Chereads / Home World (Steven Universe AU) / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11: Missing

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11: Missing


In which two hybrids have a lot to think about

Blue sighed as her hair was braided while sitting in the pool.

"Do not worry, Bluebell. I am sure your playmate misses you too," a young man assured her.

Blue offered a bitter smile. "I know, Y-6… Oh," she looked up at him thoughtfully. "Did you know that humans on Earth choose their own mates?"

The people around her laughed, but this time, she didn't join them as she usually would.

"That is strange. Earth is such an interesting planet," Y-6 commented before getting into the pool himself.

"What's your playmate like?" a blonde woman asked curiously.

Blue blushed at the thought of Steven. "He's compassionate and strong. Considerate and gentle. Fun, too," she described softly, fidgeting with the ends of her dress.

It had only been days, yet she missed him so much that it felt like years. Blue tried her hardest not to let her powers make the humans cry unwillingly. She didn't want to be like her mother, forcing others to feel her sadness.

The blonde woman gasped, clasping her hands together as she leaned in closer to Blue. "Oooh, you should bring him here!" she crooned excitedly.

Blue gave another bitter smile. She knew that wouldn't happen. Talking about Steven didn't help her efforts to forget him—especially since she knew she would never see him again. It was for everyone's safety: Steven's, the Gems', and Earth's.

An Amethyst stepped forward, whispering something in Blue's ear.

"I have to go," Blue said, standing up. "Goodbye. I'll return when I can."

Everyone waved and bid their goodbyes until she was gone.

Blue sighed as she walked beside the Amethyst, who immediately recognized the look on her face. Pearl, ever dutiful, followed behind her Diamond, waiting just outside the human containment area. Both of them had noticed the gloom surrounding their Diamond since her return from Earth.

Had she and the human in pink had a spat?

"Did you find out that you and… Steven aren't compatible?" Pearl cautiously asked.

"We are compatible," Blue answered quietly, "but I had an epiphany that our relationship would be risky if it lingered. Yellow would try to finish off the planet if she found out. Humans of Earth might be captured and brought here."

She paused mid-step, and her followers watched her with worry.

"Steven might…" Blue placed a hand over her gem, her voice soft and heavy. "He might not take kindly to my omission of my heritage," she finished ruefully.

Pearl gently guided her Diamond into another room for privacy. This room, as it happened, was the bubble room—the place where all the Rose Quartzes were kept bubbled. Yellow had always said she wanted to get rid of them, and yet, with the original Blue Diamond gone and no one to stop her, she had still kept them.

Blue leaned against the wall, her fingers pressing against her forehead as she closed her eyes, overwhelmed by everything.

"I cannot believe how foolish I've been," she muttered. "My organic hormones acting out, causing me to lose control when it's not even my menstruation cycle yet—and warping my sense of right and wrong."

One hand gripped at her dress as she hunched over slightly, feeling a storm of emotions all at once: sadness, frustration, regret.

"I feel so small and so dimwitted for ever thinking I—that we—could ever…" She choked back a sob, forcing herself to stop. No—she wouldn't make the others cry.

"You two should leave," she croaked, lowering her hand to grip her arm tightly. "I don't want to force you to cry."

Pearl and Amethyst shared a look before, to Blue's surprise, they stepped forward and embraced her.

"You can cry, my Diamond," they said softly, their voices warm and accepting. "It's okay."

Blue tried to protest, but all that came out was a single, broken sob. She buried her face in her hands, her anguish turning the pink glow of the room into a deep purple as her blue-hued powers seeped through the space.

Her followers shed tears—not just from her powers, but from their own empathy.


Steven walked down the boardwalk, hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket as he hunched forward. His mind kept drifting back to Blue.

How was she doing?

He had been shocked when he didn't see her that morning, and even more so when days passed and she still hadn't returned. He understood that eventually she had to go back home, but he still wished he could talk to her—at least one last time.

It didn't matter to him whether she was half-human, fully human, or something else entirely. He just wanted to know the truth. To clear everything up and figure out where they stood.

It was obvious they had romantic feelings for each other. Blue, in her own unique way, had made that abundantly clear. But Steven needed to be sure. What if he was just overthinking everything because he was so smitten with her?

