Chereads / Chronicles of the Apocalypse (2011) / Chapter 19 - Glow in the Dark

Chapter 19 - Glow in the Dark

Dante, Kyle and Killen proceed to drive towards Shit-Canned, where the battle continues between the Blood Hog. The truck stops as Dante, Kyle and Killen exit the truck.

Kyle: Let's do this shit.

Dante, Kyle and Killen join the fight. Few of the Shit-Canned guards are gunned down in the fight, but most of the Blood Hogs are killed. However, below, Blood Hogs with rocket launchers arrive in the battle.

Colin: oh, shit!

James: Fuck!

The Blood Hogs open fire, hitting the support beams to a nearby building, causing it to collapse. Suddenly, Dante notices the propane tanks above the Blood Hogs head as she shoots at them, causing them to explode and dropping a giant gas tank on the three and incinerating them in a violent fire.

Walter: Burn, bitch!

Kyle approaches Dante.

Kyle: That was fast thinking.

Dante: Hey....I'm just glad I was fast to react....

Nathan: Yeah, I think I'll reconsider leaving my sisters here now.....

Kyle: You wanted to leave your sisters here with Oden? You stupid cock-face.

Nathan: Uh...fuck you....

Nora: Guys....

Walter: Where's Justin?

Killen: He didn't make it. He panicked. Ran off into the dark. Those things tore him apart.

Billy: Shit.

Kyle: Oden, you all right?

Oden: I'll be fine, got yo ride I see....

Kyle: Sorry about your people....truly....we'll be leaving now...

Kyle hands Oden his caps. 

Kyle: Your caps. A deal's a deal.

Oden: Yo! Yo, Desipich! 

Kyle turns his head.

Oden: We even now, nigga. No more favors from me, motherfucka!

The Cratersville Survivors head towards the truck.

Kyle: That's all right. We'll probably be dead to have any more favors for you.

The Cratersville Survivors leave in the truck with James turning on the radio station to "Careful Whisper by Wham!".

Colin: Oh, hell no.

Colin turns the radio station.

James: What the hell?

Colin: we are not listening a fucking romance song on the way to this factory.

Colin tunes the station to "Along the Watchtower".

Colin: There. That's better.

In the Kronos Facility, Barnes is discussing his plans with his new Lieutenant Epps.

Epps: We're on schedule. Our scouts are working through the east coast and the west.

Barnes: We need to push harder, Epps. I want double shifts with every worker we have. Am I clear?

Epps: As you command.

Barnes: There's one other-

A Zeus Corps Soldier walks into the meeting.

Zeus Corps Soldier: Excuse me, sir.

Barnes: This had better be good, son.

Zeus Corps Soldier: Well, it's about in the city, sir. Last night, the Night-Hydras were out during a gunfight between a settlement and a band of Blood Hogs.

Barnes: And this is interesting how?

Zeus Corps Soldier: The leader of the settlement bargained a trade with one of the survivors. Survivors of a recently destroyed town up north. We had a surveillance drone search the ruins of that small city that we blue...there were footprints of a small band of survivors, sir.

Barnes: So some of them survived....Desipich and Subject 19 must be with them....they're going after the Doc and the General....where are they now?

Zeus Corps Soldier: They left a few hours ago after the fight. Their destination is unknown.

Epps: Sir, we may a have a chance before they get to Fenix and Burton.

Barnes: I'm not concerned about those two...they'll be dead before the kid can get to them. Private, have our surveillance team keep an eye out for any other breadcrumbs to Subject 19.

Zeus Corps Soldier: Yes, sir.

Meanwhile, during a rainy night, the truck drives through the forest with glowing skinners around the premises. Suddenly, the engine of the truck blows out, causing Kyle to turn the truck to the side.

Kyle: Well, looks like we're walking.

Bart: Are you fucking serious?!

The Cratersville Survivors exit the truck as Walter takes a look.

Walter: Fucking A, man.

Nathan: Well, Walter?

Walter: Truth: Truck's a piece of shit.

Colin: can you fix it, James?

James: Maybe....if I had the right parts...

