Ha-joon is every parents dream child. He was only getting 1st grades and passed the Suneung with ease
He was patient, kind, compassionate and an overall nice person to be around. His father was the polar opposite, an angry, hateful, confused and spiteful person. He believed it was the world's fault for every single bad thing that happened to him
"Hey Ha-joon, you are such a smart kid! Your parents must be proud!"
"I can see it! You are gonna be so successful in the future"
All supporting words came from his teachers and mentors. He learned the piano when he was 12 and practiced each time his parents fought, in order to block out the noise.
Then he began writing, writing different fictional stories in his book where he sometimes included himself.
He wanted to escape reality but couldn't
"Ha-joon. Don't be like your mother and father, you are much better than us" his father used to say when he was sober
When Ha-joon got the chance to move out he took it without looking back... he started a online business and made a steady income, living an average life.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you work or are determined life will have other plans
Ha-joon made a single promise to his parents. They didn't ask him to get rich, they didn't ask him to pamper them, they didn't tell him to be grateful, they only wanted him to be different from them
He slowly climbed the stairs of the apartment complex he used to live in. There was graffiti on basically every wall.
『This place is still just as bad as I remember it... but apparently they are still here』
Ha-joon thought while walking past a man injecting himself with a needle.
『I dont want to see them... but i feel horrible for leaving them alone』
Thoughts brushed past his mind. His parents were hopeless people with no help, that's why he wanted to atleast try helping them
『An alcoholic mother and a gambler father... I sure am lucky huh』
In the corner he could see the door leading to his parents apartment
"There it is" he muttered under his breath and slowly walked up to the door before reaching out a hand and twisting it
Modern day, 2215. Asan. 16:09 P.M.
"Hey Jae-wook... what does it mean to be a good person?" Ha-joon asked me while laying ontop of me. Thankfully he was pushed out the way by Yoon Ji-hwan.
『What does it mean to be a good person?』
"I guess helping people without expecting anything in return?"
Ha-joon nodded at my reply. I couldn't tell whether he agreed when he had such a stoic expression on his face
"Where did this come from?" Asked I
"I guess my life flashed before my eyes" he swiftly answered and stood up
I was confused but right now wasn't a good moment
『Why am I sweating?』
My fingers wrapped around the grip of guksu and I pulled the trigger on the kaiju that were running straight at us.
Many small kaiju were clinging to pungbaek's legs trying to slow it down
A 30 meter giant kaiju emerged from the ground with a loud roar. It's entire body was plated in a sort of armor, it's head shaped like a shark with long sharp horns pointing forward
When the kaiju opened its mouth a swarm of big warms could be seen inside along with other small kaiju that seemingly lived within its body. The kaiju rushed at pungbaek.
"What a dumbass" Dae-hyun said while battling a kaiju with thin and strong claws
Pungbaek grabbed its horns and slammed the creature onto the swarm of kaiju following it. The kaiju jumped out the mouth and clung onto the sentinels torso
What would the sentinel do in this situation?
Well things like this happen all the time to sentinels
Pungbaek's eyes began glowing blue as it slowly knelt down. The kaijus all swarmed around like ants
it sounded like a electrical fly swatter, kind of anticlimactic but the kaijus slowly fell from pungbaek's body after it released 30,000+ amps. Its entire metal body was wrapped in crackling electricity and with a loud roar of anger it moved yet again.
『That thing is so cool... wish I could pilot it, I'd be able to save so many people』
I thought while staring at pungbaek
It's open palm swatted 'Kyung-sook' around like a fly. Was she really a level four kaiju? Why hasn't she fought back yet damnit? What's gonna happen?
Technology has evolved alot since the appearance of the first level four kaiju, humanity had to find a way to deal with such disasters to make sure what happened in Russia doesn't happen again
『I get it stupid system... why don't you just shut up already?』
Countless of smaller kaijus were emerging from the ground, at this point it was probably more than a thousand. The cephalopod kaiju in the background slowly floated towards us, it's tail glowing a bright purple
"Is it charging an attack?" Ha-joon asked me with a slightly shaky voice
"Looks like it... but what's it gonna be?"
My question was answered as the tail was pointed straight at me, a blinding light going faster than a bullet flew straight towards me. I couldn't possibly dodge it in time, not at my current state.
everything went white in that moment
Sentinels cockpit
Kim Hwan was lying inside of a capsule, his eyes closed with a wire dangling from the port behind his left ear. The capsule itself was dead silent
Pungbaek moved sloppily thanks to Kim Hwan's inexperience. He only become its pilot 3-4 months ago and it still felt weird, controlling such a giant creature, he still wasn't used to towering above almost everything. And now he was facing off against a level 4 kaiju
"Get back here you fucking bitch" Kim hwan muttered, he was constantly bombarded with info and messages
"I said come back!" Pungbaek reached its arm out only for the entire forearm to be blown away, Kyung-sook had finally retaliated.
