Chereads / Home World (Steven Universe AU) / Chapter 16 - Chapter 16: Alone Together

Chapter 16 - Chapter 16: Alone Together


In which Blue and Steven work together.

Stevonnie had just finished off a holo-Pearl, but their thoughts lingered on Blue and the corrupted gems. Being half-gem must be as hard for her as it is for Steven. Sometimes, her eyes had bags under them, and occasionally Steven would catch her right after another failed attempt at curing the gems. She would be covered in scratches, and they would feel an intense urge to heal her. They wished she would take a break, but it was clear how important this mission was to her.

Another holo-Pearl dissipated, marking the end of their training.

"Well done, Stevonnie," Pearl praised, clapping her hands. Stevonnie gave a crooked smile, sheathing their sword. For a moment, they considered splitting apart, as they usually did after training, but then a strange feeling began to bubble up inside them. They stopped in their tracks and stared ahead. Something—or someone—was coming, but they weren't sure what.

It was that same pull they felt way back during Sadie's concert when—"Blue," they suddenly exclaimed, darting past Pearl so quickly that they nearly made her trip.

"What?" Pearl said, startled. She knew Blue was coming back, but how did Stevonnie know she was here? Wait—was she really here? Oh stars, is she here?! And so soon? It hadn't been that long since Greg and Steven returned from space. Was she going to take them back? No, that was foolish. Still, her anxiety drowned out logical thought, and all she could feel was fear.

Meanwhile, Stevonnie bolted out of the beach house door just as the sun became obscured by something enormous. They looked up, and their mouth fell open as they saw a giant blue arm floating above them. The arm moved toward the ocean, turning so that its fingers pointed at the beach house before lowering flat onto the water. The force pushed waves up onto Stevonnie's feet. They watched in anticipation, waiting for something to happen.

From the palm of the arm, a bubble formed, then popped, revealing Blue.

A huge smile broke across Stevonnie's face, their cheeks reddening as their body filled with excitement. "BLUE!" they exclaimed, running toward her. The girl perked up, a little surprised to see them.

"Stevonnie," she said softly, leaping off her ship and floating down into their arms.

Stevonnie caught her, spinning her around as they hugged tightly. "Oh my god, I'm so happy to see you," they beamed, tilting their head toward her, their nose brushing against her hair, which smelled faintly of aloe.

Blue smiled warmly, hugging them tighter. "I am too," she said, her voice filled with affection. She had missed Steven—his alluring aura, his shining eyes, and just the feeling of being in his presence.

Stevonnie hummed softly, so happy that Blue was finally back on Earth. There had been so many times they wanted to outright ask her to return. Now, she was here—they could hug her, talk to her in person, and maybe even… kiss her?

Stevonnie's cheeks flushed as their thoughts began to wander in a particular direction. Steven's feelings were definitely showing, and Connie, being part of the fusion, was starting to feel embarrassed. She liked Blue, of course, but definitely not in that way. Awkwardly, Stevonnie set Blue down onto her feet with a nervous laugh before un-fusing.

Connie took a step back, her face slightly pink, while Steven immediately pulled Blue into another hug. Just then, Connie's phone beeped. She looked at it—a reminder to study for her exam.

"I gotta go, but it's good to see you again, Blue," Connie said, waving. She was grateful for the perfectly-timed excuse to leave and avoid any more awkwardness.

Blue and Steven waved back as they watched her leave.

Blue rested her head against Steven's chest, listening to his heart. It was beating fast but gradually slowing to a steady rhythm. The sound was comforting. She knew she had run away from Homeworld and her responsibilities, but just for a little while. She fully intended to return, but she desperately needed this—a moment to herself, away from the overwhelming stress.

They pulled back just enough to meet each other's eyes, though they kept holding one another.

"I take it you needed a break?" Steven guessed.

Blue chuckled softly, knowing she was probably being too transparent. Or maybe Steven just knew her too well—he had seen her true self, after all. "Indeed," she admitted.

An idea sparked in Steven's mind, and a sly smile spread across his face as he tried to act suave. "Then how about we watch a rather entertaining movie?" he suggested. He was thinking of a comedy; after all, laughter was supposed to be the best medicine. His dad said that all the time.

Blue's smile brightened. "Yes, please."

Ever the gentleman, Steven hooked their arms together dramatically and led her up the steps and into the beach house.

