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God of Gold

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The Egyptian Gods return, what could go wrong? Taiyo Tategami, an ordinary boy living in Tokyo, dies and is reincarnated by the Bennu(Phoenix). Upon his revival, he is informed by the gods that he is the reincarnation of the Egyptian God Amun, and is tasked with saving the world from destruction, by becoming Pharaoh. Accompanied by other gods including Bastet, Anubis, and Sekhmet, he traverses the desert in pursuit of fulfilling this ancient prophecy and saving the world from an incoming crisis.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Resurrection

- **Setting**: Golden chamber in an ancient underground complex.

"This is the story… of how the sun rose to purge the darkness."

Scene pit

"?" "Where am I?..."

"A boy muttered to himself."

" Only a moment ago had the young boy awakened from what he presumed to be a long bad dream. 

He looked around the room he was in to find himself in unfamiliar territory. 

The room was covered in old Egyptian murals, with various relics and treasures surrounding him. 

He looked at the Egyptian painting on the four cornered room, attempting to forge some semblance as to why he'd be in such a room, though his attempt was futile. "

"He gazes up at the apparent chamber he was kept in to see that the ceiling was nonexistent, making the room he resides in resemble a pit more than anything. 

After a few minutes, the boy fully washes the sleep away from his body, forcing his adrenaline and anxiety to creep up as he starts to understand the gravity of his situation."


"?""Wait what the hell!"

"?""Where am I!!"

"?""What's going on!!!"

"The boy attempts to yell, but is met with an unexpected interference to his mouth. He looked down to see not just his mouth, but his entire body was covered in what seemed to be old linen bandages."

" From head to toe, minus the boy's notably large and spiky brown-hair, was covered in the style of a mummy. This development only served to instigate the boy's swelling anxiety. "



"Again and again the boy tried to yell, but every attempt proved to be futile."

" After a few minutes, the boy succeeded in removing a piece of the bandages around his mouth, though less could be said about the rest of his body." 

"In any case, with his mouth now free, the boy attempted to cry for help once again."



"?""I need help!"

"?""Please! If anyones listening!"

"?""Help me!!!!!!!!"

"The boy finishes off, leaving only the echoing of his screech to be heard in the tombs' silent halls. However, right as he was about to give up hope, he started to hear the sound of footsteps approaching."

" He looked up at the open chamber, waiting to see who had heard his call for help. "

"He waits patiently, his golden eyes bulging up to view any form of aid. But before his eyes, the first thing he saw pop up from the open chamber was a pair of red cat ears.

"??""Nyaa?~ He's awake!" 

"The boy did not recognize this voice, however he was able to pick up on it being rather feminine."

" The cat ears lean forward, now showing her full face. These did not belong to a cat, but to a young girl who appeared no older than himself."

"Looking up, the boy see's the red-headed cat-eared woman looking back at him with her ruby-colored eyes peering down. "

"Though still covered in bandages, the boy's face was unraveled enough to show his complexion.

"Vice versa, upon further inspection the girl can be seen eliciting a light blush to her soft white skin."

"The boy's mind begins swirling with thoughts."

"?""Who is this girl!?"

"?""Why am I here?"

"?""Did she put me down here?"

"?""Why does she have cat ears!?"

"However, just as quickly as she appeared, the girl vanished, leaving the boy bewildered and alone once more. "

"?""Hey…! Wait a minute!"

"?""Don't just leave!"

"?""Get me out of here!"

"The boy says rather frustratingly. However, no matter how much he yelled this time, the girl did not return."

" After a few minutes of silence, the boy seemingly had enough."

"?""Screw this… I'm getting the hell out of here!"

"Determined to escape, the boy attempts to break free from his bandaged confinement. Squirming around on the floor like a caterpillar until parts of the bandages start to unravel around him."

"After several minutes of struggling, he managed to get enough off that his limbs were at least moveable."

" Looking around the room he views no doors or notable exits awaiting him, then he looks back up at the open chamber from where the neko had previously appeared before him."

"?""Oh God dammit…"

"The boy says after realizing his only hope would be to climb his way out of there. "

"Begrudgingly, the boy steps onto a few boxes and stacks of treasured constructs and begins to climb his way out the chamber. "

"After a few minutes he reaches the top, his arms reach over to the top as he arches his way onto the pavement. "

"He thinks back to his youth for a moment, he recalls never being much of an athletic kid, often seeing himself as weaker and less physically active than his peers. 

However, though he just climbed a good distance, he wasn't tired at all, not even a bit winded. 

Shrugging off this revelation, the boy stands up to view his new scenery. Looking around, he sees nothing but a large amount of hypostyle halls, Large limestone pillars standing in columns to each other. 

With each pillar inscription in ancient egyptians hieroglyphics. "

"?""This is so weird…"

"?""Could I really be…"

"?""in Egypt!?"

