Chereads / kaiju abyss / Chapter 9 - fly around the moon

Chapter 9 - fly around the moon

A man had shot himself right in the face

Looks like he really couldn't handle it.

His cybernetic eye slowly rolled towards me and touched my shoes.

"Again huh? Last year 2 newbies did the same, the real challenge hasn't even started yet, you weaklings don't know what's about to come do you?" The instructor told us with a chuckle. The man's body was tossed into a body bag and the scene was cleaned up in five minutes

Ha-joon next to me was sweating bullets. "You aren't scared are you?" I asked and he gave me a fast response "N-no. I'm just a little bit nervous you know, I really want to become an official kaiju exterminator"

"We will be fine"


2 months later, inside Jae-wook's room

I was standing right before the mirror completely nude and staring at my face. There were some pretty noticeable eyebags under my eyes

"To hell with this place... I haven't even been thrown into a mission yet" after much verbal and physical abuse here I was, wondering when I'll get my next punishment. The thing I hated the most was that you only get 15 total minutes to shower everyday, 25 minutes if you are coming back from a mission. My fingers brushed against the socket on the right side of my neck where there was a chip inserted. The chip was made to keep you calm during stressful or even traumatic situations.


Now that's convenient

I quickly made my way to said room and stepped inside. Every different team had a different briefing room, and they were also all referred by numbers.

My team was team number 2,344

The other members soon arrived and we stood around a circular table.

"Hey shouldn't the asan division be able to deal with the problem?"

"Looks like they were overwhelmed"

Chatter filled the room but it was quickly shut down by our squad leader, Dae-hyun.

"Shut your mouths! People are dying out there!"

Dae-hyun placed his hand on a scanner connected to the table. Then I realized it was actually screen. A hologram of asan appeared infront of everyone's eyes, along with an hologram of a kaiju that looks like a mix between a stingray and a cephalopod

"It's just one kaiju? They should be able to deal with it-"

"Not that simple you know? It's a level two... and there is a second one that hasn't been identified yet... and there are countless smaller ones too. Seoul is nearby that's why they requested help from us" said the instructor and one guy raised his arm

"That thing looks pretty massive" everyone could tell what he was going to ask

"No, we aren't gonna send pungbaek unless the situation escalates"

Back when my sister died pungbaek happened to be nearby since They were testing a new weapon

We quickly got on the move and jumped into the helicopter, the T-77. A sleek and sharp transportation vehicle with two rotors

I was sitting opposite of that girl who had a chain during that virtual reality test. Sadly I wasn't given my staff, we were only field operatives so we were all given KRN-103's. I named mine guksu. They were automatic rifles with a surprisingly long barrel, that's why I called mine guksu.

"Hey have you heard? Apparently there is a whole underground base between the HQ" the guy next to me said. I looked to the outside and noticed a yellow fog slowly set in over asan


My lips bobbed up and down while I stated at the alert. Every quickly put on their gas masks and I followed their movements. The flying cephalopod kaiju could be seen in the distance. The rear door opened up when we got close to the ground and everyone jumped off

I clutched the KRN-103 tightly and followed my squad. It was eerily quiet, the only noise came from our footsteps and the Chatter of my team. Thanks to the eye implants it was easier to see through the fog.

Suddenly our leader who was at the front came to a stop.


And it came into view, a kaiju that was crawling on the floor with un unhinged long jaw and hollow eyes. It's body almost pitch black.

"open fire"

And in an instant bullets rained down on the kaiju. After taking it down we kept moving. The cephalopod kaiju which was floating up in the sky was being attacked by two attack helicopters.

As we kept moving we finally came across it. The kaiju that was responsible for all this toxic fog.

The creature was a massive sphere with faces on it, every face having a different emotion etched onto it. Organs were floating above it like a halo

"Watch out!" Ha-joon shouted and pushed me out the way. An long intestine pierced through the guy standing behind me and pulled him in

I watched as it slowly absorbed his body and a new face appeared on the sphere

"What the fuck?! How did it pierce through the shield?!" Everyone felt the same shock as we stared at the slowly spinning sphere