The moment they stepped inside, the warp pad activated, and Garnet appeared with Pearl. A second later, Amethyst walked out from the temple, stuffing an entire water bottle into her mouth—at least she'd had the decency to open it first. She froze mid-step, her gaze locking onto Blue.

The room fell silent, tension thick as the air in a summer storm. Not long ago, they had believed Blue had shattered what little trust they had left in her. But she had proven them wrong. Despite her help in the end, it still felt like they had avoided fully supporting Steven's attempts to reach out to her. Now, all those emotions seemed to converge in this moment, creating a standoff no one had prepared for.

Blue swallowed her nerves and stepped forward. Steven instinctively moved aside, giving her the space she needed, his confidence in her unwavering. Blue kept her gaze on Garnet—the fusion of love and stability—as she approached, closing the distance until only a few feet remained between them.

"Greg's abduction was not my doing," Blue said firmly, though her tone carried no arrogance, only clarity. In a much softer voice, she added, "On behalf of Homeworld, I am deeply sorry for what you all endured. It was a misunderstanding on our part. I will do my best to be more mindful of what I say and who is present, to avoid such transgressions in the future."

Pearl's gaze darted to Garnet, her body tense, unsure of what to do. Behind her, Amethyst shifted uneasily, glancing at Garnet for guidance.

Garnet stood still, her expression unreadable behind her visors. All three of her eyes focused on Blue—the second hybrid she had ever known. Garnet knew she had been wrong to avoid helping Steven connect with Blue, the child of her greatest enemy. But now, as she watched Blue extend an olive branch, she felt the weight of her own grudges.

Blue was not her predecessor. She was clearly trying to mend what was broken, even when the fault wasn't entirely her own.

Garnet clenched her fists at her sides, grappling with her emotions. Blue wasn't her enemy, and she was proving she was striving to be better than the Diamond she had once been.

"You really are better than she was," Garnet commented, her voice calm but weighted with meaning. Her mind flickered to the stuffed toys Blue had left behind and the comment she'd made about deserving happiness.

Blue held her firm expression, but the others around them were visibly shocked by Garnet's words, having not expected such an admission.

"I've seen the fear she left behind on Homeworld," Garnet continued, her voice quieter now.

Blue's brows knitted together as she looked down, regret written all over her face. "I didn't like it," she said softly.

Unexpectedly, Garnet chuckled. All the grudges she had been holding onto seemed to loosen their grip. She had forgotten something important about this Blue: she was still a child—a child raised on Homeworld but also a human-gem hybrid. She could see the wrongs where most gems couldn't. And what were humans best known for?


Blue wasn't just different in the obvious ways—she was a hybrid with the capacity to grow beyond the rigid structure of Homeworld. Garnet had overlooked that.

"I'm sorry too," Garnet said, her voice steady. "Steven is not Rose, and you are not Blue Diamond."

Behind Blue, Steven's face lit up, a grin spreading wide as pride and joy bubbled to the surface. This moment—it felt like progress.

Blue nodded slightly. "I do not blame you for your feelings. In dreams, I have seen what she did and the lives she threatened. My physical birth form mirrors hers, so I understand why it might be hard to look at me and not think of her."

Garnet couldn't help but snort softly. "Physical birth form," Blue had said. She was so human in her mannerisms, and yet so distinctly not. Garnet didn't know what it was like to be both, but after spending so much time with Greg and Steven, she could make the connection.

Things were getting better—holy cow, Steven thought, practically bouncing on his toes in excitement.

Blue extended a hand toward Garnet. "I was told that shaking hands is a sign of truce. Is that right?" She glanced over her shoulder at Steven, who gave her an enthusiastic thumbs-up. She'd learned by now that it was a good sign.

Garnet took Blue's hand, her grip firm but not crushing. They shook hands in an awkward up-and-down motion before letting go.

With the tension lifted, Garnet adjusted her visor and turned toward Pearl and Amethyst. Steven, grinning ear to ear, ran up behind Blue and hugged her tightly.

"All right, you two," Garnet said, directing her attention back to Steven and Blue. "We've got a mission in the east."

Steven and Blue perked up, though for different reasons.

"There are still corrupted gems there?" Steven asked eagerly.

"Three," Garnet confirmed.