Billy: Ben could've.....

James: Hey, Ben taught me some things....before he died.

Nathan: Forget it. Jacob. You stay with the truck. Rendezvous with us on the other side of the facility.

Jacob: Got it.

Walter: Be safe, bro....

Jacob: You too.

The survivors begin making their way to the radioactive fluid factory as they notice glowing skinners, roaming around.

James: Okay, is it me or does anyone else notice what looks like-

Kyle: Glowing Skinners? Yep....They've been feeding on radioactive fluids.

Dante: that bad?

Walter: For us.....yeah...

As the group approaches the door, Kyle and Colin attempt to open the door by force.

Killen: You guy's going to open the door?

Colin: It's locked.

Nora: Well, it's a shame we don't have a blowtorch.

James: That's what Mr. Jax is for.

Mr. Jax decloaks.

Dante: No. (presses onto door) It's not going to work. Door's too thick.

James: You just had to kill his dreams.

Nathan: All right, Kyle. We're here so what the hell are we looking for that'll lead us to Fenix?

Kyle: During a mission here a few years back, I found a device with mapping data of Kronos Scientists camped at places like schools...Universities...etcetera... in the main office. I wanted to take it with me, but command said it would be useless. I figured it would be of use sometime I hid it in the main office. That mapping data will could possibly show us the doc is.

Dante: sounds like a plan.

Walter: Yeah, a plan that sounds too big for a group like us.

Nathan: Then we need to split up and find an entrance. How many of us are left?

Kyle: You're the leader of the group. You should know.

Nathan: Thank you, smart ass. All right. Ashley, you're with me. Sarah, Honey (Nora), you guys check the back. James, Walter, you're checking the main entrance. Dante, Killen, you two take the east. Kyle, Colin, you guys check the north. Billy, Bart, you check the south. Hopefully, we'll find a way in.

Walter: I don't know, man. Splitting up like this sounds like a bad idea.

Nathan: In this world, Walter, bad ideas are what keeps it alive.

The group splits up in their assigned twos as Dante and Killen proceed to their assigned location, before a lambent skinner runs through and climbs up the wall.

Killen: You saw that too, right?

Dante: Yeah, I did....kinda wished I didn't....

Suddenly, the two are attacked by lambent skinners in a violent shootout, which results in the glowing Skinners melting and exploding.

Dante: Holy shit!

Killen: They explode when you kill em! Keep your distance!

After the shootout, Dante and Killen proceed up into an elevator.

Killen: You know that once we enter this factory the only way we're getting out is underground.....

Dante: Yeah....

Killen: Dante, this won't be like the subway tunnels. I'm talking about catacombs. Tombs. Where something worse lives. It's bad enough we're taking Kyle's word coming out here in hostile territory in broad day light, but I mean, in the rain, in the dark, with low ammo....

Dante: Yeah....could be bad. but don't tell the others that. I think Bart's scared shitless as it sounds.

Dante and Killen head inside as they talk into the radio.

Dante: Guys, we made it in.

Kyle: (through radio) So did we...

Nora: yep. Back entrance is a mess...blood and bodies everywhere....

Walter: The basement...which is a fucking dump...

Dante: Hey, is it dark where you're at?

Nathan: Yep...but I think Ashley and I are close to the junction room.

Date and Killen open the door to a room of bloody and mangled corpses as the lights in the factory turn on. Dante and Killen give signs of disgust.

Killen: Something was hungry.

Nathan: Hey! I think I got the lights!

Killen: Oh, sure did, Nathan....shut em off, will ya?

Nathan: Wait, what?

Dante glares at Killen.

Dante: Never mind, Nathan...

Dante and Killen walk over to a room which an access pad as Dante presses on it.

Killen: Think you need a key card?

Dante: You got one?

Killen: (sarcastically) Yeah, in my other pants....

Dante: There's got to be one on one these bodies...

Suddenly, a noise is heard in the other room.

Dante: What the fuck was that?

Killen: Let's check...

Dante and Killen check inside the room as a wastelander with a shotgun opens fire, hitting the wall near Killen.

Dante: Hey!

