughs.

Jemo: That is nasty, man. That is nasty. You've got a fucked up way of seducing woman.

Epps throws a pencil at Kyle, getting his attention.

Epps: Yo! Desipich!

Kyle removes his headphones.

Kyle: What's up, Epps?

Epps: You get any wasteland couchie out there on your patrols?

Kyle: You know, Epps? I've only been here for four months and you're already getting into my business.....didn't anyone ever teach you some punctuality....

Jemo: Aw, come on, man. Give us a story.

Kyle: You boys already know my story. Son of a leader....had a lot of potential....fucked it over....end of story....

Epps: Yeah, but the Captain says there's more to you, man....what exactly happened that caused you to transfer here?

Kyle: Pretty much all I summed it up to be, Epps.

Kyle stands up and leaves the room. Two days later, the Cratersville people have a funeral for Ben and the other lost ones. Ben's cap is on top of his grave. In the middle of town, the execution of Razor is taking place with most of the townspeople present. Luke stands on the stage with Razor having a noose around his neck.

Luke: Ladies and gentlemen of Cratersville. I hate doing this, but we must show the people of the wasteland that we will not abide these crimes. This monster has committed crimes against the people of Cratersville...murder....of several innocent good men and women...

Luke turns to Razor.

Luke: Do you have any final words?

Razor: This is fucked up! I told you people already! Kronos paid me to attack! Just fucking listen, okay?!

As Razor protests, Nathan walks over and wraps a rag around Razor's mouth, silencing him.

Luke: The sentencing for these crimes against the people of Cratersville is death. This man does not show remorse for his crimes....and we will not show remorse for his death.

After the speech, Luke nods as Nathan pulls the switch, causing the floor to drop below Razor's feet. Razor falls through the floor as the rope breaks his neck, killing him. Some citizens of Cratersville citizens turn their head at the execution.

Luke: Cut him down....and throw his body out into the wasteland....let the birds eat something descent....

Dante walks with Killen.

Dante: Goddamn....

Killen: Hey...fuck him...he killed a lot of our people...

Dante: I know...just goddamn...

Killen: (smoking a cigarette) This type of shit happens almost every year, man. We fight with people and we loose people. Just the way the fucking world is.

Dante: Fucking A....

Luke approaches.

Luke: Killen, we need to talk. A lot of people are hurt. We need medicine and Nora's the only one who had experience with medicine.

Dante: well, where are we going to look?

Killen smiles.

Killen: The City of the Damned.

Luke: Whoa, whoa, whoa, what? the City of the Damned? There's way too many mutants there.

Killen: its medicine is probably usable or we can at least find some ammo or food.....Dante, we need this medicine for our people...and Bo was always one of our best runners.... but it's going to be very dangerous.

Dante: I've figured.

In the center of town, Luke has a town meeting with the survivors.

Luke: All right, people. The good news. Razor's dead and the Blood Hogs won't be bothering us again.

Jacob: and what's the bad news?

Luke: The attack has left us crippled....badly....and a lot of people are injured....they could die within days.....the infirmary is trashed and the only place where we could get medicine is the City of the Damned....

The survivors mutter to each other in a concerned matter.

Nathan: People! People! Calm down!

Luke: People! Look I know what you've heard and yes, that deep into the city is a big risk....but we need to do this....we need to do this so we don't have to write anymore names up on that wall...

Dante looks at the names of the dead Cratersville civilians on the wall with Bo and Ben among them.

Luke: I'm not asking for a big group. I'm just asking for a group of about eight.....Colin's already volunteered....we just need seven who's up?

Nathan: Dad, I'll go.

Luke: No, Nathan. I need you here.

Nathan: But Dad-

Luke: Right now. I need your help making sure these people stay alive. This city stays alive. You and I will escort the one's getting the medicine to the City of the Damned.

Nathan: okay....

A moment of silence passes as Walter raises his hand.

Walter: I'll go.

Luke: Thank you, Walter...six more...

Josiah raises his hand.

Josiah: I'll go.

Blaine: The City of the Damned is a good place for storage of mechanical parts and supplies to sell....I'll go!

Justin: Blaine...

Blaine: Man, it's a good opportunity for us to find something that will get this shop running again. I'm in....

Luke: Okay....

Nora: I'll go, too.

Nathan: Nora, no.

Nora: Babe, we need to do this. These people need medicine and I know-

Nathan: No, the people here need you here to help them get back on their feet....

Ian: I'll go with him, Nora.....

Nora: You sure about this, Ian?

Ian: Yeah. Nathan's taught me how to shoot. I've gotten better.

Nathan: you sure about this, kid?

Ian:'ll be a piece of cake.

Killen: I'll tag along too.

Luke: All right we got seven...we just need more....

Dante: I'll go....

Killen: you sure, you want to go, Dante?

Dante: I need to contribute....I'm going...

Luke: All right's settled...

At the Kronos Industries facility, Cole walks into Burton's office with documents with Kyle present.

Cole: General, I've got the reports of a settlement raided by Blood Hogs.

Burton: and?

Cole: Well, from what the citizens are saying, The Leader of the Blood Hogs is dead....our mole is feeding us intel-

Burton: I'll worry about Subject 19 later....I need you to lead your best men and head down to the City of the Damned....We lost contact with Sigma Squad....and they have required a new satellite antenna...

Cole: sir... with all due respect, why would we need a fucking antenna?

Burton: So we can get surveillance of the entire planet? We need to locate Subject 19 with that satellite...Get your squad armed and ready to head out in 14:00...Desipich.

Kyle: Sir...

Burton: You're going with them.

Kyle: Yes, sir...

Cole: Guess I could use all the help I could get.

Burton:'re going to have to do something, Lieutenant...I need Private Barnes in this mission.....we're losing too many good men.

Kyle: Barnes, sir?

Cole: Barnes.....he's rotting in a prison, sir.....he's a coward. A hard head. The man murdered and tortured--

Burton: I'm aware of that, Captain, but this is a desperate matter! This is not a discussion. This is an order. Release Barnes and then head to the City of the Damned.

Cole: Yes, sir.

Burton: Lieutenant Desipich, go to the armory...and get your armor and weapons. Meet Cole at the chopper in one hour.

Kyle: Yes, sir...

Kyle and Cole walk side by side.

Cole: Try to keep your compassion to a minimum, boy. Doesn't look good on a soldier.

In a prison, an inmate is sitting in his cell, before he pulls out box of matches and ignites one of them, looking at the writing on the cell walls.

Barnes: (looking at the scroll of Madness) "Madness" (looking at the word Chaos) "Chaos"....and no world order.....that's what we've lost....

Suddenly, Barnes is startled by a noise as his cell door opens. Kyle appears.

Barnes: (chuckles) Desipich. What are you doing here?

Kyle: I brought you some welcome gifts. 

Kyle throws a bag on the ground at Barnes' feet.

 Kyle: gotta get dressed. Your vacation's over.

Barnes: Vacation? 

Barnes picks up the bag.

Barnes: You call three hot ass meals a day, five hours of sleep and a six year sentence a vacation, you must be in fucking wonderland.

Barnes gets dressed into his armor.

Kyle: We gotta go.

Barnes: You know, can't believe they sent a young sprout like you to bust me out....

Barnes is fully equipped into his armor, wrapping a black bandana around his forehead.

Kyle: I'm not alone...I'm with a team.

Kyle tosses Barnes an Zeus Corps Assault Rifle.

Kyle: you are. You've been reinstated. Welcome back to the army, Private.

Barnes: Fucking A, man. I'm taking orders from a goddamned kid?

Kyle: Yeah, you deal with it.