Chereads / Home World (Steven Universe AU) / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10: Reality

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10: Reality


In which Blue realizes her error.

"Please, I want a colony," she implored, kneeling forward onto her elder's lap. The elder, seated in her palanquin, looked down with tired blue eyes at the pleading pink ones. She's too young.

"Pink, please, I don't—"

"I'll be good! I promise, Blue. Just please give me a colony!" Pink interrupted, clenching the blue dress tightly and refusing to break eye contact. She's not too young. She's just as important as the others. She only needed a chance to prove herself.

Blue stared at her for another long moment before sighing. "Very well. I will see what I can do," she said, caressing Pink's hair. "But for now, go play with your playmate. I'll see if I can convince Yellow to agree."

"Thank you, Blue!" Pink beamed, hugging her elder tightly before skipping away with her Pearl.

But wait—that Pearl… Why is she so—

Blue jerked awake, gasping slightly as her hand instinctively reached for her diamond. Momentary panic surged through her before she realized it was still hidden beneath her poncho. Another memory-dream. But why?

Next to her, a gasp broke the silence. She turned to see Steven looking equally shaken.

"Steven," she called softly, gently grasping his jacket sleeve.

He flinched, startled, but calmed when he remembered where he was. The night had been peaceful—stars scattered across the sky, a full moon glowing overhead. They'd enjoyed a cozy picnic inside the dondai to ward off the chilly mountain air. From their vantage point, they could see both Beach City and the endless sky. Music, laughter, and warmth had filled the night, but at some point, they'd both drifted to sleep.

"Guess we both fell asleep," Steven said with a small grin, trying to lighten the mood.

Blue tilted her head, observing how uneasy he looked. "Was it not a pleasant dream?" she asked.

His eyes widened. "W-what? No, why do you ask?"

A sudden crack of thunder lit up the sky, followed by a heavy downpour. Steven glanced at the windshield, startled by the intensity of the rain. He hadn't expected it to get this bad when he last checked the weather app.

Blue never mentioned where she temporarily lived. Could she even make it back safely in this weather?

"You look… disturbed after waking up," Blue pointed out.

Steven sighed, his gaze falling to the rain-streaked windshield. "It's nothing bad… I just… sometimes dream about the Diamonds," he admitted.

The word "Diamonds" made Blue freeze. Her body turned cold, her hands trembling as she quickly tucked them beneath her poncho.

"O-oh. I… see," she murmured.

Why would Steven be dreaming about the Diamonds? How was that even possible? Could it be because of his mother—a Rose Quartz who once served under them? That… actually made sense.

Steven whistled, watching the storm grow worse. "It's getting bad," he muttered. Turning to her, he offered a bashful smile. "You can spend the night at my place if you want."

Blue's cheeks flushed as she looked away. "I don't have the things I need for my nighttime routine," she reasoned. Besides, her nighttime gown was similar to what she was wearing now—just mint green instead of navy. It was all back on the ship.

"Is there anything specific you need?" Steven asked, concerned.

His earnestness made her relent. "I have all of that at my house," he assured her. "You can borrow my pajamas."

Reluctantly, she agreed. The storm was worsening, and even using a warp pad in this weather seemed unwise.

Steven carefully backed up the car and began driving back toward Beach City. The rain fell in relentless sheets, and visibility grew increasingly poor, even with the headlights and windshield wipers at full force.

"This is dangerous," Steven mumbled as the car swerved slightly.

Blue stiffened but relaxed when Steven steadied the car. Her relief was short-lived, though. She gasped as something large tumbled into view.

"Whoa!" Steven yelped, jerking the wheel and slamming the brakes.

The car skidded with a screech, spinning before coming to an abrupt halt. Hearts pounding, Blue and Steven exchanged panicked looks.

"Blue, are you okay?" Steven asked, his voice urgent.

"I'm fine," she assured him, her serene smile masking her lingering fear.

Steven exhaled in relief. "Thank goodness."

Looking out the window, he spotted the problem: a fallen tree, roots and all, blocking their path. The car, however, had grazed the guardrail in the process.

"Yikes. That was close." Steven unbuckled his seatbelt. "Stay here. I don't want you getting sick."

Shield in hand, he stepped into the rain, approaching the tree. Blue watched him go, her heart sinking as the car suddenly shifted. Glancing at the side mirror, her breath hitched. The guardrail was broken, and the rear tires were dangerously close to the edge.

Careful not to alarm Steven, she stepped out, leaving the door ajar. A quick glance assured her he was focused on the tree.

Good. Hopefully, this will be quick.

Taking a steadying breath, she crouched and gripped the front of the dondai. With a gentle tug, she pulled the car a safe distance from the ledge.