When Steven entered his beach house, the first thing he saw was the stuffed animal Blue had gotten him during her outing with Connie. He remembered the way her face lit up with happiness when she gave it to him, and how he couldn't help but accept it. The memory made him smile faintly; both Blue and the stuffed bunny had been undeniably cute.

At that moment, Connie came in behind him, nearly bumping into him.

"Steven, there's—" She trailed off, noticing his demeanor. As his best friend, she could immediately tell something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" she asked softly.

Steven grimaced, looking between her and the stuffed animal. "Blue left to go home," he admitted, not wanting to elaborate further just yet.

"Oh," Connie said, smiling a little as she tried to stay positive. "I'm sure she'll be back. I mean, she already snuck out twice just to see you."

Steven nodded, a glint of hope returning to his eyes. "Yeah, you're right." She had snuck out twice just to see him. Blue had even outright admitted she wanted to see him again. Next time she came back, they could talk.

"But…" He turned to Connie, his expression shifting. "There's something I wanted to tell you about Blue."

Connie looked apprehensive. "What is it?"

"I don't think Blue is human," she confessed, rubbing her arm awkwardly.

Steven let out a sigh. "The Gems don't think so either." He glanced at her. "Frankly, I'm starting to suspect it too."

Connie's eyes widened in shock. "Do you think she could be from Homeworld? Is she a human-Gem hybrid too?!"

Her sudden interest made Steven smile faintly. Honestly, he didn't blame her—he was still shocked himself and just as curious.

"Don't know," he said, walking to the couch and slumping down into it. He brought his hands to his face, rubbing it down and pulling at his cheeks in frustration.

"The Gems think she's either Blue Diamond in disguise, out for revenge over Pink Diamond's shattering, or some kind of hybrid," he added, dropping his hands and staring blankly at the flowers on the table.

"I'm not mad," he said after a pause, his voice quieter. "I just want to know the truth. I mean, there were so many signs that I think I missed before."

He sat up slightly and began listing them: the strange phrases Blue used that referenced stars, the Pearl who was always with her, and how she didn't seem to understand even the most basic things about human life.

"I like Blue," Steven admitted, his voice softening. "I think she likes me too. And I don't care if she's human, half-human, or… whatever."

He let out a heavy sigh, finally turning his head to Connie, who had been sitting beside him, listening sympathetically to his rant.

Connie reached over, patting Steven's hand gently.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, when we were at the mall, all Blue could talk about was you. Would Steven like this? Does this make Steven happy?"

Steven blushed at her words, especially at the knowing look she gave him.

"If Blue was some kind of dictator out for revenge," Connie continued with a teasing grin, "I'm pretty sure she would've tried to kill you a long time ago—not sit next to a human, excitedly gossiping about a boy she so clearly likes."

His face turned an even deeper shade of red, but he couldn't help the smile that broke across his face. Connie was absolutely right.

"Thanks, Connie. I think I needed that," he admitted softly.

They sat in content silence for a moment, both staring ahead toward the kitchen.

Connie absently gripped her jeans as she thought back to when she and Blue had gotten lost.

"She can read the stars," Connie said suddenly, breaking the quiet.

Steven glanced at her, curious. "What do you mean?"

"She said the galaxy is a map—that it's how she travels." Connie leaned back against the couch, replaying the events of that night in her mind. "She travels using the stars. She barely knows about money, which probably means she doesn't use it where she's from."

Steven listened intently as Connie's brows furrowed, deep in thought.

"And when Blue confronted Scott," she continued, "there was something… different about her. The way her eyes looked—sharp, intimidating. Her pupils weren't round either." She shivered slightly at the memory. "And the air got cold. Dense, even. I could feel her anger, like it was radiating off of her. Almost physically."

Steven's expression grew more serious as he processed her words.

"I think Blue might really be a human-Gem hybrid," Connie said firmly, her brows knitting together. "If not, then she's definitely not from Earth."

Steven hums, looking up at the ceiling. "I wonder why she won't tell me?" Actually, he had an idea why she wouldn't talk.

"The gems don't seem to like her. I doubt she hasn't noticed," Connie comments, voicing his thoughts.