Although the idea of watching a movie sounded tempting and relaxing, Blue saw this as an opportunity. "I would like to join, please," she said, stepping forward.

She glanced back at Steven, her mate, and continued, "I want to see how you heal the gems. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong on my end."

Amethyst stepped onto the warp pad, arms crossed and looking much more at ease now that the earlier tension had dissipated, and Garnet seemed no longer on edge. "Wait, you can heal gems?" Amethyst asked skeptically. The idea of hybrids being capable of healing was surprising to her.

Blue turned to face her. "A Diamond corrupted the gems, so it makes sense that I can heal them," she explained. Her lips curled into a soured frown as she added, "But it doesn't stay, and Yellow won't listen to me."

She pressed her hands together as if in prayer, her voice filled with hope. "However, Steven can heal too. Given that a Quartz is made from the essence of their Diamond, it makes sense that he can heal as well. Perhaps together, we can cure them for good."

Her reasoning was based on theory. She and her Amethyst had already experimented and determined that Amethysts and Jaspers couldn't heal. Blue had nothing concrete to go on, but it was all she had. She couldn't risk un-bubbling a Rose Quartz just to test her hypothesis.

Garnet nodded slowly. The logic was sound—a Diamond might be able to fix what had been broken for so long. Steven's healing worked, but it didn't last, and Blue's had the same limitation. Maybe it was because they were hybrids, unable to completely stabilize the cure. If two healers worked together, perhaps the results would stick.

"Approved," Garnet said, her decision firm.

Beside her, Pearl grew pale at Blue's theory. It was true that Rose Quartz could heal gems, and it was equally true that the effects didn't last. But Blue's reasoning struck uncomfortably close to home for Pearl, bringing back painful memories.

Meanwhile, Steven frowned. This wasn't what he had envisioned. Hadn't Blue come to Earth to take a break from all this? He understood the nobility of her choice, but he'd hoped for some time alone with her—just the two of them.

Sensing his uneasiness, Blue reached out and took his hand, locking eyes with him. Her gaze was intense, the same serious expression she wore when she was completely determined about something. Steven had come to know this look well—it meant she wasn't going to change her mind.

"Let's go, then," he said with a sigh, yielding to her resolve.

Blue smiled faintly as he stepped onto the warp pad with her, joining the rest of the team.


The place looked like a mixture of the Kindergarten and the Strawberry Field. Instead of the vibrant strawberries of every size, there was only half-bloomed greenery with scattered flowers here and there. The Kindergarten influence was evident in the destroyed injectors and incomplete gem holes, as if the site had been in the middle of growing gems before being abandoned. Some nutrients and minerals seemed to have remained intact, allowing limited plant life to thrive.

Blue scanned the surroundings, her gaze tracing the remnants of gem production. Steven guided her toward a cluster of wreckage.

"You sure there's still something left around here?" Amethyst asked, glancing up at the overcast sky. The clouds hung low and heavy, making her wonder if something was hiding within them.

As if in response to her question, a loud, piercing screech echoed through the air. The sound was sharp and primal, reminiscent of the pterodactyls from Earth's prehistoric movies. Everyone tensed.

From the dark clouds, three blue flying gems emerged, their forms mimicking that of the dinosaurs they sounded like. With synchronized movements, the corrupted gems swooped downward, claws extended.

The group scattered, running in different directions to avoid the attacks.

"Are those Lapis Lazulis?" Blue asked as she and Steven ducked into a nearby hole for cover.

The corrupted gems hovered in the air like dragons, unleashing torrents of water instead of fire. The steep angle of the hole provided some protection, but water began to seep in. Steven quickly summoned his bubble shield to block the deluge, but he couldn't hold it for too long without risking suffocation.

When the water finally drained into the soil, they climbed out, only to be met with another blast. Steven reacted fast, summoning his shield again.

Blue glanced around. Garnet was attempting to grab one gem's legs, while Amethyst was using her lasso to pull another down, giving Pearl the opportunity to strike with her spear.

One of the corrupted gems dove toward Amethyst, snapping its beak-like jaw and catching a strand of her hair.

"HEY! WATCH IT!" Amethyst shouted, flipping it the bird.

The gem responded with an ear-splitting screech before unleashing another blast of water. With no shields to protect them like Steven and Blue, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl were drenched.