Satisfied, she straightened just in time to see Steven lift the tree with both hands and toss it aside effortlessly. His shield had vanished to free both arms.

She hurried back into the car, shivering as the cold seeped into her soaked clothes.

Steven climbed in moments later, draping his jacket over her shoulders. "I told you to stay inside," he scolded lightly.

"Sorry," she murmured, avoiding his gaze.

Steven checked the car and resumed driving, more cautiously this time. Blue, now warmed by his jacket, couldn't help but glance at him. Humans weren't supposed to be this strong. But then again, neither of them was entirely ordinary.


Steven held Blue's hand as they ran up the steps toward the front door, bursting inside without hesitation—Steven rarely locked it. For all the gem mutants and dangers he had faced, the only one to ever break into his house was Peridot. And even then, it was years ago, and her sole intent was to fix the warp pad, though that plan failed. Now, they were friends. No human had ever tried to break in—Steven knew everyone in Beach City.

"Hold on, I'm gonna get some clothes for you," he said, hastily running up the stairs.

Blue lingered in the entryway, water dripping from her soaked form and forming a small puddle beneath her feet. After a moment, she walked further inside, removed the jacket, and placed it on a nearby chair. Lifting a hand, she summoned the puddle of water and guided it into the sink, her movements precise and graceful.

Upstairs, Steven rummaged through his drawers. Most of his clothes were large, given his growth spurt during puberty, but he found a shirt from before then. Holding it up, he tried to imagine if it would fit Blue. His face reddened as an unwelcome image of her wearing it, with it riding up to reveal her midriff, popped into his head.

"Nope," he muttered, shoving it back into the drawer.

His hand bumped into a packet in the corner. Curious, he turned it over and found a note attached.

"Steven, these are for Blue. – Garnet."

He glanced at the label and yelped, dropping the packet. It was female underwear.

Why did Garnet give him this? How did she even get this? The idea of Garnet shopping for such items boggled his mind. Did she ask Pearl to pick it up? Did Garnet somehow predict Blue would be staying over?

As his thoughts spiraled, a small smile crept onto his face. Maybe this meant Garnet was starting to warm up to Blue. That comforting thought steadied him as he resumed his search. He eventually found a shirt and a pair of pants with an adjustable tie—big, but passable for one night.

When Steven returned downstairs, Blue was standing by the bathroom door. He handed her the clothes and rushed off to grab a towel, an extra toothbrush, and a brush he rarely used.

"Okay, that's everything. Oh, when you turn the knob, right is for warm water," he instructed before stepping out and closing the door behind him.

Blue examined the bathroom. The tub was similar in shape to the ones back home, though the knobs were different from the rope she used to pull for the perfect water temperature. Still, it seemed manageable.

Meanwhile, Steven prepared a sleeping bag in the living room. The sound of the warp pad activating caught his attention. The gems were back. He headed downstairs to greet them but stopped when he heard their hushed voices.

"…it's impossible, right? No human could possibly look like Blue Diamond," Pearl whispered, her tone laced with nervousness.

"Have you guys ever thought about, I dunno, Steven not being the only human-gem hybrid?" Amethyst asked.

Steven froze, his blood running cold. The idea of not being the only hybrid had never crossed his mind.

Garnet's voice was firm. "Blue Diamond saw humans as nothing more than pets during Pink's reign. That child is just a child."

"But Garnet, the resemblance! Bluebell has her hair, her eyes—everything!" Pearl insisted, her panic rising. "Do you think she's disguised herself—"

"No," Garnet cut her off, her voice sharper than usual.

"Yeah, P. If Blue Diamond was after us, why would she shapeshift into a human girl? Like you said, she'd probably just try to destroy us if she thought Rose was alive. Plus, she's a Homeworld gem—they don't even know Steven isn't Rose. And this Blue clearly sees Steven as just Steven." Amethyst's insight was surprisingly thoughtful.

Pearl and Garnet exchanged wary looks.

"I suppose you're right," Pearl relented. "But… what if she really is a hybrid?"

"If she were, she'd have powers. And if she has a gem, it would be…" Amethyst trailed off.

"On her chest," Garnet finished grimly.

"She never takes off that poncho, not even when the heater's on," Pearl pointed out.

"I want to test her," Garnet admitted, "but if she really is just a human child…"

"Yeah, Steven wouldn't be very happy if we attacked his girlfriend outta nowhere," Amethyst muttered.

Upstairs, Blue leaned against the bathroom door, her head bowed as she stared at the gem embedded in her chest. So they were suspicious. Of course, they were.

Biting her lip, she felt a pang of relief that she would be returning to Homeworld soon. Time apart would ease their doubts, and her secret would remain safe. Or… perhaps it would be better if she never saw Steven again.