He frowns deeper. "Just because she looks like Blue Diamond? That's no different than gems hating me just because I have my mom's gem." He grew a little upset at the hypocrisy of the situation. Blue was so nice—she treated Pearl like a normal person, and she even wanted to leave Garnet alone, even when he tried to get them to make peace with whatever negativity was between them.

"Didn't Pearl say Blue Diamond shatters gems?" Connie recalls, glancing at him.

His lips press into a deeper frown, almost a scowl. "My mom shattered Pink Diamond." Yeah, so much hypocrisy.

He sighs. "You know what? I'm not gonna bitch at them. I wanna talk to Blue first and find out the truth firsthand," he declares.

Connie smiles encouragingly—she would do the same.


Blue eyes look up into yellow ones. "Please, Yellow," she implored.

Yellow was about to deny her request once again but stopped herself. It had been a while since Blue was in court to judge a gem. Back then, Blue hadn't been very mature—too young—but to her credit, she had been fair. And unlike her mother, she hadn't shattered anyone. Maybe this would be a good thing. Blue was much more mature now, especially compared to two years ago, the last time she had been in court.

"Fine," Yellow permitted, causing the youngest to beam happily before following her elder to the courtroom.

The Pearls posed in front of the accused.

"All rise for the luminous Yellow Diamond," Yellow Pearl announced.

"And the lustrous Blue Diamond," Blue Pearl added with a bow.

Blue Zircon let out a low sigh, thinking that today might just be her day. Her Diamond was known to be very lenient and fair—especially compared to her creator. Everyone knew this. Most speculated that Blue's organic side was responsible for her leniency, but no one dared to speak of it openly. After all, she was still their respectable Diamond—and quite frankly, endearing too.

"Tourmaline, Facet 2H8K, Cut 6X3, and Apatite, Facet 3G4, Cut 3X3, have committed a heinous crime," Yellow Zircon announced. She paused dramatically before continuing. "Fusing."

Blue's eyes widened. She hadn't been informed of the offense, and the revelation shocked her.

"As we are all aware, fusion between two different types of gems is not only unprecedented but disgraceful—a mockery to their Diamonds." The defendants ducked their heads shamefully.

"We haven't seen such disgrace since the war, where such acts were weaponized against Homeworld for centuries. Witnesses say these two were caught hiding and whispering to each other. It is indisputable that we have two traitors amongst our kind yet again and, therefore, they should be dealt with accordingly. I rest my case," Yellow Zircon concluded.

The two guilty gems looked panicked. "We didn't—we're not—" They stumbled over each other's words.

"Hush," Blue Zircon hissed at them.

"We don't need a repeat of the war," Yellow stated coldly before lifting her finger. "Shattering would be fitting—"

"No," Blue interrupted, shocking everyone in the room.

"The defense still has to speak," she stated firmly, giving the defendants a pointed look. She turned to them. "Why did you fuse?" she asked calmly, her thoughts briefly drifting to Garnet and why she exists, or Stevonnie and their reasons.

The two gems trembled, but the Apatite managed to find her voice. "We're not thinking of rebellion. I-it's just that… it feels right. W-we didn't mean any harm. Honest, my Diamond," she explained nervously.

Funny, Steven had said the same thing. Fusion didn't always have to be about fighting. Sometimes, for a gem, it just felt right—like Garnet, whose existence was born out of love between her two components.

"But you know such things are forbidden here," Blue reminded them—and herself.

The gems didn't respond, so Zircon took over. "Right you are, my Diamond. And while it is wrong, there is proof that they are not rebelling," she said.

Yellow scowled. "I will not have a repeat in my court," she seethed, making everyone but Blue shudder in her presence.

Blue furrowed her brow. "Yellow, stop it. If there is proof of their innocence, then wouldn't it be a waste to shatter perfectly adequate gems? At the very least, we could use the Rejuvenator, if we must," she interrupted, gripping the fabric of her dress.

Everyone turned to her. In truth, Blue didn't want to resort to such measures, but if it would stop anyone from being shattered, she would.

After a moment of tense silence, Yellow relented. Zircon then proceeded with her case.

In the end, the defense was found guilty, but their punishment—due to Blue's firm judgment—was rejuvenation.