"The boy caught in such a precarious situation was named Taiyo Tategami.

Your average 17 year old student living in Tokyo, Japan. Last he recalled he was going on a trip overseas with his childhood friend when danger struck. Some type of monster attacked his plane resulting in his untimely demise, and now suddenly he was alone inside some Egyptian chamber. "

t"Wait… is this…"

t"The afterlife…"

t"Could I have really of died…!"

"The boy ponders this for a moment before brushing the thought aside."

t"Wait no… there was that cat girl earlier…"

t"So if I'm not dead, does that mean…"

t"I got Isekei'd into another world!?"

"He yells out to no one…"


t"Gah… no way… In any case, I have to find a way out of here!"

"He says, picking a direction and running towards it. Running through the hypostyle halls, he desperately searched for a way out, finding it to resemble more of a maze if not anything else.

He found himself easily getting lost, with the halls seemingly being all but endless. 

Now running in circles, the boy was growing excruciatingly frustrated."

t"Dammit, how large is this place! I don't even know where I'm going!"

"While running aimlessly, the boy catches something in his peripheral vision. A black cat walking behind one of the vertical pillars. "


"He runs back to view the small feline, only for it to get lost from behind the pillar."

t"Huh… I could have sworn I just saw a…" 

"Before he could finish that thought, he was able to see the cat again, now running behind another pillar opposite from his position.

 The boy tries to run after the cat again, but everytime he thinks he's circling in on it, it vanishes from his sight, only to appear behind another random pillar. "

t"Damn neko!"

"The cat and the boy continue this charade for a few minutes, with the boy holding a small hope that the cat will lead to his eventual freedom."

" However, once he truly believes he's caught it, the cat seemingly disappears yet again."

t"Dammit.. How is she getting away so quickly!" 

"Without any noise emitting in the halls, the boy feels a pair of eyes on him. Quickly, he turns his head to meet a familiar gaze."

" Hiding behind one of the pillars was the same red-haired girl he had seen earlier, with the nefarious neko from earlier circulating around her too. "


"Taiyo says, eliciting a response, though the red-haired girl stays silent, holding a captivating gaze at the boy as she sways her equally red tail in the air. "

t"What the hell… she even has a tail!"

t"Is that all prosthetics…"

"The vast hall was dimly lit, with only a few torches flickering against the ancient stone walls.

 At one end of the hall stood Taiyo, his eyes scanning the intricate hieroglyphics that adorned the pillars.

 About four pillars away, stood the mystery girl before him, who slowly moved away from the pillar she was hiding behind to stand firmly on the stoned floor beneath her. 

Though far, it was close enough for their words to reach one another, but far enough that he had to raise his voice slightly to be heard. Twitching her cat-like ears, the girl begins to speak."




"??""Earlier you said he was a she… he's a he."

"The girl says stoically and innocently."

"The boy simply blinks, his golden eyes meeting her ruby ones. Different from within the confined chamber, Taiyo had a much easier time hearing her voice this time."

" Her voice was quite high pitched, the sound you'd expect to hear from a young girl."

"Taking in her figure, he saw she wore nothing but a long red nightgown of sorts, a shade of red similar to her crimson colored hair."

"Her eyes shined like rubies, and her overall complexion radiated with an unknown beauty, with her cute cat ears and tail matching her aesthetic to a tee."

"Realizing he's done nothing but stare back at the red cat girl, he realizes his silence has stirred up an awkwardness to the air, forcing the tongue girl to develop a blush on her face."

t"Oh uhm.. My bad…"

"The boy answers back, but this time, the girl is the one who remains silent."

"The boy attempts to figure out what the girl is thinking about, with his mind coming to a momentary pause."

"Tilting her head in a cute manner, she persuades him to question her."

t"Uhm so… who are you?" 

"Upon this question, the girl seemed a bit taken back, her cat ears notably dropping a bit."

"??""Huh… you don't remember me…?"

"The boy blinks."

t"Am I supposed to…? 

"His words take the girl by surprise, seemingly shocked by the recent development and now in a state of mute."

t"Hey! Wait, that doesn't matter! What the hell was that!"

"The girl jumps at his sudden outburst, visibly taking a step back before voicing her concern."

"??""Eh…? What was what!?"

t"Earlier! I saw you! I was screaming for help down there and you just left!"

"The boy says, visibly angry. If it were not for his quick work, who knows how long he'd be trapped there, and with this sole girl seemingly being the only other resident in these vast halls, it left her the prime target to let out his frustration.

"??""Eh! I was going to help you!"

t"Oh really! Cause it seemed to me like you just turned around and ran away!" 

"The girl gasps at this."

"??""Ehhh! That's not true! I was coming back to help you right now! I just had to go get permission!"

t"Permission! From who!!?" 