Garnet managed to grab the tail of her opponent, but the creature curled downward, jabbing at her face and neck with its sharp beak. Forced to let go, she was immediately hit with another wave of water.

The three corrupted gems ascended, splitting off in separate directions.

"They might drown a village," Garnet said grimly as she adjusted her visors, her frown deepening as she assessed the situation.

"I'll take the one heading east," Garnet decided. "Pearl, Amethyst, you two go after the one flying north."

She turned to Steven and Blue. "We'll handle the last one together."

Steven saluted, his enthusiasm undimmed despite the chaos. Blue nodded firmly, her expression resolute.

As Garnet and the others went in their assigned directions, Steven and Blue leaped to higher ground, following the corrupted Lapis Lazuli as it sped through the sky.

They found themselves in a more fruitful area—literally. The clouds had cleared, revealing a lush expanse filled with vibrant greenery and fruit-bearing trees. The corrupted Lapis Lazuli let out another screech, circling above them before launching a torrent of water in their direction.

This time, it was Blue who summoned her barrier, a shimmering dome of energy. Steven barely had time to marvel at the sight—her ability, so similar to his own yet uniquely hers—because he was focused on finding a way to bring the corrupted gem down and poof her.

As Blue lowered her barrier, she swept a glowing hand across herself, conjuring an energy plate that unleashed a rapid barrage of beams toward the creature. The gem dodged skillfully, weaving through the air to avoid the attack.

Blue glanced at Steven, her expression calm but purposeful. She'd been observing his techniques and had a plan.

"Steven," she called, her voice steady, "try to get behind her from the trees and use your barrier to corner her toward me."

Both of Blue's hands began to glow with a deep blue energy, distinct but far gentler than the oppressive hue her mother wielded during the war. With a sweeping motion, she summoned twisting streams of water from the air, forming them into sharp spikes. She swung her hands downward, and the spikes flew toward the gem in a synchronized barrage.

Steven didn't have time to admire her mastery—though he made a mental note to ask her about the trick later—he was already darting into the trees for cover, his mind racing to execute her plan.

From the shadows of the trees, Steven watched as Blue raised her barrier again, this time coating it with jagged spikes. With a sharp gesture, the barrier shattered, sending the spikes flying toward the corrupted gem. The gem screeched in frustration, its evasive maneuvers growing more frantic.

Taking the opportunity, Steven leaped into the air, summoning his own barrier mid-flight. He expanded it outward, using its edges and the treetops below as a makeshift wall to block the gem from flying higher. Trapped, the Lapis Lazuli let out another piercing cry.

Blue sent out another barrage of energy beams, which ricocheted off Steven's barrier before striking the gem. One hit its mark, and in an instant, the corrupted Lapis poofed.

Steven landed with a triumphant grin, feeling a surge of giddy pride. He'd fought corrupted gems countless times before, but this was the first time he'd done it as part of a seamless team with Blue.

By the time his feet touched the ground, Blue had already bubbled the gem. She held it in her hands, staring at it with a thoughtful, almost regretful expression.

"I was hoping we could have tried healing her," she admitted, her brows furrowing as she glanced at him.

Steven tilted his head in confusion, watching as her fingers curled slightly around the bubble. She seemed to be debating whether to unbubble the gem for another attempt.

"She's quick," Blue murmured to herself. "Maybe I could use my spikes to keep her down…" Her voice trailed off, her grip on the bubble tightening.

Steven stepped closer, placing his hands gently over hers.

"Wait," he said softly.

Blue's gaze lifted to meet his, her intense blue eyes searching his for an answer.

"Do you want to try healing her?" she asked.

Steven smiled confidently, shaking his head. "I know someone else we can try to heal."

Intrigued, Blue relaxed her hold on the bubble, tilting her head as if to silently ask who he had in mind.

"Trust me," Steven added, his grin widening. "You'll see."

Before Blue realizes it, the bubble disappears, and she finds herself standing before a broken-down ship. Nature has claimed it, with plants, vines, and moss covering almost every inch—except for the door. Her mate places a hand on the scanner, and the door slides open with a hiss.

A creature scuttles out, curling affectionately around her mate as if they've known each other for ages—perhaps they have. Blue tilts her head, the realization dawning on her. This is why he brought them home briefly to grab those "chaps" he occasionally munches on himself.

"This is Centipeetle," he introduces as the creature glances at her, its jaws parting in recognition.