Her teeth broke the skin of her lip as tears welled up. She slid to the cold, tiled floor, her hair cascading around her like a shroud. She'd been a fool—a hopeless, hormonal fool.

Why had she allowed herself to come back? To spend so much time with Steven, only to realize her own feelings? Now, she didn't want to leave him. But she had to.

She was a Diamond—through and through. She had responsibilities, and staying here only increased the risk of Steven discovering the truth.

Her heart broke as her tears fell silently. Returning to Homeworld wasn't just an obligation—it was the only way to protect him.


After finishing her nighttime routine, Blue lingered in the bathroom, listening intently. She waited until the voices downstairs had faded into silence before emerging, brushing her damp hair. Her movements were slow, deliberate, each step heavy with unease. Moments later, Steven came down the stairs.

For some reason, the air between them felt tense. Steven, however, only pointed out the sleeping bag and explained where everything was. "I'll be taking a shower too," he added, his tone casual, "but I won't take long."

Blue nodded without a word, watching him retreat to the bathroom. As soon as the door closed, her anxiety surged. Did he overhear the gems? Did he suspect her too? No—he would have said something, wouldn't he?

Shaking off the thought, she walked upstairs. The sleeping bag lay ready for her, but the sight of it only deepened her sense of dread. Blue laid herself on top of it, her limbs stiff as though the weight of her thoughts was physically holding her down.

Tears welled up, spilling silently as she buried her face into her arms. She couldn't stop the ache in her chest, the knowledge that this might be her last night here. The thought of leaving forever was unbearable.

Steven wouldn't like her if he knew the truth.

No—Steven was different. He was kind, caring, and compassionate. But even he couldn't accept her for what she really was. The longer she stayed, the greater the risk of him finding out. The glow of her gem faintly illuminated the room, a soft, sorrowful blue, as her tears continued to fall. Exhausted, she eventually cried herself to sleep.

In the shower, Steven couldn't stop thinking about Blue. His mind raced, looping back to the conversation he'd overheard. Could she really be a hybrid like me?

The more he thought about it, the more the pieces began to fit. Blue's lack of familiarity with basic Earth concepts—phones, Funland, cars, even a cell phone—stood out. She called them "finger screens," just like Peridot had when she first arrived. Her expressions were strange, filled with references to stars. And that girl who had visited with her once—was she a Pearl?

The realization hit him like a falling rock. "Oh my god," he whispered, nearly dropping the soap.

If Blue was a gem hybrid, why hadn't she told him?

Hurriedly, Steven finished his shower and returned to his room, only to find Blue curled up on the sleeping bag. Her back was to him, her body rising and falling with each breath.

Steven sighed, his shoulders sagging. Maybe there was a reason she hadn't told him. The gems weren't exactly welcoming, especially Pearl. Garnet kept her distance, and Amethyst… well, Amethyst was surprisingly chill about Blue.

Still, why wouldn't Blue tell him, another hybrid? He hesitated, his gaze lingering on her sleeping form. The thought crossed his mind to check—to see if she had a gem. But no, that would be wrong. In so many ways, it would be wrong.

Steven stepped back, reminding himself that if Blue was keeping something secret, she must have her reasons. And in the end, it didn't matter. Whatever she was, it didn't change how he felt about her.

He grabbed a spare blanket and gently draped it over her. As he turned to leave, he felt a strange sensation, as though eyes were watching him. Shaking it off, he climbed into bed.

Blue waited patiently. She needed to be certain Steven was fully asleep. When the soft sound of his breathing filled the room, she rose silently and crept down the stairs.

It was time to leave Earth—for good this time.

On the couch sat the bag Steven had given her. She reached inside and pulled out two small stuffed animals, one red and one blue. For a moment, she stared at them, her heart twisting painfully.

Before she could set them down, the temple door opened.

Garnet stood there, her figure silhouetted against the faint glow of the warp pad. For a long moment, neither of them moved, locked in silence.

Blue's heart sank. She hadn't planned for this. She had intended to leave the stuffed toys and disappear quietly, but now, facing Garnet, she found herself fumbling for words.

Finally, she sighed and stepped onto the warp pad. The words she had rehearsed over and over in her mind now seemed meaningless. Instead, she spoke with sincerity.

"I'm sorry. On behalf of my mother."

Her voice was steady, but her gaze remained fixed on her bare feet. "You deserve your happiness, Garnet."

She placed the stuffed animals on the floor just outside the warp pad. The soft glow enveloped her as the warp pad activated. Blue didn't look up, her head bowed in resignation as she disappeared in a flash of light.

Garnet stood frozen, staring at the empty space where Blue had just been, her face unreadable.