"??""From Daddy!"

t"Your dad threw me in there!" 

"??""Ehhh no!! Well yes, but we were trying to help you!"

??""It's complicated!"

t"Well make it uncomplicated!" 

"The boy says boisterously. At the sound of his rising voice the girl can be seen holding her cat ears shut."

"??""Ehhh, would you calm down!"

t"Calm down! "

t"I've been kidnapped!"

t"Listen lady, I don't know who you think you are, but kidnapping is a very serious crime!"

t"I've seen stuff like this before, you kidnap poor and innocent stragglers in order to lure them into your sex cult or something."


t"Don't try to deny it, I mean look at your ears! And don't think for a second I don't know where that tail is connected!"

t"I'm not trying to get wrapped up in your weird sexual BDSM cosplaying or roleplaying stick!"

t"If you don't tell me right now why you and your dad brought me here and threw me into that pit then I'm going to start getting violent!"

t"So stop acting all ditzy and answer my damn questions!"

"The girl who was previously holding a shocked expression can now be seen fluttering up, while blowing air into her cheeks."

"??""Mmmmmph!! You're so rude! You're nothing like I remember!"

"??""And how dare you make fun of my tail, and my ears! Jerk, idiot, stupid, Baka!"

t"Who are you calling an idiot!"

"??""You, Idiot!"

t"You're an Idiot!"




t"Cat-eared freak!" 


"After hearing his comeback, the girl is brought to the brink of tears. After seeing the tears swelling in her eyes, the boy's heart seemingly takes a hit."

"??""Grrr… that's it! You're no fun! I hate you I hate you I hate you!"

"??""I'm telling daddy!"

"Turning around, with the black neko following suit behind her, she starts to run in the opposite direction."

t"Hey wait, don't leave me here! Come back!" 

"The girl turns around for a moment, before putting a finger to her eyes and bringing her eyelid down and simultaneously sticking her tongue out."


"The girl says mockingly before running away."

t"God dammit!!"

"Running after the cat-eared woman, the boy attempts to catch up to her. Running in a zigzag manner, the two continue their little cat and mouse chase before the girl runs up to the end of the corridor, which held two golden doors before it. "

"She pushes one of them open, and runs inside, not before she turns to look back at the boy and sticks her tongue out at him again."


"She says again before disappearing behind the gold doors. The boy runs up to the doors, seeing them adorned with Egyptian murals, he marvels at their richness."

"With no other option, he pushed his hands forward and stormed into the room."

"Taiyo's sole goal was finding the red-haired girl and giving her a piece of his mind,and to hopefully get some answers out of her, but once he entered the room he was met with a sight not even his dreams could have envisioned. "

"???""Ah, so he's here…" 

"Inside said room, was a world that could only be described as 'cosmic'. "

" Stars and particles roamed the sky, with the scenery looking like space itself had filled up the entire room, and within said room held a large golden table."

"This table held several large seats equally as gold. All encrusted in ancient hieroglyphics, with each seat being taken by three individuals."

" Two of which had the faces of birds on their heads…"

"???""We were going to send a few guards to escort you here, but it seems you were able to find your way here no problem…"

"One of the bird heads spoke, with all eyes gazing directly at the boy before him." "One of those eyes was the pair of ruby shaped ones he had just finished bickering with earlier, looking back at him with both anger and fear. "

"??""There, I told you daddy! He came running after me, even though I didn't do anything wrong!" 

"The girl says talking to the bird-headed man, his feathers sharing a similar tint to the feline girl."

"???""There there… He's probably just startled, reincarnation isn't an easy task Bastet." 

"The bird headed man pats the young girl's head, seemingly calming her down."

"The bird man's gaze shifts over to him once again, as the boy was left silent upon his arrival."

t"What… the fuck…" 

"Clearing his throat, the bird man starts to speak up towards him."

"???""Well, since you've made the trouble to come down to us, why don't we get this meeting started."

"Taiyo's mind begins to ramble."

t"W-whwhwat the hell is going on! That's a bird! And another Bird, and it's talking to me!"

t"There's another woman here too, her hair is so vibrant…"

t"And she's sitting next to that kid… who's…"


t"What did I get myself into!!!"

"Standing before Taiyo were 7 of the Egyptian Gods."

r"Calm yourself young man… for you are in the presence of the Gods."


r"Yes, I am Ra… the Sun God, creator of this world, as well as king of the Gods."

t"King… Sun God…"

t"What the hell are you even talking about…"

r"I see… Well this is to be expected, afterall, memories are the last thing to traverse through our reincarnation cycles."

t"Memories… reincarnation…"

t"What in the world are you talking about!"

t"I don't know who any of you are, but I demand to know what's going on here!"

"Before Taiyo could utter another word, a powerful wave of energy drenched over him."