"She's a Nephrite," Blue corrects instinctively, instantly recognizing the gem. But the specifics aren't important right now. She steps closer, her curiosity piqued.

"How do you heal her?" she inquires, watching as her mate offers the Nephrite some chaps. The creature is surprisingly gentle, eagerly nibbling away, and Blue feels a flicker of hope.

Steven smiles, brimming with confidence. As Nephrite busies herself with the bag of chaps, he licks his hand and gently places it on her large snout. Blue blinks, doing a double take at the unexpected approach. It's unorthodox, but if it works for him, so be it.

Reluctantly, Blue mirrors his actions, placing her hand on the creature's snout. To her surprise, nothing happens.

"I—I thought it would work," Steven murmurs, his confidence wavering into confusion.

Blue feels equally perplexed. It should have worked. Steven wouldn't lie about his abilities, and he was so sure of himself. She glances at him, her mind racing for answers. Then, with a soft gasp, an idea strikes her.

Perhaps their healing abilities manifest differently. For Steven, it's his saliva. But for her…

"It's water," she breathes, realization dawning.

"Stay here," she says firmly, spinning on her heel and bolting toward the warp pad. Steven looks like he wants to follow but hesitates, choosing to trust her instincts.

He clutches onto his hope as she disappears, thinking, Maybe she's figured it out.

Blue doesn't take long. Less than three minutes later, she returns, clutching a water bottle. She struggles with the cap for a moment—this method of consumption is unfamiliar to her—but finally opens it. Steven watches expectantly, assuming she's about to drink the water. Instead, to his astonishment, she levitates the liquid into the air.

His eyes widen with awe. Blue can control water? That's incredible! Then again, it makes sense. Lapis Lazuli are water-type gems created by Blue Diamond, and sapphires, with their ice abilities, also originate from her. It even explains Blue's ice spikes.

Blue drops the bottle, keeping the water suspended mid-air. "Let's try again," she says firmly, her determination unshaken.

Steven nods, licking his hand to prepare for another attempt. This time, Blue manipulates the water, letting it spread and settle over Nephrite's snout before placing her hands in the same spot as Steven's.

Pain. Raw, searing pain—just like with the Onyx.


"Shh, it's alright," Blue coos gently, her voice trembling even as tears threaten to spill from her eyes.

"We're gonna help you," Steven adds, his tone soothing.

Under their combined touch, Nephrite begins to glow. Her elongated, centipede-like form shrinks into something more humanoid, though she retains extra arms and a smaller snout. Steven's brown eyes light up with excitement—it's working! Just as he believed it would.

Blue's expression remains focused and impassive as she channels her energy into the healing. Nephrite twitches beneath their hands, her form shifting and stabilizing. Finally, her gaze locks onto Blue.

Her lips—if they could be called that—curve into a bitter smile. Her still-centipede-like arms cross as though saluting. "N-Nephrite," she rasps in a gurgling voice. "Facet-413, Cabochon-12."

Blue's hands tremble, her emotions threatening to overwhelm her. It's working, but it's not perfect. Nephrite is still in pain—still haunted by the trauma of the blast that corrupted her.

Nephrite struggles to form more words, her raspy voice clearing just enough to speak again. "I—I'm sorry for my failure to heed my—"

Before she can finish, her body convulses. With a pained hiss, she withdraws from their touch and reverts to her fully corrupted form.

Steven watches silently as she crawls back to the bag of chaps, resuming her gentle nibbling. His heart aches for her, but he clings to hope.

"Oh my god. I—it worked." Steven's voice bursts with excitement as he spins around to face Blue. But his elation fades quickly when he sees her walking away, head down, shoulders hunched.

"Blue?" he calls, rushing to her. He steps in front of her, his hands gripping her shoulders gently. "What's wrong? It almost worked," he says, his voice full of hope, trying to reassure her.

Blue shakes her head, her expression grim. "It's not enough," she whispers, pulling back to meet his gaze. Her eyes shimmer with unshed tears, and when she blinks, they spill over, tracing lines down her cheeks. "We're not enough."

Steven's own tears well up unbidden, his heart breaking at the sight. He opens his mouth to say something—anything—to comfort her, but she cuts him off, her voice trembling with raw emotion.

"They're in so much pain," she chokes out, her words heavy with grief. "So confused."