Pungbaek's forearm was sent flying straight to the clouds all from a smack
It felt as though he had lost his real arm
[PART 3547 LOST]
[PART 2008 LOST]
[PART 2457 LOST]
[PART 3489 LOST]
Messages flooded Kim Hwan's brain, his implants working overtime to keep him conscious in this very moment. His vision was blurry but he could see kyung sook fly up into the sky and curl up into a purr white ball, her giant wings engulfing her petite form
"I-i..m" Kim hwan tried forming words
"PILOT CAN YOU HEAR US?!" The voice rang out, hurting his ears
"Sh-shut it" pungbaek stood tall and proud "I'm... Korea's pride" pungbaek got into a squat, it's soles growing a bright blue
Following a large explosion pungbaek was flying straight to the sky like a rocket and it's left arm stretched out to grab Kyung-sook
At that moment her skin began turning jet black
『Why am i fighting alone? Why arent any of the captains helping me?』
Kim Hwan felt an immense fear at that moment, a fear that ate away at his soul
『Where the hell is my help? Why isn't anyone helping?』
It was as though all sound had dissapeared. punbaek turned pitch black and a tree began growing, a giant pitch black tree that reached the atmosphere
"Get away! Everyone!" Dae-hyun shouted at the top of his lungs. All the kaijus had stopped attacking and simply stared at the massive tree which was forming, it's roots began embedding themselves onto the ground, the tree was taking up the entire city. The exterminators got into helicopter in an attempt to escape the scene
The tree stood there with the left half of pungbaek sticking out, it's arm still reaching out
Awe and confusion filled everyone as they stared at the massive tree... it looked beautiful.
Ha-joon was staring aswell, he couldn't remove his gaze from that giant tree
3 days later. 13:54
"Here I stand, speaking to all of south korea today. I know of the fear that has grasped at your hearts, the worry and anxiety. I can assure you what happened in asan on February 21st is under control, the level 4 kaiju that had appeared was eliminated. There is nothing to worry about, the tree is being removed as we talk. Asan will be rebuild by the end of this year and you will be able to go back home. My condolences to all of you who have lost your homes and family"
Korea's kaiju exterminator's leader spoke. His face stoic and his jaw clenched tightly
"We will provide aid as long as you are willing to cooperate with us, we are just as scared and confused as you all, but believe me! I will keep you all safe! And I will save us too"
Asan had turned into a dead zone, the rubble around the black tree were painted pitch black. There was a yellow fog that had settled around the tree
Amidst the pitch black rubble stood a pure white helicopter. There were two exterminator's and three scientists. The exterminators followed behind the trio of scientists who were dressed in white gear and masks. Slowly the five made their way up the root and slowly approached the metal giant punbaek, his left foot stuck out slightly
Slowly the hand of a scientist extended towards pungbaek's foot and touched it.
"Shit" the bit the scientist touched crumble away like spider webs
"Kyung-ah-nim, why did we bring kaiju exterminator's with us? We havent spotted a single kaiju around here since the tree appeared" Asked one of the scientists, a young man indeed
"Isn't it obvious? We aren't the only ones looking too study this place," kyung-ah nodded towards the distance. Another group was slowly approaching the tree
"Soon everyone is gonna come here, the appearance of a level 4 kaiju is simply too huge too ignore. And then that idiot Nam-il tells the whole world that we killed the kaiju" kyung ah let out a soft sigh before continuing "since we killed it we would have it's corpse wouldn't we? The weapons we could create using that would make our military the strongest in the world" kyung ah stared up at the tree
"Speaking of which" the other scientist Chimed in carefully "we haven't been able to locate the level four kaiju, if our people knew then half the population would have left the peninsula"
"They are getting closer" one of the soldiers said and slowly raised his gun
"I wonder, will they be friends? Or will they be enemies..." kyung-ah smirked under her mask
The other group slowly climbed up the root and their leader didn't have a mask on
『Lung cyberware hmm? He isn't korean then』
kyung-ah concluded in her mind. Korea still didn't have lung cybernetics thanks to some shipment failures, or possibly sabotage
The man spoke in Japanese but thanks to a translation chip it was all translated into Korean
"Greetings, Mrs kyung-ah"
The man gave a slight bow and kyung-ah simply bowed back
"It's nice to meet you, Mr akihiko Miura. You are here for our beautiful, I suppose"
"Exactly, and as you can guess, the whole world is coming"
They stared at eachother
"I've got allies you know? We will figure out your secret"
Kyung-ah didn't flinch a bit at his words
"Secret? I promise you I have no such things Mr akihiko. Everything about me is public, If you ask anyone that knows me they will all reply with the same thing, that I'm an honest woman"
"Now that's quiet a way to see yourself isn't it?"
Beep, beep, beep.
The constant beeping of the machine rang through the hospital room. A blinding light filtering through the curtains
My eyes slowly opened