"This energy carried malice and authority over him, making him turn his head to view the target of this release of power."

o"That's enough… Show some respect for our grandfather."


i"Osiris honey, don't be so mean to him, you know the situation he's in."

"The woman sitting behind the green boy leans down and caresses his face."

i"He clearly doesn't have his memories intact."

i"Forgive him for being impudent… After all, he is the youngest…

"The boy in turn cancels out any energy he was putting forth in favor of listening to the tanned skin woman."

o"Your right dear… I just hate seeing such weak willed children acting so abrasively."

"The green boy says as he slouches against the taller woman."

r"Cough* In any case, why don't the rest of you introduce yourselves…"

"Ra says, signaling to the rest of the deities…"

o"Tch* Introducing ourselves to someone who should already know us is tedious."

"Taiyo thinks for a moment."

"God who the hell is that kid, I felt him staring daggers at me as soon as I got here…"

"And what's wrong with his skin! He's green!"

o"I am Osiris, God of the Underworld."

i"And I am Isis, Goddess of Magic."

"After the two introduce themselves, he looks over to his right to the otherside of the table."

th"Good evening, I am Thoth. The God of Knowledge and Wisdom."

"The one who spoke was another bird headed fellow. This one had the head of an ibis, with a long black scholar hat on his head."

"To his side was a man wrapped entirely in bandages, wearing a giant blue and gold coat."

"This God did not introduce himself though, since currently we could be seen with a large sleep bubble coming from his nose."


k"Ha! Ehh what!?"

"The ibis headed god can be seen face palming his head."

th"Amun is here…"

k"Hoo~ Amun…"

k"Wait… if Amuns here does that mean!"

th"No she's not here!"


th"Geez, you're so childish Khonsu…"


"After seemingly forming a smile over to his bird headed friend under his binds, the god looks over at the young man."

k"I am Khonsu, The Moon God, it's nice to see you again, Amun!"

 th"Idiot, stop giving away his name!"

"The Ibis-headed man says while whacking the mummy looking figure on the head."


r"Cough* cough*"

r"Well, now that introductions are out of the way, why don't we get to the point of why we summoned you here."

"Taiyo looked over the room once again, from the green boy and the woman with the colorful wings to his left, the Ibis and the mummy to his right, and another being cloaked in what deems to be a bed sheet with two eyes drawn on the front sitting closest to him."

"Feeling his gaze the draped being somehow moves its drawn on eyes, giving him a pissed expression."



pause 3

"And at the center was the eagle-headed 7-foot God staring back at him. With his apparent red-headed daughter standing next to him."

t"So… you guys are Gods."

r"Yes… we have called you here to hold a meeting between the Ennead."

r"A meeting with all the Gods present so we may decide our next moves."

"Taiyo looks confused for a moment."

t"A meeting with all the Gods… but then why…"

t"Why do you want me here?"

r"Is it not obvious to you yet."

r"You are here… "

r"Because you are also a god, the God Amun."




t"What do you mean I'm a God!?"

"Taiyo's mind starts to spiral out of control. If memories serve to be a reliable consort, then he's just an average run of the mill 17-year old boy just fresh out of School."

"He is no one necessarily exceptional, nor is he necessarily talented, or athletic. His only hobbies are really watching anime and playing at arcades!"

t"I'm not some god!?"


r"It is true… your true identity is that of Amun, the God…"

"There was a pause in the room."

r"The god of…."

"Another silence."

t"God of…?

"Taiyo looks around the room, with all eyes that previously were on him now looking around the room."

r"What was it again…"

i"Oh for the sake of Ma'at…"

o"Geez grandfather, you really are growing weary with age…"



r"Amun, the god associated with air and wind."

"Taiyo looks dumbfounded at the scene that played before him."


t"God of wind…"

t"Sounds kind of boring…"

t"Wait! No, that's a bunch of nonsense!"

t"Listen, I don't mean to be rude here! But I'm not a god or anything!"

t"My name is Taiyo!"

t"Taiyo Tategami!"

t"I'm a 17 year old Japanese graduate!"

t"there's no way I can be some ancient Egyptian God!"

t"You guys gave it to the wrong guy."

b"See father! I told you, he's nothing but rude!"

b"Are you sure this is even Amun!"

o"I'm with the cat over there, this guy doesn't give off any authority at all. Memories intact or not, he seem s to be just your average human…"

"The gods in the room stay silent, looking over each other."

r"It's him."

r"That i'm sure of…"

r"The boy and the bird-headed man looked directly at each other, resulting in Taiyo swallowing a gulp in his throat."

t"I… uhm."

r"Taiyo Tategami…. The reincarnation of Amun."

r"We have brought you here in order to decide the fate of the future."

r"A crisis is imminent…"

r"And you… are there only one capable of saving Egypt, alongside the rest of the world."

r"Amun… you must take on the title of Pharaoh!"