She pulls her sleeves over her hands to cover her face, trying to stifle a sob, but the sound escapes anyway. "This is… worse than I thought."

Around them, the world begins to shift. The light takes on a soft blue hue, the sun's rays reflecting the somber tone of Blue's emotions. Steven realizes it isn't just her powers amplifying the sadness—she's feeling their pain. That's why it's affecting her so deeply.

With Onyx, there was mostly rage—a burning anger she could steel herself against. But with Nephrite, it's different. The pain is mingled with fear—raw, terrified confusion. The overwhelming helplessness crashes over her like a wave.

Steven feels it too now, not just through her powers but in his own heart. He steps forward and wraps his arms around her, pulling her close. Blue buries her face in his chest, her sobs muffled but unrelenting. He doesn't care that her powers make his own tears flow freely; he holds her tighter, rubbing her back in slow, soothing circles.

Resting his chin on the top of her head, he whispers softly, "We'll heal them. I know we will."

His words carry quiet conviction, the memory of their progress giving him hope. The last time he tried alone, Nephrite could barely write before succumbing to the corruption again. But together, they had gotten her to speak, to reclaim parts of her form. They were so close.

But not now. Steven looks at Blue, her trembling form pressed against him, and he knows he can't ask her to endure this again. Not yet. He can't bear to see her suffer like this—feeling their suffering so deeply.

"Let's go home," he murmurs softly, glancing toward Nephrite as she returns to the ship. The door slides shut behind her with a quiet hiss, and the world feels still again.

Blue nods weakly, her tears beginning to subside as she clings to him. Together, they step away, the ship fading into the background as they retreat toward the warp pad.

They'll try again—someday. But for now, they have to heal themselves first.


The beach house was quiet when they returned. The rest of the Crystal Gems were nowhere to be found. Blue sat at the bar in the kitchen, her posture slouched as she traced invisible patterns on the countertop with her fingers. Steven, meanwhile, busied himself rummaging through the kitchen, clattering pots and pans as he prepared lunch.

The sound of the occasional burner igniting punctuated the silence, but it wasn't enough to break the heavy atmosphere. Steven had tried to strike up a conversation, his cheerful tone a sharp contrast to Blue's somber mood. But she remained silent, her words locked away behind a furrowed brow and brooding eyes.

At least she wasn't crying anymore.

Sadness had given way to frustration as her thoughts churned ceaselessly. Why did the war have to happen? If it had never occurred, there would be no corrupted gems. Then again, without it, Steven likely wouldn't exist. And neither would I, she thought bitterly.

Her mind spiraled further. If we can't cure the corruption, what are we supposed to do? Their healing powers were only partial. What if Yellow or the others still refused to help? Blue clenched her fists against her sleeves. It's so unfair.

Her eyes wandered around the room until they landed on Rose Quartz's portrait. The infamous gem who supposedly shattered Pink Diamond.

Blue stared at it, her thoughts fracturing into chaotic theories. A Rose Quartz shouldn't have been close enough to Pink to do such a thing. Even her Zircon had pointed that out—someone must have shape-shifted.

Before she realized it, Blue was standing in front of the front door, her gaze fixed upward at the portrait.


Steven's voice broke through her haze. She ignored him at first, her arms wrapping around herself protectively. Behind her, he set down a plate on the counter and glanced between her and the portrait of his mother.

He could sense the storm of emotions brewing within her. She was probably starting to resent Rose—for the war, for the corruption, for everything.

"Blue," he tried again, softer this time.

Slowly, she hugged herself tighter. There could never be a better time than now.

"Steven," she said quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I must confess something."

The silence was so absolute that he heard her clearly.

"I know," he began cautiously, stepping closer. "If it weren't for my mom, there would be no corruption—"

"That's not it."

Her words cut him off sharply. She gripped her sleeves tighter, her knuckles turning white.

Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself, summoning every ounce of courage she had before it slipped away. Finally, she turned to face him, her brows knitted with tension as her gaze locked onto his.

"I've been doing some research back home," she said slowly, deliberately. Her voice trembled but did not falter.

Steven tilted his head, curiosity and unease flickering in his eyes.


Blue held his gaze, her expression resolute as she delivered the words that had haunted her for so long.

"I don't think Rose Quartz shattered Pink Diamond."