Chereads / Chronicles of the Apocalypse (2011) / Chapter 3 - A Late Night Walk

Chapter 3 - A Late Night Walk

Later sometime after midnight, after remembering a memory from when Amanda was pregnant with Harry, Dante awakens, greeted by another man with a goatee.

Killen: This him?

Bo: Yeah...found this son of a bitch wonderin on his own. Almost shot his ass...should've. Skinners get Black Bessie cause of him.

Killen: Well, surprised, you didn't?

Dante sits up alarmed.

Killen: Welcome back to the land of the living, sunshine. It's Dante, right?

Dante: Yeah....

Bo: Dante, this is Killen Stonequest. My running partner. He's gonna help us get you back to our hometown.

Killen: Hold on, before we do that, I wanna know how much....experience he's had with this world.....

Dante: Well, I just woke up with my head spinning around....I sort of saw what was happening before...

Killen: Before what?

Dante: I woke up in a tank....I'm just discovering about all of this....except for the infected part...I kinda saw that before...

Killen: What'd you do before all this?

Dante: I was in the military. Retired...I had a wife and son.

Killen: Well...since you've got military experience, I reckon you can kill without hesitation then.

Killen stands up from his chair as Dante sits up, before Killen hands him a pistol.

Killen: You familiar with one of these, old timer?

Dante: A pistol....of course.

Dante takes the pistol before standing up as Bo hands him an extra backpack.

Bo: Here....for any ammo or food you can pick up along the way. We've got ourselves a long journey ahead of us.

Dante, Killen and Bo walk into the next room.

Bo: You run into any trouble on your way here?

Killen: A few Skinners here and there. I think there's a Zeus Corps patrol around.

Bo: Shit. You serious? It's not going to easy to sneak out of here, then.

Dante: Zeus Corps? You told me they're mostly running the wasteland, right?

Bo: Yep...

Killen: Yeah. If you wanna stay alive, you might want to consider staying out of their path.

Dante, Killen and Bo walk into another room with a freight elevator as Killen powers up a generator, powering the freight elevator. Bo pushes the elevator as it takes the three men down.

Dante: So other than these soldiers and infected, what else do we got around this area?

Bo: We call the infected Skinners.

Dante: why?

Killen: They look like they're damn near dying, despite already dead. Newly infected are what's too worry about. If there's one, there's bound to be far as gangs, they most likely just fight for turf or respect...mostly fear....and the soldiers...their weapons and armor are advanced....only way to fight them is with their own weapons if you can get ahold of them, which is rare.

Dante: How's long is this gonna take?

Bo: If everything goes as planned, should take a few hours before the sun sets. Dante, once we're out here, I need you to follow our lead and stay close to us. You may have soldier experience and that's good, but you're not wasteland experienced.

Dante: Yeah, sure thing.

The three men walk into a room with a ladder leading to the surface.

Bo: Killen, climb up and see if the coast is clear.

Killen climbs up the ladder and pokes his head out, spotting a patrol of Zeus Corps Soldiers.

Bo: Killen?

Killen: Wait one....there's two soldiers on patrol up ahead.

Killen waits until the two Zeus Corps soldiers on patrol leave.

Killen: Alright, we're good. Come up.

Dante and Bo climb up the hidden entrance as Killen blocks the entrance after they come up.

Killen: Damn it....this rain is gonna slow us down.

Dante, Killen and Bo walk up a crashed trailer through as Killen exits through the back of the trailer.

Killen: Alright. Up this way.

Killen is suddenly hit in the back of the head by a Zeus Corps Soldier with his rifle, incapacitating him. The Zeus Corps Soldier turns her assault rifle to Dante and Bo.

Female Zeus Corps Soldier: Be smart, assholes.

Another Zeus Corps soldier appears behind Dante and Bo, aiming his rifle at their backs.

Male Zeus Corps Soldier: Move, assholes. Turn around. Get on your knees.

Female Zeus Corps Soldier : You scan em. I'll call it in.

Male Zeus Corps Soldier: You got it.

Dante, Killen and Bo kneel with their hands in the air. The Male Zeus Corps Soldier pulls out a scanning machine.

Dante: What the hell is that?

Bo: It's a scanner. It tells whether you're infected or not. If you're infected, you get a trip to Zeus Corps base.

Dante: What if you're infected?

Killen: You die. Simple bullet to the head. Quick and painless.