Exhausted, Blue walked down the halls and entered a room where her palanquin was parked. "I met them," she said the second she sat in her chair. "The Ruby and Sapphire that disrupted Mother's court all those years ago."

She turned to Pearl, who looked uneasy as the memory resurfaced. "They call themselves a Garnet." Blue grimaced, recalling that day. Garnet hadn't been rude, but it was clear she felt uncomfortable.

"She exists because it felt right for her—for them," Blue murmured, looking down at her lap, wondering what that feeling was like.

"She thinks of me as Mother. Though she doesn't know about my gem, my looks alone make it as clear as crystal. Still, she didn't attack me. She left me alone but… she could see it."

Blue reached for the plush toy stashed in her chair and held it on her lap, squeezing it gently as a sweet aroma filled her nose. "She was wary of me because she thinks I might be Mother."

Her grip on the toy tightened. "Why is fusion between two different gems forbidden when it makes them happy? Why can't they exist without there needing to be conflict?"

Pearl didn't answer, at least not right away. It was a rule that had existed for eons—unchallenged because it was simply the way things were. It was unheard of to question it… well, until the Ruby and Sapphire fused that time. But ever since then, no one dared discuss it—especially not with their new Blue Diamond.

Pearl hesitated before finally speaking. "No one knows why, my Diamond. It's just been that way since the beginning of our Diamonds' existence," she answered.

Blue sighed, doubting she could change the rule—no matter what she did, or what she was.

"My Diamond, I have urgent news to share," a voice called, startling the two.

Both Blue and Pearl looked ahead. Beyond the foggy, translucent curtain stood a figure.

"Proceed," Blue permitted.

The figure entered the palanquin, revealing a Sapphire.

"What is wrong?" Blue asked.

"There will be a disruption in your colonization, My Diamond, as a result of mineral limitations," the Sapphire informed her.

Blue blinked. "Do you require my essence?"

Sapphire bowed respectfully. "Indeed, My Diamond. However, I'm afraid the usual means will not be sufficient this time."

Blue nodded. "I understand. Thank you, Sapphire. You may go now."

With another bow, the gem exited the palanquin.

"Shall I bring an Amethyst guard?" Pearl asked.

Blue immediately wanted to decline but reconsidered, remembering the last time she performed this task in person—she had passed out for 48 hours.

"Yes, please," she agreed.

The palanquin descended onto the surface of her planet, where all her subjects stood in line, saluting their Diamond. Amethyst guards flanked her sides as the radiant ruler emerged, her head held high as she walked forward, with her faithful Pearl close behind.

A long time ago, when mineral supplies were dwindling, Yellow was in the process of conquering a planet, and Blue had sacrificed her physical form to produce offspring. One day, at the age of eight, Blue had been with Yellow when she discovered her healing powers, and together, they tested them.

These powers had allowed them to combat the mineral shortage, enabling Yellow to successfully colonize yet another planet. However, such issues occasionally arose, even on Blue's own colonies, requiring her to intervene personally.

Blue stood at the edge of the cliff, though not dangerously close. She raised her hands as several of her Lapis Lazulis summoned the planet's water. Taking control of it, Blue evenly spread the water across the kindergarten, letting it sink into the soil.

She knelt, placing her hands on the ground, and closed her eyes as her gem began to emit a soft, powder-blue glow. Her hands glowed as well, the light spreading across the entire kindergarten.

Amid the process, Blue felt lightheaded but pressed on. She was a Diamond—a ruler—and it was her duty to ensure her colony's success at any cost. Beads of sweat trickled down the side of her face and along her chin, but she was almost done.

At one point, back on Earth, Blue had considered using this ability to restore the kindergarten there. However, she realized that doing so would reveal her powers—and, in turn, her heritage. Steven would find out, and she couldn't allow that to happen.

The glowing continued, and before their eyes, grass began to sprout. The soil became rich again, restoring the minerals necessary to grow more gems.

Finally, the glowing ceased. Blue stood, but she stumbled as her vision blurred. An Amethyst guard caught her just in time, preventing her from falling off the cliff. Blue lay limp in the guard's arms, exhausted and unconscious from the effort.