Chereads / kaiju abyss / Chapter 7 - I think it happpened

Chapter 7 - I think it happpened

There I was, laying down on my bed with a buck full of puke next to me. I still didn't know why I puked, but apparently it was a response to something I saw.

Knock knock

"Come in"

"How are you doing?" It was Ha-joon who asked me that question.

"I've been better... I think I puked out everything I ate today." I replied weakly, my throat was Burning like hell

"I was worried, you know Jae-wook?" Ha-joon said while standing next to the bed with his hands in his pockets. "Don't worry... I'll manage" I replied and looked outside. "How did it go?"

"Pretty well honestly! I didn't know I could move like that, so I asked them to get me that bow... let me guess... you are gonna go for that staff? Who are you? Wukong?"

"It's versatile! That's why I'm planning on using that staff"


Back in the hospital

"What are you talking about? Have you lost it again?" Dong-seok asked

"Why don't you just sit back and watch hmm? Like you've been doing your whole life" she smirked, a smirk with no real emotion behind it

"Is that why I've been kept in this damn hospital? Why? Why are you keeping-"

"I told you to watch didn't I? I want you to open your eyes, and just watch"


Kyung-ah turned around, her heels clicking against the tike floor as she walked away

"W-wait! Don't fucking leave like that! We haven't even talked for ten minutes" but she didn't stop

Dong-seok knew what she was talking about, the memory haunted him


Kaiju extermination HQ, floor 4

I wandered through the hallways, passing by countless room in an never ending hallway. The fluorescent lights above me gave the place a creepy touch. I was getting an implant today. Every kaiju exterminator was forced to get these implants, first were the optics... it gave me the creeps. Then you were forced to get a brain implant, and after that they inserted a socket onto the side of your neck where you can insert cartridges. These cartridge ranged in variety. You could learn languages, skills, martial arts, cooking and a bunch more. Cybernetics were for the rich

The implants kaiju exterminator's get for example are 20,000,000 won total. (13580 us dollars)

Companies like Vanguard Biomechanica, Solaris industries, space horizons were some of the biggest manufacturers. America especially has two of the biggest companies... of course that's thanks to America becoming a corporate hell back in 2064. Entire cities were bought and controlled by corporations, where citizens lived under strict corporate laws. These cities became stratified, with luxurious zones for the wealthy and slums for workers.

I now in the fifth floor of the HQ, I made my way to the surgical room

Inside it felt like I entered an insane asylum, but I brushed the feeling aside and sat on a chair while waiting for my turn... it was kind of like going to the dentist, but instead of working on my teeth they worked on my entire being

I waited for about thirty minutes before it was finally my turn. I walked into the room and sat down on the surgical desk. There were about two doctors in there looking at me with their creepy gaze... I felt like they were undressing me with their eyes. I was forced to take off my shirt and lay down. There was a giant light right on my face and next to it a machine hanging from the ceiling. There were different surgical instruments on its long arms.

To be honest I was pretty scared. But thankfully I was put under before the operation.


Somewhere Near the shore in Taean-gun

A kaiju emerged from the water, it's six legs grasping at anything it can. It looked like a newborn child

"Ktsu ktsu ktsu" it repeated while waddling around. The kaiju looked similar to a centipede. The sun was just setting and the kaiju let out one loud blood curling scream


Jae-wook's room

I slowly rubbed my neck, it felt really weird... I was prescribed some pills to help with my implants, after all my immune system is gonna be confused. I looked out the window yet again, now I had new eyes, a new perspective

Spectra NeuralTech was responsible for these eyes. Funny they also sell tv's, simulations and fridges

Ha-joon stepped into the room in his pajamas "you got your implants? I'm getting mine tommorow" Ha-joon told me and glanced at the television displaying some Japanese game show where the winners can win different prizes like money or cybernetics

"I've got them... did they really have to add a bar code on the side?"

"That bar code is used for identification you know?"

It felt strange, knowing my entire identity was stored in a computer

"I got us some beer" so Ha-joon wanted to drink huh?

"They told me I can't drink for two days... kind of dumb" so I turned down his request and layed down on my bed. He cracked his can open and took a sip while I sat there with my hands behind my head