Chereads / Chronicles of the Apocalypse (2011) / Chapter 16 - The Imprisoned and the Wounded

Chapter 16 - The Imprisoned and the Wounded

Shortly after the explosion, Dante, Killen, James and Jacob recover, before looking out at the destroyed Cratersville.

Dante: Oh, my god.

Killen removes the aviators from his eyes and rubs his eyes in despair.

Killen sighs.

Killen: Damn it...

Dante: how did they track us?

James: I don't know....

Across the wasteland, Nathan leads Colin, Kyle, Billy, Walter, Nora, Sarah, Ashley, Justin and Bart out of the underground tunnel, before they spot Dante, Killen, James and Jacob.

Nathan: Jacob! Dante!

Dante, Killen, James and Jacob turn their attention to the remaining Cratersville survivors.

James: Oh, god.

Dante, Killen, James and Jacob regroup with Nathan, Nora, Walter, Billy, Sarah, Ashley, Bart and Justin.

Nathan: Killen....Dante...

Dante: what the hell happened?

Walter: some damn Zeus Corps soldiers came and started shooting....looks like the same one's that jumped us from yesterday....they destroyed the town.

Killen: Are you all that made it?

James: My Uncle?

Nathan: I'm not sure....I don't know where Colin is....

Dante: Luke?

Nathan looks down as Sarah and Ashley give saddened looks.

Dante: Fuck....I-guys, I'm sorry.

Bart: Ya know, what I think? I think those fuckers tracked this asshole right here to us.

Dante turns around.

Dante: what? I have nothing to do with this attack!

Killen steps in.

Killen: yeah, besides he was with me, James and Jacob.

Bart: they haven't bothered us for twenty fucking years. Then this asshole shows up and suddenly they blow up out town. This whore lead them to us. He's a fucking rat!

Dante: I'm not a traitor. I can't even remember who the fuck I was before the world went to shit.

Killen: Bart, back off....

Bart: I didn't ask you, asshole.

Killen: no you didn't, but I am gonna defend him, you redneck douchebag and I'm telling you to back off, man.

Bart: you siding with this prick? Every since he got here, things have been going to shit-

Bart prepares to pull out his gun, until Walter and Jacob aim their guns and his crossbow at Bart's head.

Jacob: Get your hand away from the gun, Omar.

Walter: I suggest you do what he says....

Bart: I didn't ask you for your opinion, nigger....

Walter: (cocks gun) give me a fucking reason, cracker...please, give me one fucking reason...looks like that white power bullshit didn't help you....boy....

Bart tries to aim the gun at Walter, who dodges the shot, and knees Bart in the stomach. Walter then punches Bart in the face. Walter prepares to pummel Bart.

Walter: Motherfucker! You going try to fucking shoot me?!

Killen grabs Walters's hand.

Killen: Walter, he's not worth it.

Jacob and James helped the beaten Bart up.

Walter: Who's the boy now, bitch?

Bart: Why you...fuck you! You black faggot!

Walter: Who you callin a faggot, cracker?!

Jacob and James restrain Bart, while Killen restrains Walter. The two lunge at each other.

Killen: Both of you...calm...the...fuck...down!

Nathan shoots a round into the sky, stopping the fight.

Nathan: okay, we are indirectly screwed right now. Fighting each other is not going to help. We all know who the enemy is. Fifty-two dead, including my father, Sally and Thomas. We are all that is left. Due to my father's death, I am in charge and my first order is to not have you two bickering like a bunch of pansies ass girls who haven't had dick in weeks. Do you two understand? Because if not, I shit you not, I'll shoot you both myself, because I'm not having this around Nora or my sisters.

The others release Bart and Walter.

Walter: When did we decide on who's leading the rest of us?

Nathan: Look around you, Walter. I'm the only one who can lead this group.

Killen: Nathan's is right. We need leadership.....

Nathan: No, we need to focus on Kronos and how to get back at them.

Justin: back at them? You're not honestly considering trying to take them out?

Nathan: yeah, I am.

James: I'm with you.

Dante: so am I.

The others look at the three as if they are crazy.

Ashley: I'm in....

Sarah: Ashley...

Ashley: Don't try to stop me, Sarah.....look what they did to our goddamn town and they killed Dad!

Walter: question. How do you suggest we get there, and fight them? I mean we ain't typically the death squad here. We're not some elite squad of highly trained motherfuckers! We outgunned, we outnumbered, we fucking hopeless and homeless.

Bart: Hate to say it, but I agree with Walter.

Walter: Don't agree with me, white boy.

James: We have Dante.

Dante looks at James.

Nora: What?

James: He was a test subject for them. Kronos...may have used him for something....

Killen: James, I think we should have kept that on the down low.

After a moment, Nathan aims his gun at Dante's chest, until Killen and James step in.

James: Whoa, Nathan! Put it down!

Killen: Nathan....

Sarah: Nathan...please...we don't need this right now....

Ashley: Nathan!