Dante: Simple; I wake up twenty years into a hell and these people are using machines to tell if people are infected.

Female Zeus Corps Soldier: Stop talking. All of you. Hands on your head.

The Female Zeus Corps Soldier talks in her earpiece while the male Zeus Corps Soldier presses his scanner against Bo's neck.

Female Zeus Corps Soldier: This is Wagner at Sector Fourteen. Requesting pickup for three wastelanders.

A moment.

Male Zeus Corps Soldier: Roger that.

Bo: Turn around and walk away. I got a shitload of caps. We can make it worth your while, man.

The scanner turns negative.

Male Zeus Corps Soldier: Shut the hell up. I'm getting fucking tired of you wastelanders, man.

The Male Zeus Corps Soldier presses his scanner against Killen's neck as it comes up negative.

Male Zeus Corps Soldier: Hey, what's our ETA?

Female Zeus Corps Soldier: There's a truck in the area. Should be here in a couple minutes.

Just as the Male Zeus Corps Soldier finishes scanning Dante, Killen pulls out his knife and stabs the Male Zeus Corps Soldier in the leg, allowing Dante to reach for his gun. The Male Zeus Corps Soldier knees Dante in the stomach, before hitting him with his gun, knocking him to the side. Killen tackles the Male Zeus Corps Soldier as Bo shoots the female Zeus Corps Soldier in the head. Killen shoots the male Zeus Corps soldier in the head. Dante recovers.

Dante: Jesus Christ....I thought we were just going to take their weapons and hold them hostage or something....fuck....

Bo picks up the scanner and takes a look.

Bo: Holy fuck...Killen, look at this..

Bo passes the scanner to Killen, which reads positive.

Killen: What the-He's infected? Why the hell didn't you say anything?

Bo: I didn't know....he must've got bit after all....

Dante: Whoa, wait....hold on...I'm not infected....I mean...I....

Killen: You're not? So is this broken or something? Because these machines don't lie....

Killen tosses the scanner on the ground.

Dante: Let me explain....

Bo: You better explain and fast.

Dante rolls up his sleeve, revealing the claw mark, which has decayed.

Dante: Look at this.

Killen: I don't give a fuck how you got infected.

Dante: I got this claw mark twenty years ago.

Bo: Bullshit. Everyone who's been bitten or even clawed turns within two days. Three if they're lucky, so you stop telling us fucking lies!

Dante: It's twenty years old! I swear to fucking God. How many claw marks from an infected have you seen like this?

A brief moment.

Killen: I don't buy it.

Killen turns his head to notice an incoming Zeus Corps truck.

Killen: Run!

Dante, Killen and Bo retreat. After avoiding the Zeus Corps Soldiers and going through some trenches and broken buildings, the three make their escape to a drainage trench to take a rest.

Killen: Alright. They're gone.

The three look up to see the Zeus Corps Soldiers leaving in their helicopter. Bo turns to Dante.

Bo: Okay; start from the top. What happened twenty years ago?

Dante: The epidemic just started. I was trying to escape the city with my family. My brother, who worked for Kronos, came and got me. We crashed and fought through a whole city of those infected.....My wife....she was bitten and had to stay behind during the blast.....but I got clawed protecting my son....After we came to the facility, my brother put me in a cryo-chamber to treat my wound....I don't remember anything after that.

Killen: Sounds like a whole heap of horseshit if you ask me.

Dante: Look, my brother could maybe figure out....why I haven't become one of these things out here....

Bo: Who is your brother, anyway?

Dante: Ryan Fenix.

Killen: Ryan Fenix?! He's the asshole who's responsible all this. He's been trying to make a cure for this nightmare for twenty far; he's failed.

Dante: Well, how do you know that?

Killen: Word of Kronos gets around real fast in the wasteland....and Kronos, along with Zeus Corps, are definitely hated around these parts.

Killen turns to Bo.

Killen: Bo, what are we doing here?

Bo: What if he's telling the truth?

Bo looks at Killen with disbelief.

Killen: Dude....

Bo: I'm just saying, man...We've been wandering around this wasteland for years....if this old man's mark maybe could be the key of going back to the old world-

Killen: Do you really think we can go back to the old world?

Killen points out towards the landscape of torn down and broken buildings. Bo turns to Dante, then back at Killen.

Bo: I get it.

Bo then walks away as Dante follows him, before Killen joins.