Devon: Shit! Sorry!

Killen: Fucking idiot.

Devon: Finally! Help is here!

Devon picks up his bags.

Killen: What the hell are you doing in here?

Devon: Waiting for help so I can get the hell out of here.

Dante: We're looking for the way to the main office. Where is it?

Devon: Well, you have to get down though the 2nd floor stairs, but it's locked.

Dante: Maybe you can help us unlock it, seeing as how you almost blew our heads off.

Devon: wait? me? I thought we were leaving.

Killen: Nope. C'mon.....dumbfuck...

Dante talks in his radio.

Dante: Nathan, we're still proceeding as planned, but we have a survivor and his name is...

Devon: "Devon".

Dante: Devon.

Nathan: No kidding. Ask him if he's seen any more ammo lying around.

Dante: Nathan, keep looking for the main office and find files on a map, please.

Devon unlocks the door, using his keycard, before being alerted by noises in the vents.

Dante: the vents....

James: Got're not going to believe where Walter and I are....Colin can tell you.

Dante: Colin, where's your nephew and Walter?

Colin snickers.

Colin: The floors they were on weren't stable....and fell apart...into the sewer system...

James: There's fucking piss and shit everywhere!!!! Along with rats!

Walter: Hey, James, this is kind of good for you...builds up your immune system in your nose...

James: Also, STD's....which are fatal.

Killen: No fucking way...

Dante: Sucks to be them....

Meanwhile, as Kyle and Colin reach a door, James and Walter appear in the sewer system below them.

Colin: what's up, boys?

Kyle: Damn, I thought I smelled something raw...

James: Go to hell, man. Get your ass down here and see how it feels. I insist. It's a motherfucking party down here.

Kyle laughs.

Kyle: I think I'm good....

Colin: Keep going...we'll meet up at the main office...and watch your head....

James: There's nothing down here.

Colin: I'm saying in case someone needs to take a dump. 

Colin laughs.

Colin: it'll be raining piss down there.

James: Man, whatever.

Meanwhile, Dante, Killen and Devon move through the 2nd floor with caution, before hearing strange noises.

Devon: Can we please just go now?

Dante: no....we can't...something is here that we need.

Devon: Please, man! If we stay here, they'll kill us for certain!

Killen: Would you fucking relax?

Devon: You fucking relax! I'm supposed to be getting rescued out of this shithole! Instead, I'm being dragged to show an asshole and his bitch further into this-

Killen pulls out his knife and puts the tip to Devon's throat.

Killen: You say one more word and I will put this blade right into your goddamned, shut the fuck up...and move.

Killen throws Devon ahead as the three continue moving through the 2nd grade halls, before reaching the blocked stairs.

Killen: Well, shit....

Dante: All right, Devon, do you know another way through the 2nd grade halls?

Devon: I'm thinking here....

Killen: Well, think faster...

Devon: Uh....I think there's a way we can cut through the grid room....C'mon...

Dante and Killen follow Devon through the halls and into the grid room, where the floors and unstable 2x4's.

Dante: Whoa, whoa, whoa....are you sure about this?

Devon: Yes, if we come through here, we'll be okay....just watch your-

Devon steps on an unstable floor as it, along with Devon, falls into the lower floor below, where many Lambent Skinners are converting. Devon panics as the Glowing Skinners attack and begin to converge on Devon, causing blood to splatter on the walls.

Killen: Shit! He's gone!

Dante: Keep moving and watch your step!

Killen: Fuck! I hate this shit!

Dante and Killen proceed to move with caution as some of the unstable floors fall. However, one of the floors fall as Dante falls, but is caught with one hand by Killen.

Killen: I got you!

Killen pulls Dante up as the two continue moving forward, eventually reuniting with the group in the main office except for Jacob.

Nora: Ha! Beat you here!

Billy sniffs.

Billy: Ugh! The fuck's that smell?

James: Dude, just don't worry about the damn not worry!

Colin: You're having a bad night, little nephew cause you smell like shit. 

Colin laughs.

Colin: Literally.

James: Fuck off....

The group begins searching through the drawers.