Nora: Everyone just fucking calm down!

Bart: I told you he was the cause of this. Shoot him, Sheriff!

Nathan aims his rifle at Bart.

Nathan: You. Shut the fuck up! Nathan aims his rifle at Dante.

Nathan: and you, get to explaining.

Killen: Nathan, enough! All right, yes, he's Kronos, but guys, that don't mean Dante is the cause of this. He would've left me for the Blood Hogs if he was! C'mon, Nate, just put the gun down.

Nathan slowly puts his gun down and walks away, before he then strikes Bart with the butt of his rifle, knocking him out.

Nora: Why'd you do that?

Nathan: I needed to hit someone.

Justin: Should we wake him up?

Walter: Fuck no....let the nigga sleep....

Justin laughs.

Nathan: okay, so how do we get to them and we don't even know where they're staying or bunked at?

Dante: well, even though we can't track em. We can interrogate the gangs and see if they know anything. I need to learn about me and Kronos.....Wait....wait....that soldier....Desipich! he worked for them. He worked for Kronos. He's a Zeus soldier, right? Where is he? I need to speak with him. Please tell me he's alive.

Nathan: The entire fucking town is decimated. He wasn't in the bunker....Fuck...I left him in the cell with Mack back in town....there's no way that he made it...

James: If he's still alive, then we gotta find him and my Uncle.

Nathan: James, I'm sorry, but there's not wa-

Colin: James....

The group turns around and notice Colin and Kyle.

Nathan: Son of a bitch.

James: Uncle Colin!

Jacob: You!

Walter and Jacob aim their weapons at Kyle.

Killen: Well Holy Fucking Shit.

Walter: You did this! You fuckin brought em here!

Kyle: I didn't know they were going to do this!

Nathan: Impossible. How the fuck did you get out of your cell?

Kyle: I didn't kill Mack for one....They killed Mack right in front of me....

Kyle turns to Nathan.

Kyle: Nathan, your Dad....he...Barnes killed him. He didn't make it.

Nathan, Sarah and Ashley give saddened looks.

Kyle: Jesus.....I'm sorry...all of you..

Nathan: I don't need your sorry. I need a goddamned explanation.

Kyle: I didn't know about this.

Walter: Fucking liar! Let me shoot him! He just got our home destroyed, man!

Colin: He killed his own soldiers! He helped us!

Dante: Wait, Walter! Dante turns to Kyle. 

Dante: Desipich. Is it true? You killed your own men.

Kyle: I was trying to protect you people.....I just didn't want people to die to do it....

Walter: It's his fucking fault this happened.

Jacob: let me kill em, Nathan.

Colin: Jacob! Walter! He didn't do this! He saved my life. He killed his own soldiers!

Dante and Colin step in front of Kyle.

Dante: no! No! Hey! He may be the only source to these assholes. (To Colin and James) He'll know about your father if he's still alive. (To Killen) He'll know about my brother is....I need to know who he is...who I am.....

Kyle: So you are Dr. Fenix's brother?

Dante: I think they were conducting experiments on me...I don't know why, but I need to find out...

Walter: ah, c'mon! Nathan! Don't listen to this bullshit! We're in a fucked-up situation! There's no way that this nigga knows where the fuck Kronos is....and either way, he doesn't have any resources like we do...

Kyle: I have a plan.

Walter: You have a plan?

Kyle: I have a plan.

Walter: fucking bullshit....

Killen: all right, if you got a plan, let's hear it.

Kyle: I know people in the wasteland....I know where we can get a car. I know that Kronos had a map of where Dr. Fenix might be at a radioactive fuel factory.

Walter: What?

Kyle: I know a guy, who owes me some favors...he has a car...piece of crap truck...but it runs...five-hundred caps...that's the price.

Walter: So what? You hanging out with poor locals now?

Kyle: I don't "hang out", dick-face! I do business with them.

Nathan: All right, all right, all right....take us to your friend....let's go people. It's going to be dark soon.....and us in the dark is bad. Take what you need, whatever ammo you can find, tools, anything of use. Let's move before the Zeus Corps decides to come back to make sure we're dead....or something worse.

Nathan walks past Kyle, who grabs his shoulder.

Kyle: Nathan...I hope you don't think this information I've given you is free.

Nathan: I'll come up with some caps later, man....

Kyle: I'm not talking about caps.....I need to protect myself too....

Nathan sighs and after a moment, Nathan pulls out one of his sidearm's and hands it to Kyle.

Walter: Aw, come on, Nathan!

Nathan: Shut up, Walter. We don't have any other choice....

Nathan gives Kyle a stern look.

Nathan: I'll be watching you....

Kyle: Noted....duly noted...

Walter: All right. I have one question.....who's carrying Bart?

Nathan: No one...wake the fucker up and let's moving...

The remaining Cratersville Survivors make their way to Kyles' destination while Killen whispers to Nathan.

Killen: Are you sure we can trust him?

Nathan: Right now...we don't have a choice.