Nathan: Well, we can't find shit.

Sarah attempts to pry open a locker that cannot be opened, discovering there is a lock pad on it.

Sarah: Hey! I found something! A locked locker?

Nathan: A "locked locker"? Does that even sound right?

Sarah: Does it matter? Look, it has one of those scanner thingies to open it.

Nora: Looks like we need a keycard. Employee access only.

Kyle: Hey, where's that guy who you two found?

Dante: Ripped apart and being eaten alive by glowing skinners. Why?

Kyle: Didn't he have a keycard?

Killen: On him when he fell into a pit of glowing skinners...

Kyle: Damn.

James: Hey, maybe one of these old ass corpses had a keycard.

Colin: Good call, James. Let's start looking.

The Cratersville Survivors begin searching through the decayed corpses. Ashley finds a half-eaten rotten candy bar.

Ashley: ew, man.

Ashley tosses the candy bar away while Nora finds a dead scientist and searches his pockets, managing to find a keycard.

Nora: Bingo!

Nora takes the keycard, before handing it to Kyle, who manages to open the locker, finding a device. Kyle presses on a button on the device as a holographic image is displayed, showing Zeus Corps Employee's.

Kyle: Hmm....maybe if I hack into this computer. (to James) Oh, wait, your flying thingy. What's its name?

James: "He"! Not "it"!

Kyle: Fine. What's his name?

James: Mr. Jax.

Kyle: Can Mr. Jax download the data from this computer?

Mr. Jax takes out the USP cord installed the bot into the device and plugs it into the computer. The computer screen begins to start as Kyle logs in and searches for Ryan. After some time, the computer gives Ryan's location.

Kyle: Hmm....that's weird....he's been moved to the Williamson Colorado? He's all the way in the freaking mountains!

Killen: Wait....why's he there?

Kyle: I don't know. He's supposed to be at one of the Kronos Facilities.

Dante: Maybe, he's been relocated.

Kyle: No, there aren't any Kronos outposts there....why is he in Colorado?

Nathan: Hey, Kyle, don't think it matters. Anyway, we have the data. So, can we get moving?

Kyle: Yeah, sorry.

Mr. Jax disconnects the USB cord from the computer, before taking the mapping device and cloaking. The Cratersville Survivors make their way to the exit as Walter continues to try and contact Jacob.

Walter: Jacob, come in...Jacob, do you copy?

Jacob: Jacob here. I had to abandon the truck! I'm on the other side of the facility!

Colin: What? Why?

Jacob: Zeus Corps! Lots of em!

Nathan: That's not good.

Suddenly, Zeus Corps Soldiers swarm in and opens fire onto the survivors, who take cover.

Dante: Shit!

Kyle: Goddamn it!

Pinned down, Colin quickly crafts a explosive arrow and shoots at the squad of Zeus Corps Soldiers, killing them. Dante checks the bodies of the soldiers.

Kyle: no doubt that they'll have ambushes all around the factory. We'll have to escape through the mines underground.

Nora: Uh....underground?

James: As in caves, mines and god knows what, underground? No one has been underground and lived, man. I'm going to say that this is a very bad idea to travel underground in the dark!

Nathan: How are we supposed to get underground?

Kyle: We'll use the cart control room.

Dante: It's worth a shot.

The Cratersville Survivors travel through the cart room, before James notices a glowing Skinner crawling on the walls.

James: What was that?!

Colin: what?

James: up high! Skinners!

The Cratersville Survivors shoot down the glowing Skinners, before Zeus Corps Soldiers burst in and open fire on the survivors.

Kyle: Ambush!

The Cratersville Survivors engage the Zeus Corps Soldiers in a violent shootout with glowing Skinners interfering and attacking the few Zeus Corps Soldiers. After the fire fight, the Cratersville Survivors proceed to the transit control room.

Dante: Well, guess the only way through is in the carts.

Billy: It'll be like a bus a way....

Kyle: I guess.

Dante presses the transit button as a transit car arrives. The door opens as the survivors enter the transit, which takes the survivors underground to the caverns.

Bart: Any music?